1. 元音20个
    1. 单元音12
      1. 长元音5个
        1. 1/i:/
          1. 单词
          2. he
          3. sea
          4. tree
          5. field
          6. 句子
          7. green leAves
          8. clean streeT
          9. deep sea
          10. eat the meat
          11. 对话
          12. would you like coffEE or tea? tea!please Ok!l HAVE tea too!
          13. Please
          14. Please speak English with me!
        2. 2/I/
          1. 单词
          2. pin
          3. ship
          4. hill
          5. chicks
          6. 句子
          7. a big ship
          8. fifty pictures
          9. Miss Smith
          10. interesting film
          11. 对话
          12. Is Lily in? Lily is ill in bed. Oh,I'm sorry!
          13. difficult
          14. It's not difficult to speak English.
        3. 3/e/
          1. 单词
          2. pen
          3. head
          4. leg
          5. well
          6. 短语
          7. ten pence
          8. very well
          9. expensive cigarettes
          10. went to America
          11. 对话
          12. How did you spend your holiday? I went to Beijing. Was it expensive? Yes,very.
          13. Everything is ready!
        4. 4/æ/
          1. 单词
          2. apple
          3. lantern
          4. hand
          5. parachute
          6. 句子
          7. black cat
          8. mad man
          9. travelling bag
          10. matter-of-fact
          11. 对话
          12. Ann is travelling to Japan. How happy she is! She is very happy!
          13. Practice makes perfect.
        5. 5/ ʌ/
          1. 单词
          2. cup
          3. run
          4. jump
          5. flood
          6. 句子
          7. Hurry up
          8. Trust us
          9. rubbish dump
          10. mustn't worry
          11. 对话
          12. It's sunny today. Yes,isn't it. My uncle will go to London next Monday. How lucky he is!
          13. My mother is a wonderful teacher.
        6. 6/ɑ:/
          1. 单词
          2. car
          3. garden
          4. star
          5. guitar
          6. 句子
          7. fast car
          8. half mast
          9. heart transplant
          10. Stars and Bars
          11. 对话
          12. You look very smart today. Thank you. What a marvellous dancer you are.Let me take a photograph of you. OK!
      2. 短元音
        1. 7/ɒ- ɔ /
          1. 单词
          2. 句子
          3. 对话
        2. 8/ɔ:/
          1. 单词
          2. 句子
          3. 对话
        3. 9/ʊ- u /
          1. 单词
          2. 句子
          3. 对话
        4. 10 /u:/
          1. 单词
          2. 句子
          3. 对话
        5. 11/ ɜ:- ə :/
          1. 单词
          2. 句子
          3. 对话
          4. 子主题 1
          5. work remember
          6. remember to call your mother
        6. 12/ə/
          1. 单词
          2. 句子
          3. 对话
    2. 双元音8
  2. 辅音28个
  3. 分支主题 3
  4. 分支主题 4