1. Software Development AntiPatterns
    1. The Blob
    2. Continuous Obsolescence
    3. Lava Flow
    4. Ambiguous Viewpoint
    5. Functional Decomposition
    6. Poltergeists
    7. Boat Anchor
    8. Golden Hammer
    9. Dead End
    10. Spaghetti Code
    11. Input Kludge
    12. Walking through a Minefield
    13. Cut-And-Paste Programming
    14. Mushroom Management
  2. Software Architecture AntiPatterns
    1. Software Architecture AntiPatterns
    2. Autogenerated Stovepipe
    3. Stovepipe Enterprise
    4. Jumble
    5. Stovepipe System
    6. Cover Your Assets
    7. Vendor Lock-In
    8. Wolf Ticket
    9. Architecture By Implication
    10. Warm Bodies
    11. Design By Committee
    12. Swiss Army Knife
    13. Reinvent The Wheel
    14. The Grand Old Duke of York
  3. Project Management AntiPatterns
    1. Blowhard Jamboree
    2. Analysis Paralysis
    3. Viewgraph Engineering
    4. Death By Planning
    5. Fear of Success
    6. Corncob
    7. Intellectual Violence
    8. Irrational Management
    9. Smoke and Mirrors
    10. Project Mismanagement
    11. Throw It over the Wall
    12. Fire Drill
    13. The Feud
    14. E-mail Is Dangerous