1. Intro
    1. It started as
      1. F.A.I.L = First Attempt In Learning
    2. eventually become,
      1. F.A.I.L = Fastest Attempt In Learning
  2. Want to be a better manager? Admit it when you’re wrong
    1. Jess Ingrassellino
    2. Intro
      1. She took the courage to share her story without slides and that too live
      2. Takeaway
        1. Behave in ways that align with values
        2. Behave in ways that help to build trust
        3. Own your vulnerability
        4. We don’t need to be right in every situation
        5. Admit your failures
        6. Be flexible! Try, Learn & Move Forward
  3. A Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: What You Do After Being Fired Matters
    1. Peter Walen
    2. Intro
      1. Peter narrated the failure story by sharing Edison’s story with us during the 1940s.
      2. Takeaway
        1. There is a great value in disaster, you get a chance to start over with a clean slate
        2. Responses to failures mainly involve
          1. Choices
          2. Decisions
          3. Actions
        3. Learn what can help, no matter the source
        4. Secrets shared by Peter
          1. You don’t need to wait until you get fired to do these things.
          2. Keep Learning, Always.
          3. Keep Thinking, Always.
          4. Make sure management and the line workers have the same view while solving any problem.
  4. Project Doom. Lessons learned as a QA Manager
    1. Karen Johnson
    2. Intro
      1. Karen shared about her lessons as a QA Manager.
      2. She talked about the importance of testing strategy based on her experience
      3. The If → then → else narration
      4. takeaway
        1. If you can demonstrate, that your work is part of the solution
          1. Then you may gain a seat at the table
          2. Else you lose a chance to shape or inform the goals.
        2. If you report on defects
          1. Then focus on the impact, the risk and likelihood of the issue
          2. Else your executives won't understand the value of addressing the defects
        4. The role of communication in making testing visible to others.
  5. Blunders in Test Automation
    1. Dorothy Graham
    2. Intro
      1. Dorothy has nearly 50 years of experience and is co-author of 5 books: Software Inspection, Software Test Automation, Foundations of Software Testing, Experiences of Test Automation, and A Journey Through Test Automation Patterns
      2. Takeaway
        1. Human Vs tool capabilities
          1. People can do
          2. Know what to test
          3. Assess risk
          4. Learn & create better
          5. Have "ah-ha" insights
          6. Challenge assumptions
          7. Have a user perspective
          8. Think of what could go wrong
          9. Run tests
          10. Check results
        2. Running Tests
          1. By people
          2. Time consuming, slow
          3. Can be boring, make mistakes
          4. Can cope with unexpected events
          5. May notice things not in script / charter
          6. May go off "on a tangent"
          7. Cope with GUI changes
          8. By tools
          9. Very fast
          10. Same every time
          11. repeatable
          12. consistent
          13. Need to be programmed or set up to cope with events
        3. Automation success = finds lots of bugs ?
          1. Tests find bugs, not automation
          2. Automation is a mechanism for running tests
          3. The bug finding ability of a single test is not affected by the manner in which it is executed
  6. Once Upon A Time – Three Failure Stories
    1. Ajay Balamurugadas
    2. Intro
      1. Ajay talked about his hesitation towards learning and implementing automation initially, the attitude of focusing on count bugs captured with the story of 82 bugs in 8 hours.
      2. Shared about process Failures, which we didn’t even think
      3. Takeaway
        1. Embrace automation by understanding the power and limitation of the same, instead of running away from it.
        2. automation that never worked and highlighted that communication is under-rated.
        3. Learn to make exceptions
  7. What my dyslexia taught me about failure?
    1. Faiza Yousuf
    2. Intro
      1. Faiza shared with us how dyslexia helped her and what it taught her about failure.
      2. She shared about how she found that she has a natural instinct for testing.
      3. Talked about her ability to see things that others cannot that help her became good at testing.
      4. Takeaway
        1. Know thyself phase!
        2. Dyslexia helped her to understand what she is
          1. Bad at
          2. Good at
        3. Learn to Restart, you might have to restart many times from scratch
        4. Reading helps, always !
        5. Embrace whatever is given!
  8. Failures and Denials at Different Stages – Revelations of a Quality Fanatic
    1. Srinivas Kantipudi
    2. Intro
      1. Srinivas shared his golden lessons with ease.
      2. He shared about failures and denials at different stages of his career
      3. Talked about being in the comfort zone, the impacts when people don’t think about overall quality, usage of metrics in the wrong way.
      4. It was a wonderful session that comprised much valuable information for all of us.
      5. Takeaway
        1. Seek help
        2. Metrics should be considered as an indicator to investigate.
        3. Engage in communities & understand what is going on outside your comfort zone
  9. How I failed a Quality Coach Role
    1. Sam Connelly
    2. Intro
      1. She shared about the mind map on Interview Questions for Tester by Dan Ashby, her job hunt tracker, and much more on the mental impact after taking a new career role.
      2. Takeaway
        1. Only when we fail, we know what is our strength
  10. I can still feel the pain: Learnings from five major mistakes
    1. Robert Sabourin
    2. Intro
      1. A talk crafted from his 39 years of experience in the software industry
    3. Failure lesson
      1. Delegate the problem not the solution
        1. How we manage the problems ?
        2. How we delegate things matters ?
        3. If we are doing wrong, should have retrospective & change the management style
    4. Takeaway
      1. Identify the right stakeholders
      2. Technical competence is not enough
      3. Organizations change around you and despite you
  11. Pitfalls in performance
    1. Kaushal Dalvi
    2. Intro
      1. An eye-opener for - Performance testing and Performance engineering are often misunderstood in our industry
    3. Failure lesson
      1. key qualities of modern applications
        1. Performance
        2. Scalability
        3. Reliability
      2. How performance testing can be failed by chasing demons that don’t exist in the world.
      3. How running wrong tests can give false confidence to the teams
    4. Takeaway
      1. The extra-ordinary ability to waste everyone’s time!
      2. Why Performance Test ?
        1. Decision Making
        2. Release Confidence
        3. Capacity Palnning
        4. Busy Times
        5. Compliance
        6. Retention / Conversion
  12. Google & Beyond. From ‘Occasionally Misses Expectations’ to Creating the Trails You Blaze
    1. Jeena James
    2. Intro
      1. Jeena shared her career journey and failure stories by starting with sharing about the famous movie Chhichhore that tells the story of Losers.
      2. Talked about the importance of setting clear goals, measuring them, and monitoring them, which was really helpful.
      3. Takeaway
        1. Successful career graph is a roller coaster ride!
        2. Ask questions.
        3. If we lack something, understand it and work on it.
  13. One Leader’s Journey Across The Testing Galaxy
    1. Penny Howard
    2. Intro
      1. The entire talk revolved around the storyline of the movie Galaxy Quest
      2. She walked us through the importance of gamification and modeling in organizations.
    3. Failure lesson
      1. Team building, Tools & Leadership
      2. Discovering things often brings change
      3. Importance of sharing
      4. Never give up, Never surrender !
    4. Takeaway
      1. Get to know your team !
      2. Use your tool as effectively as you can
      3. Use common language in order to ensure a common understanding.
      4. Sometimes, discomfort is necessary to bring about change
      5. Model the behaviour that you want to see in your organization
      6. Leaders: Don't go it alone! Enlist others in your quest for success.
  14. Nothing Fails Like Success: The Risks of Complacency
    1. Mike Lyles
    2. Intro
      1. “The Drive-Thru Is Not Always Faster”- auther
      2. The talk about rise of Netflix and how it conquered the market by beating Blockbuster.
    3. Failure lesson
      1. Going with the guts
      2. Importance of growing and building relations with people
      3. Success without fulfilment is ultimate Failure
    4. Takeaway
      1. Sometimes you must go with your INTUITION
      2. It has the potential to pay high rewards in return
      3. From Good to Great to The Best You!!
      4. Even at high points - don't get fooled by success
      5. When you realized you have failed - NOW you have to be even MORE clear on how to FIX IT
  15. You can’ fix them all
    1. Nancy Kelln
    2. Intro
      1. Talk about how to overcome, the end up communicating things at the wrong time
    3. Takeaway
      1. Communicating things, at right time, identify them
      2. Sometimes the right answer is NO!
      3. Slow down to speed up!
      4. Prediction notebook
        1. She writes down about
          1. The thing which frustrates her
          2. What blocks her progress
          3. What was the idea suggested
          4. What actin was being made with a date
          5. Leave the issue, once you turned the page
  16. Fireside chat with Pradeep Soundararajan on “Failures & Lessons in Testing, Business & Leadership”
    1. Pradeep Soundararajan
    2. Intro
      1. He shared about his passion for testing is commendable, and he highlighted the importance of learning for testers & also about the missing hierarchies in testing.
      2. Takeaway
        1. Testing is an intellectual process
        2. The more you learn, the more you aware
        3. Knowing when to speak is POWER
        4. Find a person who understands the value of testing & add value to that person and gain respect !
  17. Authentic Benefits of Building a Failure Resume
    1. Anuj Magazine
    2. Intro
      1. The talk about Failure resume
      2. Takeaway
        1. Failure is not the opposite of success, it is a part of it.
        2. Conquer our fear of failure
  18. Fail to Rise – Automation, DevOps Stories
    1. Soumya Mukherjee
    2. Intro
      1. He shared about the importance of optimal data sets, which are very relevant all the time.
      2. He talked about build time, test script execution.
      3. About the importance of running tests every week, and code coverage.
      4. Takeaway
        1. A lot of failures that could happen because of the wrong understanding of concepts around Automation & DevOps
        2. Entire pack should run once a week to ascertain stability
  19. How to be a successful fail artist
    1. Anne-Marie Charrett
    2. Intro
      1. Insightful talk about, when we fail, we see it as our failure or failure of an event? Most of us, see it as a self failure.
      2. Takeaway
        1. It’s not failure, it’s pivoting
        2. Failure of an event as opposed to self
        3. If I gave up now, it would mean that I was giving up on the dream/experience that I always wanted to do – Anne-Marie Charrett
        4. Meditation - Medicine of the mind
          1. Acknowledge the feeling
          2. Remind yourself how you've won before
          3. Focus on now
          4. Highlight the positive
  20. Mindmap Summary By: Pallavi Hatole ifm engineering pvt. ltd.