1. US in Q1 2017
    1. 100 apps installed/smartphone owner
    2. 40 used/month
  2. US in 2017
    1. 2.3 hours/day with digital media
  3. As of January 2017
    1. 2.2M iOS apps on the App Store
  4. As of June of 2017
    1. 3M Android apps on Google Play
  5. Mobile app downloads worldwide
    1. 149B in 2016
    2. VS
    3. 197B in 2017
  6. 2017
    1. Android - the world’s most-used operating system (mobile or desktop)
  7. Top three apps
    1. 81%
    2. 71%
    3. 68%
  8. App usage
    1. 9 apps/day
    2. 30 apps/month
  9. Share of time
    1. Entertainment and Communication
    2. Music
    3. 10% Multimedia
    4. 10% Games
  10. Mobile media time
    1. Apps: 89%
    2. VS
    3. Websites: 11%
  11. Email
    1. 56% opened on mobile
  12. More searches on mobile vs on computers/tablets
    1. for 15 of the 24 hours in a day
  13. Conversion rate
    1. smartphone up 64% vs desktop
  14. Mobile users who stop using app
    1. 30% use again if discount offered
  15. US in 2017
    1. 15% more than 11 mobile retailer apps
  16. Shoppers inside of a physical store
    1. 80% use mobile phone
      1. Look up product reviews
      2. Compare prices
      3. Find alternative store locations
  17. Receive offers or coupons
    1. Beneficial for 86% of shoppers
  18. Location service turned on
    1. 90% of US mobile users
  19. 36% start the purchase process on mobile
    1. Finish it on a different device
  20. 50% of all smartphone owners
    1. Check notifications as soon as they wake up
  21. Source