1. First time open
    1. Logo
    2. Icon
    3. Slogan
    4. Animation
    5. Push notification
    6. GPS tracking
  2. Onboarding
    1. Name
    2. Username
    3. Mobile
      1. Verification
    4. Email
      1. Info text
    5. Password
    6. Username
      1. Email
      2. Mobile
    7. Password
    8. Go to question A
    9. Go to Home
  3. Questions
    1. What role do you have for the child?
      1. Sibling
      2. Teacher
      3. Family
      4. Relative
      5. Coach
      6. Bonus Parent
      7. Other
    2. Do you have a child that are under cancer treatment at the moment?
      1. Yes
        1. Go to Home
      2. No
        1. What fits you most?
          1. Post treatment
          2. Question B
          3. Deceased
          4. Go to Home
          5. Not a parent
          6. Question B
    3. Go to Home
  4. Home
    1. Content from CMS
    2. Search
    3. Mark article
      1. Create folder
        1. Add article to folder
      2. Select folder
        1. Add article to folder
    4. Laws and rules
      1. Articles
    5. Educational content
      1. Topic page
        1. Topic 1
        2. Topic 2
        3. etc
    6. Tips and tricks
      1. Articles from CMS
    7. Advice and guidence
      1. Articles
    8. Needs to be developed
  5. Docs
    1. Create folder
      1. Set a title
        1. Save
    2. Add
      1. Document
        1. PDF
        2. Add a comment
      2. Image
        1. Add a comment
      3. Link
        1. URL
        2. Add a comment
    3. Documents
      1. With comments
    4. See images
      1. With comments
    5. Links
      1. With comments
    6. Add to a folder
  6. Events
    1. Agenda view
      1. Select Region Hospital
        1. Region East
          1. Region Hostpital
          2. Local Hospitals
        2. Region North
          1. Region Hostpital
          2. Local Hospitals
        3. Region West
          1. Region Hostpital
          2. Local Hospitals
        4. Region Middle
          1. Region Hostpital
          2. Local Hospitals
        5. Multi-select
      2. Items
        1. Image
        2. Title
        3. Ingress
        4. Location
      3. Opens in a Webview
    2. Calendar view
      1. Date marked with type icon
      2. Summary
    3. No topic yet
    4. Public calendar
      1. Only for favorites
    5. Private calendar
      1. 60 min. before all events
    6. Create event
      1. Title
      2. Location
      3. Start date
      4. Start Time
      5. Repeat?
      6. Notes
      7. Topic
        1. Topic icon
        2. Topic colour
    7. Share event
      1. With the other parent
        1. Need to be connected to another parent!
    8. List view
      1. Calendar items
      2. Filter on topic
      3. Open up items in app
    9. Calendar view
      1. Mark with topic icon on the date
        1. Open up Calendar details in app
    10. Calendar view
      1. Mark with topic icon on the date
        1. Open up Calendar details in app
    11. List view
      1. List view
        1. Calendar items
        2. Filter on topic
        3. Open up items in app
  7. Profile
    1. Profile picture
      1. Add picture
      2. Delete picture
    2. Name
      1. Change name
    3. Username
      1. Can not be changed
    4. Mobile
      1. Can not be changed
    5. Email
      1. Change email
    6. Invite parent
      1. Other parent needs active account
      2. Content shared with the other parent
      3. SMS verification
    7. Information
      1. Username
      2. Email
      3. Childs name
    8. Delete account
      1. IF user is a slave
        1. Delete content for the user. Not shared content
      2. IF the user is a "Master"
        1. Warning
          1. Delete all user data and user content
    9. Log out
      1. User is logged out
    10. Secure sharing
  8. User logged out