- thesis structure overview
Key research questions
- 1. Why ICT4E fail so often?
- 2. What are the roles of the different stakeholder in the ICT4E scene?
- 3. How is the power negotiated through the use of technology, both instrumentally and symbolically?
Methodological approach
- ethnography
- Case study generated data
- Analysis
- Conclusions
Theoretical framework
- Constructionist
Definition of key terms
Power and empowerment
- confirmative
- emancipatory
brief history of aid
- Metaphors of aid over time
- medical
- commercial
- humanitarian/assistive
- Rhetoric of aid
- Sustainability vs resiliance
- power vs empowerment
- Capacity building
Typology of aid intevention
- Bilateral cooperation between ex colonizer and ex colonized
- postcolonialism
Pedagogical approaches
- Instructionist
- Constructionist
- Power vs empowerment
- as tool
as status symbol
- attitudes towards technology among burundians teachers
as power enhancer
- confirmative
- emancipatory
- i.e. proprietary vs FOSSE
Case study context
- Overview (UN stats)
Brief history
- Belgian colony
ICTs in Africa
- Burundi
Overall project description
- Stakeholders Analysis
Specific subproject description
Aims and implementation methods
- Logframe
Ethnographic methods
- Ethnosnapshots
- Net-map
- textual
- video
- photos
- Interviews
- Selection process data on teachers attitudes towards technology
Analysis methods
- Atlas.ti or similar
- Net-map analysis
- photo-story
Data generation
- Ethnosnapshots
- Net-map
- Selection process data on teachers attitudes towards technology
- textual
- video
- photos
- Interviews
- How is technology in schools affecting locals in terms of empowerment? Who is empowered?
- How has the power structure of the school changed aftere the introduction of technology? Why?
- Why is technology left unused, if this is the case?
- In what sense is technology in schools misused? According to which and whose assumptions?
- Conclusions