1. ALS System
    1. Objective
      1. R1
        1. Discovery high performing and Highlighted low performing resources
          1. Identify POL/WOL usage & wastage
          2. Determind the resources productivity
          3. Able to award resources based on performance points/scores
          4. To run payroll or increment based on resources performing
          5. To view project running efficiency and effectiveness
          6. R2
          7. To view resources attendance
          8. R3
          9. Able to recognize and identify profitable and losses
          10. KPI
          11. POL /WOL Cost
          12. KPI
          13. % of Attendances
          14. KPI
          15. % of POL/WOL completed on time
          16. % of POL/WOL overdue to complete
          17. KPI
          18. Resources performance points and scores
      2. KPI
        1. 75% of high performing resources
          1. 25% of low performing resources
          2. % of resource utilization & wastage
          3. Less hours/days spent on POL/WOL
          4. POL/WOL completed ahead of schedule
          5. POL/WOL completed on time
          6. POL/WOL overdue to complete
          7. % Success and Fail of WOL/POL
  2. Based on
    1. WOL Analysis
      1. Complete
      2. Not Complete
      3. Turn To POL
      4. Not Turn To POL
      5. Time
    2. POL Analysis
      1. Success
      2. Failure
      3. Time
  3. Points/Scores
  4. Timesheet
    1. R1
      1. POL/WOL Analysis
        1. Who
          1. High Performing
          2. Low Performing
          3. What
          4. Usage
          5. Wastage
          6. Productivity
          7. How
          8. Resources
          9. Efficiency
          10. Inefficiency
          11. Time
          12. Hours
          13. Days
          14. Hours
    2. R2
      1. Leave Analysis
        1. Leave Type
          1. Medical Leave
          2. Annual Leave
          3. Emergency Leave
          4. Others
          5. Problematic/Not Problematic
  5. Claims
    1. R3
      1. Cost analysis
        1. Inflow
          1. POL
        2. Outflow
          1. POL/WOL Cost
          2. Monthly Claim
          3. Claim per developer
          4. Claim per project
          5. Claims by Categories
        3. Profitable/Losses