1. Emotional Ties
  2. Capacity to Give the Child Love, Affection, and Guidance
    1. ” focuses on the emotional bond that already exists between the parent and the child. That a parent would like to have a better relationship is not relevant. Glover v McRipley, 159 Mich App 130, 406 NW2d 246 (1987
    2. project the ability of a parent to foster an emotional bond in the future and to evaluate the parent’s impact on other issues such as guidance, education, and religious training,
    3. (involvement in academic affairs, extracurricular activities, and which parent likely to answer questions on sexual maturation), Bowers v Bowers, 198 Mich App 320, 497 NW2d 602 (1993)
    4. Subtopic 4
      1. See placing child;s interest above the thier own MacIntyre v MacIntyre  (On Remand), 267 Mich App 449, 705 NW2d 144 (2005)
  3. Providing for the Child’s Needs
    1. parent’s failure to inform the other parent that medical insurance coverage is now available, Bowers v Bowers, 198 Mich App 320, 497 NW2d 602 (1993)
      1. needs as shown by a parent’s having little inclination to pursue a job with more than a minimal income, McCain v McCain
    2. a parent’s having little inclination to pursue a job with more than a minimal income, McCain v McCain, 229 Mich App 123
  4. Stability and Permanence (D & E)
    1. focus on stability and permanence, not the acceptability of the home or child care arrangements. See Ireland v Smith, 451 Mich 457,
  5. Moral Fitness
    1. relative moral fitness only as it relates to how they will function as a parent and not as to who is the morally superior adult. Fletcher v Fletcher, 447 Mich 871, 526 NW2d 889 (1994)
  6. Mental and Physical Health of the Parties
    1. Father's depression was under control need not be considered Sinicropi v Mazurek, 273 Mich App 149,
  7. Home, School, and Community Record of the Child
  8. Reasonable Preference of the Child
    1. The court must take the preference of the child into account if it decides that the child is old enough to express a preference. MCL 722.23(i); Flaherty v Smith, 87 Mich App 561 (1978).
  9. Encouraging Parent-Child Relationships
    1. Barringer v Barringer, 191 Mich App 639, 479 NW2d 3 (1991), had interfered with the father’s parenting time weighed against her in the trial court’s custody determination
  10. Domestic Violence
  11. Any Other Relevant Factor
  12. Floating Topic