1. Still gets nervous speaking to groups
  2. Phrases
    1. If you want change, you have to get a little bit angry
  3. Why do I bother?
    1. Report card from 1968
      1. Small town
      2. Head master spelt my name wrong!
        1. Wasn't getting noticed
    2. 1968
      1. "Vision On" Program for children (UK)
        1. You drew a picture, mailed it in, and wondered if it would be selected
    3. 2009
      1. Airbus lands in the Hudson
        1. Before the harbor authorty helecopter gets there a ferry passenger takes a picture with iphone and its around the world
    4. 1968 to 2009
      1. moved from "vision on" to "Twitter on"
      2. Education is in the cusp of that!
  4. Model for your own learning
    1. 1. Realize that you need to encourage people to get to the edge of their conform zone.
      1. Real learning involves negotiating risk
    2. Identify the principles first
      1. Unlock what's already there
        1. 40% of whats about to be taught is already known
          1. NZ researcher - Desmond Nuttall
      2. Share a strong sense of purpose
        1. Content
        2. Process
        3. Benefits
      3. Actively engage
        1. Debate
          1. youngsters doing things other than just sitting there
      4. Space deliberate practice
        1. Reherse and revisit
        2. Getting stuck is not a real problem -- staying stuck is!
      5. Loop Meaningful feedback
        1. Praise for progress, don't praise for perfection
        2. Feedback as we go
      6. Encourage deep questions & pattern recognition
        1. Humans are pattern makers and pattern seekers
        2. Subtopic 2
      7. provide real-world transfer
        1. Shouldn't arrange learning in silos
        2. Move from
          1. Performing
          2. folowing instructions
          3. Teacher dependent
          4. to learning
          5. Autonomy
          6. Learner dependent
    3. organize into activities
      1. Physical space and activity
      2. Psychological space and activity
      3. Model
        1. Connect with what's already known
        2. Activate Engagement
        3. Demonstrate understanding
        4. Consolodate
          1. What have we learned
          2. How did we learn it
          3. What can we do with it
    4. Give those activies coherence, in terms of intended outcomes
      1. Knowledge
        1. What do we need to know
      2. Attributes
        1. What Personal attributes
      3. Skills
        1. What Skills sets
      4. Experiences
        1. What experience