1. Floating Topic
  2. Floating Topic
  3. Floating Topic
  4. Floating Topic
  5. Floating Topic
  6. Floating Topic
  7. NAME:
  8. Life of a woman
    1. After MARRIAGE
      1. lives in husband's village
      2. LONELY
      3. DIFFICULT
    2. Friends
      1. FAR AWAY
    3. had
      1. a secret
      2. on 3rd day
        1. after husband sleeps
        2. took a small book
        3. began to read
        4. brought smile
        5. What was in the little book? Why was it a secret?
  9. China
    1. in past
      1. only men learnt
        1. to read
        2. to write
    2. girl's family choose a man for her
    3. small book
      1. Friends write
        1. friendship
        2. memories
        3. hopes
        4. leaving a page
          1. for her to write on her new life
      2. on 3rd she opens
      3. Husbands not able to read
        1. knew about it
      4. for men it is not important
      5. for her it is very important
        1. often buried it with them
  10. NUSHU
    1. in Hunan Province
      1. Created by women
    2. SECRET writing system
      1. langauge
    3. only WOMEN used
      1. a written symbols
  11. How/Why did Nushu start?
    1. no idea
    2. Thinking
      1. lonely woman
        1. from emperor's court
        2. to send messages
      2. come from
        1. old language
    3. 4000 years
      1. variety of
        1. languages
      2. later
        1. Mandarin
          1. used by people
          2. ordered by Emperor
          3. for men - important
          4. if any language used
          5. would loose life
          6. for women - not important
          7. used NUSHU
  12. 1920s
    1. women
      1. in China
      2. started
        1. going to school
      3. learned
        1. to read
        2. to write
        3. Mandarin
      4. not needed
        1. Nushu any more
  13. 1982
    1. a teacher
      1. studied
        1. the culture of Jaingyoung
        2. Hunan Province
    2. learnt
      1. about Nushu
    3. Researched
      1. about it
    4. Nushu is only for women
  14. 2004
    1. Yang Huanyi
      1. last woman used it
      2. died
    2. Today
      1. Nushu
        1. not a secret
      2. studied
        1. by many