1. Discrepancies 01-15
    1. 01
      1. two contradictory creation accounts
        1. First Account
          1. Humans were created after the other animals
          2. Genesis 1:25-27
          3. The first man and woman were created simultaneously
          4. Genesis 1:27
        2. Second Account
          1. Humans were created before the other animals
          2. Genesis 2:18-19
          3. The man was created first, then the animals, then the woman from the man's rib.
          4. Genesis 2:18-22
        3. RESPONSE
          1. RESPONSE 1
          2. RESPONSE 2
    2. 02
      1. Who created heaven and earth?
        1. God alone
          1. Genesis 1:1
          2. Isaiah 44:24
        2. God and Jesus
          1. John 1:6-10
          2. 1 Corinthians 8:6
          3. Colossians 1:16
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    3. 03
      1. How long did it take to create the heavens and the earth
        1. One day.
          1. Genesis 2:4
        2. Six days.
          1. Genesis 1:3-31
          2. Genesis 2:1-3
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    4. 04
      1. Were plants created before or after humans?
        1. BEFORE
          1. Genesis 1:11-13
          2. Genesis 1:27-31
        2. AFTER
          1. Genesis 2:4-9
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    5. 05
      1. When were the stars made?
        1. On the fourth day of creation, after the earth was made
          1. Gen.1:16-19
        2. Before the earth was made
          1. Job 38:4-7
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    6. 06
      1. From what were the fowls created?
        1. From the waters.
          1. Genesis 1:20-21
        2. From the ground.
          1. Genesis 2:19
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    7. 07
      1. From what were the animals created?
        1. Water
          1. Genesis 1:20
        2. Ground
          1. Genesis 2:19
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    8. 08
      1. Were humans created before or after the other animals?
        1. AFTER
          1. Genesis 1:25-27
        2. BEFORE
          1. Genesis 2:18-19
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    9. 09
      1. How many gods are there?
        1. ONE
          1. Deuteronomy 4:35
          2. Deuteronomy 4:39
          3. Deuteronomy 6:4
          4. Deuteronomy 32:39
          5. 1 Kings 18:39
          6. Isaiah 43:10
          7. Isaiah 44:8
          8. Isaiah 45:5-6
          9. Isaiah 45:21
          10. Isaiah 46:9
          11. Mark 12:29
          12. Mark 12:32
          13. John 17:3
          14. 1 Corinthians 8:6
        2. MANY
          1. Genesis 1:26
          2. Genesis 3:22
          3. Genesis 11:7
          4. Exodus 12:12
          5. Exodus 15:11
          6. Exodus 20:3, 5
          7. Exodus 22:20
          8. Exodus 22:28
          9. Exodus 23:13
          10. Exodus 23:24
          11. Exodus 23:32
          12. Exodus 34:14
          13. Numbers 33:4
          14. Deuteronomy 3:24
          15. Deuteronomy 5:7
          16. Deuteronomy 6:14-15
          17. Deuteronomy 10:17
          18. Deuteronomy 28:14
          19. Joshua 24:2
          20. Joshua 24:14
          21. Judges 11:24
          22. 1 Samuel 6:5
          23. 1 Samuel 28:13
          24. 1 Chronicles 16:25
          25. Psalm 82:1
          26. Psalm 82:6
          27. Psalm 86:8
          28. Psalm 96:4
          29. Psalm 97:7
          30. Psalm 135:5
          31. Psalm 136:2
          32. Jeremiah 1:16
          33. Jeremiah 10:11
          34. Jeremiah 10:11
          35. Jeremiah 25:6
          36. Jeremiah 46:25
          37. Zephaniah 2:11
          38. John 10:33-34
          39. 1 John 5:7
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    10. 10
      1. When was Eve created?
        1. same time as Adam.
          1. Genesis 1:27
        2. After Adam and all the animals were created.
          1. Genesis 2:20-22
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    11. 11
      1. Is childbearing sinful?
        1. NO
          1. Genesis 1:28
          2. 1 Timothy 2:15
        2. YES
          1. Leviticus 12:6-7
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    12. 12
      1. May Adam eat from any tree?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 1:29
        2. NO
          1. Genesis .2:17
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    13. 13
      1. Does God work on the Sabbath?
        1. NO
          1. Genesis 2:2-3
        2. YES
          1. John 5:16-17
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
        4. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    14. 14
      1. Did Adam die on the day he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 2:17
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 3:6
          2. Genesis 5:5
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    15. 15
      1. Is marriage a good thing?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 2:18
          2. Proverbs 18:22
          3. Ecclesiastes 9:9
          4. Matthew 19:5
          5. 1 Timothy 4:1-3
          6. Titus 1:6-7
          7. Hebrews 13:4
          8. Hebrews 13:4
          9. Marriage is honorable in all.
        2. NO
          1. 1 Corinthians 7:1
          2. 1 Corinthians 7:7-8
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
  2. Discrepancies 16-30
    1. 16
      1. Is wisdom a good thing?
        1. YES
          1. Proverbs 3:35
          2. Proverbs 4:7
          3. Proverbs 10:14
          4. Proverbs 14:8
          5. Proverbs 16:16
          6. Proverbs 23:23
          7. Ecclesiastes 9:16-18
          8. James 1:5
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 3:6
          2. Job 37:24
          3. 1 Corinthians 1:19
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    2. 17
      1. Does God have a body?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 3:8
          2. Exodus 33:11
          3. Exodus 33:20
          4. Exodus 33:22
          5. Exodus 33:23
          6. Exodus 34:5
          7. Deuteronomy 23:12-13
          8. Ezekiel 1:27
          9. Ezekiel 8:2
          10. Habakkuk 3:3-4
        2. NO
          1. Luke 24:39
          2. John 4:24
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    3. 18
      1. Does God know and see everything?
        1. YES
          1. Job 42:2
          2. Psalm 44:21
          3. Psalm 139:7-8
          4. Proverbs 15:3
          5. Jeremiah 16:17
          6. Jeremiah 23:24
          7. Acts 1:24
          8. 1 John 3:20
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 3:8
          2. Genesis 4:14
          3. Genesis 4:16
          4. Genesis 11:5
          5. Genesis 18:9
          6. Genesis 18:17
          7. Genesis 18:20-21
          8. Genesis 22:12
          9. Genesis 32:27
          10. Numbers 22:9
          11. Deuteronomy 8:2
          12. Deuteronomy 13:3
          13. 2 Chronicles 32:31
          14. Job 1:7, 2:2
          15. Hosea 8:4
          16. Jonah 1:3, 10
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    4. 19
      1. Is everyone descended from Adam and Eve?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 3:20
        2. NO
          1. Hebrews 7:3
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    5. 20
      1. Does God respect anyone?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 4:4
          2. Exodus 2:25
          3. Leviticus 26:9
          4. 2 Kings 13:23
          5. Psalm 138:6
        2. NO
          1. Deuteronomy 10:17
          2. 2 Chronicles 19:7
          3. Acts 10:34
          4. Romans 2:11
          5. Galatians 2:6
          6. Ephesians 6:9
          7. Colossians 3:25
          8. 1 Peter 1:17
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    6. 21
      1. Does God desire animal sacrifices?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 4:4
          2. Genesis 8:20-21
          3. Genesis 15:9-10
          4. Exodus 20:24
          5. Exodus 29:11-37
          6. Leviticus 1:5
          7. (See all of Chapters 1 - 9)
          8. Leviticus 23:12-18
          9. And ye shall offer ... an he lamb without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering unto the LORD....
          10. Numbers 18:17-19
          11. Deuteronomy 12:27
        2. NO
          1. Ps.40:6
          2. Psalm 50:13
          3. Psalm 51:16
          4. Isaiah 1:11
          5. Isaiah 66:3
          6. Jeremiah 6:20
          7. Micah 6:6-7
          8. Matthew 9:13, 12:7
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    7. 22
      1. What became of Cain?
        1. He was a fugitive and a vagabond.
          1. Genesis 4:11-12
        2. He settled down, married, had a son, and built a city.
          1. Genesis 4:16-17
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    8. 23
      1. Was Enoch the sixth or the seventh from Adam?
        1. He was the sixth from Adam.
          1. Genesis 5:3-18
          2. 1 Chronicles 1:1-2
          3. Lk.3:37-38
        2. He was the seventh from Adam.
          1. Jude 14
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    9. 24
      1. Must everyone die?
        1. NO
          1. Genesis 5:24
          2. John 8:51
          3. John 11:26
          4. Hebrews 7:1-3
          5. Hebrews 11:5
        2. YES
          1. Romans 5:12
          2. Hebrews 9:27
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    10. 25
      1. Did Enoch die?
        1. YES
          1. Hebrews 11:13
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 5:24
          2. Hebrews 11:5
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    11. 26
      1. Has anyone ever ascended into heaven?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 5:24
          2. 2 Kings 2:11
          3. Hebrews 11:5
        2. NO
          1. John 3:13
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    12. 27
      1. How many sons does God have?
        1. God has only one son (Jesus).
          1. John 3:18
          2. 1 John 4:9
        2. Adam was also God's son.
          1. Luke 3:38
        3. Some of God's sons had sex with women producing a race of giants.
          1. Genesis 6:2-4
        4. Satan and his companions were sons of God.
          1. Job 1:6
          2. ob 2:1
        5. God's sons were present when the universe was created.
          1. Job 38:6-7
        6. Christians are God's sons.
          1. John 1:12
        7. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    13. 28
      1. What is the human lifespan?
        1. 70 years.
          1. Psalm 90:10
        2. 120 years.
          1. Genesis 6:3
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    14. 29
      1. Does God repent?
        1. NO
          1. Numbers 23:19
          2. 1 Samuel 15:29
          3. Ezekiel 24:14
          4. Malachi 3:6
          5. James 1:17
        2. YES
          1. Genesis 6:6
          2. Exodus 32:14
          3. Deuteronomy 32:36
          4. 1 Samuel 15:11
          5. 1 Samuel 15:35
          6. 2 Samuel 24:16
          7. 1 Chronicles 21:15
          8. Isaiah 38:1-5
          9. Jeremiah 15:6
          10. Jeremaih 18:8
          11. Jeremaih 26:3
          12. Jeremiah 26:13
          13. Jeremiah 26:19
          14. Jeremaih 42:10
          15. Amos 7:3, 6
          16. Jonah 3:10
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    15. 30
      1. Has there ever been a righteous person?
        2. YES
        3. NO
        4. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
  3. Discrepancies 31-45
    1. 31
      1. Has there ever been a just person?
        1. NO
          1. Ecclesiastes 7:20
        2. YES
          1. Genesis 6:9
          2. Psalm 37:12
          3. Proverbs 3:33
          4. Proverbs 4:18
          5. Proverbs 9:9
          6. Proverbs 10:6
          7. Proverbs 10:7
          8. Proverbs 10:20
          9. Proverbs 10:31
          10. Proverbs 11:9
          11. Proverbs 12:13
          12. Proverbs 12:21
          13. Proverbs 17:15
          14. Proverbs 17:26
          15. Proverbs 20:7
          16. Proverbs 21:15
          17. Proverbs 24:16
          18. Proverbs 29:10
          19. Proverbs 29:27
          20. Ecclesiastes 7:15
          21. Ecclesiastes 8:14
          22. Isaiah 26:7
          23. Lamentations 4:13
          24. Ezekiel 18:5-6
          25. Ezekiel 18:9
          26. Hosea 14:9
          27. Amos 5:12
          28. Habakkuk 2:4
          29. Matthew 1:19
          30. Matthew 5:45
          31. Matthew 13:49
          32. Mark 6:20
          33. Luke 1:17
          34. Luke 2:25
          35. Luke 14:14
          36. Luke 15:7
          37. Luke 23:50
          38. Acts 10:22
          39. Acts 24:15
          40. Titus 1:7-8
          41. Hebrews 12:23
          42. James 5:6
          43. 2 Peter 2:7
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    2. 32
      1. Has there ever been a righteous person?
        1. NO
          1. Job 15:14
          2. Isaiah 41:26
          3. Isaiah 64:6
          4. Romans 3:10
        2. YES
          1. Genesis 7:1
          2. 2 Samuel 22:25
          3. Job 2:3
          4. Psalm 1:5-6
          5. Psalm 37:25
          6. Proverbs 2:7
          7. Proverbs 18:5
          8. Proverbs 2:20
          9. Proverbs 3:32
          10. Proverbs 10:3
          11. Proverbs 10:11
          12. Proverbs 10:16
          13. Proverbs 10:21
          14. Proverbs 10:24
          15. Proverbs 10:28
          16. Proverbs 10:30
          17. Proverbs 10:32
          18. Proverbs 10:28
          19. Proverbs 11:8
          20. Proverbs 11:10
          21. Proverbs 11:21
          22. Proverbs 11:23
          23. Proverbs 11:28
          24. Proverbs 11:30
          25. Proverbs 11:31
          26. Proverbs 12:3
          27. Proverbs 12:5
          28. Proverbs 12:7
          29. Proverbs 12:10
          30. Proverbs 12:12
          31. Proverbs 12:26
          32. Proverbs 13:5
          33. Proverbs 13:9
          34. Proverbs 13:21
          35. Proverbs 13:25
          36. Proverbs 14:9
          37. Proverbs 14:19
          38. Proverbs 14:32
          39. Proverbs 15:6
          40. Proverbs 15:19
          41. Proverbs 15:33
          42. Proverbs 18:5
          43. Proverbs 18:10
          44. Proverbs 21:12
          45. Proverbs 21:18
          46. Proverbs 21:26
          47. Proverbs 23:24
          48. Proverbs 24:15
          49. Proverbs 25:26
          50. Proverbs 28:1
          51. Proverbs 29:2
          52. Proverbs 29:6
          53. Proverbs 29:7
          54. Proverbs 29:16
          55. Ecclesiastes 9:1
          56. Ecclesiastes 9:2
          57. Isaiah 3:10
          58. Isaiah 5:23
          59. Isaiah 57:1
          60. Ezekiel 14:14, 20
          61. Ezekiel 23:45
          62. Ezekiel 33:12
          63. Malachi 3:18
          64. Matthew 5:20
          65. Matthew 13:17
          66. Matthew 23:35
          67. Matthew 25:37
          68. Matthew 25:46
          69. Luke 1:6
          70. Hebrews 11:4
          71. James 5:16
          72. 2 Peter 2:5
          73. 2 Peter 2:7-8
          74. Revelation 22:11
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    3. 33
      1. When did Noah enter the ark?
        1. Seven days before the flood began.
          1. Genesis 7:7-10
        2. The day that the flood began.
          1. Genesis 7:11-13
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    4. 34
      1. How many of each clean animal did Noah take into the ark?
        1. Two
          1. Genesis 6:19
          2. Genesis 7:8, 9, 15
        2. Seven
          1. Genesis 7:2
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    5. 35
      1. How long did the flood last?
        1. 40 days
          1. Genesis 7:17
        2. 150 days
          1. Genesis 7:24
          2. Genesis 8:3
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    6. 36
      1. Did everyone (except for Noah and his family) die in the flood?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 7:21-23
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 6:4
          2. Numbers 13:33
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    7. 37
      1. How long was the ark afloat?
        1. seven months or so
          1. Genesis 8:4
        2. at least ten months
          1. Genesis 8:5
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    8. 38
      1. When did the earth dry after the flood?
        1. first day of the first month
          1. Genesis 8:13
        2. 27th day of the second month.
          1. Genesis 8:14
        3. Christian Response
    9. 39
      1. Will God curse the earth?
        1. PERHAPS
          1. Malachi 4:6
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 8:21
        3. Christian Response
    10. 40
      1. Has the sun ever stood still in the sky for 24 hours?
        1. YES
          1. Joshua 10:12-13
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 10:22
        3. Christian Response
    11. 41
      1. What kind of animals may we eat?
        1. You should not eat animals.
          1. Genesis 1:29
          2. Proverbs 23:20
          3. Daniel 1:8
          4. Romans 14:21
        2. Only certain kinds of animals may be eaten.
          1. Deuteronomy 14:7-8
          2. Leviticus 11:2-4
        3. You may eat any kind of animal.
          1. Genesis 9:3
          2. Mark 7:18-20
          3. Luke 10:8
          4. Acts 10:9-13
          5. 1 Corinthians 10:25
          6. Romans 14:2
          7. Timothy 4:1-3
        4. Christian Response
    12. 42
      1. Are we punished for the sins of others?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 9:21-25
          2. Genesis 20:18
          3. Exodus 20:5 , Deuteronomy 5:9
          4. Exodus 34:7
          5. Numbers 14:18
          6. Deuteronomy 23:2
          7. Deuteronomy 28:18
          8. 1 Samuel 3:12-13
          9. 2 Samuel 12:14
          10. 2 Samuel 21:6-9
          11. 1 Kings 2:33
          12. 1 Kings 11:11-12
          13. 1 Kings 21:29
          14. 2 Kings 5:27
          15. Isaiah 14:21
          16. Jeremiah 16:10-11
          17. Jeremiah 29:32
          18. Jeremiah 32:18
          19. Zephaniah 1:8
        2. NO
          1. Deuteronomy 24:16
          2. 2 Kings 14:6
          3. Jeremiah 31:29-30
          4. Ezekiel18:20
        3. Christian Response
    13. 43
      1. How many languages were there before the Tower of Babel was built?
        1. ONE
          1. Genesis 11:1
          2. Genesis 11:6-9
        2. MANY
          1. Genesis 10:5
          2. Genesis 10:20
          3. Genesis 10:31
        3. Christian Response
    14. 44
      1. Who was the father of Salah?
        1. Arphaxad
          1. Genesis 10:24
          2. Genesis 11:12
        2. Cainan
          1. Luke 3:35-36
        3. Christian Response
    15. 45
      1. Did God call Abraham before or after he moved to Haran?
        1. BEFORE
          1. Acts 7:2-3
        2. AFTER
          1. Genesis 11:31- 12:4
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
        4. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    16. Christian Response
  4. Discrepancies 46-60
    1. 46
      1. How old was Terah when he died?
        1. 145
          1. Genesis 11:26
          2. Genesis 12:4
        2. 205
          1. Genesis 11:32
        3. Christian Response
    2. 47
      1. How old was Abraham when he left Haran?
        1. Genesis 12:4
        2. Acts 7:2-4
        3. Genesis 11:26
        4. Genesis 11:32
        5. Christian Response 1
        6. Christian Response 2
    3. 48
      1. Is God the author of confusion?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 11:7-9
          2. 1 Corinthians 1:27
        2. NO
          1. 1 Corinthians 14:33
        3. Christian Response
    4. 49
      1. How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?
        1. Genesis 16:16
          1. 86 years old
          2. More than 135 years old
          3. Acts 7:2-4
          4. Genesis 11:26
          5. Genesis 11:32
        2. Christian Response
    5. 50
      1. Can God be seen?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 12:7
          2. Genesis 17:1
          3. Genesis 18:1
          4. Genesis 26:2
          5. Genesis 26:24
          6. Genesis 32:30
          7. Genesis 35:9
          8. Genesis 48:3
          9. Exodus 3:16
          10. Exodus 4:5
          11. Exodus 6:3
          12. Exodus 24:9-11
          13. Exodus 33:11
          14. Exodus 33:23
          15. Numbers 14:14
          16. Deuteronomy 5:4
          17. Deuteronomy 34:10
          18. Judges 13:22
          19. 1 Kings 22:19
          20. Job 42:5
          21. Psalm 63.2
          22. Isaiah 6:1
          23. Isaiah 6:5
          24. Ezekiel 1:27
          25. Ezekiel 20:35
          26. Amos 7:7
          27. Amos 9:1
          28. Habakkuk 3:3-5
          29. Matthew 18:9
        2. NO
          1. Exodus 33:20
          2. John 1:18
          3. John 6:46
          4. Colossians 1:15
          5. 1 Timothy 1:17
          6. 1 Timothy 6:16
          7. 1 John 4:12
        3. Christian Response
    6. 51
      1. When was the city of Dan named?
        1. In the time of Abraham.
          1. Genesis 14:14
        2. After the massacre of Laish.
          1. Judges 18:29
        3. Christian Response
    7. 52
      1. Who owns the earth?
        1. God
          1. Genesis 14:19, 22
          2. Exodus 9:29
          3. Exodus 19:5
          4. Deuteronomy 10:14
          5. 1 Chronicles 29:11
          6. Psalm 24:1
          7. Psalm 50:12
          8. Psalm 89:11
          9. 1 Corinthians 10:26
        2. Satan
          1. Matthew 4:8-9
          2. Luke 4:5-6
        3. Humans
          1. Psalm 115:16
        4. Christian Response
    8. 53
      1. How long was the Egyptian Captivity?
        1. 400 years
          1. Genesis 15:13
        2. 430 years
          1. Exodus 12:40
          2. Galatians 3:17
        3. Christian Response
    9. 54
      1. How many sons did Abraham have?
        1. ONE
          1. Hebrews 11:17
          2. Genesis 22:2
        2. MORE THAN ONE
          1. Genesis 16:15
          2. Genesis 21:2-3
          3. Genesis 25:1-2
          4. Galatians 4:22
        3. Christian Response
    10. 55
      1. Is circumcision required?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 17:7
          2. Genesis 17:10
          3. Genesis 17:13
          4. Genesis 17:19
          5. Leviticus 12:3
          6. Acts 16:3
        2. NO
          1. Galatians 5:2
          2. Colossians 2:10-11
        3. Christian Response
    11. 56
      1. Is incest forbidden?
        1. YES
          1. Leviticus 18:9
          2. Leviticus 18:12
          3. Leviticus 20:17
          4. Leviticus 20:19
          5. Deuteronomy 27:22
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 20:12
          2. Genesis 17:16
          3. Exodus 6:20
        3. Christian Response
    12. 57
      1. Are the laws of the Old Testament still binding?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 17:19
          2. Exodus 12:14, 17, 24
          3. Leviticus 23:14,21,31
          4. Deuteronomy 4:8-9
          5. Deuteronomy 7:9
          6. Deuteronomy 11:1
          7. Deuteronomy 11:26-28
          8. 1 Chronicles 16:15
          9. Psalm 119:151-2
          10. Psalm 119:160
          11. Ecclesiastes 12:13
          12. Malachi 4:4
          13. Matthew 5:18-19
          14. Luke 16:17
        2. NO
          1. Luke 16:16
          2. Romans 6:14
          3. Romans 7:4, 6
          4. Romans 10:4
          5. Galatians 3:13
          6. Galatians 3:24-25
          7. Galatians 5:18
          8. Ephesians 2:15
          9. Colossians 2:14
        3. Christian Response
    13. 58
      1. How old was Ishmael when he was abandoned by Abraham?
        1. an infant.
          1. Genesis 21:14
          2. Abraham ... took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away.
          3. Genesis 21:15
          4. And the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast the child under one of the shrubs.
          5. Genesis 21:18
          6. Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand.
        2. a young man.
          1. Genesis 17:25
          2. And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
          3. Genesis 21:5, 8
          4. And Abraham was a hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born.... And the child [Isaac] grew, and was weaned.
        3. Christian Response
    14. 59
      1. Did Sarah have faith that she would conceive?
        1. YES
          1. Hebrews 11:11
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 18:10-15
        3. Christian Response
    15. 60
      1. Can God do anything?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 18:14
          2. Job 42:1-2
          3. Jeremiah 32:17
          4. Jeremiah 32:27
          5. Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27
          6. Luke 1:37
          7. Luke 18:27
          8. Revelation 19:6
        2. NO
          1. Judges 1:19
          2. Mark 6:5
          3. Hebrews 6:18
        3. Christian Response
  5. Discrepancies 61-75
    1. 61
      1. Was Lot righteous?
        1. YES
          1. 2 Peter 2:7-8
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 19:8
          2. Genesis 19:30-36
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    2. 62
      1. Who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?
        1. The angels
          1. Genesis 19:13
        2. God
          1. Genesis 19:24
        3. Christian Response
    3. 63
      1. Did Lot's daughters think God had killed every man except Lot?
        1. NO
          1. Genesis 19:21-22, 30
        2. YES
          1. Genesis 19:31
        3. Christian Response
    4. 64
      1. Is it OK to take oaths?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 21:23-24
          2. Genesis 24:2-3
          3. Genesis 24:9
          4. Genesis 31:53
          5. Genesis 47:31
          6. And he said, Swear unto me. And he sware unto him.
          7. Leviticus 27:2, 10
          8. Numbers 30:2
          9. Deuteronomy 6:13
          10. Deuteronomy 10:20
          11. Deuteronomy 23:21
          12. Psalm 63:11
          13. Isaiah 45:23
          14. Isaiah 48:1
          15. Isaiah 65:16
          16. Jeremiah 4:2
          17. Jeremiah 12:16
          18. Daniel 12:7
          19. Hebrews 6:13
          20. Rev.10:5-6
        2. NO
          1. Matthew 5:34
          2. James 5:12
        3. Christian Response
    5. 65
      1. Who named Beersheba?
        1. Abraham
          1. Genesis 21:31
        2. Isaac
          1. Genesis 26:33
        3. Christian Response
    6. 66
      1. Has God ever tempted anyone?
        1. NO
          1. James 1:13
        2. YES
          1. Genesis 22:1
          2. 2 Samuel 24:1
          3. Matthew 6:13
        3. Christian Response
        4. Christian Response 2
    7. 67
      1. Does God approve of human sacrifice?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 22:2
          2. Exodus 22:29
          3. Leviticus 27:28-29
          4. Judges 11:29-40
          5. 2 Samuel 21:1, 8-9, 14
          6. 1 Kings 13:2
          7. 2 Kings 23:20
          8. 2 Chronicles 34:1-5
        2. NO
          1. Leviticus 18:21
          2. Leviticus 20:2
          3. Deuteronomy 18:10
          4. 2 Kings 21:6
        3. Christian Response
    8. 68
      1. Did Abraham know God's name?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 22:14
        2. NO
          1. Exodus 6:3
        3. Christian Response
    9. 69
      1. Was Keturah Abraham's wife or concubine?
        1. his wife.
          1. Genesis 25:1
        2. his concubine.
          1. 1 Chronicles 1:32
        3. Christian Response
    10. 70
      1. Will there be many Jews?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 22:17-18
          2. Genesis 26:4
        2. NO
          1. Deuteronomy 4:27
        3. Christian Response
    11. 71
      1. Who was Bashemath's father?
        1. Elon the Hittite.
          1. Genesis 26:34
        2. Ishmael
          1. Genesis 36:2-3
        3. Christian Response
    12. 72
      1. Who was Laban's father?
        1. Bethuel
          1. Genesis 28:5
        2. Nahor
          1. Genesis 29:5
        3. Christian Response
    13. 73
      1. Who was Anah?
        1. The daughter of Zibeon
          1. Genesis 36:2, 14
        2. The brother of Zibeon
          1. Genesis 36:20
          2. 1 Chronicles 1:38
        3. The son of Zibeon
          1. Genesis 36:24
          2. 1 Chronicles 1:40
        4. Christian Response
    14. 74
      1. Who was Korah's father?
        1. Esau
          1. Genesis 36:14
        2. Eliphaz
          1. Genesis 36:15-16
        3. Christian Response
    15. 75
      1. Who brought Joseph into Egypt?
        1. Midianites
          1. Genesis 37:36
        2. Ishmaelites
          1. Genesis 37:28
          2. Genesis 39:1
        3. Christian Response
  6. Discrepancies 76-84
    1. 76
      1. Where did Joseph's brothers find the missing money? 42:27, 42:29-35, 43:21
      2. missing page on website
    2. 77
      1. How old was Benjamin when his clan migrated to Egypt?
        1. a child
          1. Genesis 44:20
          2. Genesis 44:22
        2. grown man with ten sons
          1. Genesis 46:8, 21
        3. Christian Response
    3. 78
      1. Was Mahli the son of Levi?
        1. YES
          1. Ezra 8:18
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 46:11, 1 Chronicles 6:1, 16:16
          2. 1 Chronicles 23:6
        3. Christian Response
    4. 79
      1. Will God destroy those that intermarry?
        1. YES
          1. Exodus 34:16
          2. Deuteronomy 7:3-4
          3. 1 Kings 11:1-2
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 46:20
          2. Numbers 12:1, 9-10
        3. Christian Response
    5. 80
      1. Who were the sons of Benjamin?
        1. Genesis 46:21
          1. Belah
          2. Becher
          3. Ashbel
          4. Gera
          5. Naaman
          6. Ehi
          7. Rosh
          8. Muppim
          9. Huppim
          10. Ard
        2. Numbers 26:38-40
          1. Bela
          2. Ashbel
          3. Shupham
          4. Hupham
        3. 1 Chronicles 7:6
          1. Bela
          2. Becher
          3. Jediael
        4. 1 Chronicles 8:1-2
          1. Bela
          2. Ashbel
          3. Aharah
          4. Nohah
          5. Rapha
        5. Christian Response
    6. 81
      1. Were Naaman and Ard the sons or the grandsons of Benjamin?
        1. sons
          1. Genesis 46:21
        2. grandsons
          1. Numbers 26:38-40
        3. Christian Response
    7. 82
      1. How many were in Jacob's family when they came into Egypt?
        1. 70
          1. Genesis 46:27
          2. Exodus 1:5
        2. 75
          1. Acts 7:14
        3. Christian Response
    8. 83
      1. What were the twelve (or thirteen) tribes of Israel?
        1. Genesis 49
          1. Reuben
          2. Simeon
          3. Levi
          4. Judah
          5. Zebulun
          6. Issachar
          7. Dan
          8. Gad
          9. Asher
          10. Nephtali
          11. Joseph
          12. Benjamin
        2. Numbers 1
          1. Reuben
          2. Simeon
          3. Judah
          4. Zebulun
          5. Issachar
          6. Dan
          7. Gad
          8. Asher
          9. Nephtali
          10. (children of) Joseph
          11. Benjamin
          12. Manasseh
        3. Numbers 13
          1. Reuben
          2. Simeon
          3. Judah
          4. Zebulun
          5. Issachar
          6. Dan
          7. Gad
          8. Asher
          9. Nephtali
          10. Joseph
          11. Benjamin
          12. Manasseh
        4. Deuteronomy 33
          1. Reuben
          2. Levi
          3. Judah
          4. Zebulun
          5. Issachar
          6. Dan
          7. Gad
          8. Asher
          9. Nephtali
          10. Joseph
          11. Benjamin
          12. Manasseh
        5. Ezekiel 48
          1. Reuben
          2. Simeon
          3. Levi
          4. Judah
          5. Zebulun
          6. Issachar
          7. Dan
          8. Gad
          9. Asher
          10. Joseph
          11. Benjamin
          12. Manasseh
        6. Revelation 7
          1. Reuben
          2. Simeon
          3. Levi
          4. Judah
          5. Zebulon
          6. Issachar
          7. Gad
          8. Aser
          9. Nephthalim
          10. Joseph
          11. Benjamin
          12. Manasses
        7. Christian Response
    9. 84
      1. Where was Jacob buried?
        1. Machpelah
          1. Genesis 50:13
        2. Shechem
          1. Acts 7:15-16
        3. Christian Response
    10. Christian Response