1. Drug Classification
    1. anxiolytic
    2. sedative
    3. hypnotic
  2. Prototype--diazepam (Valium)
  3. Mechanism of action
    1. potentiates effects of GABA
  4. Adverse Effects
    1. drowsiness
    2. dry mouth
    3. tolerance/physical dependence
  5. Overdose
    1. Flumazenil
  6. Nursing Considerations
    1. assess renal/hepatic function
    2. assess hydration status
    3. patient education
      1. no alcohol
      2. no breastfeeding
      3. store away from children
      4. no hazardous activities
    4. teratogenic
      1. category x
      2. neonatal withdrawal syndrome
  7. Main Topic 7