Software Development AntiPatterns
- The Blob
- Continuous Obsolescence
- Lava Flow
- Ambiguous Viewpoint
- Functional Decomposition
- Poltergeists
- Boat Anchor
- Golden Hammer
- Dead End
- Spaghetti Code
- Input Kludge
- Walking through a Minefield
- Cut-And-Paste Programming
- Mushroom Management
Software Architecture AntiPatterns
- Software Architecture AntiPatterns
- Autogenerated Stovepipe
- Stovepipe Enterprise
- Jumble
- Stovepipe System
- Cover Your Assets
- Vendor Lock-In
- Wolf Ticket
- Architecture By Implication
- Warm Bodies
- Design By Committee
- Swiss Army Knife
- Reinvent The Wheel
- The Grand Old Duke of York
Project Management AntiPatterns
- Blowhard Jamboree
- Analysis Paralysis
- Viewgraph Engineering
- Death By Planning
- Fear of Success
- Corncob
- Intellectual Violence
- Irrational Management
- Smoke and Mirrors
- Project Mismanagement
- Throw It over the Wall
- Fire Drill
- The Feud
- E-mail Is Dangerous