Unique Contributions of the Arts
- Arts communication is integral to cognitive social and personal effects of the arts
- Literacy includes language and arts-based communication to understand, respond to , and express thoughts and feelings
- Unparalleled symbolic languages that exist because all thoughts can't be captured by words
Content of the Arts
- Vast treasury of art
- Serve as learning tools
- Key ways to introduce and develop lessons and units
- Invite students to form new perspectives
- Students can work backwards from a finished product to understand the kinds of thinking, skills, and values it represents
Intellectual Contributions
Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
- At the heart of how artists think and work
- Summarizes how intelligent people problem solve in all fields
- How meaning is constructed
- Grounded in seeking and synthesizing diverse problem solutions, purposefully capitalizing on mistakes, making paradoxical connections, and embracing surprises
Critical Thinking
- Heightened focus on thoughtful and skilled use of ideas, techniques and materials
- Help refocus on the potential of a single word, a small sound, or a slight gesture to speak volumes
- Use critical thinking to judge their own work and the work of others
- Comprehension product is big ideas that are found and constructed from texts ranging from a song to a painting to a social studies textbook
- The arts stress such personal meaning making with special attention to visualizing, taking new perspectives, and making original connections among ideas
- Higher order cognitive work in the arts is possible long before students have the skills to use printed word-based texts
- Process of expressing meaning
- Contribute special principles, techniques, and materials to the composition process
Social Contributions
- Arts uniquely record ways people have lived throughout history
- Arts provide rich contexts for growth, including positive classroom climates
- Arts involve students in group problem solving
- Create a sense of belonging
- Belonging based on respect for distinctive contributions of each person
- Build empathy by providing experiences that create new perspectives
Personal/Emotional Contributions
- Develop intrinsic motivation
- Persistence, based on curiosity and choice, gives satisfaction, and feel rewards of commitment
- Capture attention & develop concentration because they are emotionally compelling
- Develop courage to take risks
- Develop pride in one's unique contributions to solving problems
- Develop skills to work with tools and materials
- Develop control over mind, voice, and body
- Build strategies to plan, think, work and produce
Meaningful AI
- Collaborative planning by grade level w/ art specialist consult
Teach and assess specific arts concepts and tools
- Topic
- Multiple forms of assessment for academic areas and the arts
Students engaged throughout lessons
- Cognitively
- Physically
- Emotionally
- Socially
- Explicitly teach how to understand & express thoughts &feelings using arts key communication tools
- Teach students HOW to use creative problem solving strategies
Push for AI
Outside forces
Business leaders want creative problem solvers
- Arts based education engages students in creative problem solving and use of new technologies
- Competitive advantage for those with arts based education
Jobs in the Arts
- Serve as important career destinations- architect to dance teacher, set designer to car designer
- Multi billion-dollar business
- Estimated that 1/3 of today's students will be employed in arts-related occupations
Arts Education & in Education Promote
- Higher order thinking (e.g. analysis, synthesis, evaluation & critical judgement
- Imagination and creativity focused deliberately on content & quality end products
- Prudent risk taking & experimentation
- Technological competencies
- Flexible thinking and appreciation for diversity
- Self-discipline, persistence, and taking initiative
Inside Education
- Schools must become DO places!
At-risk youth experience success in AI programs in both urban and rural settings
- The arts contribute to increased self-esteem and development of creative problem solving skills that build independence
- Give students the desire to learn
- Well substantiated body of research shows strong positive relationships between AI and academic gain
Integral Connections
- Arts provide unique ways to perceive new relationships, to notice details and patterns, and connect ideas across disciplines
- Subject area boundaries are blurred
The Arts as Meaning Makers
Nature of the Arts
- Time-honored ways of communicating
- Used to record what people saw and felt
- Vital forms of communication
Meaning Making
- Potential to allow us to make sense of ourselves and the world
- Open vital communication channels in unmatched ways
- Art's power to cause us to question and wonder
Meaningful Arts Integration
- Meaningful use of arts processes and content to introduce, develop, or bring closure to lessons in any academic area
- Transform learning
- Use arts to engage learners in problem solving
- Problem solving creates understanding and expands expressive communication abilities
Building Blocks for Meaningful AI
- Philosophy of education (beliefs about and value for diversity, creative inquiry, engaged learning & student independence)
- Arts literacy: content and skills (basic concepts & skills need to be taught because they are a fundamental communication vehicle)
- Collaborative planning (classroom & arts teachers need to co-plan standards-based lessons & units that focus on relationships among big ideas, key concepts & skills)
- Literature as a core art form (most readily available arts material, thus core aspect of AI)
- Best practices (explicit teaching of arts concepts and processes & use of high-quality materials & art examples)
- Instructional design: structure and routines (need prolonged lessons & use of specific arts routines)
- Differentiation (arts communication processes & materials expand options for learners to comprehend & express ideas & feelings)
- Assessment FOR learning (needs to be used as a motivational tool to increase learning, with continuous feedback on progress and multiple ways for students to "show they know" things)
- Arts partnerships (co-planning and co-teaching with arts specialists is needed; partnerships with community arts agencies should be sources)