1. Mission Statement
  2. Internet
    1. Website
    2. Facebook
    3. Blog
    4. Twitter
    5. Pininterest
    6. Youtube Channel
    7. Commonplace Burnsville
    8. Google Plus
    9. Google email
  3. Events
  4. 190 River Ridge Location
    1. Meetings
    2. Displays
    3. Events
    4. BHS Contact Persons
      1. Contact Phone #
      2. Contact Email Address
  5. Marketing
    1. Design Logo and Letter
  6. Membership
  7. To-Do Items
    1. Less than 6 months
      1. Contact Burnsville History Teachers
      2. Art History of Burnsville
      3. Woman History of Burnsville
      4. Develope 1-5-10-25-50 yrs ago this week data
      5. Ethnic history
    2. 6 months to Year
    3. 1yr to 2 yrs
      1. Office & Display Space
  8. Friends of BHS
    1. Rotary
    2. Chamber
    3. School District 191
    4. Mayor & Council
  9. Dakota County Historical
  10. Guests
    1. On Site Interviews
    2. Offsite Interviews
  11. Technology Requirments
  12. Method Capturing & Recording Data
  13. Funding
    1. Non-Profit Status
    2. Sources
  14. Accounting