1. Apparent Contradictions JOSHUA 249-265
    1. 249
      1. Is it wrong to lie? 2:4-5, 6:17
        1. YES
          1. Exodus 20:16
          2. Exodus 23:1
          3. Exodus 23:7
          4. Leviticus 6:2-4
          5. Leviticus 19:11
          6. Deuteronomy 5:20
          7. Proverbs 12:22
          8. Proverbs 13:5
          9. Proverbs 24:28
          10. Luke 3:14
          11. Ephesians 4:25
          12. Colossians 3:9
          13. James 3:14
          14. Revelation 21:8
          15. Revelation 21:27
        2. NO
          1. Exodus 1:18-20
          2. Joshua 2:4-6
          3. 1 Samuel 21:2
          4. 1 Kings 22:21-22
          5. 2 Kings 8:10
          6. James 2:25
          7. Tobit 5:17-18
        3. Christian Response
    2. 250
      1. Who is the Lord of this world? 2:11, 3:13
        1. God
          1. Joshua 2:11
          2. Joshua 3:13
          3. 2 Kings 19:15
          4. 1 Chronicles 16:14
          5. 1 Chronicles 16:31
          6. Ezra 5:11
          7. Job 34:13
          8. Psalm 47:2
          9. Psalm 47:7
          10. Psalm 59:13
          11. Psalm 83:18
          12. Psalm 96:10
          13. Psalm 97:1
          14. Psalm 97:5
          15. Psalm 99:1
          16. Isaiah 37:16
          17. Isaiah 54:5
          18. Micah 4:13
          19. Zechariah 4:14
          20. Zechariah 6:5
          21. Matthew 11:25
          22. Luke 10:21
          23. Acts 17:24
        2. Satan
          1. Matthew 4:8-9
          2. Luke 4:5-7
          3. John 12:31
          4. John 14:30
          5. John 16:11
          6. 2 Corinthians 4:4
        3. Christian Response
    3. 251
      1. Did God destroy the nations? 3:10
        1. God promises to destroy the nations before the Israelites.
          1. Ex.33:2
          2. Dt.7:1
          3. Dt.7:24
          4. Dt.31:3
          5. Jos.1:3-5
          6. Jos.3:10
          7. Jos.17:17-18
          8. Jos.21:43-44
        2. There were some nations God couldn't destroy.
          1. Jos.15:63
          2. Jos.16:10
          3. Jos.17:12-13
          4. Jg.1:21
          5. Jg.1:27-36
          6. Jg.3:1-5
        3. Christian Response
    4. 252
      1. Did Joshua remove the twelve stones from the Jordan River? 4:9, 4:20
        1. Yes, he took them to Gigal.
          1. Joshua 4:20
        2. No, they are still there.
          1. Joshua 4:9
        3. Christian Response
    5. 253
      1. Should we fear God? 4:24, 24:14
        1. Yes
          1. Leviticus 25:17
          2. Deuteronomy 4:10
          3. Deuteronomy 6:2
          4. Deuteronomy 6:13, 10:20
          5. Deuteronomy 6:24
          6. Deuteronomy 10:12
          7. Deuteronomy 14:23
          8. Deuteronomy 28:58
          9. Deuteronomy 31:12
          10. Deuteronomy 31:13
          11. Joshua 4:24
          12. Joshua 24:14
          13. 1 Samuel 12:14
          14. 1 Samuel 12:24
          15. 2 Kings 17:39
          16. 1 Chronicles 16:25
          17. Nehemiah 5:9
          18. Job 28:28
          19. Psalm 19:9
          20. Psalm 25:14
          21. Psalm 33:8
          22. Psalm 33:18
          23. Psalm 34:9
          24. Psalm 96:4
          25. Psalm 103:11
          26. Psalm 103:13
          27. Psalm 103:17
          28. Psalm 111:10
          29. Psalm 112:1
          30. Psalm 115:13
          31. Psalm 128:1
          32. Psalm 147:11
          33. Proverbs 1:7
          34. Proverbs 3:7
          35. Proverbs 9:10
          36. Proverbs 10:27
          37. Proverbs 14:2
          38. Proverbs154:33
          39. Proverbs 22:4
          40. Proverbs 23:17
          41. Proverbs 24:21
          42. Ecclesiates 3:14
          43. Ecclesiates 5:7
          44. Ecclesiastes 12:13
          45. Isaiah 8:13
          46. Hosea 3:5
          47. Malachi 2:4-5
          48. Jeremaih 5:22
          49. Matthew 10:28, Luke 12:5
          50. Luke 1:50
          51. Romans 3:10-18
          52. 2 Corinthians 7:1
          53. Ephesians 5:21
          54. Colossians 3:22
          55. Hebrews 10:31
          56. 1 Peter 2:17
          57. Revelation 14:7
          58. Revelation 15:4
        2. No
          1. 2 Timothy 1:7
          2. 1 John 4:8
          3. 1 John 4:18
        3. Christian Response
    6. 254
      1. Who Was Achan's father? 7:1, 7:24, 22:20
        1. Carmi.
          1. Joshua 7:1
        2. Zerah
          1. Joshua 7:24
          2. Joshua 22:20
        3. Christian Response
    7. 255
      1. Did the city of Ai exist after Joshua destroyed it? 8:28
        1. No, it was never rebuilt after Joshua destroyed it.
          1. Joshua 8:28
        2. Yes, it existed at the time of the Babylonian captivity.
          1. Nehemiah 7:32
        3. Christian Response
    8. 256
      1. Has the sun ever stood still in the sky for 24 hours? 10:12-13
        1. YES
          1. Joshua 10:12-13
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 10:22
        3. Christian Response
    9. 257
      1. When was King Jabin killed? 11:11
        1. He was killed by Joshua.
          1. Joshua 11:1
          2. Joshua 11:10-11
        2. He was killed 120 years after Joshua's death.
          1. Judges 1:1
          2. Judges 3:11
          3. Judges 3:30
          4. Judges 4:2
          5. Judges 4:24
        3. Christian Response
    10. 258
      1. Who drove the Anakim from Hebron? 11:21, 15:14
        1. Joshua
          1. Joshua 11:21
        2. Caleb
          1. Joshua 15:13-14
        3. Christian Response
    11. 259
      1. To whom were the cities of Exhtaol and Zoreah given? 15:20, 33, 19:41-42
        1. to Judah.
          1. Joshua 15:20, 33
        2. to Dan.
          1. Joshua 19:40-41
        3. Christian Response
    12. 260
      1. What tribe was Aijalon from? 21:23-24
        1. Dan
          1. Joshua 21:23-24
        2. Ephraim
          1. 1 Chronicles 6:66, 69
        3. Christian Response
    13. 261
      1. Is death final? 23:14
        1. Yes, death is final.
          1. Joshua 23:14
          2. Job 7:9
          3. Job 14:10-14
          4. Job 20:7
          5. Psalm 6:5
          6. Psalm 31:17
          7. Psalm 88:5
          8. Psalm 115:17
          9. Ecclesiastes 3:19
          10. Ecclesiastes 9:5
          11. Ecclesiastes 9:10
          12. Isaiah 38:18
        2. No, there will be a resurrection from the dead.
          1. 1 Kings 17:22
          2. 2 Kings 4:32-35
          3. 2 Kings 13:21
          4. Isaiah 26:19
          5. Ezekiel 37:12
          6. Daniel 12:1
          7. Matthew 9:24-25
          8. Matthew 25:46
          9. Matthew 27:52-53
          10. Mark 5:39-42
          11. Luke 7:12-15
          12. Luke 9:30
          13. Luke 14:14
          14. Luke 20:37
          15. John 5:28-29
          16. John 11:39-44
          17. Acts 26:23
          18. 1 Corinthians 15:16
          19. 1 Corinthians 15:52
          20. 1 John 2:25
          21. Revelation 20:12-13
        3. Christian Response
    14. 262
      1. How many gods are there? 24:2, 24:14
        1. one God
          1. Deuteronomy 4:35
          2. Deuteronomy 4:39
          3. Deuteronomy 6:4
          4. Deuteronomy 32:39
          5. 1 Kings 18:39
          6. Isaiah 43:10
          7. Isaiah 44:8
          8. Isaiah 45:5-6
          9. Isaiah 45:21
          10. Isaiah 46:9
          11. Mark 12:29
          12. Mark 12:32
          13. John 17:3
          14. 1 Corinthians 8:6
        2. several gods
          1. Genesis 1:26
          2. Genesis 3:22
          3. Genesis 11:7
          4. Exodus 12:12
          5. Exodus 15:11
          6. Exodus 18:11
          7. Exodus 20:3, 5
          8. Exodus 22:20
          9. Exodus 22:28
          10. Exodus 23:13
          11. Exodus 23:24
          12. Exodus 23:32
          13. Exodus 34:14
          14. Numbers 33:4
          15. Deuteronomy 3:24
          16. Deuteronomy 5:7
          17. Deuteronomy 6:14-15
          18. Deuteronomy 10:17
          19. Deuteronomy 28:14
          20. Joshua 24:2
          21. Joshua 24:14
          22. Judges 11:24
          23. 1 Samuel 6:5
          24. 1 Samuel 28:13
          25. 1 Chronicles 16:25
          26. Psalm 82:1
          27. Psalm 82:6
          28. Psalm 86:8
          29. Psalm 96:4
          30. Psalm 97:7
          31. Psalm 135:5
          32. Psalm 136:2
          33. Jeremiah 1:16
          34. Jeremiah 10:11
          35. Jeremiah 25:6
          36. Jeremiah 46:25
          37. Zephaniah 2:11
          38. John 10:33-34
          39. 1 John 5:7
        3. Christian Response
    15. 263
      1. Do humans have free will? 24:15
        1. Yes
          1. Deut.30:19
          2. Joshua 24:15
        2. No
          1. Jeremiah 10:23
          2. Acts 13:48
          3. Rom.8:29-30
          4. Rom.9:11-22
          5. Eph.1:4-5
          6. 2 Th.2:11-12
          7. 2 Tim.1:9
          8. Jude 4
        3. Christian Response
    16. 264
      1. Does God forgive sins? 24:19
        1. Yes
          1. 2 Chronicles 7:14
          2. Jeremiah 31:34
          3. 1 John 1:9
        2. No
          1. Joshua 24:19
        3. Christian Response
    17. 265
      1. Who bought the sepulchre in Sechem from the sons of Hamor? 24:32
        1. Jacob
          1. Joshua 24:32
        2. Abraham
          1. Acts 7:16
        3. Christian Response