1. Genesis Chapter 01 CREATION WEEK
    1. Genesis 1:1-2 IN THE BEGINNING
      1. God creates heaven and earth
      2. the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters
    2. Genesis 1:3-5 CREATION DAY 1 THE LIGHT
      1. Creation of the light
      2. God divided the light from the darkness
    3. Genesis 1:6-8 CREATION DAY 2 THE FIRMANENT
      1. Creation of the firmament
      2. Waters divided
    4. Genesis 1:9-13 CREATION DAY 3 THE EARTH AND SEAS
      1. Waters under heaven separated
      2. Dry land appears
      3. Dry land called Earth
      4. waters gathered together called Seas
      5. Earth brings forth grass, herbs and trees
    5. Genesis 1:14-19 CREATION DAY 4 GREATER and LESSER LIGHTS
      1. creation of lights set in the firmament
      2. creation of two great lights
        1. greater light to rule the day
        2. the lesser light to rule the night
      3. creation of the stars
      4. lights divide the day from the night
      5. lights for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years
      6. lights give light upon the earth
    6. Genesis 1:20-23 CREATION DAY 5 WATER CREATURES
      1. waters bring forth the moving creatures fishes and fowls
      2. winged fowl (birds) in the open firmament
      3. great whales, every living water creature after their kind
      4. God blessed them
      5. commanded to be fruitful, and multiply
      6. the blessing precede the commands
      1. cattle, wild beasts, and creeping things
      2. earth bring forth the living creature after his kind
      3. cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind
    8. Genesis 1:26-28 CREATION DAY 6 MAN: MALE and FEMALE
      1. man created in God's own image
      2. God blessed them
      3. man is commanded to be fruitful, and multiply
      4. man is commanded to replenish the earth
      5. man is commanded to subdue the earth
      6. man is commanded to have dominion over all the other living creatures
      7. the blessing precede the commands
      8. Only man is given this authority
    9. Genesis 1:29-30 CREATION DAY 6 GOD'S FOOD PROVISION
      1. The provisions of food given by God to His created life
      2. every herb bearing seed
      3. every fruit tree
      4. every green herb
      5. Man's Food Provision
      6. Animals Food Provision
      1. God assesses his all His creation
      2. it was very good