1. armor of light
      1. Jer 46:3-4
      2. Rom 13:11-14
      3. 1 Cor 14:8
      4. Other Scripture
  2. 3 GROUP
    1. STAND having/with:
      1. 1. loins girt about with truth
        1. Eph 6:14
        2. Other Scripture
          1. Psalm 23:1
          2. Isa 11:5
          3. Ex 12:11
          4. 1 Kings 18:46
          5. Eph 4:25
          6. John 4:24
          7. Col 3:8-10
          8. Deut. 4:39
          9. Psalm 18:1-3
      2. 2. breastplate of righteousness
        1. Eph 6:14
        2. Other Scripture
          1. Php 3:9
          2. Isa 59:16-17
          3. Ex 28:15
          4. 1Ki 3:9
          5. Ps 94:15
          6. Pr 2:7-8
          7. Psalm 100:3
          8. Rom. 3:23-24
          9. Rom 6:23
          10. Gal. 2:20-21
          11. Phil. 3:8-10.
          12. 1 Thess 5:5-8
          13. 2 Cor 6:3-7
      3. 3. feet shod with preparation of gospel of peace
        1. Eph 6:15
        2. Other Scripture
          1. Rom 10:15
          2. Rom. 5:1
          3. Eph. 2:14
          4. John 14:27
          5. John 16:33
          6. John 20:21
    2. TAKE the:
      1. 4. shield of faith
        1. wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked
        2. Eph 6:16
        3. Other Scripture
          1. Ps 35:1-3,9
          2. Ps 3:2-3
          3. 1 Pet 1:5
          4. Ps 33:20
          5. 1 Tim 6:12
          6. 1 John 5:4-5
          7. Pr 30:5
          8. Rom. 4:18-21
          9. Heb. 11:1
          10. 1 Pet. 1:6-7
          11. 1 Thess 5:5-8
      2. 5. helmet of salvation
        1. Other Scripture
          1. Isa 59:16-17
          2. 1 Th 5:8
          3. Ps 140:7
          4. Col 1:18
          5. 1 Cor 2:16
          6. Php 2:5
          7. 1 Pet 4:1
          8. Eph 4:14-16
          9. Heb. 1:3-6
          10. Ps. 16, 23
          11. 2 Cor. 4:16-18
          12. 1 Thess. 4:17
          13. 1 John 3:1-3
          14. 1 Thess 5:5-8
      3. 6. sword of the Spirit
        1. which is the word of God
        2. Other Scripture
          1. Isa 49:2
          2. Heb 4:12-13
          3. 2 Cor 6:7
          4. Ps 149:4-6
          5. Heb. 4:12
          6. Matt. 4:2-11
          7. 1 Pet. 3:15
          8. Ps. 119:110-112
    3. WATCH & PRAY
      1. Praying always
        1. with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit
        2. Other Scripture
          1. Mat 26:40-41
          2. Col 4:2
          3. 1 Cor 16:13-14
          4. Phil 1:3-6
      2. watching thereunto
        1. with all perseverance and supplication for all saints
        2. Other Scripture
          1. I Peter 5:6-11
    1. 1. belt
      1. Eph 6:14
      2. Isa 11:5
      3. Ex 12:11
      4. 1 Kings 18:46
      5. Eph 4:25
      6. John 4:24
      7. Col 3:8-10
    2. 2. breastplate
      1. Php 3:9
      2. Isa 59:16-17
      3. Ex 28:15
      4. 1Ki 3:9
    3. 3. gospel
      1. Subtopic 1
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
    4. 4. shield
      1. Subtopic 1
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
    5. 5. helmet
      1. Subtopic 1
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
    6. 6. sword
      1. Subtopic 1
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
    7. 7. PRAYER
      1. Subtopic 1
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
    8. Other Scripture
    1. STAND
      1. Luke 21:36
      2. Mal 3:2
      3. 1 Cor 10:12-13
      4. Jude 1:24
      5. Jas 4:7
      6. Other Scripture
    2. Main Topic 1
      1. Other Scripture
    1. 1 Cor 16:13
    2. 2 Tim 2:1
    3. Eph 3:7
    4. 2 Cor 9:8
    5. Col 1:11
    6. Php 4:13
    7. Other Scripture
    1. 1 Sam 17:47
    2. Deut 20:3-4
    3. Ps 18:32-35
    4. Zec 4:6
    5. Rom 11:36
    6. Other Scripture
  7. Main Topic 1
    1. Other Scripture