1. Chandragupta Maurya
    1. Founder of Mauryan empire
      1. found 2300 years ago
    2. Supporter
      1. Chanakya
        1. wrote Athashastra
  2. Major cities
    1. Pataliputra
      1. Capital of Mauryan empire
    2. Taxila
      1. Gateway to the north-west
    3. Ujjain
  3. Megasthenes
    1. sent by Seleucas Nicator to Chandragupta's court
    2. wrote Indica
  4. Ashoka's inscriptions
    1. IN Prakrit language
    2. Brahmi script
  5. Ashoka, the great
    1. Sent Dhamma mahammata to spread dhamma
    2. spread dhamma to
      1. Syria, Egypt, Greece and Sri Lanka
  6. China Wall
    1. 6400 km long
    2. Began 2400 years ago
    3. watch towers at every 100-200km