1. Introduction
    1. thesis structure overview
    2. Key research questions
      1. 1. Why ICT4E fail so often?
      2. 2. What are the roles of the different stakeholder in the ICT4E scene?
      3. 3. How is the power negotiated through the use of technology, both instrumentally and symbolically?
    3. Methodological approach
      1. ethnography
    4. Case study generated data
    5. Analysis
    6. Conclusions
  2. Theoretical framework
    1. Epistemology
      1. Constructionist
    2. Definition of key terms
      1. Power and empowerment
        1. confirmative
        2. emancipatory
      2. Aid
        1. brief history of aid
          1. Metaphors of aid over time
          2. medical
          3. commercial
          4. humanitarian/assistive
          5. Rhetoric of aid
          6. Sustainability vs resiliance
          7. power vs empowerment
          8. Capacity building
        2. Typology of aid intevention
          1. Bilateral cooperation between ex colonizer and ex colonized
          2. postcolonialism
      3. Education
        1. Pedagogical approaches
          1. Instructionist
          2. Constructionist
        2. Power vs empowerment
      4. Technology
        1. as tool
        2. as status symbol
          1. attitudes towards technology among burundians teachers
        3. as power enhancer
          1. confirmative
          2. emancipatory
          3. i.e. proprietary vs FOSSE
  3. Case study context
    1. Burundi
      1. Overview (UN stats)
      2. Brief history
        1. Belgian colony
    2. ICTs in Africa
      1. Burundi
    3. Overall project description
      1. Stakeholders Analysis
      2. Specific subproject description
        1. Aims and implementation methods
          1. Logframe
  4. Methodology
    1. Ethnographic methods
      1. Ethnosnapshots
      2. Net-map
      3. fieldnotes
        1. textual
        2. video
        3. photos
      4. Interviews
      5. Selection process data on teachers attitudes towards technology
    2. Analysis methods
      1. CAQDAS?
        1. Atlas.ti or similar
      2. Net-map analysis
      3. photo-story
  5. Data generation
    1. Ethnosnapshots
    2. Net-map
    3. Selection process data on teachers attitudes towards technology
    4. fieldnotes
      1. textual
      2. video
      3. photos
    5. Interviews
  6. Analysis
    1. How is technology in schools affecting locals in terms of empowerment? Who is empowered?
    2. How has the power structure of the school changed aftere the introduction of technology? Why?
    3. Why is technology left unused, if this is the case?
    4. In what sense is technology in schools misused? According to which and whose assumptions?
  7. Conclusions