US in Q1 2017
- 100 apps installed/smartphone owner
- 40 used/month
US in 2017
- 2.3 hours/day with digital media
As of January 2017
- 2.2M iOS apps on the App Store
As of June of 2017
- 3M Android apps on Google Play
Mobile app downloads worldwide
- 149B in 2016
- VS
- 197B in 2017
- Android - the world’s most-used operating system (mobile or desktop)
Top three apps
- 81%
- 71%
- 68%
App usage
- 9 apps/day
- 30 apps/month
Share of time
- Entertainment and Communication
- Music
- 10% Multimedia
- 10% Games
Mobile media time
- Apps: 89%
- VS
- Websites: 11%
- 56% opened on mobile
More searches on mobile vs
on computers/tablets
- for 15 of the 24 hours in a day
Conversion rate
- smartphone up 64% vs desktop
Mobile users who stop using app
- 30% use again if discount offered
US in 2017
- 15% more than 11 mobile retailer apps
Shoppers inside of a physical store
80% use mobile phone
- Look up product reviews
- Compare prices
- Find alternative store locations
Receive offers or coupons
- Beneficial for 86% of shoppers
Location service turned on
- 90% of US mobile users
36% start the purchase process on mobile
- Finish it on a different device
50% of all smartphone owners
- Check notifications as soon as they wake up