1. Adrenal Gland
    1. Adrenal Cortex
      1. zona glomerulosa
      2. zona fasciculata
      3. zona reticularis
    2. Adrenal Medulla
  2. Aldosterone
  3. Androgens
    1. DHEA
  4. Anterior Pituitary
    1. FLAT PIG
      1. FSH
      2. LH
      3. ACTH
      4. TRH
      5. Prolactin
      6. Inhibin
      7. GH
  5. Hypothalamus
    1. CRH
  6. Stress
  7. PLA2
  8. Membrane phospholipids
  9. Arachidonic Acid
  10. Leukotrienes
  11. LOX
  12. Prostacyclin
  13. Leukocyte modulation
  14. Thromboxane
  15. Prostaglandins
  16. COX
  17. Glucocorticoids
    1. Endogenous antiinflammatory = Cortisol
      1. Actions
        1. Elevates Lipocortin
      2. Duration of treatment
        1. Chronic
          1. Addison's adrenal insufficiency
          2. some Leukemias
        2. Acute
          1. Inflammation ( Rheumatoid Arthritis)
        3. If cell mediated inflammation
          1. Look for elevated Neutrophils
          2. Look for depreted Lymphocytes, Basophils,...
    2. Duration of Action 8-12h
      1. Hydrocortizone=Cortisol = 1
      2. Cortisone = 0.8
    3. Duration of Action 18-36h
      1. Methylprednisolone = 5
      2. Prednisolone=5
      3. Triansinolone=5
      4. Prednisone = 4
    4. Duration of Action 1-3d
      1. Betametazone=35 Activity
      2. Dexametazone=30 Activity
      3. Parametazone=10
  18. NSAIDS