1. Infographics & Data Visualization
  2. The Perfect Storm
    1. Unpredictable future
    2. New Generation (species) of learner
      1. The Native Information Experience
        1. Fueled by Questions
        2. Provokes Communication
        3. Demands Personal Investment
        4. Safely Made Mistakes
    3. New Information Environment
      1. Networked
        1. find
        2. Decode
        3. Evaluate
      2. Digital
        1. Work the Information
      3. Abundant
        1. Express Ideas Compellingly
          1. Text
          2. Images
          3. Audio
          4. Video
          5. Animation
  3. Learning in a Flat World
    1. Connecting
      1. blogs
      2. Podcasting
      3. Wikis
      4. Document Sharing
    2. Mining
      1. Blogosphere
      2. Twitterverse
      3. Social Bookmarks
      4. Social Media
      5. Harvesting (RSS)
    3. Mapping
      1. Processing
      2. Many Eyes
      3. Wordle
      4. Prezi