1. Credits: http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.sg/2007/11/disadvantages-of-pink-nric.html, www.guidemesingapore.com › Relocation › Citizenship, http://app.mfa.gov.sg/data/paris/statements/REMARKS_FOR_MEDEF_28_Aug_08.html
  2. Gleefully Done By: NADIAH ISA & YONG LE ☮☺
  3. Perks/ Benefits
    1. Housing (able to obtain loan from HDB to fund their housing)
    2. Convenient public transport & relatively short travelling time
    3. The convenience of travelling with a Singapore Passport; immigration officers in other countries tend to clear Singapore passports quicker as compared to other countries' passport holders. Singapore passports also hold very few travel restrictions.
    4. Parenthood Incentives (Baby Bonus)
    5. Wide variety of good food
    6. Quality Healthcare (Medisave, Medifund, Medishield)
    7. Clean & Green country
    8. Multi-racial Society, High tolerance for other races
    9. Democratic Government - People's opinions matters/ are heard
    10. Non-corrupted Govt, Good Governance
    11. Clean Water Supply
    12. Low Crime Rate
    13. Quality Education, Compulsory education till secondary sch + edusave/bursaries +subsidies for school fees (FAS)
  4. Disadvantages/ Downside
    1. High cost of living
    2. National Service for men
    3. Foreign students encounter no problems in enrolling in neighbourhood schools but Singaporeans have to seek the approval of the govt if they want to enroll in International Schools. The govt only approve based on "exceptional reasons". Generally, Singaporeans are not allowed to enroll in International Schools.
    4. Singapore does not allow dual citizenship
    5. Cannot withdraw CPF savings as a lump sum
  5. Conclusion
    1. After brainstorming and weighing all the advantages as well as the disadvantages of being Singaporean, we feel that there are more benefits than the drawbacks faced, if one is a Singaporean.