1. For institutional and legal see separate mind map
  2. Topography
    1. maps available?
    2. GIS data available
  3. Aerial & Satellite photos
  4. Land use
    1. maps and figures
  5. Existing roads, bridges, rail, pipelines
  6. Clearances and Obstructions on river
    1. bridges and crossings
    2. takeoff for irrigation
    3. takeoff for hydro
  7. Meteorology
  8. Hydrological Survey
    1. get any existing data
      1. check accuracy and audit
    2. identify critical areas
    3. carry out survey of river and banks where needed
  9. Soil data
    1. river banks and bottom
    2. meandering areas
      1. current
      2. likely future
  10. Geology
    1. identify likely problem areas
  11. Competing Projects
    1. road
    2. rail
      1. EA Railway master plan
    3. pipeline
      1. Kenyan pipeline
        1. Mombasa-Nairobi
        2. Nairobi-Kisumu
        3. KGL
    4. other
    5. timescale
    6. how likely are they to proceed?
      1. funding?
  12. Traffic records
    1. for each major road border crossing
    2. modal splits?
    3. passenger transport records?
  13. Freight transport records
    1. Multi modal splits (O-D)
    2. imports and exports
      1. split by categories
        1. fuel
        2. solid
        3. containers
    3. diesel sales
  14. Port location information
    1. Kagitumba
    2. Kemondo Bay
    3. other.....
    4. historical information
      1. check port authorities
      2. costs for maintenance, operation
      3. Tz / Ug /Ke
  15. Cost data
    1. historical construction costs
      1. indices?
    2. fuel cost data
  16. Financial data
    1. interest rates
    2. GDP figures etc
      1. 10 year history
        1. Bureau of Statistics
      2. forecasts
        1. WB
        2. IMF
    3. exchange rates
      1. historical
  17. Environmental data
    1. for scoping study
    2. habitat
  18. Demographic data for social study
    1. existing records
    2. what will need to be gathere
  19. Donor activity
    1. fact finding workshop will facilitate this
  20. Organisation activity
    1. NGOs
    2. Govt of Rwanda
    3. Govt of Uganda
    4. Govt of Tanzania
    5. UN organisations
    6. NELSAP / NBI
    7. Kagera Basin TWRM
  21. River Information Systems
    1. on other major IWT facilities
    2. existing GIS - regional, country, district, sector
    3. part of existing system
      1. Kagera Basin Monograph
      2. PGNRE
        1. National Water Resources Management Project
  22. Shipping
    1. construction
    2. maintenance and repair
      1. where?
      2. private facilities
    3. design
    4. naval architect
  23. Killer projects
    1. irrigation and/or hydro power
    2. Lake Kilihe-Kasono tunnel project