1. Floating Topic
  2. Floating Topic
  3. Floating Topic
  4. Floating Topic
  5. Floating Topic
  6. Floating Topic
  7. NAME:
  8. Now you try to reorganize add missing ideas, use given images and markers apply your own style in the digital mind map.
  9. Life of a _______
    1. After ___________
      1. lives in husband's village
      2. ________
      3. _________
    2. Friends
      1. ______
    3. had
      1. a secret
      2. on ______ day
        1. after husband sleeps
        2. took a book
        3. began to read
        4. brought smile
        5. What was in the little book? Why was it a secret?
  10. China
    1. in past
      1. only _______ learnt
        1. to read
        2. to write
    2. girl's family choose a man for her
    3. big book
      1. Friends write
        1. friendship
        2. ________
        3. _______
        4. leaving a page
          1. for her________
      2. on 3rd day
        1. __________
      3. Husbands not able to read
        1. but knew ___________
      4. for men
        1. important
      5. for her
        1. important
          1. Subtopic 1
  11. NUSHU
    1. in _______________
      1. Created by Queens
    2. SECRET writing system
      1. langauge
    3. only ________ used
      1. a written symbols
  12. How/Why did Nushu start?
    1. no idea
    2. Thinking
      1. lonely woman
        1. from emperor's court
        2. to send messages
      2. came from
        1. Subtopic 1
    3. 4000 years
      1. variety of
        1. languages
      2. later
        1. ______________
          1. used by people
          2. ordered by Emperor
          3. for men - important
          4. if any language was used
          5. ____________
          6. for women - not important
          7. _____________
  13. 1982
    1. a teacher
      1. studied
        1. ______________________
        2. Hunan Province
    2. learnt
      1. about Nushu
    3. Researched
      1. about it
    4. Nushu
      1. ________________________
  14. 1920s
    1. women
      1. in China
      2. started
        1. going to school
      3. learned
        1. to read
        2. to write
        3. ______
      4. not needed
        1. ____________
  15. 2004
    1. _______________
      1. last woman used it
      2. died
    2. Today
      1. Nushu
        1. a secret
      2. _______
        1. by many