1. Overview
    1. Intersiciplinary product development
    2. Entepreneurial mind set
    3. Problem based learning
    4. Interdesciplinary teamwork
    5. Hands on projects
    6. 50 Aalto students from all the schools of Aalto
    7. Teachers from all the schools
    8. 9 courses
  2. Position in the Bachelor degree students
    1. Major subject
    2. Bachelor Thesis
    3. Minor subject studies
    4. Basic estudies
    5. Optional studies
  3. Teaching development
    1. Program
    2. Course
    3. Session
  4. Program development
    1. Facilitated workshops
    2. Internal planning
      1. Aaltonaut teaching team
      2. Course and curricula changes
    3. Planning with stakeholders
      1. Aaltonaut team
        1. Master level interdisciplinary project courses
        2. Company representats
        3. Students
        4. Product developmentresearchers
      2. Program learning goals
        1. Substance
        2. Working life skills
      3. Goals
        1. Which areas to develop?
        2. How our working life skills goes
          1. Entrepreneurial skills
          2. International skills
          3. Teamwork skills
        3. Feedback
  5. Learnings in Aaltonaut
    1. Courage
    2. Technical understanding
    3. Design thinking
    4. Ownership on studies
    5. proejct work
    6. Research approach and methods
    7. Product development perspectives
    8. Communication
    9. Teamwork
    10. The best results
  6. Cuorse development
    1. Planning
      1. Responsible teacher
      2. Facilitated pedagogical expert
      3. Several teachers
      4. Different disciplines
    2. Cycle
      1. Course
        1. Learning goal sin detail
        2. Syllabus
        3. Methods
        4. Assignment
        5. Grading criteria
        6. Teaching session mntoring
      2. Feedback
        1. Course feedback session
        2. Co operation partners
        3. Student perfornacne
      3. Planning
        1. Interdisciliplnary course planning process
  7. Course feedback
    1. Not a ranking
    2. Dimensions
      1. I like
        1. Interdisicplinary teamwork
        2. Presentations
        3. Courange
        4. Teamwork
      2. I wish
        1. More specific approach on PDP
        2. More interdisciplinary backgrounds
        3. More foreign students
        4. Clearer
          1. Instructions
          2. Grading system
          3. Deadlines
          4. Communciation
  8. Keypoints
    1. Pedagogical support provides consistency
      1. Session
      2. Course
      3. Program level
      4. Hands on project based teaching
        1. Courses
        2. Program
        3. Session
      5. Pedgagoic is always in mind
    2. Pedagogical facilitation is elementary tool
      1. Interdisciiplianry courses
      2. Interdisciplinary programs
      3. Focus on
        1. Students
        2. Teaching
      4. Not to focus only
        1. ON your own disciplines
    3. Outsourced feedback
      1. Neutral
      2. easily adapted
      3. For
        1. Courses
        2. Program
      4. Not personal
      5. Collaborative feedback
      6. Anonymous
      7. No need to defend yourself