1. County Councils
    1. 24 counties have one
    2. Tipperary has 2
      1. north
      2. south
    3. Dublin has 4
      1. Dublin city
      2. Fingal
      3. South Dublin
      4. Dun Laoghaire RathDown
  2. City Councils
    1. largest cities
      1. Dublin
      2. Cork
      3. Galway
      4. Sligo
  3. Economic Regions
    1. eight regions
    2. it's own
      1. Health bord
      2. tourist bord
      3. etc
    3. responsible
      1. progress of E.U programs
  4. National Development Plan
    1. two large regions
      1. B.M.W
        1. Consists of
          1. Boarders
          2. Midlands
          3. Western
        2. undeveloped
      2. Southern Eastern
        1. developed