1. OLD Testament
      1. 01-GENESIS
        1. 001-Creation: Heavens and Earth (1:1-2:3)
          1. 001A-Earth Dark&Void (1:2)
          2. 001B-Day1 Light&Dark Day&Night (1:2-5)
          3. 001C-Day2 Firmament Heaven & Waters Divided (1:6-8)
          4. 001D-Day3 Dry Land Earth & Waters Seas (1:9-13)
          5. 001E-Day4 Day & Night Divided, Greater & Lesser Lights (1:14-19)
          6. 001F-Day5 Birds & Fishes Created (1:20-23)
          7. 001G-Day6 Animals on Earth and Man Created Blessed and commaned to be fruitful and multiply (1:24-31)
          8. 001H-Day7 Creation Finished, God Rested Seventh Day Blessed & Sanctified (2:1-3)
        2. 002-Account of the Heavens and Earth (2:4-4:26) And of the First Man & Woman on Created Earth
          1. 002A-Adam and Eve in Garden of Eden (2:4-25)
          2. 002Aa-God Restricts Eating of a Certain Tree (2:15-16)
          3. 002Ab-God Creates Eve from Adam's Rib (2:20-25)
          4. 002B-The Fall into Sin (3:1-24)
          5. 002Ba-Serpent Beguiles Eve & Adam Succombs to Eve (3:1-7)
          6. 002Bb-God Curse on the Serpent, Adam & Eve (3:8-19)
          7. 002Bc-God Covers Man's Sin & Man Driven from Eden (3:20-24)
          8. 002C-Cain & Abel: Cain's Generation (4:1-24)
          9. 002Ca-God Refuses Cain's Offering (4:3-7)
          10. 002Cb-First Recorded Murder: Cain Kills Abel God's Sentence on Cain (4:8-16)
          11. 002Cc-Cain's Generation (4:17-24)
          12. 002D-Birth of Seth: Men Begin to Call on the LORD (4:25-26)
        3. 003-Generations of Adam to Noah (5:1-6:8)
          1. 003A-Line of Seth to Noah (5:1-32)
          2. 003B-Sin/Wickedness Before Flood (6:1-8)
        4. 004-Generations of Noah & the Flood (6:9-9:29)
          1. 004A-Corrupt Earth & Wickedness of Man (6:9-13)
          2. 004B-God Instructs Noah to Build Ark (6:13-22)
          3. 004C-Noah Family & Animals Enter the Ark (7:1-16)
          4. 004D-Flood Begins Lasts 40 Days (7:17-8:3)
          5. 004E-Flood Ends (8:1-8:14)
          6. 004Ea-Ark Rested on mountains of Ararat (8:4-6)
          7. 004Eb-Noah Sends out Raven & Dove (8:6-8:12)
          8. 004F-Noah & Team Leaves the Ark (8:15-8:19)
          9. 004G-Noah & Family begin New Life (8:20-9:7)
          10. 004Ga-Noah Makes First Sacrifice & is Blessed (8:20-9:1)
          11. 004Gb-Man's Renewed Dominion Over all Earth (9:2-9:7)
          12. 004H-God's New Covenant with Noah & Sons (9:8-17)
          13. 004Ha-Covenant Bow in the Cloud (9:12-17)
          14. 004I-Sons of Noah-Noah Drunk-Canaan Cursed (9:18-29)
        5. 005-Generations of Shem Ham Japheth (10:1-10:32)
          1. 005A-Sons of Japheth (10:2-5)
          2. 005B-Sons of Ham (10:6-20)
          3. 005C-Sons of Shem (10:21-31)
        6. 006-Tower of Babel (11:1-9)
          1. 006A-One Language in world. Building of Babel. (11:1-4) 
          2. 006B-confusion of tongues. People Scattered (11:5-9)
        7. 007-Generations of Shem: to Abram (11:10-26)
          1. 007A-Records only names and ages
          2. 007B-Generations of Terah (11:27-32)
        8. 008-Abraham (Father of Israel) (12:1-22:19)
          1. 008A-Abram Call to Promised Land (12:1-9)
          2. 008B-Abram Sojourn in Egypt (12:10-20)
          3. 008C-Abram and Lot Separate (13:1-18)
          4. 008D-Abram Defeats the Five Kings (14:1-24)
          5. 008E-Abram God’s Covenant Promise (15:1-21)
          6. 008F-Abram Hagar and Ishmael (16:1-16)
          7. 008G-Abram Covenant of Circumcision (17:1-27)
          8. 008H-Abram Sarah to Bear a Son (18:1-15)
          9. 008I-Sodom & Gomorrah Destroyed (18:16-19:38)
          10. 008J-Lot Dwells in Zoarwith Daughters (19:30-19:38)
          11. 008K-Abraham and Abimelech (20:1-18)
          12. 008L-Birth of Isaac (21:1-7)
          13. 008M-Hagar and Ishmael Banished (21:8-21)
          14. 008N-Prosperity in the Land (21:22-34)
          15. 008O-Abraham’s Faith Tested (22:1-19)
        9. C. Transition to Isaac (22:20-25:11)
          1. 1. Rebekah’s Family Background (22:20-24)
          2. 2. The Death of Sarah (23:1-20)
          3. 3. Isaac Marries Rebekah (24:1-67)
          4. 4. Isaac the Sole Heir (25:1-6)
          5. 5. The Death of Abraham (25:7-11)
        10. VIII. The Account of Ishmael (25:12-18)
        11. IX. The Account of Isaac (25:19-35:29)
          1. A. The Birth of Jacob and Esau (25:19-28)
          2. B. Esau Sells His Birthright (25:29-34)
          3. C. Isaac and Abimilech (26:1-35)
          4. D. Jacob Steals Esau’s Blessing (27:1-40)
          5. E. Jacob’s Increase in Exile (27:41-32:32)
          6. 1. Jacob Sent to Laban (27:41-28:9)
          7. 2. Jacob’s Dream at Bethel (28:10-22)
          8. 3. Jacob’s Marriage to Leah and Rachel (29:1-30)
          9. 4. The Birth of the Tribal Patriarchs (29:31-30:24)
          10. 5. Jacob Plunders Laban (30:25-43)
          11. 6. Jacob Flees From Laban (31:1-55)
          12. 7. Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau (32:1-21)
          13. 8. Jacob Wrestles with God (32:22-32)
          14. F. Esau and Jacob Reconciled (33:1-20)
          15. G. Transition to Jacob (34:1-35:29)
          16. 1. Dinah’s Rape and Her Brothers’ Revenge (34:1-31)
          17. 2. Return to Bethel (35:1-15)
          18. 3. The Death of Rachel (35:16-20)
          19. 4. Jacob’s Sons (35:21-26)
          20. 5. The Death of Isaac (35:27-29)
        12. X. The Account of Esau (36:1-37:1)
        13. XI. The Account of Jacob (37:2-50:26)
        14. XI. The Account of Jacob (37:2-50:26)
          1. A. Joseph’s Dream of Supremacy (37:2-11)
          2. B. Joseph Sold by His Brothers (37:12-36)
          3. C. Judah and Tamar (38:1-30)
          4. D. Joseph’s Rise to Greatness in Egypt (39:1-41:57)
          5. 1. Joseph in Potiphar’s Household (39:1-23)
          6. 2. Joseph’s Imprisonment (40:1-23)
          7. 3. Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams (41:1-36)
          8. 4. Joseph Given Authority in Egypt (41:37-57)
          9. E. Joseph Reunited with His Brothers (42:1-45:28)
          10. F. Transition to Exodus (46:1-50:26)
          11. 1. Migration to Egypt (46:1-27)
          12. 2. Preservation in Goshen (46:28-47:31)
          13. 3. Jacob’s Blessings on the Twelve Tribes (48:1-49:28)
          14. 4. Jacob’s Death and Burial in Canaan (49:29-50:14)
          15. 5. Joseph’s Death (50:15-26)
        15. VI. The Account of Shem (11:10-26)
      2. 02-EXODUS
        1. I. The Exodus From Egypt (1:1-15:21)
          1. A. God Remembers His People (1:1-2:25)
          2. 1. Israel’s Suffering (1:1-22)
          3. 2. The Birth of Moses (2:1-10)
          4. 3. Moses Flees to Midian (2:11-25)
          5. B. The Call of Moses (3:1-4:31)
          6. C. Pharaoh Refuses to Let the Israelites Go (5:1-7:13)
          7. D. God’s Judgment Against Egypt (7:14-11:10)
          8. 1. First Plague: Water Turned to Blood (7:14-24)
          9. 2. Second Plague: Frogs (7:25-8:15)
          10. 3. Third Plague: Gnats (8:16-19)
          11. 4. Fourth Plague: Flies (8:20-32)
          12. 5. Fifth Plague: Against Livestock (9:1-7)
          13. 6. Sixth Plague: Boils (9:8-12)
          14. 7. Seventh Plague: Hail (9:13-35)
          15. 8. Eighth Plague: Locusts (10:1-20)
          16. 9. Ninth Plague: Darkness (10:21-29)
          17. 10. Announcement of Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn (11:1-10)
          18. E. The Passover (12:1-28)
          19. F. Deliverance From Egypt (12:29-13:16)
          20. G. Salvation at the Red Sea (13:17-15:21)
        2. III. The Covenant at Sinai (19:1-24:18)
          1. A. Preparation for the Covenant (19:1-25)
          2. B. Proclamation of the Covenant (20:1-23:33)
          3. 1. The Ten Commandments (20:1-21)
          4. 2. Law of the Altar (20:22-26)
          5. 3. Laws Regarding Slaves (21:1-11)
          6. 4. Laws Regarding Violence (21:12-27)
          7. 5. Laws Regarding Animals (21:28-36)
          8. 6. Laws Regarding Property (22:1-15)
          9. 7. Miscellaneous Laws (22:16-23:9)
          10. 8. Sabbaths and Feasts (23:10-19)
          11. 9. God’s Covenant Promises (23:20-33)
          12. C. Israel Affirms the Covenant (24:1-18)
        3. II. The Wilderness Testing (15:22-18:27)
          1. A. The Waters of Marah (15:22-27)
          2. B. The Manna and Quail (16:1-36)
          3. C. The Waters of Meribah (17:1-7)
          4. D. Victory over the Amalekites (17:8-16)
          5. E. Organization of the People (18:1-27)
        4. IV. The Worship of the LORD (25:1-40:38)
          1. A. God’s Instructions Concerning Worship (25:1-31:18)
          2. 1. The Tabernacle and its Furnishings (25:1-27:21)
          3. 2. The Priests and their Ministry (28:1-30:38)
          4. 3. The Builders of the Tabernacle Appointed (31:1-11)
          5. 4. The Sabbath a Sign of the Covenant (31:12-18)
          6. B. False Worship (32:1-34:35)
          7. 1. The Golden Calf (32:1-29)
          8. 2. God Threatens to Remove His Presence (32:30-33:23)
          9. 3. God Renews His Covenant (34:1-35)
          10. C. The Building of the Tabernacle (35:1-40:38)
          11. 1. Reiteration of Sabbath Law (35:1-3)
          12. 2. Offerings for the Tabernacle (35:4-29)
          13. 3. Bezalel and His Craftsmen (35:30-36:7)
          14. 4. The Process of Building (36:8-39:31)
          15. 5. The Completion of the Work (39:32-43)
          16. 6. Erection of the Tabernacle (40:1-33)
          17. 7. God’s Glory Fills the Tabernacle (40:34-38)
      3. 03-LEVITICUS
        1. I. The Offering of Sacrifices (1:1-7:38)
          1. A. Instructions to the People (1:1-6:7)
          2. 1. The Burnt Offering (1:1-17)
          3. 2. The Grain Offering (2:1-16)
          4. 3. The Peace Offering (3:1-17)
          5. 4. The Sin Offering (4:1-5:13)
          6. 5. The Guilt Offering (5:14-6:7)
          7. B. Instructions to the Priests (6:8-7:36)
          8. 1. The Burnt Offering (6:8-13)
          9. 2. The Grain Offering (6:14-23)
          10. 3. The Sin Offering (6:24-30)
          11. 4. The Guilt Offering (7:1-10)
          12. 5. The Peace Offering (7:11-36)
          13. C. Summary (7:37-38)
        2. II. The Institution of the Priesthood (8:1-10:20)
          1. A. Ordination of Aaron and His Sons (8:1-36)
          2. B. Aaron’s Sacrifice (9:1-24)
          3. C. Judgment against Aaron’s Sons (10:1-20)
        3. III. Laws Regarding Uncleanness (11:1-15:33)
          1. A. Food (11:1-47)
          2. B. Childbirth (12:1-8)
          3. C. Skin Diseases and Mildew (13:1-14:57)
          4. D. Discharges (15:1-33)
        4. IV. Living in Holiness (16:1-25:55)
          1. A. The Day of Atonement (16:1-34)
          2. B. Eating Blood Forbidden (17:1-16)
          3. C. Unlawful Sexual Behavior (18:1-30)
          4. D. Civil and Religious Laws (19:1-37)
          5. E. Miscellaneous Laws and Punishments (20:1-27)
          6. F. Laws Regarding Priests (21:1-22:33)
          7. G. Appointed Feasts (23:1-44)
          8. H. Oil and Bread before the Tabernacle (24:1-9)
          9. I. A Blasphemer Stoned (24:10-23)
          10. J. Sabbath Years (25:1-55)
          11. V. Covenant Blessings and Curses (26:1-46)
          12. VI. Rules on Vows and Tithes (27:1-34)
      4. 04-NUMBERS
        1. I. Preparations for Journey from Sinai (1:1-10:10)
          1. A. Numbering/Organization of the Tribes (1:1-4:49)
          2. 1. Census of the Men of War (1:1-54)
          3. 2. Placement of the Tribes in the Camp and March (2:1-34)
          4. 3. Numbering and Placement of the Levites (3:1-4:49)
          5. B. Commands for Purity among the People (5:1-10:10)
          6. 1. The Removal of Defilement from the Camp (5:1-31)
          7. 2. The Nazirite Vow (6:1-21)
          8. 3. The Aaronic Blessing (6:22-27)
          9. 4. Consecration of the Tabernacle (7:1-8:4)
          10. 5. Consecration of the Levites (8:5-26)
          11. 6. Observance of the Passover (9:1-14)
          12. 7. Departure Signalled by the Cloud and the Trumpets (9:15-10:10)
        2. II. From Sinai to Kadesh (10:11-20:29)
          1. A. Israel on the Move (10:11-36)
          2. B. The Fire and the Quail (11:1-35)
          3. C. Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses (12:1-16)
          4. D. The Twelve Spies’ Conflicting Reports (13:1-33)
          5. E. The People’s Rebellion and Defeat (14:1-45)
          6. F. Supplemental Laws (15:1-41)
          7. G. Korah’s Rebellion (16:1-50)
          8. H. The Budding of Aaron’s Staff (17:1-13)
          9. I. Duties of Priests and Levites (18:1-32)
          10. J. The Water of Cleansing (19:1-22)
          11. K. Moses’ Failure at Meribah (20:1-13)
        3. III. From Kadesh to the Plains of Moab (20:14-25:18)
          1. A. Opposition from Edom (20:14-21)
          2. B. The Death of Aaron (20:22-29)
          3. C. The Defeat of Arad, Sihon, and Og (21:1-35)
          4. D. Balak and Balaam (22:1-24:25)
          5. E. Idolatry at Baal Peor (25:1-18)
        4. IV. Preparations for Entering the Promised Land (26:1-36:13)
          1. A. Second Census of the Men of War (26:1-65)
          2. B. Zelophehad’s Daughters (27:1-11)
          3. C. Joshua to Succeed Moses (27:12-23)
          4. D. Rules for Offerings and Vows (28:1-30:16)
          5. E. War Against Midian (31:1-54)
          6. F. The Transjordan Tribes (32:1-42)
          7. G. Summary of the Journey from Egypt to Canaan (33:1-56)
          8. H. Canaan Apportioned by Lot (34:1-29)
          9. I. Levite Towns and Cities of Refuge (35:1-34)
          10. J. Zelophehad’s Daughters and Marriage (36:1-13)
      5. 05-DEUTERONOMY
        1. I. Prologue (1:1-4)
        2. II. Moses’ First Address (1:5-4:43)
          1. A. Historical Prologue (1:5-3:29)
          2. 1. God’s Command to Leave Horeb (1:5-8)
          3. 2. The Appointment of Elders (1:9-18)
          4. 3. The Spies’ Report and the People’s Rebellion (1:19-46)
          5. 4. The Desert Wanderings (2:1-23)
          6. 5. The Transjordan Campaign (2:24-3:20)
          7. 6. Moses’ Forbidden to Enter Canaan (3:21-29)
          8. B. Charge to Observe the Law (4:1-14)
          9. C. Warning Against Idolatry (4:15-40)
        3. III. Cities of Refuge in Transjordan (4:41-43)
        4. IV. Moses’ Second Address (4:44-28:68)
          1. A. Introduction (4:44-5:5)
          2. B. The Ten Commandments (5:6-21)
          3. C. Response of the People (5:22-33)
          4. D. Elaboration of the Ten Commandments (6:1-26:15)
          5. 1. The First Commandment: No Other Gods (6:1-11:32)
          6. a. Love the Lord your God (6:1-25)
          7. b. Follow the Lord rather than the Nations (7:1-26)
          8. c. Do Not Forget the Lord your God (8:1-20)
          9. d. Do Not Boast in Your Own Righteousness (9:1-10:11)
          10. e. Fear the Lord and Keep His Commands (10:12-11:32)
          11. 2. The Second Commandment: Idolatry (12:1-32)
          12. 3. The Third Commandment: Blasphemy (13:1-14:21)
          13. a. False Prophets and Idolatrous Men (13:1-18)
          14. b. Clean and Unclean Food (14:1-21)
          15. 4. The Fourth Commandment: Sabbath (14:22-16:17)
          16. a. The Tithe (14:22-29)
          17. b. The Sabbath Year (15:1-23)
          18. c. The Feast of Passover (16:1-8)
          19. d. The Feast of Weeks (16:9-12)
          20. e. The Feast of Tabernacles (16:13-17)
          21. 5. The Fifth Commandment: Human Authority (16:18-18:22)
          22. a. Judges (16:18-17:7)
          23. b. Courts of Law (17:8-13)
          24. c. The King (17:14-20)
          25. d. The Priests and Levites (18:1-8)
          26. e. True and False Prophets (18:9-22)
          27. 6. The Sixth Commandment: Killing (19:1-21:23)
          28. a. Cities of Refuge and Witnesses (19:1-21)
          29. b. Rules of War (20:1-20)
          30. c. Atonement for Unsolved Murders (21:1-9)
          31. d. Marrying a Captive Woman (21:10-14)
          32. e. Firstborn and Rebellious Sons (21:15-21)
          33. f. Burial of the Executed (21:22-23)
          34. 7. The Seventh Commandment: Adultery (22:1-23:14)
          35. a. Things Belonging Together and Things Not (22:1-12)
          36. b. Marriage Violations (22:13-30)
          37. c. Purity in the Assembly and the Camp (23:1-14)
          38. 8. The Eighth Commandment: Stealing (23:15-24:7)
          39. 9. The Ninth Commandment: Honesty and Trust (24:8-16)
          40. 10. The Tenth Commandment: Covetousness (24:17-26:15)
          41. a. Treating Others with Fairness (24:17-25:19)
          42. b. Offering the FirstFruits to the Lord (26:1-15)
          43. E. Keep and Record These Commands (26:16-27:8)
          44. F. Curses and Blessings (27:11-28:68)
        5. V. Moses’ Third Address (29:1-30:20)
          1. A. Disobedience, Exile, and Restoration (29:1-30:10)
          2. B. The Choice Between Life and Death (30:11-20)
        6. VI. Conclusion of Moses’ Ministry (31:1-34:12)
          1. A. Joshua Succeeds Moses (31:1-29)
          2. B. The Song of Moses (31:30-32:52)
          3. C. Moses’ Blessing on the Twelve Tribes (33:1-29)
          4. D. The Death of Moses (34:1-12)
      6. 06-JOSHUA
        1. I. Entering the Land (1:1-5:12)
          1. A. Command to Enter the Land (1:1-18)
          2. B. Rahab and the Spies (2:1-24)
          3. C. Crossing the Jordan (3:1-4:24)
          4. D. Circumcision of the New Generation (5:1-12)
        2. II. Conquering the Land (5:13-12:24)
          1. A. The Commander of the Lord’s Army (5:13-15)
          2. B. The Conquest of Jericho (6:1-27)
          3. C. Struggle at Ai (7:1-8:35)
          4. 1. Defeat at Ai (7:1-5)
          5. 2. Achan’s Sin Punished (7:6-26)
          6. 3. Victory at Ai (8:1-29)
          7. 4. Renewal of the Covenant (7:1-27)
          8. D. Treaty with Gibeon (9:1-27)
          9. E. The Conquest of the South (10:1-43)
          10. F. The Conquest of the North (11:1-23)
          11. G. List of Conquests (12:1-24)
        3. III. Allotment of the Land (13:1-21:45)
          1. A. Land Yet to be Conquered (13:1-7)
          2. B. East of the Jordan: Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh (13:8-33)
          3. C. West of the Jordan (14:1-19:51)
          4. 1. Overview of the Allotment (14:1-5)
          5. 2. Allotment for Caleb (14:6-15)
          6. 3. Allotment for Judah (15:1-63)
          7. 4. Allotment for Joseph: Ephraim and Manasseh (16:1-17:18)
          8. 5. Allotment for the Remaining Tribes (18:1-19:48)
          9. 6. Allotment for Joshua (19:49-51)
          10. D. Cities of Refuge (20:1-9)
          11. E. Levitical Cities (21:1-45)
        4. IV. Epilogue (22:1-24:33)
          1. A. The Altar of Witness by the Jordan (22:1-34)
          2. B. Joshua’s Farewell Address (23:1-16)
          3. C. Covenant Renewal at Shechem (24:1-28)
          4. D. The Deaths of Joshua and Eleazar (24:29-33)
      7. 07-JUDGES
        1. I. Israel’s Failure to Complete the Conquest (1:1-2:5)
        2. II. Cycles of Apostasy, Judgment, and Deliverance (2:6-16:31)
          1. A. The Pattern of Israel’s Apostasy (2:6-3:6)
          2. B. Failure of the Judges to Maintain Israel’s Faithfulness (3:7-16:31)
          3. 1. Othniel (3:7-11)
          4. 2. Ehud (3:12-30)
          5. 3. Shamgar (3:31)
          6. 4. Deborah and Barak (4:1-5:31)
          7. 5. Gideon and His Family (6:1-9:57)
          8. a. Gideon Judges Israel in Righteousness (6:1-8:32)
          9. b. Abimilech’s Murder of His Brothers (9:1-9:57)
          10. 6. Tola (10:1-2)
          11. 7. Jair (10:3-5)
          12. 8. Jephthah (10:6-12:7)
          13. 9. Ibzan (12:8-10)
          14. 10. Elon (12:11-12)
          15. 11. Abdon (12:13-15)
          16. 12. Samson (13:1-16:31)
        3. III. The Extent of Israel’s Depravity (17:1-21:24)
          1. A. Idolatry among the Danites (17:1-18:31)
          2. B. Civil War: Israel against Benjamin (19:1-20:24)
        4. IV. Conclusion: “Everyone did as he saw fit” (21:25)
      8. 08-RUTH
        1. I. Naomi Loses a Family (1:1-5)
        2. II. Naomi Returns from Moab (1:6-22)
          1. A. Ruth Pledges to Go with Naomi (1:6-18)
          2. B. Naomi’s Bitter Return to Bethlehem (1:19-22)
        3. III. Ruth Goes to Work in the Fields of Boaz (2:1-23)
          1. A. Ruth Begins Work (2:1-7)
          2. B. Ruth and Boaz Meet (2:8-16)
          3. C. Ruth Returns to Naomi (2:17-23)
        4. IV. Ruth Visits Boaz at the Threshing Floor (3:1-18)
          1. A. Naomi’s Instructions (3:1-5)
          2. B. Boaz’ Pledge to Redeem Ruth (3:6-15)
          3. C. Ruth Returns to Naomi (3:14-18)
        5. IV. Boaz Redeems Ruth (4:1-12)
          1. A. The Close Relative Decides Not to Redeem (4:1-6)
          2. B. The Marriage of Ruth and Boaz (4:7-12)
        6. V. Naomi Gains a Family (4:13-17)
        7. VI. The Genealogy of Boaz (4:18-22)
      9. 09-1SAMUEL
        1. I. Before the Monarchy: Samuel Becomes Judge over Israel (1Samuel 1:1-7:17)
          1. A. Samuel’s Rise and Eli’s Decline (1:1-4:1)
          2. 1. Samuel’s Birth and Hannah’s Song (1:1-2:10)
          3. 2. Rejection of Eli’s Household (2:11-36)
          4. 3. Samuel Called as a Prophet (3:1-4:1)
          5. B. Israel’s Struggles with the Philistines (4:2-7:17)
          6. 1. The Ark Captured by the Philistines (4:2-22)
          7. 2. The Philistines Suffer and Return the Ark (5:1-7:1)
          8. 3. Samuel Defeats the Philistines at Mizpah (7:2-17)
        2. II. Institution of the Monarchy (8:1-12:25)
          1. A. The People Demand a King (8:1-22)
          2. B. Saul Becomes King over Israel (9:1-11:15)
          3. 1. Saul Privately Anointed by Samuel (9:1-10:16)
          4. 2. Saul Publicly Chosen by Lot at Mizpah (10:17-27)
          5. 3. Saul Establishes Himself as King by Defeating the Ammonites (11:1-15)
          6. C. Samuel Bids Farewell and Issues Warnings to Israel (12:1-25)
        3. III. Saul Rejected as King (13:1-15:35)
          1. A. Saul’s Campaign Against the Philistines (13:1-14:52)
          2. 1. Saul Fails to Wait on the Lord (13:1-15)
          3. 2. Jonathan’s Heroics and Saul’s Poor Leadership (13:16-14:52)
          4. B. Saul’s Failure to Destroy the Amalekites (15:1-35)
        4. IV. David’s Rise and Saul’s Decline (16:1-31:13)
          1. A. David Rises to Prominence (16:1-18:30)
          2. 1. David Privately Anointed by Samuel (16:1-13)
          3. 2. David’s Music Soothing to Saul (16:14-23)
          4. 3. David and Goliath (17:1-58)
          5. 4. David’s Successes Provoke Saul’s Jealousy (18:1-30)
          6. B. Saul Seeks David’s Life (19:1-23:29)
          7. 1. Saul Attempts to Kill David (19:1-24)
          8. 2. Jonathan Helps David Escape (20:1-42)
          9. 3. David Prepares for Saul’s Pursuit (21:1-22:5)
          10. a. David Eats and Arms Himself at Nob (21:1-9)
          11. b. David Seeks Refuge in Gath (21:10-15)
          12. c. David Gathers Forces at Adullam (22:1-2)
          13. d. David Hides His Parents at Mizpah (22:3-5)
          14. 4. Saul Slaughters the Priests at Nob (22:6-23)
          15. 5. David Saves Keilah from the Philistines (23:1-6)
          16. 6. The Philistines Save David from Saul (23:7-29)
          17. C. David Spares Saul’s Life (24:1-26:25)
          18. 1. David Spares Saul in the Cave (24:1-22)
          19. 2. Abigail Keeps David from Bloodshed (25:1-44)
          20. 3. David Spares Saul in the Camp (26:1-25)
          21. D. David’s Exile and Saul’s Death (27:1-31:13)
          22. 1. David Flees to the Philistines (27:1-12)
          23. 2. Saul Consults a Medium at En Dor (28:1-25)
          24. 3. David Forbidden to Fight with the Philistines (29:1-11)
          25. 4. David Overcomes the Amalekite Raiders (30:1-31)
          26. 5. The Philistines Defeat Israel, Saul Takes His Own Life(31:1-13)
      10. 10-2SAMUEL
        1. I. David Becomes King over Judah and Israel (2Samuel 1:1-5:5)
          1. A. David Becomes King over Judah (1:1-2:7)
          2. 1. David’s Grief over Saul and Jonathan (1:1-27)
          3. 2. David Anointed King over Judah (2:1-7)
          4. B. David Becomes King over Israel (2:8-5:5)
          5. 1. War between David and Ishbosheth (2:8-32)
          6. 2. Abner Defects and is Murdered by Joab (3:1-39)
          7. 3. Ishbosheth Assassinated (4:1-12)
          8. 4. David Anointed King over all Israel (5:1-5)
        2. II. David’s Kingdom Established Forever (5:6-10:19)
          1. A. David Makes Jerusalem His Capital (5:6-6:23)
          2. 1. David Captures Jerusalem (5:6-16)
          3. 2. David Defeats the Philistines (5:17-25)
          4. 3. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (6:1-23)
          5. B. God Promises David an Everlasting Kingdom (7:1-29)
          6. C. The Successes of David’s Reign (8:1-10:19)
          7. 1. David’s Military Conquests (8:1-18)
          8. 2. David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth (9:1-13)
          9. 3. David’s War with Ammon (10:1-19)
        3. III. David’s Sin and its Consequences (11:1-20:26)
          1. A. David’s Sin with Bathsheba (11:1-12:31)
          2. 1. David Takes Uriah’s Wife and Has Him Killed (11:1-27)
          3. 2. Nathan Confronts David and He Repents (12:1-14)
          4. 3. Despite David’s Pleas, Bathsheba’s Son Dies (12:15-25)
          5. 4. Conclusion of the War with Ammon (12:26-31)
          6. B. Trouble with David’s Sons (13:1-14:33)
          7. 1. Amnon Rapes and Despises Tamar (13:1-19)
          8. 2. Absalom Murders Amnon and Flees (13:20-39)
          9. 3. Absalom Only Partially Reconciled to David (14:1-33)
          10. C. Absalom’s Rebellion (15:1-18:33)
          11. 1. Absalom Rebels and David Flees (15:1-37)
          12. 2. Shimei Curses David as He Flees (16:1-14)
          13. 3. Hushai Deceives Absalom with His Counsel (17:1-29)
          14. 4. Absalom Killed by Joab (18:1-33)
          15. D. David Restored to the Throne (19:1-20:26)
          16. 1. David Returns to Jerusalem (19:1-43)
          17. 2. Sheba’s Rebellion Put Down (20:1-26)
        4. IV. Appendix: The Lord as Supreme King over Israel (21:1-24:25)
          1. A. The Lord Sends Famine on Israel for Saul’s Sin (21:1-14)
          2. B. David’s Heroes Defeat the Philistines (21:15-22)
          3. C. David Praises the Lord for His Victories (22:1-51)
          4. D. David’s Final Words (23:1-7)
          5. E. David’s Mighty Men (23:8-39)
          6. F. The Lord Sends a Plague on Israel for David’s Sin (24:1-25)
      11. 11-1KINGS
        1. I. The Reign of Solomon (1Kings 1:1-11:43)
          1. A. The Establishment of Solomon’s Reign (1:1-4:34)
          2. 1. Solomon’s Succession to David’s Throne (1:1-2:12)
          3. 2. Solomon Consolidates His Power (2:13-46)
          4. 3. Solomon Asks God for Wisdom (3:1-15)
          5. 4. The Wisdom of Solomon’s Reign (3:16-4:34)
          6. B. The Glories of Solomon’s Reign (5:1-10:29)
          7. 1. Construction of the Temple (5:1-6:38)
          8. 2. Construction of Solomon’s Palace (7:1-12)
          9. 3. The Temple Furnishings (7:13-51)
          10. 4. The Dedication of the Temple (8:1-66)
          11. 5. God’s Covenant with Solomon (9:1-9)
          12. 6. Other Events of Solomon’s Reign (9:10-28)
          13. 7. Visit of the Queen of Sheba (10:1-13)
          14. 8. Solomon’s Great Wealth (10:14-29)
          15. C. The Failures of Solomon’s Reign (11:1-40)
          16. 1. Solomon’s Idolatries (11:1-13)
          17. 2. Solomon’s Enemies (11:14-25)
          18. 3. The Rise of Jeroboam (11:26-40)
          19. D. The Death of Solomon (11:41-43)
        2. II. The Early Divided Kingdom (12:1-34)
          1. A. The Defection of The Northern Tribes (12:1-24)
          2. B. Jeroboam I of Israel (12:25-14:20)
          3. C. Rehoboam of Judah (14:21-33)
          4. D. Abijah of Judah (15:1-8)
          5. E. Asa of Judah (15:9-24)
          6. F. Nadab of Israel (15:25-32)
          7. G. Baasha of Israel (15:33-16:7)
          8. H. Elah of Israel (16:8-14)
          9. I. Zimri of Israel (16:15-20)
          10. J. Omri of Israel (16:21-28)
        3. III. The Ministries of the Prophets (1Kings 17:1-2Kings 8:15)
          1. A. The Prophets and Ahab (1Kings 17:1-22:40)
          2. 1. Elijah Proclaims a Drought in Israel (17:1-24)
          3. 2. Elijah Defeats the Prophets of Baal (18:1-46)
          4. 3. Elijah Flees to the Mountain of God (19:1-21)
          5. 4. Ahab Condemned for Disobedience in War (20:1-43)
          6. 5. Ahab and Jezebel Seize Naboth’s Vineyard (21:1-29)
          7. 6. Micaiah Foretells Ahab’s Death (22:1-40)
          8. B. Jehoshaphat of Judah (22:41-50)
          9. C. Elijah and Ahaziah of Israel (1Kings 22:51-2Kings 1:18)
      12. 13-1CHRONICLES
        1. A. From Adam to Israel (1:1-2:2)
        2. B. The Sons of Israel (2:3-8:40)
          1. 1. Judah (2:3-4:23)
          2. 2. Simeon (4:24-43)
          3. 3. Reuben (5:1-10)
          4. 4. Gad (5:11-22)
          5. 5. Manasseh (5:23-26)
          6. 6. Levi (6:1-81)
          7. 7. Issachar (7:1-5)
          8. 8. Benjamin (7:6-12)
          9. 9. Naphtali (7:13)
          10. 10. Manasseh (7:14-19)
          11. 11. Ephraim (7:20-29)
          12. 12. Asher (7:30-40)
          13. 13. Benjamin (8:1-40)
        3. C. Those Who Returned from Exile (9:1-34)
        4. II. The United Monarchy (1Chronicles 9:35-2Chronicles 9:31)
          1. A. The Reign of Saul (1Chronicles 9:35-10:14)
          2. 1. Saul’s Genealogy (9:35-44)
          3. 2. Saul’s Death (10:1-14)
          4. B. The Reign of David (11:1-29:30)
          5. 1. David’s Ascension and Widespread Support (11:1-12:40)
          6. 2. The Ark Brought to Jerusalem (13:1-16:43)
          7. 3. God Promises David an Everlasting Kingdom (17:1-27)
          8. 4. David’s Conquests (18:1-20:8)
          9. 5. Preparations for the Temple (21:1-29:20)
          10. a. Discovery of the Temple Site (21:1-22:1)
          11. b. David’s Plans for Temple Construction (22:2-19)
          12. c. Arrangement of Religious and Military Personnel (23:1-27:34)
          13. d. David Commissions Solomon to Construct the Temple (28:1-29:20)
          14. 6. Solomon’s Succession and David’s Death (29:21-30)
      13. 14-2CHRONICLES
        1. I. The Reign of Solomon (2Chronicles 1:1-9:31)
          1. A. Solomon Asks God for Wisdom (1:1-17)
          2. B. Construction of the Temple (2:1-3:17)
          3. C. The Temple Furnishings (4:1-5:1)
          4. D. Dedication of the Temple (5:2-7:10)
          5. E. God’s Covenant with Solomon (7:11-22)
          6. F. Other Events of Solomon’s Reign (8:1-18)
          7. G. Visit of the Queen of Sheba (9:1-12)
          8. H. Solomon’s Great Wealth (9:13-28)
          9. I. Solomon’s Death (9:29-31)
        2. II. The Kings of Judah during the Divided Kingdom (10:1-36:16)
          1. A. Rehoboam (10:1-12:16)
          2. B. Abijah (13:1-14:1)
          3. C. Asa (14:2-16:14)
          4. D. Jehoshaphat (17:1-21:1)
          5. E. Jehoram (21:2-20)
          6. F. Ahaziah (22:1-9)
          7. G. Athaliah (22:10-23:15)
          8. H. Joash (23:16-24:27)
          9. I. Amaziah (25:1-28)
          10. J. Uzziah (26:1-23)
          11. K. Jotham (27:1-9)
          12. L. Ahaz (28:1-27)
          13. M. Hezekiah (29:1-32:33)
          14. N. Manasseh (33:1-20)
          15. O. Amon (33:21-25)
          16. P. Josiah (34:1-36:1)
          17. Q. Jehoahaz (36:2-4)
          18. R. Jehoiakim (36:5-8)
          19. S. Jehoiachin (36:9-10)
          20. T. Zedekiah (36:11-14)
        3. IV. Exile and Release (36:15-23)
        4. Topic
      1. 15-EZRA
        1. I. Return of the Exiles and Temple Reconstruction (1:1-6:22)
          1. A. Return of the Exiles (1:1-2:70)
          2. 1. The Edict of Cyrus (1:1-4)
          3. 2. The Return Under Sheshbazzar (1:5-11)
          4. 3. List of Returning Exiles (2:1-70)
          5. B. Rebuilding of the Temple (3:1-6:22)
          6. 1. Rebuilding of the Altar (3:1-6)
          7. 2. Reconstruction of the Temple (3:7-6:22)
          8. a. Reconstruction Begun (3:7-13)
          9. b. Opposition to Reconstruction (4:1-24)
          10. c. Reconstruction Resumed and Renewed Opposition (5:1-6:5)
          11. d. Vindication and Completion of Reconstruction (6:6-22)
        2. II. Ezra’s Return and Reforms (7:1-10:44)
          1. A. The Return of Ezra (7:1-8:36)
          2. 1. Overview of Ezra’s Return (7:1-10)
          3. 2. Ezra’s Commission by Artaxerxes (7:11-28)
          4. 3. List of Those Returning with Ezra (8:1-14)
          5. 4. Ezra’s Return to Jerusalem (8:15-36)
          6. B. Ezra’s Reforms (9:1-10:44)
          7. 1. The Sin of Intermarriage (9:1-5)
          8. 2. Ezra’s Confession and Prayer (9:6-15)
          9. 3. The People’s Repentance (10:1-17)
          10. 4. List of Those Guilty of Intermarriage (10:18-44)
      2. 16-NEHEMIAH
        1. I. Nehemiah’s Return and Reconstruction of the Wall (1:1-7:3)
          1. A. Nehemiah Returns to Jerusalem (1:1-2:10)
          2. 1. The Report from Judah and Nehemiah’s Prayer (1:1-11)
          3. 2. Nehemiah Authorized by the King to Go to Jerusalem (1:12-2:10)
          4. B. Reconstruction of the Wall around Jerusalem (2:11-7:3)
          5. 1. Nehemiah’s Inspection and Proposal to Rebuild (2:11-20)
          6. 2. Reconstruction Begun (3:1-32)
          7. 3. External Opposition to the Reconstruction (4:1-23)
          8. 4. Internal Strife Threatens to Undermine Reconstruction (5:1-19)
          9. 5. Reconstruction Completed Despite Increasing Opposition (6:1-7:3)
        2. II. Reformation of the Post-exilic Community (7:4-13:31)
          1. A. List of the Returning Exiles (7:4-73)
          2. B. Renewal of the Covenant (8:1-10:39)
          3. 1. Ezra Reads the Law (8:1-18)
          4. 2. The People Confess Their Sins (9:1-38)
          5. 3. The Sealing of the Covenant (10:1-39)
          6. C. Dedication of the Wall (11:1-12:47)
          7. 1. Residents of Jerusalem and the Surrounding Towns (11:1-35)
          8. 2. List of Priests and Levites (12:1-26)
          9. 3. The Dedication Ceremony (12:27-43)
          10. 4. The Ministry of the Priests and Levites (12:44-47)
          11. D. Reform of the Community (13:1-31)
          12. 1. Separation from Foreigners (13:1-3)
          13. 2. Temple Reforms (13:4-14)
          14. 3. Observance of the Sabbath (13:15-22)
          15. 4. The Sin of Intermarriage (13:23-29)
          16. 5. Closing Summary of Nehemiah’s Reforms (13:30-31)
      3. 17-ESTHER
        1. I. Esther Becomes Queen of Persia (1:1-2:23)
          1. A. Queen Vashti’s Fall (1:1-22)
          2. B. Esther’s Rise (2:1-18)
          3. C. Mordecai Uncovers a Plot against Xerxes (2:19-23)
        2. II. Plot to Destroy the Jews (3:1-4:17)
          1. A. Mordecai’s Refusal to Bow to Haman (3:1-6)
          2. B. Haman’s Plot to Destroy Mordecai and His People (3:7-15)
          3. C. Mordecai Appeals to Esther for Help (4:1-17)
        3. III. Esther Delivers the Jews (5:1-9:15)
          1. A. Esther Appears Before Xerxes (5:1-8)
          2. B. Haman’s Plan to Have Mordecai Hanged (5:9-14)
          3. C. Mordecai Honored and Haman Humiliated (6:1-14)
          4. D. Haman Exposed and Executed (7:1-10)
          5. E. Xerxes’ Edict on Behalf of the Jews (8:1-17)
          6. F. The Jews Defeat Their Enemies (9:1-19)
        4. IV. The Establishment of Purim (9:20-32)
        5. V. Epilogue (10:1-3)
      4. 18-JOB
        1. I. Prologue (1:1-2:13)
          1. A. Job’s Righteousness (1:1-5)
          2. B. Job’s Testing (1:6-2:10)
          3. 1. Satan Accuses Job (1:6-12)
          4. 2. Job’s Faith in Spite of Tragedy (1:13-22)
          5. 3. Satan Accuses Job Again (2:1-6)
          6. 4. Job’s Faith in Spite of Physical Suffering (2:7-10)
          7. C. Arrival of Counselors (2:11-13)
        2. II. Dialogues (3:1-27:23)
          1. A. Job’s Lament (3:1-26)
          2. B. First Cycle of Speeches (4:1-14:22)
          3. 1. Eliphaz (4:1-5:27)
          4. 2. Job (6:1-7:21)
          5. 3. Bildad (8:1-22)
          6. 4. Job (9:1-10:22)
          7. 5. Zophar (11:1-20)
          8. 6. Job (12:1-14:22)
          9. C. Second Cycle of Speeches (15:1-21:34)
          10. 1. Eliphaz (15:1-35)
          11. 2. Job (16:1-17:16)
          12. 3. Bildad (18:1-21)
          13. 4. Job (19:1-29)
          14. 5. Zophar (20:1-29)
          15. 6. Job (21:1-34)
          16. D. Third Cycle of Speeches (22:1-27:23)
          17. 1. Eliphaz (22:1-30)
          18. 2. Job (23:1-24:25)
          19. 3. Bildad (25:1-6)
          20. 4. Job (26:1-27:23)
        3. III. Interlude: Hymn to Wisdom (28:1-28)
        4. IV. Discourses (29:1-41:34)
          1. A. Job’s Final Discourse (29:1-31:40)
          2. 1. Job’s Past Blessings (29:1-25)
          3. 2. Job’s Present Sufferings (30:1-31)
          4. 3. Job Swears to His Innocence (31:1-40)
          5. B. Elihu Takes Up the Argument (32:1-37:24)
          6. 1. First Speech (32:1-33:33)
          7. 2. Second Speech (34:1-37)
          8. 3. Third Speech (35:1-16)
          9. 4. Fourth Speech (36:1-37:24)
          10. C. God Responds to Job (38:1-42:6)
          11. 1. First Speech (38:1-40:2)
          12. 2. Job Humbled (40:3-5)
          13. 3. Second Speech (40:6-41:34)
          14. 4. Job Repentant (42:1-6)
        5. V. Epilogue (42:7-17)
          1. A. God Rebukes Job’s Counselers (42:7-9)
          2. B. Job’s Prosperity Restored (42:10-17)
      5. 19-PSALMS
        1. I. Book One (1-41)
          1. A. Introductory Psalms (1-2)
          2. B. Psalms of David (3-9, 11-32, 34-41)
        2. II. Book Two (42-72)
          1. A. Psalms of the Sons of Korah (42, 43-49)
          2. B. A Psalm of Asaph (50)
          3. C. Psalms of David (51-65, 68-70)
          4. D. A Psalm of Solomon (72)
        3. III. Book Three (73-89)
          1. A. Psalms of Asaph (73-83)
          2. B. Psalms of the Sons of Korah (84-85, 87-88)
          3. C. A Psalm of David (86)
        4. IV. Book Four (90-106)
          1. A. A Psalm of Moses (90)
          2. B. Psalms of Praise for the Congregation (95-100)
          3. C. Psalms of David (101, 103)
        5. V. Book Five (107-150)
          1. A. Psalms of David (108-110)
          2. B. Psalms of Hallelujah (111-113, 115-117)
          3. C. Songs of Ascent to Jerusalem (120-134)
          4. 1. Psalms of David (122, 124, 131, 133)
          5. 2. A Psalm of Solomon (127)
          6. D. Psalms of David (138-145)
          7. E. Psalms of Hallelujah (146-150)
      6. 20-PROVERBS
        1. I. Prologue: Purpose of the Book (1:1-7)
        2. II. The Way of Wisdom (1:8-9:18)
          1. A. Call to Heed Instruction (1:8-9)
          2. B. Warning against Violence and Bloodshed (1:10-19)
          3. C. Warning against Ignoring Wisdom’s Call (1:20-33)
          4. D. Wisdom as a Gift from the Lord (2:1-22)
          5. E. Benefits of Wisdom (3:1-26)
          6. F. Wisdom of Righteousness toward Others (3:27-35)
          7. G. The Supremacy of Wisdom (4:1-27)
          8. H. Warnings against Folly and Perversion (5:1-7:27)
          9. 1. Warning against Adultery (5:1-23)
          10. 2. Warning against Foolish and Perverse Ways (6:1-19)
          11. 3. Cost of Committing Adultery (6:20-35)
          12. 4. Warning against the Seduction of the Adulteress (7:1-27)
          13. I. The Call of Wisdom (8:1-36)
          14. J. Competing Calls of Wisdom and Folly (9:1-18)
        3. III. Proverbs of Solomon (10:1-22:16)
        4. IV. Sayings of the Wise Men (22:17-24:22)
        5. V. Additional Sayings of the Wise Men (24:23-34)
        6. VI. Additional Proverbs of Solomon, Copied by Hezekiah’s Men (25:1-29:27)
        7. VII. The Words of Agur (30:1-33)
        8. VIII. The Words of King Lemuel (31:1-31)
          1. A. The Ideal King (31:1-9)
          2. B. The Ideal Wife (31:10-31)
        1. I. Introduction: “Everything is Meaningless!” (1:1-11)
        2. II. The Search for Meaning (1:12-3:22)
          1. A. Not to be Found in Human Effort (1:12-2:23)
          2. 1. Wisdom is Meaningless (1:12-18)
          3. 2. Pleasure and Achievement are Meaningless (2:1-11)
          4. 3. Both Wise and Foolish Suffer the Same Fate (2:12-16)
          5. 4. All We Work For Must Be Left to Others (2:17-23)
          6. B. Found Only in Accepting One’s Place Before God (2:24-3:15)
          7. 1. Satisfaction Comes from God (2:24-26)
          8. 2. Everything Occurs in its Proper Time (3:1-8)
          9. 3. Our Desire for Meaning Should Point Us to God (3:9-15)
          10. 4. God’s Justice Will Prevail Over Injustice (3:16-17)
          11. 5. The Transitoriness of Life Teaches Us to Revere God (3:18-22)
        3. III. The Frustrations of Life (4:1-7:29)
          1. A. Cannot be Avoided (4:1-6:12)
          2. 1. Oppression of the Powerless (4:1-3)
          3. 2. Competition and Isolation (4:4-12)
          4. 3. Human Loyalty is Fleeting (4:13-16)
          5. 4. The Danger of Hasty Vows (5:1-7)
          6. 5. Riches Bring No Satisfaction (5:8-6:9)
          7. 6. No Certainty of Change (6:10-12)
          8. B. Can Teach Us Wisdom (7:1-29)
          9. 1. The Need to Accept Life’s Hardships (7:1-12)
          10. 2. Both Prosperity and Adversity are from God (7:13-18)
          11. 3. The Limitations of Human Wisdom and Righteousness (7:19-29)
        4. IV. Living a Life of Wisdom (8:1-12:7)
          1. A. Obey the King (8:1-9)
          2. B. Live Justly, Even if the Wicked Sometimes Prosper (8:10-15)
          3. C. Know that You Will Never Have Complete Understanding (8:16-17)
          4. D. Death is Inevitable, So Make the Most of Life (9:1-10)
          5. E. Expect the Unexpected (9:11-12)
          6. F. Wisdom and Folly (9:13-10:20)
          7. G. Being Prepared for an Uncertain Future (11:1-6)
          8. H. Enjoy Life While Remaining Accountable to God (11:7-10)
          9. I. Don’t Wait Until You are Old to Come to Terms with Life (12:1-7)
        5. V. Conclusion: Fear God and Keep His Commands (12:8-14)
        6. I. Introduction: “Everything is Meaningless!” (1:1-11)
        7. II. The Search for Meaning (1:12-3:22)
          1. A. Not to be Found in Human Effort (1:12-2:23)
          2. 1. Wisdom is Meaningless (1:12-18)
          3. 2. Pleasure and Achievement are Meaningless (2:1-11)
          4. 3. Both Wise and Foolish Suffer the Same Fate (2:12-16)
          5. 4. All We Work For Must Be Left to Others (2:17-23)
          6. B. Found Only in Accepting One’s Place Before God (2:24-3:15)
          7. 1. Satisfaction Comes from God (2:24-26)
          8. 2. Everything Occurs in its Proper Time (3:1-8)
          9. 3. Our Desire for Meaning Should Point Us to God (3:9-15)
          10. 4. God’s Justice Will Prevail Over Injustice (3:16-17)
          11. 5. The Transitoriness of Life Teaches Us to Revere God (3:18-22)
        8. III. The Frustrations of Life (4:1-7:29)
          1. A. Cannot be Avoided (4:1-6:12)
          2. 1. Oppression of the Powerless (4:1-3)
          3. 2. Competition and Isolation (4:4-12)
          4. 3. Human Loyalty is Fleeting (4:13-16)
          5. 4. The Danger of Hasty Vows (5:1-7)
          6. 5. Riches Bring No Satisfaction (5:8-6:9)
          7. 6. No Certainty of Change (6:10-12)
          8. B. Can Teach Us Wisdom (7:1-29)
          9. 1. The Need to Accept Life’s Hardships (7:1-12)
          10. 2. Both Prosperity and Adversity are from God (7:13-18)
          11. 3. The Limitations of Human Wisdom and Righteousness (7:19-29)
        9. IV. Living a Life of Wisdom (8:1-12:7)
          1. A. Obey the King (8:1-9)
          2. B. Live Justly, Even if the Wicked Sometimes Prosper (8:10-15)
          3. C. Know that You Will Never Have Complete Understanding (8:16-17)
          4. D. Death is Inevitable, So Make the Most of Life (9:1-10)
          5. E. Expect the Unexpected (9:11-12)
          6. F. Wisdom and Folly (9:13-10:20)
          7. G. Being Prepared for an Uncertain Future (11:1-6)
          8. H. Enjoy Life While Remaining Accountable to God (11:7-10)
          9. I. Don’t Wait Until You are Old to Come to Terms with Life (12:1-7)
        10. V. Conclusion: Fear God and Keep His Commands (12:8-14)
      8. 22-SONGofSOLOMON
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. The Joyful Courtship (1:2-2:17)
          1. A. The Lovers’ Mutual Admiration (1:2-2:7)
          2. B. The Lover Comes for His Beloved (2:8-17)
        3. III. The Pain of Waiting (3:1-6:3)
          1. A. A Sleepless Night (3:1-5)
          2. B. A Royal Procession (3:6-11)
          3. C. The Lover’s Praise for His Beloved (4:1-5:1)
          4. D. The Maiden’s Anxious Longing for Her Lover (5:2-6:3)
        4. IV. The Height of Passion (6:4-8:4)
          1. A. The Lover’s Passionate Desire for His Beloved (6:4-7:9)
          2. B. The Maiden’s Wish for Intimacy (7:10-8:4)
        5. V. Love’s Incomparable Worth (8:5-14)
          1. A. In Praise of Love (8:5-8)
          2. B. Conclusion (8:9-14)
      9. 23-ISAIAH
        1. I. Introduction to Isaiah’s Ministry (1:1-6:13)
          1. A. Oracles of Judgment and Promise (1:1-5:30)
          2. 1. Judah as Rebellious Children (1:1-31)
          3. 2. The Day of the Lord (2:1-22)
          4. 3. Judah and Jerusalem Punished (3:1-4:1)
          5. 4. The Branch of the Lord (4:2-6)
          6. 5. The Song of the Vineyard (5:1-7)
          7. 6. Woes for Sinful Behaviours (5:8-30)
          8. B. Isaiah’s Call (6:1-13)
        2. II. The Assyrian Crisis (7:1-39)
          1. A. Ahaz’s Reign (7:1-39:8)
          2. 1. The Sign of Isaiah’s Son (7:1-8:18)
          3. 2. The Hope of David’s Son (8:19-9:7)
          4. 3. Judgment of Samaria (9:8-10:4)
          5. 4. Judgment of Assyria (10:5-19)
          6. 5. Hope for the Remnant of Judah (10:20-34)
          7. 6. The Branch of Jesse (11:1-16)
          8. 7. A Song of Praise (12:1-6)
          9. B. Judgment of the Nations and Hope of Restoration (13:1-27:13)
          10. 1. Assyria (13:1-14:27)
          11. 2. Philistia (14:28-32)
          12. 3. Moab (15:1-16:14)
          13. 4. Damascus (17:1-14)
          14. 5. Cush (18:1-7)
          15. 6. Egypt and Cush (19:1-20:6)
          16. 7. Babylon (21:1-10)
          17. 8. Edom (21:11-12)
          18. 9. Arabia (21:13-17)
          19. 10. Jerusalem (22:1-25)
          20. 11. Tyre (23:1-18)
          21. 12. The Day of the Lord (24:1-23)
          22. 13. Deliverance and Hope (25:1-12)
          23. 14. A Song of Praise (26:1-21)
          24. 15. The Remnant Restored (27:1-13)
          25. C. Hezekiah’s Reign (28:1-39:8)
          26. 1. Woe to Ephraim and Jerusalem (28:1-29:24)
          27. 2. Warning about Egypt (30:1-31:9)
          28. 3. The Future of Jerusalem (32:1-35:10)
          29. 4. Sennacherib’s Invasion and Threat (36:1-22)
          30. 5. Hezekiah’s Trust in the Lord (37:1-20)
          31. 6. Sennacherib’s Fall and Death (37:21-38)
          32. 7. Hezekiah’s Healing and Failure (38:1-39:8)
        3. III. The Babylonian Crisis (40:1-66:24)
          1. A. Isaiah’s Call to Comfort the People (40:1-11)
          2. B. God’s Power for Restoration (40:12-44:23)
          3. 1. God’s Power Disputed (40:12-31)
          4. 2. God’s Plan for Restoration (41:1-42:9)
          5. 3. Praise for Restoration (42:10-17)
          6. 4. Justice of the Exile Discussed (42:18-25)
          7. 5. God’s Merciful Restoration of Israel (43:1-44:23)
          8. C. The Lord’s Agents of Restoration (44:24-56:8)
          9. 1. The Lord Appoints Cyrus (44:24-45:25)
          10. 2. The Destruction of Babylon (46:1-47:15)
          11. 3. Call to Israel to Flee Babylon (48:1-22)
          12. 4. The Lord’s Servant and the Restoration (49:1-50:11)
          13. 5. The Remnant Comforted (51:1-52:12)
          14. 6. The Suffering Servant (52:13-53:12)
          15. 7. Hymn of Praise and the Renewal of the Covenant (54:1-56:8)
          16. D. Response to Renewal and Restoration (56:9-66:24)
          17. 1. The Lord’s Accusation of the Wicked (56:9-57:21)
          18. 2. True and False Worship (58:1-59:21)
          19. 3. Zion’s Peace (60:1-22)
          20. 4. The Lord’s Favor (61:1-11)
          21. 5. Zion’s Glory (62:1-63:6)
          22. 6. Prayer for Divine Deliverance (63:7-64:12)
          23. 7. Judgment, Salvation, and Hope (65:1-66:24)
      10. 24-JEREMIAH
        1. I. The Call of Jeremiah (1:1-19)
        2. II. Oracles of Judgment and Promise for Judah (2:1-29:32)
          1. A. The Case Against God’s People (2:1-2:37)
          2. B. The Call for Judah’s Return (3:1-4:4)
          3. C. Images of Judgment Against Judah (4:5-6:30)
          4. D. False Worship (7:1-8:3)
          5. E. Judah’s Sin and the Lord’s Punishment (8:4-9:26)
          6. F. The Lord and Idols (10:1-25)
          7. G. The Covenant Broken (11:1-17)
          8. H. The Plot Against Jeremiah (11:18-13:27)
          9. I. Drought, Sword, and Famine (14:1-15:27)
          10. J. Signs of Disaster and Comfort (16:1-17:18)
          11. K. Keeping the Sabbath (17:19-27)
          12. L. Instruction with Pottery (18:1-19:13)
          13. M. Jeremiah at the Temple (19:14-20:18)
          14. N. Judgment Against Evil Kings (21:1-22:30)
          15. O. The Promise of the Davidic King (23:1-8)
          16. P. Judgment of the False Prophets (23:9-40)
          17. Q. Good and Bad Figs (24:1-10)
          18. R. Seventy Years of Captivity (25:1-38)
          19. S. Jeremiah’s Life Threatened (26:1-24)
          20. T. Judah to Serve Babylon (27:1-22)
          21. U. Hananiah, the False Prophet (28:1-17)
          22. V. Jeremiah’s Letter to the Exiles (29:1-32)
        3. III. Promises of Restoration (30:1-33:26)
          1. A. Fortunes Restored (30:1-31:26)
          2. B. The New Covenant (31:27-40)
          3. C. Jeremiah Buys a Field as a Sign (32:1-49)
          4. D. David Will Never Fall (33:1-26)
        4. IV. The Last Days of Jerusalem (34:1-39:18)
          1. A. Jeremiah’s Message Rejected (34:1-36:32)
          2. B. Jeremiah Imprisoned (37:1-38:28)
          3. C. The Fall of Jerusalem (39:1-18)
        5. V. The Aftermath of the Fall (40:1-45:5)
          1. A. Jeremiah Freed (40:1-12)
          2. B. Gedeliah’s Assasination (40:13-41:18)
          3. C. Jeremiah Warns Against Fleeing to Egypt (42:1-22)
          4. D. Flight to Egypt (43:1-13)
          5. E. Prophecy in Egypt (44:1-30)
          6. F. The Lord’s Promise to Baruch (45:1-5)
        6. VI. Oracles Against the Nations (46:1-52:34)
          1. A. Egypt (46:1-28)
          2. B. Philistia (47:1-7)
          3. C. Moab (48:1-47)
          4. D. Ammon (49:1-6)
          5. E. Edom (49:7-22)
          6. F. Damascus (49:23-27)
          7. G. Kedar and Hazor (49:28-33)
          8. H. Elam (49:34-39)
          9. I. Babylon (50:1-51:64)
        7. VII. Historical Appendix: The Fall of Jerusalem (52:1-34)
      11. 25-LAMENTATIONS
        1. I. Jerusalem’s Desolation (1:1-22)
        2. II. The Lord’s Anger With Judah (2:1-22)
        3. III. Judah’s Affliction and Consolation (3:1-66)
        4. IV. Judah’s Defilement (4:1-22)
        5. V. Judah’s Petition for Redemption (5:1-22)
      12. 26-EZEKIEL
        1. I. Oracles of Judgment Against Judah (1:1-24:27)
          1. A. Ezekiel’s Call (1:1-3:27)
          2. 1. Visions of the Lord (1:1-28)
          3. 2. Ezekiel’s Commision (2:1-3:15)
          4. 3. Ezekiel Made a Watchman (3:16-3:27)
          5. B. The Siege of Jerusalem Symbolized (4:1-5:17)
          6. C. The Lord’s Judgment (6:1-7:27)
          7. 1. Oracle Against the Mountains (6:1-14)
          8. 2. The End Has Come (7:1-27)
          9. D. Idolatry and Punishment (8:1-11:25)
          10. 1. Idols in the Temple (8:1-18)
          11. 2. Idolaters Slaughtered (9:1-11)
          12. 3. The Glory of the Lord Departs (10:1-22)
          13. 4. The Lord Judges the Leaders (11:1-25)
          14. E. The Exile Symbolized (12:1-28)
          15. F. The Lord’s Case Against Judah (13:1-24:7)
          16. 1. Oracle Against the False Prophets (13:1-23)
          17. 2. Oracle Against Idolatry (14:1-23)
          18. 3. Jerusalem as a Worthless Vine (15:1-8)
          19. 4. Jerusalem as an Unfaithful Woman (16:1-63)
          20. 5. Parable of the Two Eagles and a Vine (17:1-24)
          21. 6. The Sins of the Individual (18:1-32)
          22. 7. Lament for Israel’s Princes (19:1-14)
          23. 8. Israel’s Rebelliousness (20:1-49)
          24. 9. Babylon, The Sword of the Lord (21:1-32)
          25. 10. Jerusalem, A City of Bloodshed (22:1-30)
          26. 11. Parable of Two Adulterous Sisters (23:1-49)
          27. 12. Parable of the Cooking Pot (24:1-14)
          28. 13. The Death of Ezekiel’s Wife (24:15-27)
        2. II. Oracles of Judgment Against the Nations (25:1-32:32)
          1. A. Ammon (25:1-7)
          2. B. Moab (25:8-11)
          3. C. Edom (25:12-14)
          4. D. Philistia (25:15-17)
          5. E. Tyre (26:1-28:19)
          6. F. Sidon (28:20-26)
          7. G. Egypt (29:1-32:32)
        3. III. Oracles of Restoration for Judah (33:1-48:35)
          1. A. Fall and Restoration (33:1-39:29)
          2. 1. Ezekiel a Watchman (33:1-20)
          3. 2. Jerusalem’s Fall (33:21-33)
          4. 3. Woe to the Shepherds of Israel (34:1-31)
          5. 4. Oracle Against Edom (35:1-15)
          6. 5. Restoration for Israel and its Mountains (36:1-38)
          7. 6. The Valley of Dry Bones (37:1-14)
          8. 7. Judah and Israel Reunited (37:15-28)
          9. 8. Oracle Against Gog and Magog (38:1-39:29)
          10. B. Vision of a Restored Jerusalem (40:1-48:35)
          11. 1. A New Temple (40:1-42:20)
          12. 2. Return of the Glory of the Lord (43:1-27)
          13. 3. Details of the Priesthood (44:1-45:12)
          14. 4. Offerings and Festivals (45:13-46:24)
          15. 5. The River of Life (47:1-12)
          16. 6. Allotment of the Land (47:13-48:29)
          17. 7. The City Gates (48:30-35)
      13. 27-DANIEL
        1. I. Stories About Daniel (1:1-6:28)
          1. A. Daniel During Nebuchadnezzar’s Reign (1:1-4:37)
          2. 1. Daniel’s Training (1:1-21)
          3. 2. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the Statue (2:1-49)
          4. 3. Daniel’s Friends in the Blazing Furnace (3:1-30)
          5. 4. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the Tree (4:1-37)
          6. B. Daniel During Later Kings’ Reigns (5:1-6:28)
          7. 1. The Writing on the Wall at Belshazzar’s Banquet (5:1-30)
          8. 2. Darius Casts Daniel in the Lions’ Den (6:1-28)
        2. II. Daniel’s Visions (7:1-12:13)
          1. A. Visions During the Babylonian Dynasty (7:1-8:27)
          2. 1. The Dream of the Four Beasts (7:1-28)
          3. 2. Vision of a Ram and a Goat (8:1-27)
          4. B. Visions During the Persian Dynasty (9:1-12:13)
          5. 1. Daniel’s Prayer and the Seventy “Sevens” (9:1-27)
          6. 2. Vision of an Angelic Messenger (10:1-11:1)
          7. 3. The Kings of the South and the North (11:2-45)
          8. 4. The Last Things (12:1-13)
      14. 28-HOSEA
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. Hosea’s Symbolic Marriage (1:2-3:5)
          1. A. Hosea’s Adulterous Wife and Children (1:2-2:1)
          2. B. Divine Punishment and Restoration of Israel (2:2-23)
          3. C. Hosea Reconciled to His Wife (3:1-5)
        3. III. Oracles of Judgment (4:1-9:9)
          1. A. The Case Against Israel (4:1-5:7)
          2. B. The Battle Cry of the Lord (5:8-15)
          3. C. Israel’s Unrepentance (6:1-7:16)
          4. D. Israel’s Punishment (8:1-9:9)
        4. IV. Prophetic Reflections on Israel’s History (9:10-14:9)
          1. A. Israel Like Grapes and Figs (9:10-17)
          2. B. Israel Like a Spreading Vine (10:1-10)
          3. C. Israel Like a Trained Heifer (10:11-15)
          4. D. Israel Like a Growing Child (11:1-11)
          5. E. Israel’s Wickedness (11:12-12:14)
          6. F. The Lord’s Wrath (13:1-16)
          7. G. Call for Repentance and Reconciliation (14:1-9)
      15. 29-JOEL
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. Oracles of Invasion and Destruction (1:2-2:14)
          1. A. Call for Fasting and Repentance (1:2-20)
          2. B. The Day of the Lord is Coming (2:1-14)
        3. III. Oracles of Hope and Restoration (2:15-3:21)
          1. A. The Lord Takes Pity (2:15-32)
          2. B. Judgment of the Nations (3:1-16)
          3. C. Jerusalem Blessed (3:17-21)
      16. 30-AMOS
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. The Lord Judges the Nations (1:2-2:3)
        3. III. Judah and Israel Judged With the Nations (2:4-16)
        4. IV. The Case Against Israel (3:1-6:14)
          1. A. Witnesses Against Israel (3:1-15)
          2. B. Israel’s Unrepentance (4:1-13)
          3. C. Lament Over Punishment (5:1-17)
          4. D. Woes Against Idolatry and Complacency (5:18-6:7)
          5. E. Sovereign Oath Against Israel (6:8-14)
        5. IV. Visions Against Israel (7:1-9:10)
          1. A. Locusts, Fire, and a Plumbline (7:1-9)
          2. B. Amos and Amaziah the Priest (7:10-17)
          3. C. A Basket of Ripe Fruit (8:1-14)
          4. D. The Lord and the Altar (9:1-10)
        6. V. Israel and Judah Restored (9:11-14)
      17. 31-OBADIAH
        1. I. Title (1)
        2. II. The Lord Declares War on Edom (2-14)
        3. III. The Day of the Lord is Near (15-21)
      18. 32-JONAH
        1. I. Jonah Runs From His Mission (1:1-2:10)
          1. A. Jonah’s Commission and Flight (1:1-6)
          2. B. Jonah’s Punishment (1:7-17)
          3. C. Jonah’s Prayer and Deliverance (2:1-10)
        2. II. Jonah’s Reluctant Obedience (3:1-4:11)
          1. A. Jonah Proclaims Message to Nineveh (3:1-4)
          2. B. The Ninevites Repent (3:5-10)
          3. C. Jonah Angry With the Lord’s Mercy (4:1-11)
      19. 33-MICAH
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. Oracles Against Israel and Judah (1:2-3:12)
          1. A. Judgment and Punishment (1:2-16)
          2. B. God’s Plans Against Man’s Plans (2:1-13)
          3. C. Leaders, Rulers, and Prophets Condemned (3:1-12)
        3. III. Hope of Restoration (4:1-5:15)
          1. A. Mount Zion’s Restoration (4:1-13)
          2. B. The Messiah from Bethlehem Promised (5:1-5)
          3. C. The Remnant Delivered and Enemies Destroyed (5:6-15)
        4. IV. Israel to Rise from Punishment and Misery (6:1-7:20)
          1. A. The Case Against Israel (6:1-16)
          2. B. Israel’s Misery (7:1-7)
          3. C. The Lord Restores Israel (7:8-20)
      20. 34-NAHUM
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. The Lord’s Anger with Nineveh (1:2-13)
        3. III. Nineveh’s Destruction (1:14-2:13)
        4. IV. Woe to Nineveh (3:1-19)
      21. 35-HABAKKUK
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. Habakkuk’s First Complaint and the Lord’s Response (1:2-11)
        3. III. Habakkuk’s Second Complaint and the Lord’s Response (1:12-2:20)
        4. IV. Habakkuk’s Prayer (3:1-19)
      22. 36-ZEPHANIAH
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. Judgment Against Judah (1:2-2:3)
        3. III. Judgment Against the Nations (2:4-15)
        4. IV. The Remnant Purified and Restored (3:1-20)
      23. 37-HAGGAI
        1. I. Call to Rebuild the Temple (1:1-11)
        2. II. Zerubbabel and the Remnant Respond (1:12-15)
        3. III. The Promise of the Return of the Temple’s Glory (2:1-9)
        4. IV. The Lord’s Blessing (2:10-19)
        5. V. Zerubbabel, The Lord’s Servant (2:20-23)
      24. 38-ZECHARIAH
        1. I. Zechariah’s Encouragment to Reconstruct the Temple (1:1-8:23)
          1. A. Call For Repentance (1:1-6)
          2. B. Eight Visions at Night (1:7-6:15)
          3. 1. The Man in the Myrtle Trees (1:7-17)
          4. 2. Four Horns and Four Craftsmen (1:18-21)
          5. 3. A Man with a Measuring Line (2:1-13)
          6. 4. Clean Clothes for Joshua, the High Priest (3:1-10)
          7. 5. The Gold Lampstand and Two Olive Trees (4:1-14)
          8. 6. The Flying Scroll (5:1-4)
          9. 7. The Woman in the Measuring Basket (5:5-11)
          10. 8. Four Chariots (6:1-8)
          11. C. A Crown for Joshua, the High Priest (6:9-15)
          12. D. A Question About Fasting (7:1-14)
          13. E. The Lord Will Bless Jerusalem Again (8:1-23)
        2. II. Oracles About the Future of God’s Kingdom (9:1-14:21)
          1. A. The First Oracle (9:1-11:17)
          2. 1. Judgment of the Nations (9:1-8)
          3. 2. Zion’s Coming King (9:9-17)
          4. 3. The Lord’s Provision for Judah (10:1-11:3)
          5. 4. The Two Shepherds (11:4-17)
          6. B. The Second Oracle (12:1-14:21)
          7. 1. Jerusalem’s Enemies Destroyed (12:1-9)
          8. 2. Descriptions of the Messiah (12:10-13:9)
          9. 3. The Day of the Lord (14:1-21)
      25. 39-MALACHI
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. God’s Love For Israel (1:2-5)
        3. III. Israel’s Unfaithfulness (1:6-2:16)
          1. A. Contemptable Sacrifices (1:6-14)
          2. B. The Priesthood Rebuked (2:1-9)
          3. C. Judah’s Marital Unfaithfulness (2:10-16)
        4. IV. The Day of the Lord is Coming (2:17-4:6)
          1. A. The Day of Judgment (2:17-3:6)
          2. B. Stealing from God (3:7-18)
          3. C. The Day of the Lord (4:1-6)
      1. 01 BibleOutline GENESIS
        1. I. The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (1:1-2:3)
        2. II. The Account of the Heavens and the Earth (2:4-4:26)
          1. A. Adam and Eve in Paradise (2:4-25)
          2. B. The Fall into Sin (3:1-24)
          3. C. The Line of Cain: Sin’s Increase (4:1-24)
          4. D. The Birth of Seth: Men Begin to Call on the LORD (4:25-26)
        3. III. The Account of Adam (5:1-6:8)
          1. A. The Line of Seth: A Godly Remnant (5:1-32)
          2. B. The Escalation of Sin Before the Flood (6:1-8)
        4. IV. The Account of Noah (6:9-9:29)
          1. D. Prophecies About Noah’s Sons (9:18-29)
          2. B. The Flood and Deliverance of Noah’s Family (7:11-8:19)
          3. A. Preparation for the Flood (6:9-7:10)
          4. C. God’s Covenant Not to Destroy the Earth (8:20-9:17)
        5. V. The Account of Shem, Ham, and Japheth (10:1-11:9)
          1. A. The Spread of the Nations (10:1-32)
          2. B. The Tower of Babel (11:1-9)
        6. VII. The Account of Terah (11:27-25:11)
          1. A. Genealogy (11:27-32)
          2. B. Covenant with Abraham: His Land/People (12:1-22:19)
          3. 1. The Call to the Promised Land (12:1-9)
          4. 2. Sojourn in Egypt (12:10-20)
          5. 3. Lot and Abram Separate (13:1-18)
          6. 4. Abram Defeats the Five Kings (14:1-24)
          7. 5. God’s Covenant Promise (15:1-21)
          8. 6. Hagar and Ishmael (16:1-16)
          9. 7. God’s Covenant Sign: Circumcision (17:1-27)
          10. 8. Sarah to Bear a Son (18:1-15)
          11. 9. Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed; Lot’s Escape (18:16-19:38)
          12. 10. Abraham and Abimelech (20:1-18)
          13. 11. The Birth of Isaac (21:1-7)
          14. 12. Hagar and Ishmael Banished (21:8-21)
          15. 13. Prosperity in the Land (21:22-34)
          16. 14. Abraham’s Faith Tested (22:1-19)
          17. C. Transition to Isaac (22:20-25:11)
          18. 1. Rebekah’s Family Background (22:20-24)
          19. 2. The Death of Sarah (23:1-20)
          20. 3. Isaac Marries Rebekah (24:1-67)
          21. 4. Isaac the Sole Heir (25:1-6)
          22. 5. The Death of Abraham (25:7-11)
        7. VIII. The Account of Ishmael (25:12-18)
        8. IX. The Account of Isaac (25:19-35:29)
          1. A. The Birth of Jacob and Esau (25:19-28)
          2. B. Esau Sells His Birthright (25:29-34)
          3. C. Isaac and Abimilech (26:1-35)
          4. D. Jacob Steals Esau’s Blessing (27:1-40)
          5. E. Jacob’s Increase in Exile (27:41-32:32)
          6. 1. Jacob Sent to Laban (27:41-28:9)
          7. 2. Jacob’s Dream at Bethel (28:10-22)
          8. 3. Jacob’s Marriage to Leah and Rachel (29:1-30)
          9. 4. The Birth of the Tribal Patriarchs (29:31-30:24)
          10. 5. Jacob Plunders Laban (30:25-43)
          11. 6. Jacob Flees From Laban (31:1-55)
          12. 7. Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau (32:1-21)
          13. 8. Jacob Wrestles with God (32:22-32)
          14. F. Esau and Jacob Reconciled (33:1-20)
          15. G. Transition to Jacob (34:1-35:29)
          16. 1. Dinah’s Rape and Her Brothers’ Revenge (34:1-31)
          17. 2. Return to Bethel (35:1-15)
          18. 3. The Death of Rachel (35:16-20)
          19. 4. Jacob’s Sons (35:21-26)
          20. 5. The Death of Isaac (35:27-29)
        9. X. The Account of Esau (36:1-37:1)
        10. XI. The Account of Jacob (37:2-50:26)
        11. XI. The Account of Jacob (37:2-50:26)
          1. A. Joseph’s Dream of Supremacy (37:2-11)
          2. B. Joseph Sold by His Brothers (37:12-36)
          3. C. Judah and Tamar (38:1-30)
          4. D. Joseph’s Rise to Greatness in Egypt (39:1-41:57)
          5. 1. Joseph in Potiphar’s Household (39:1-23)
          6. 2. Joseph’s Imprisonment (40:1-23)
          7. 3. Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams (41:1-36)
          8. 4. Joseph Given Authority in Egypt (41:37-57)
          9. E. Joseph Reunited with His Brothers (42:1-45:28)
          10. F. Transition to Exodus (46:1-50:26)
          11. 1. Migration to Egypt (46:1-27)
          12. 2. Preservation in Goshen (46:28-47:31)
          13. 3. Jacob’s Blessings on the Twelve Tribes (48:1-49:28)
          14. 4. Jacob’s Death and Burial in Canaan (49:29-50:14)
          15. 5. Joseph’s Death (50:15-26)
        12. VI. The Account of Shem (11:10-26)
      2. 02 BibleOutline EXODUS
        1. I. The Exodus From Egypt (1:1-15:21)
          1. A. God Remembers His People (1:1-2:25)
          2. 1. Israel’s Suffering (1:1-22)
          3. 2. The Birth of Moses (2:1-10)
          4. 3. Moses Flees to Midian (2:11-25)
          5. B. The Call of Moses (3:1-4:31)
          6. C. Pharaoh Refuses to Let the Israelites Go (5:1-7:13)
          7. D. God’s Judgment Against Egypt (7:14-11:10)
          8. 1. First Plague: Water Turned to Blood (7:14-24)
          9. 2. Second Plague: Frogs (7:25-8:15)
          10. 3. Third Plague: Gnats (8:16-19)
          11. 4. Fourth Plague: Flies (8:20-32)
          12. 5. Fifth Plague: Against Livestock (9:1-7)
          13. 6. Sixth Plague: Boils (9:8-12)
          14. 7. Seventh Plague: Hail (9:13-35)
          15. 8. Eighth Plague: Locusts (10:1-20)
          16. 9. Ninth Plague: Darkness (10:21-29)
          17. 10. Announcement of Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn (11:1-10)
          18. E. The Passover (12:1-28)
          19. F. Deliverance From Egypt (12:29-13:16)
          20. G. Salvation at the Red Sea (13:17-15:21)
        2. III. The Covenant at Sinai (19:1-24:18)
          1. A. Preparation for the Covenant (19:1-25)
          2. B. Proclamation of the Covenant (20:1-23:33)
          3. 1. The Ten Commandments (20:1-21)
          4. 2. Law of the Altar (20:22-26)
          5. 3. Laws Regarding Slaves (21:1-11)
          6. 4. Laws Regarding Violence (21:12-27)
          7. 5. Laws Regarding Animals (21:28-36)
          8. 6. Laws Regarding Property (22:1-15)
          9. 7. Miscellaneous Laws (22:16-23:9)
          10. 8. Sabbaths and Feasts (23:10-19)
          11. 9. God’s Covenant Promises (23:20-33)
          12. C. Israel Affirms the Covenant (24:1-18)
        3. II. The Wilderness Testing (15:22-18:27)
          1. A. The Waters of Marah (15:22-27)
          2. B. The Manna and Quail (16:1-36)
          3. C. The Waters of Meribah (17:1-7)
          4. D. Victory over the Amalekites (17:8-16)
          5. E. Organization of the People (18:1-27)
        4. IV. The Worship of the LORD (25:1-40:38)
          1. A. God’s Instructions Concerning Worship (25:1-31:18)
          2. 1. The Tabernacle and its Furnishings (25:1-27:21)
          3. 2. The Priests and their Ministry (28:1-30:38)
          4. 3. The Builders of the Tabernacle Appointed (31:1-11)
          5. 4. The Sabbath a Sign of the Covenant (31:12-18)
          6. B. False Worship (32:1-34:35)
          7. 1. The Golden Calf (32:1-29)
          8. 2. God Threatens to Remove His Presence (32:30-33:23)
          9. 3. God Renews His Covenant (34:1-35)
          10. C. The Building of the Tabernacle (35:1-40:38)
          11. 1. Reiteration of Sabbath Law (35:1-3)
          12. 2. Offerings for the Tabernacle (35:4-29)
          13. 3. Bezalel and His Craftsmen (35:30-36:7)
          14. 4. The Process of Building (36:8-39:31)
          15. 5. The Completion of the Work (39:32-43)
          16. 6. Erection of the Tabernacle (40:1-33)
          17. 7. God’s Glory Fills the Tabernacle (40:34-38)
      3. 03 BibleOutline LEVITICUS
        1. I. The Offering of Sacrifices (1:1-7:38)
          1. A. Instructions to the People (1:1-6:7)
          2. 1. The Burnt Offering (1:1-17)
          3. 2. The Grain Offering (2:1-16)
          4. 3. The Peace Offering (3:1-17)
          5. 4. The Sin Offering (4:1-5:13)
          6. 5. The Guilt Offering (5:14-6:7)
          7. B. Instructions to the Priests (6:8-7:36)
          8. 1. The Burnt Offering (6:8-13)
          9. 2. The Grain Offering (6:14-23)
          10. 3. The Sin Offering (6:24-30)
          11. 4. The Guilt Offering (7:1-10)
          12. 5. The Peace Offering (7:11-36)
          13. C. Summary (7:37-38)
        2. II. The Institution of the Priesthood (8:1-10:20)
          1. A. Ordination of Aaron and His Sons (8:1-36)
          2. B. Aaron’s Sacrifice (9:1-24)
          3. C. Judgment against Aaron’s Sons (10:1-20)
        3. III. Laws Regarding Uncleanness (11:1-15:33)
          1. A. Food (11:1-47)
          2. B. Childbirth (12:1-8)
          3. C. Skin Diseases and Mildew (13:1-14:57)
          4. D. Discharges (15:1-33)
        4. IV. Living in Holiness (16:1-25:55)
          1. A. The Day of Atonement (16:1-34)
          2. B. Eating Blood Forbidden (17:1-16)
          3. C. Unlawful Sexual Behavior (18:1-30)
          4. D. Civil and Religious Laws (19:1-37)
          5. E. Miscellaneous Laws and Punishments (20:1-27)
          6. F. Laws Regarding Priests (21:1-22:33)
          7. G. Appointed Feasts (23:1-44)
          8. H. Oil and Bread before the Tabernacle (24:1-9)
          9. I. A Blasphemer Stoned (24:10-23)
          10. J. Sabbath Years (25:1-55)
          11. V. Covenant Blessings and Curses (26:1-46)
          12. VI. Rules on Vows and Tithes (27:1-34)
      4. 04 BibleOutline NUMBERS
        1. I. Preparations for Journey from Sinai (1:1-10:10)
          1. A. Numbering/Organization of the Tribes (1:1-4:49)
          2. 1. Census of the Men of War (1:1-54)
          3. 2. Placement of the Tribes in the Camp and March (2:1-34)
          4. 3. Numbering and Placement of the Levites (3:1-4:49)
          5. B. Commands for Purity among the People (5:1-10:10)
          6. 1. The Removal of Defilement from the Camp (5:1-31)
          7. 2. The Nazirite Vow (6:1-21)
          8. 3. The Aaronic Blessing (6:22-27)
          9. 4. Consecration of the Tabernacle (7:1-8:4)
          10. 5. Consecration of the Levites (8:5-26)
          11. 6. Observance of the Passover (9:1-14)
          12. 7. Departure Signalled by the Cloud and the Trumpets (9:15-10:10)
        2. II. From Sinai to Kadesh (10:11-20:29)
          1. A. Israel on the Move (10:11-36)
          2. B. The Fire and the Quail (11:1-35)
          3. C. Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses (12:1-16)
          4. D. The Twelve Spies’ Conflicting Reports (13:1-33)
          5. E. The People’s Rebellion and Defeat (14:1-45)
          6. F. Supplemental Laws (15:1-41)
          7. G. Korah’s Rebellion (16:1-50)
          8. H. The Budding of Aaron’s Staff (17:1-13)
          9. I. Duties of Priests and Levites (18:1-32)
          10. J. The Water of Cleansing (19:1-22)
          11. K. Moses’ Failure at Meribah (20:1-13)
        3. III. From Kadesh to the Plains of Moab (20:14-25:18)
          1. A. Opposition from Edom (20:14-21)
          2. B. The Death of Aaron (20:22-29)
          3. C. The Defeat of Arad, Sihon, and Og (21:1-35)
          4. D. Balak and Balaam (22:1-24:25)
          5. E. Idolatry at Baal Peor (25:1-18)
        4. IV. Preparations for Entering the Promised Land (26:1-36:13)
          1. A. Second Census of the Men of War (26:1-65)
          2. B. Zelophehad’s Daughters (27:1-11)
          3. C. Joshua to Succeed Moses (27:12-23)
          4. D. Rules for Offerings and Vows (28:1-30:16)
          5. E. War Against Midian (31:1-54)
          6. F. The Transjordan Tribes (32:1-42)
          7. G. Summary of the Journey from Egypt to Canaan (33:1-56)
          8. H. Canaan Apportioned by Lot (34:1-29)
          9. I. Levite Towns and Cities of Refuge (35:1-34)
          10. J. Zelophehad’s Daughters and Marriage (36:1-13)
      5. 05 BibleOutline DEUTERONOMY
        1. I. Prologue (1:1-4)
        2. II. Moses’ First Address (1:5-4:43)
          1. A. Historical Prologue (1:5-3:29)
          2. 1. God’s Command to Leave Horeb (1:5-8)
          3. 2. The Appointment of Elders (1:9-18)
          4. 3. The Spies’ Report and the People’s Rebellion (1:19-46)
          5. 4. The Desert Wanderings (2:1-23)
          6. 5. The Transjordan Campaign (2:24-3:20)
          7. 6. Moses’ Forbidden to Enter Canaan (3:21-29)
          8. B. Charge to Observe the Law (4:1-14)
          9. C. Warning Against Idolatry (4:15-40)
        3. III. Cities of Refuge in Transjordan (4:41-43)
        4. IV. Moses’ Second Address (4:44-28:68)
          1. A. Introduction (4:44-5:5)
          2. B. The Ten Commandments (5:6-21)
          3. C. Response of the People (5:22-33)
          4. D. Elaboration of the Ten Commandments (6:1-26:15)
          5. 1. The First Commandment: No Other Gods (6:1-11:32)
          6. a. Love the Lord your God (6:1-25)
          7. b. Follow the Lord rather than the Nations (7:1-26)
          8. c. Do Not Forget the Lord your God (8:1-20)
          9. d. Do Not Boast in Your Own Righteousness (9:1-10:11)
          10. e. Fear the Lord and Keep His Commands (10:12-11:32)
          11. 2. The Second Commandment: Idolatry (12:1-32)
          12. 3. The Third Commandment: Blasphemy (13:1-14:21)
          13. a. False Prophets and Idolatrous Men (13:1-18)
          14. b. Clean and Unclean Food (14:1-21)
          15. 4. The Fourth Commandment: Sabbath (14:22-16:17)
          16. a. The Tithe (14:22-29)
          17. b. The Sabbath Year (15:1-23)
          18. c. The Feast of Passover (16:1-8)
          19. d. The Feast of Weeks (16:9-12)
          20. e. The Feast of Tabernacles (16:13-17)
          21. 5. The Fifth Commandment: Human Authority (16:18-18:22)
          22. a. Judges (16:18-17:7)
          23. b. Courts of Law (17:8-13)
          24. c. The King (17:14-20)
          25. d. The Priests and Levites (18:1-8)
          26. e. True and False Prophets (18:9-22)
          27. 6. The Sixth Commandment: Killing (19:1-21:23)
          28. a. Cities of Refuge and Witnesses (19:1-21)
          29. b. Rules of War (20:1-20)
          30. c. Atonement for Unsolved Murders (21:1-9)
          31. d. Marrying a Captive Woman (21:10-14)
          32. e. Firstborn and Rebellious Sons (21:15-21)
          33. f. Burial of the Executed (21:22-23)
          34. 7. The Seventh Commandment: Adultery (22:1-23:14)
          35. a. Things Belonging Together and Things Not (22:1-12)
          36. b. Marriage Violations (22:13-30)
          37. c. Purity in the Assembly and the Camp (23:1-14)
          38. 8. The Eighth Commandment: Stealing (23:15-24:7)
          39. 9. The Ninth Commandment: Honesty and Trust (24:8-16)
          40. 10. The Tenth Commandment: Covetousness (24:17-26:15)
          41. a. Treating Others with Fairness (24:17-25:19)
          42. b. Offering the FirstFruits to the Lord (26:1-15)
          43. E. Keep and Record These Commands (26:16-27:8)
          44. F. Curses and Blessings (27:11-28:68)
        5. V. Moses’ Third Address (29:1-30:20)
          1. A. Disobedience, Exile, and Restoration (29:1-30:10)
          2. B. The Choice Between Life and Death (30:11-20)
        6. VI. Conclusion of Moses’ Ministry (31:1-34:12)
          1. A. Joshua Succeeds Moses (31:1-29)
          2. B. The Song of Moses (31:30-32:52)
          3. C. Moses’ Blessing on the Twelve Tribes (33:1-29)
          4. D. The Death of Moses (34:1-12)
      1. 06 BibleOutline JOSHUA
        1. I. Entering the Land (1:1-5:12)
          1. A. Command to Enter the Land (1:1-18)
          2. B. Rahab and the Spies (2:1-24)
          3. C. Crossing the Jordan (3:1-4:24)
          4. D. Circumcision of the New Generation (5:1-12)
        2. II. Conquering the Land (5:13-12:24)
          1. A. The Commander of the Lord’s Army (5:13-15)
          2. B. The Conquest of Jericho (6:1-27)
          3. C. Struggle at Ai (7:1-8:35)
          4. 1. Defeat at Ai (7:1-5)
          5. 2. Achan’s Sin Punished (7:6-26)
          6. 3. Victory at Ai (8:1-29)
          7. 4. Renewal of the Covenant (7:1-27)
          8. D. Treaty with Gibeon (9:1-27)
          9. E. The Conquest of the South (10:1-43)
          10. F. The Conquest of the North (11:1-23)
          11. G. List of Conquests (12:1-24)
        3. III. Allotment of the Land (13:1-21:45)
          1. A. Land Yet to be Conquered (13:1-7)
          2. B. East of the Jordan: Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh (13:8-33)
          3. C. West of the Jordan (14:1-19:51)
          4. 1. Overview of the Allotment (14:1-5)
          5. 2. Allotment for Caleb (14:6-15)
          6. 3. Allotment for Judah (15:1-63)
          7. 4. Allotment for Joseph: Ephraim and Manasseh (16:1-17:18)
          8. 5. Allotment for the Remaining Tribes (18:1-19:48)
          9. 6. Allotment for Joshua (19:49-51)
          10. D. Cities of Refuge (20:1-9)
          11. E. Levitical Cities (21:1-45)
        4. IV. Epilogue (22:1-24:33)
          1. A. The Altar of Witness by the Jordan (22:1-34)
          2. B. Joshua’s Farewell Address (23:1-16)
          3. C. Covenant Renewal at Shechem (24:1-28)
          4. D. The Deaths of Joshua and Eleazar (24:29-33)
      2. 07 BibleOutline JUDGES
        1. I. Israel’s Failure to Complete the Conquest (1:1-2:5)
        2. II. Cycles of Apostasy, Judgment, and Deliverance (2:6-16:31)
          1. A. The Pattern of Israel’s Apostasy (2:6-3:6)
          2. B. Failure of the Judges to Maintain Israel’s Faithfulness (3:7-16:31)
          3. 1. Othniel (3:7-11)
          4. 2. Ehud (3:12-30)
          5. 3. Shamgar (3:31)
          6. 4. Deborah and Barak (4:1-5:31)
          7. 5. Gideon and His Family (6:1-9:57)
          8. a. Gideon Judges Israel in Righteousness (6:1-8:32)
          9. b. Abimilech’s Murder of His Brothers (9:1-9:57)
          10. 6. Tola (10:1-2)
          11. 7. Jair (10:3-5)
          12. 8. Jephthah (10:6-12:7)
          13. 9. Ibzan (12:8-10)
          14. 10. Elon (12:11-12)
          15. 11. Abdon (12:13-15)
          16. 12. Samson (13:1-16:31)
        3. III. The Extent of Israel’s Depravity (17:1-21:24)
          1. A. Idolatry among the Danites (17:1-18:31)
          2. B. Civil War: Israel against Benjamin (19:1-20:24)
        4. IV. Conclusion: “Everyone did as he saw fit” (21:25)
      3. 08 BibleOutline RUTH
        1. I. Naomi Loses a Family (1:1-5)
        2. II. Naomi Returns from Moab (1:6-22)
          1. A. Ruth Pledges to Go with Naomi (1:6-18)
          2. B. Naomi’s Bitter Return to Bethlehem (1:19-22)
        3. III. Ruth Goes to Work in the Fields of Boaz (2:1-23)
          1. A. Ruth Begins Work (2:1-7)
          2. B. Ruth and Boaz Meet (2:8-16)
          3. C. Ruth Returns to Naomi (2:17-23)
        4. IV. Ruth Visits Boaz at the Threshing Floor (3:1-18)
          1. A. Naomi’s Instructions (3:1-5)
          2. B. Boaz’ Pledge to Redeem Ruth (3:6-15)
          3. C. Ruth Returns to Naomi (3:14-18)
        5. IV. Boaz Redeems Ruth (4:1-12)
          1. A. The Close Relative Decides Not to Redeem (4:1-6)
          2. B. The Marriage of Ruth and Boaz (4:7-12)
        6. V. Naomi Gains a Family (4:13-17)
        7. VI. The Genealogy of Boaz (4:18-22)
      4. 09 BibleOutline 1 SAMUEL
        1. I. Before the Monarchy: Samuel Becomes Judge over Israel (1Samuel 1:1-7:17)
          1. A. Samuel’s Rise and Eli’s Decline (1:1-4:1)
          2. 1. Samuel’s Birth and Hannah’s Song (1:1-2:10)
          3. 2. Rejection of Eli’s Household (2:11-36)
          4. 3. Samuel Called as a Prophet (3:1-4:1)
          5. B. Israel’s Struggles with the Philistines (4:2-7:17)
          6. 1. The Ark Captured by the Philistines (4:2-22)
          7. 2. The Philistines Suffer and Return the Ark (5:1-7:1)
          8. 3. Samuel Defeats the Philistines at Mizpah (7:2-17)
        2. II. Institution of the Monarchy (8:1-12:25)
          1. A. The People Demand a King (8:1-22)
          2. B. Saul Becomes King over Israel (9:1-11:15)
          3. 1. Saul Privately Anointed by Samuel (9:1-10:16)
          4. 2. Saul Publicly Chosen by Lot at Mizpah (10:17-27)
          5. 3. Saul Establishes Himself as King by Defeating the Ammonites (11:1-15)
          6. C. Samuel Bids Farewell and Issues Warnings to Israel (12:1-25)
        3. III. Saul Rejected as King (13:1-15:35)
          1. A. Saul’s Campaign Against the Philistines (13:1-14:52)
          2. 1. Saul Fails to Wait on the Lord (13:1-15)
          3. 2. Jonathan’s Heroics and Saul’s Poor Leadership (13:16-14:52)
          4. B. Saul’s Failure to Destroy the Amalekites (15:1-35)
        4. IV. David’s Rise and Saul’s Decline (16:1-31:13)
          1. A. David Rises to Prominence (16:1-18:30)
          2. 1. David Privately Anointed by Samuel (16:1-13)
          3. 2. David’s Music Soothing to Saul (16:14-23)
          4. 3. David and Goliath (17:1-58)
          5. 4. David’s Successes Provoke Saul’s Jealousy (18:1-30)
          6. B. Saul Seeks David’s Life (19:1-23:29)
          7. 1. Saul Attempts to Kill David (19:1-24)
          8. 2. Jonathan Helps David Escape (20:1-42)
          9. 3. David Prepares for Saul’s Pursuit (21:1-22:5)
          10. a. David Eats and Arms Himself at Nob (21:1-9)
          11. b. David Seeks Refuge in Gath (21:10-15)
          12. c. David Gathers Forces at Adullam (22:1-2)
          13. d. David Hides His Parents at Mizpah (22:3-5)
          14. 4. Saul Slaughters the Priests at Nob (22:6-23)
          15. 5. David Saves Keilah from the Philistines (23:1-6)
          16. 6. The Philistines Save David from Saul (23:7-29)
          17. C. David Spares Saul’s Life (24:1-26:25)
          18. 1. David Spares Saul in the Cave (24:1-22)
          19. 2. Abigail Keeps David from Bloodshed (25:1-44)
          20. 3. David Spares Saul in the Camp (26:1-25)
          21. D. David’s Exile and Saul’s Death (27:1-31:13)
          22. 1. David Flees to the Philistines (27:1-12)
          23. 2. Saul Consults a Medium at En Dor (28:1-25)
          24. 3. David Forbidden to Fight with the Philistines (29:1-11)
          25. 4. David Overcomes the Amalekite Raiders (30:1-31)
          26. 5. The Philistines Defeat Israel, Saul Takes His Own Life(31:1-13)
      5. 10 BibleOutline 2 SAMUEL
        1. I. David Becomes King over Judah and Israel (2Samuel 1:1-5:5)
          1. A. David Becomes King over Judah (1:1-2:7)
          2. 1. David’s Grief over Saul and Jonathan (1:1-27)
          3. 2. David Anointed King over Judah (2:1-7)
          4. B. David Becomes King over Israel (2:8-5:5)
          5. 1. War between David and Ishbosheth (2:8-32)
          6. 2. Abner Defects and is Murdered by Joab (3:1-39)
          7. 3. Ishbosheth Assassinated (4:1-12)
          8. 4. David Anointed King over all Israel (5:1-5)
        2. II. David’s Kingdom Established Forever (5:6-10:19)
          1. A. David Makes Jerusalem His Capital (5:6-6:23)
          2. 1. David Captures Jerusalem (5:6-16)
          3. 2. David Defeats the Philistines (5:17-25)
          4. 3. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (6:1-23)
          5. B. God Promises David an Everlasting Kingdom (7:1-29)
          6. C. The Successes of David’s Reign (8:1-10:19)
          7. 1. David’s Military Conquests (8:1-18)
          8. 2. David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth (9:1-13)
          9. 3. David’s War with Ammon (10:1-19)
        3. III. David’s Sin and its Consequences (11:1-20:26)
          1. A. David’s Sin with Bathsheba (11:1-12:31)
          2. 1. David Takes Uriah’s Wife and Has Him Killed (11:1-27)
          3. 2. Nathan Confronts David and He Repents (12:1-14)
          4. 3. Despite David’s Pleas, Bathsheba’s Son Dies (12:15-25)
          5. 4. Conclusion of the War with Ammon (12:26-31)
          6. B. Trouble with David’s Sons (13:1-14:33)
          7. 1. Amnon Rapes and Despises Tamar (13:1-19)
          8. 2. Absalom Murders Amnon and Flees (13:20-39)
          9. 3. Absalom Only Partially Reconciled to David (14:1-33)
          10. C. Absalom’s Rebellion (15:1-18:33)
          11. 1. Absalom Rebels and David Flees (15:1-37)
          12. 2. Shimei Curses David as He Flees (16:1-14)
          13. 3. Hushai Deceives Absalom with His Counsel (17:1-29)
          14. 4. Absalom Killed by Joab (18:1-33)
          15. D. David Restored to the Throne (19:1-20:26)
          16. 1. David Returns to Jerusalem (19:1-43)
          17. 2. Sheba’s Rebellion Put Down (20:1-26)
        4. IV. Appendix: The Lord as Supreme King over Israel (21:1-24:25)
          1. A. The Lord Sends Famine on Israel for Saul’s Sin (21:1-14)
          2. B. David’s Heroes Defeat the Philistines (21:15-22)
          3. C. David Praises the Lord for His Victories (22:1-51)
          4. D. David’s Final Words (23:1-7)
          5. E. David’s Mighty Men (23:8-39)
          6. F. The Lord Sends a Plague on Israel for David’s Sin (24:1-25)
      6. 11 BibleOutline 1 KINGS
        1. I. The Reign of Solomon (1Kings 1:1-11:43)
          1. A. The Establishment of Solomon’s Reign (1:1-4:34)
          2. 1. Solomon’s Succession to David’s Throne (1:1-2:12)
          3. 2. Solomon Consolidates His Power (2:13-46)
          4. 3. Solomon Asks God for Wisdom (3:1-15)
          5. 4. The Wisdom of Solomon’s Reign (3:16-4:34)
          6. B. The Glories of Solomon’s Reign (5:1-10:29)
          7. 1. Construction of the Temple (5:1-6:38)
          8. 2. Construction of Solomon’s Palace (7:1-12)
          9. 3. The Temple Furnishings (7:13-51)
          10. 4. The Dedication of the Temple (8:1-66)
          11. 5. God’s Covenant with Solomon (9:1-9)
          12. 6. Other Events of Solomon’s Reign (9:10-28)
          13. 7. Visit of the Queen of Sheba (10:1-13)
          14. 8. Solomon’s Great Wealth (10:14-29)
          15. C. The Failures of Solomon’s Reign (11:1-40)
          16. 1. Solomon’s Idolatries (11:1-13)
          17. 2. Solomon’s Enemies (11:14-25)
          18. 3. The Rise of Jeroboam (11:26-40)
          19. D. The Death of Solomon (11:41-43)
        2. II. The Early Divided Kingdom (12:1-34)
          1. A. The Defection of The Northern Tribes (12:1-24)
          2. B. Jeroboam I of Israel (12:25-14:20)
          3. C. Rehoboam of Judah (14:21-33)
          4. D. Abijah of Judah (15:1-8)
          5. E. Asa of Judah (15:9-24)
          6. F. Nadab of Israel (15:25-32)
          7. G. Baasha of Israel (15:33-16:7)
          8. H. Elah of Israel (16:8-14)
          9. I. Zimri of Israel (16:15-20)
          10. J. Omri of Israel (16:21-28)
        3. III. The Ministries of the Prophets (1Kings 17:1-2Kings 8:15)
          1. A. The Prophets and Ahab (1Kings 17:1-22:40)
          2. 1. Elijah Proclaims a Drought in Israel (17:1-24)
          3. 2. Elijah Defeats the Prophets of Baal (18:1-46)
          4. 3. Elijah Flees to the Mountain of God (19:1-21)
          5. 4. Ahab Condemned for Disobedience in War (20:1-43)
          6. 5. Ahab and Jezebel Seize Naboth’s Vineyard (21:1-29)
          7. 6. Micaiah Foretells Ahab’s Death (22:1-40)
          8. B. Jehoshaphat of Judah (22:41-50)
          9. C. Elijah and Ahaziah of Israel (1Kings 22:51-2Kings 1:18)
      7. 17-ESTHER
        1. I. Esther Becomes Queen of Persia (1:1-2:23)
          1. A. Queen Vashti’s Fall (1:1-22)
          2. B. Esther’s Rise (2:1-18)
          3. C. Mordecai Uncovers a Plot against Xerxes (2:19-23)
        2. II. Plot to Destroy the Jews (3:1-4:17)
          1. A. Mordecai’s Refusal to Bow to Haman (3:1-6)
          2. B. Haman’s Plot to Destroy Mordecai and His People (3:7-15)
          3. C. Mordecai Appeals to Esther for Help (4:1-17)
        3. III. Esther Delivers the Jews (5:1-9:15)
          1. A. Esther Appears Before Xerxes (5:1-8)
          2. B. Haman’s Plan to Have Mordecai Hanged (5:9-14)
          3. C. Mordecai Honored and Haman Humiliated (6:1-14)
          4. D. Haman Exposed and Executed (7:1-10)
          5. E. Xerxes’ Edict on Behalf of the Jews (8:1-17)
          6. F. The Jews Defeat Their Enemies (9:1-19)
        4. IV. The Establishment of Purim (9:20-32)
        5. V. Epilogue (10:1-3)
      8. 16-NEHEMIAH
        1. I. Nehemiah’s Return and Reconstruction of the Wall (1:1-7:3)
          1. A. Nehemiah Returns to Jerusalem (1:1-2:10)
          2. 1. The Report from Judah and Nehemiah’s Prayer (1:1-11)
          3. 2. Nehemiah Authorized by the King to Go to Jerusalem (1:12-2:10)
          4. B. Reconstruction of the Wall around Jerusalem (2:11-7:3)
          5. 1. Nehemiah’s Inspection and Proposal to Rebuild (2:11-20)
          6. 2. Reconstruction Begun (3:1-32)
          7. 3. External Opposition to the Reconstruction (4:1-23)
          8. 4. Internal Strife Threatens to Undermine Reconstruction (5:1-19)
          9. 5. Reconstruction Completed Despite Increasing Opposition (6:1-7:3)
        2. II. Reformation of the Post-exilic Community (7:4-13:31)
          1. A. List of the Returning Exiles (7:4-73)
          2. B. Renewal of the Covenant (8:1-10:39)
          3. 1. Ezra Reads the Law (8:1-18)
          4. 2. The People Confess Their Sins (9:1-38)
          5. 3. The Sealing of the Covenant (10:1-39)
          6. C. Dedication of the Wall (11:1-12:47)
          7. 1. Residents of Jerusalem and the Surrounding Towns (11:1-35)
          8. 2. List of Priests and Levites (12:1-26)
          9. 3. The Dedication Ceremony (12:27-43)
          10. 4. The Ministry of the Priests and Levites (12:44-47)
          11. D. Reform of the Community (13:1-31)
          12. 1. Separation from Foreigners (13:1-3)
          13. 2. Temple Reforms (13:4-14)
          14. 3. Observance of the Sabbath (13:15-22)
          15. 4. The Sin of Intermarriage (13:23-29)
          16. 5. Closing Summary of Nehemiah’s Reforms (13:30-31)
      9. 15-EZRA
        1. I. Return of the Exiles and Temple Reconstruction (1:1-6:22)
          1. A. Return of the Exiles (1:1-2:70)
          2. 1. The Edict of Cyrus (1:1-4)
          3. 2. The Return Under Sheshbazzar (1:5-11)
          4. 3. List of Returning Exiles (2:1-70)
          5. B. Rebuilding of the Temple (3:1-6:22)
          6. 1. Rebuilding of the Altar (3:1-6)
          7. 2. Reconstruction of the Temple (3:7-6:22)
          8. a. Reconstruction Begun (3:7-13)
          9. b. Opposition to Reconstruction (4:1-24)
          10. c. Reconstruction Resumed and Renewed Opposition (5:1-6:5)
          11. d. Vindication and Completion of Reconstruction (6:6-22)
        2. II. Ezra’s Return and Reforms (7:1-10:44)
          1. A. The Return of Ezra (7:1-8:36)
          2. 1. Overview of Ezra’s Return (7:1-10)
          3. 2. Ezra’s Commission by Artaxerxes (7:11-28)
          4. 3. List of Those Returning with Ezra (8:1-14)
          5. 4. Ezra’s Return to Jerusalem (8:15-36)
          6. B. Ezra’s Reforms (9:1-10:44)
          7. 1. The Sin of Intermarriage (9:1-5)
          8. 2. Ezra’s Confession and Prayer (9:6-15)
          9. 3. The People’s Repentance (10:1-17)
          10. 4. List of Those Guilty of Intermarriage (10:18-44)
      10. 14 BibleOutline 2 CHRONICLES
        1. I. The Reign of Solomon (2Chronicles 1:1-9:31)
          1. A. Solomon Asks God for Wisdom (1:1-17)
          2. B. Construction of the Temple (2:1-3:17)
          3. C. The Temple Furnishings (4:1-5:1)
          4. D. Dedication of the Temple (5:2-7:10)
          5. E. God’s Covenant with Solomon (7:11-22)
          6. F. Other Events of Solomon’s Reign (8:1-18)
          7. G. Visit of the Queen of Sheba (9:1-12)
          8. H. Solomon’s Great Wealth (9:13-28)
          9. I. Solomon’s Death (9:29-31)
        2. II. The Kings of Judah during the Divided Kingdom (10:1-36:16)
          1. A. Rehoboam (10:1-12:16)
          2. B. Abijah (13:1-14:1)
          3. C. Asa (14:2-16:14)
          4. D. Jehoshaphat (17:1-21:1)
          5. E. Jehoram (21:2-20)
          6. F. Ahaziah (22:1-9)
          7. G. Athaliah (22:10-23:15)
          8. H. Joash (23:16-24:27)
          9. I. Amaziah (25:1-28)
          10. J. Uzziah (26:1-23)
          11. K. Jotham (27:1-9)
          12. L. Ahaz (28:1-27)
          13. M. Hezekiah (29:1-32:33)
          14. N. Manasseh (33:1-20)
          15. O. Amon (33:21-25)
          16. P. Josiah (34:1-36:1)
          17. Q. Jehoahaz (36:2-4)
          18. R. Jehoiakim (36:5-8)
          19. S. Jehoiachin (36:9-10)
          20. T. Zedekiah (36:11-14)
        3. IV. Exile and Release (36:15-23)
        4. Topic
      11. 13 BibleOutline 1 CHRONICLES
        1. A. From Adam to Israel (1:1-2:2)
        2. B. The Sons of Israel (2:3-8:40)
          1. 1. Judah (2:3-4:23)
          2. 2. Simeon (4:24-43)
          3. 3. Reuben (5:1-10)
          4. 4. Gad (5:11-22)
          5. 5. Manasseh (5:23-26)
          6. 6. Levi (6:1-81)
          7. 7. Issachar (7:1-5)
          8. 8. Benjamin (7:6-12)
          9. 9. Naphtali (7:13)
          10. 10. Manasseh (7:14-19)
          11. 11. Ephraim (7:20-29)
          12. 12. Asher (7:30-40)
          13. 13. Benjamin (8:1-40)
        3. C. Those Who Returned from Exile (9:1-34)
        4. II. The United Monarchy (1Chronicles 9:35-2Chronicles 9:31)
          1. A. The Reign of Saul (1Chronicles 9:35-10:14)
          2. 1. Saul’s Genealogy (9:35-44)
          3. 2. Saul’s Death (10:1-14)
          4. B. The Reign of David (11:1-29:30)
          5. 1. David’s Ascension and Widespread Support (11:1-12:40)
          6. 2. The Ark Brought to Jerusalem (13:1-16:43)
          7. 3. God Promises David an Everlasting Kingdom (17:1-27)
          8. 4. David’s Conquests (18:1-20:8)
          9. 5. Preparations for the Temple (21:1-29:20)
          10. a. Discovery of the Temple Site (21:1-22:1)
          11. b. David’s Plans for Temple Construction (22:2-19)
          12. c. Arrangement of Religious and Military Personnel (23:1-27:34)
          13. d. David Commissions Solomon to Construct the Temple (28:1-29:20)
          14. 6. Solomon’s Succession and David’s Death (29:21-30)
      12. 12 BibleOutline 2 KINGS
        1. I. Elijah and Ahaziah of Israel (Kings 1:18)
        2. II. Elijah Taken Up to Heaven (2:1-18)
        3. III. Elisha and Jehoram of Israel (2:19-8:15)
          1. A. Elisha Blesses and Curses (2:19-25)
          2. B. The War Against Moab (3:1-27)
          3. C. Elisha and the Widow’s Oil (4:1-7)
          4. D. Elisha Raises the Shunammite Woman’s Son (4:8-37)
          5. E. Elisha Feeds the People (4:28-44)
          6. F. Elisha Heals Naaman of Leprosy (5:1-27)
          7. G. The Floating Axe-Head (6:1-7)
          8. H. War with Syria (6:8-7:20)
          9. I. The Shunammite Woman’s Land Restored (8:1-6)
          10. J. Elisha and Hazael of Syria (8:7-15)
        4. IV. The Late Divided Kingdom (8:16-17:41)
          1. A. Jehoram of Judah (8:16-24)
          2. B. Ahaziah of Judah (8:25-29)
          3. C. Jehu of Israel (9:1-10:36)
          4. D. Queen Athaliah of Judah (11:1-21)
          5. E. Joash of Judah (12:1-21)
          6. F. Jehoahaz of Israel (13:1-9)
          7. G. Jehoash of Israel (13:10-25)
          8. H. Amaziah of Judah (14:1-22)
          9. I. Jeroboam II of Israel (14:23-29)
          10. J. Azariah of Judah (15:1-7)
          11. K. Zechariah of Israel (15:8-12)
          12. L. Shallum of Israel (15:13-16)
          13. M. Menahem of Israel (15:17-22)
          14. N. Pekahiah of Israel (15:23-26)
          15. O. Pekah of Israel (15:27-31)
          16. P. Jotham of Judah (15:32-38)
          17. Q. Ahaz of Judah (16:1-20)
          18. R. Hoshea of Israel (17:1-6)
          19. S. Fall of Samaria to Assyria (17:7-41)
        5. V. The Final Kings of Judah (18:1-24:20)
          1. A. Hezekiah (18:1-20:21)
          2. B. Manasseh (21:1-18)
          3. C. Amon (21:19-26)
          4. D. Josiah (22:1-23:30)
          5. E. Jehoahaz (23:31-35)
          6. F. Jehoiakim (23:36-24:7)
          7. G. Jehoiachin (24:8-17)
          8. H. Zedekiah (24:18-20)
        6. VI. The Babylonian Exile of Judah (25:1-30)
          1. A. The Fall of Jerusalem (25:1-21)
          2. B. Gedaliah Governor of Judah (25:22-26)
          3. C. Jehoiachin in Exile (25:27-30)
      1. 18-JOB
        1. I. Prologue (1:1-2:13)
          1. A. Job’s Righteousness (1:1-5)
          2. B. Job’s Testing (1:6-2:10)
          3. 1. Satan Accuses Job (1:6-12)
          4. 2. Job’s Faith in Spite of Tragedy (1:13-22)
          5. 3. Satan Accuses Job Again (2:1-6)
          6. 4. Job’s Faith in Spite of Physical Suffering (2:7-10)
          7. C. Arrival of Counselors (2:11-13)
        2. II. Dialogues (3:1-27:23)
          1. A. Job’s Lament (3:1-26)
          2. B. First Cycle of Speeches (4:1-14:22)
          3. 1. Eliphaz (4:1-5:27)
          4. 2. Job (6:1-7:21)
          5. 3. Bildad (8:1-22)
          6. 4. Job (9:1-10:22)
          7. 5. Zophar (11:1-20)
          8. 6. Job (12:1-14:22)
          9. C. Second Cycle of Speeches (15:1-21:34)
          10. 1. Eliphaz (15:1-35)
          11. 2. Job (16:1-17:16)
          12. 3. Bildad (18:1-21)
          13. 4. Job (19:1-29)
          14. 5. Zophar (20:1-29)
          15. 6. Job (21:1-34)
          16. D. Third Cycle of Speeches (22:1-27:23)
          17. 1. Eliphaz (22:1-30)
          18. 2. Job (23:1-24:25)
          19. 3. Bildad (25:1-6)
          20. 4. Job (26:1-27:23)
        3. III. Interlude: Hymn to Wisdom (28:1-28)
        4. IV. Discourses (29:1-41:34)
          1. A. Job’s Final Discourse (29:1-31:40)
          2. 1. Job’s Past Blessings (29:1-25)
          3. 2. Job’s Present Sufferings (30:1-31)
          4. 3. Job Swears to His Innocence (31:1-40)
          5. B. Elihu Takes Up the Argument (32:1-37:24)
          6. 1. First Speech (32:1-33:33)
          7. 2. Second Speech (34:1-37)
          8. 3. Third Speech (35:1-16)
          9. 4. Fourth Speech (36:1-37:24)
          10. C. God Responds to Job (38:1-42:6)
          11. 1. First Speech (38:1-40:2)
          12. 2. Job Humbled (40:3-5)
          13. 3. Second Speech (40:6-41:34)
          14. 4. Job Repentant (42:1-6)
        5. V. Epilogue (42:7-17)
          1. A. God Rebukes Job’s Counselers (42:7-9)
          2. B. Job’s Prosperity Restored (42:10-17)
      2. 19-PSALMS
        1. I. Book One (1-41)
          1. A. Introductory Psalms (1-2)
          2. B. Psalms of David (3-9, 11-32, 34-41)
        2. II. Book Two (42-72)
          1. A. Psalms of the Sons of Korah (42, 43-49)
          2. B. A Psalm of Asaph (50)
          3. C. Psalms of David (51-65, 68-70)
          4. D. A Psalm of Solomon (72)
        3. III. Book Three (73-89)
          1. A. Psalms of Asaph (73-83)
          2. B. Psalms of the Sons of Korah (84-85, 87-88)
          3. C. A Psalm of David (86)
        4. IV. Book Four (90-106)
          1. A. A Psalm of Moses (90)
          2. B. Psalms of Praise for the Congregation (95-100)
          3. C. Psalms of David (101, 103)
        5. V. Book Five (107-150)
          1. A. Psalms of David (108-110)
          2. B. Psalms of Hallelujah (111-113, 115-117)
          3. C. Songs of Ascent to Jerusalem (120-134)
          4. 1. Psalms of David (122, 124, 131, 133)
          5. 2. A Psalm of Solomon (127)
          6. D. Psalms of David (138-145)
          7. E. Psalms of Hallelujah (146-150)
      3. 20-PROVERBS
        1. I. Prologue: Purpose of the Book (1:1-7)
        2. II. The Way of Wisdom (1:8-9:18)
          1. A. Call to Heed Instruction (1:8-9)
          2. B. Warning against Violence and Bloodshed (1:10-19)
          3. C. Warning against Ignoring Wisdom’s Call (1:20-33)
          4. D. Wisdom as a Gift from the Lord (2:1-22)
          5. E. Benefits of Wisdom (3:1-26)
          6. F. Wisdom of Righteousness toward Others (3:27-35)
          7. G. The Supremacy of Wisdom (4:1-27)
          8. H. Warnings against Folly and Perversion (5:1-7:27)
          9. 1. Warning against Adultery (5:1-23)
          10. 2. Warning against Foolish and Perverse Ways (6:1-19)
          11. 3. Cost of Committing Adultery (6:20-35)
          12. 4. Warning against the Seduction of the Adulteress (7:1-27)
          13. I. The Call of Wisdom (8:1-36)
          14. J. Competing Calls of Wisdom and Folly (9:1-18)
        3. III. Proverbs of Solomon (10:1-22:16)
        4. IV. Sayings of the Wise Men (22:17-24:22)
        5. V. Additional Sayings of the Wise Men (24:23-34)
        6. VI. Additional Proverbs of Solomon, Copied by Hezekiah’s Men (25:1-29:27)
        7. VII. The Words of Agur (30:1-33)
        8. VIII. The Words of King Lemuel (31:1-31)
          1. A. The Ideal King (31:1-9)
          2. B. The Ideal Wife (31:10-31)
        1. I. Introduction: “Everything is Meaningless!” (1:1-11)
        2. II. The Search for Meaning (1:12-3:22)
          1. A. Not to be Found in Human Effort (1:12-2:23)
          2. 1. Wisdom is Meaningless (1:12-18)
          3. 2. Pleasure and Achievement are Meaningless (2:1-11)
          4. 3. Both Wise and Foolish Suffer the Same Fate (2:12-16)
          5. 4. All We Work For Must Be Left to Others (2:17-23)
          6. B. Found Only in Accepting One’s Place Before God (2:24-3:15)
          7. 1. Satisfaction Comes from God (2:24-26)
          8. 2. Everything Occurs in its Proper Time (3:1-8)
          9. 3. Our Desire for Meaning Should Point Us to God (3:9-15)
          10. 4. God’s Justice Will Prevail Over Injustice (3:16-17)
          11. 5. The Transitoriness of Life Teaches Us to Revere God (3:18-22)
        3. III. The Frustrations of Life (4:1-7:29)
          1. A. Cannot be Avoided (4:1-6:12)
          2. 1. Oppression of the Powerless (4:1-3)
          3. 2. Competition and Isolation (4:4-12)
          4. 3. Human Loyalty is Fleeting (4:13-16)
          5. 4. The Danger of Hasty Vows (5:1-7)
          6. 5. Riches Bring No Satisfaction (5:8-6:9)
          7. 6. No Certainty of Change (6:10-12)
          8. B. Can Teach Us Wisdom (7:1-29)
          9. 1. The Need to Accept Life’s Hardships (7:1-12)
          10. 2. Both Prosperity and Adversity are from God (7:13-18)
          11. 3. The Limitations of Human Wisdom and Righteousness (7:19-29)
        4. IV. Living a Life of Wisdom (8:1-12:7)
          1. A. Obey the King (8:1-9)
          2. B. Live Justly, Even if the Wicked Sometimes Prosper (8:10-15)
          3. C. Know that You Will Never Have Complete Understanding (8:16-17)
          4. D. Death is Inevitable, So Make the Most of Life (9:1-10)
          5. E. Expect the Unexpected (9:11-12)
          6. F. Wisdom and Folly (9:13-10:20)
          7. G. Being Prepared for an Uncertain Future (11:1-6)
          8. H. Enjoy Life While Remaining Accountable to God (11:7-10)
          9. I. Don’t Wait Until You are Old to Come to Terms with Life (12:1-7)
        5. V. Conclusion: Fear God and Keep His Commands (12:8-14)
        6. I. Introduction: “Everything is Meaningless!” (1:1-11)
        7. II. The Search for Meaning (1:12-3:22)
          1. A. Not to be Found in Human Effort (1:12-2:23)
          2. 1. Wisdom is Meaningless (1:12-18)
          3. 2. Pleasure and Achievement are Meaningless (2:1-11)
          4. 3. Both Wise and Foolish Suffer the Same Fate (2:12-16)
          5. 4. All We Work For Must Be Left to Others (2:17-23)
          6. B. Found Only in Accepting One’s Place Before God (2:24-3:15)
          7. 1. Satisfaction Comes from God (2:24-26)
          8. 2. Everything Occurs in its Proper Time (3:1-8)
          9. 3. Our Desire for Meaning Should Point Us to God (3:9-15)
          10. 4. God’s Justice Will Prevail Over Injustice (3:16-17)
          11. 5. The Transitoriness of Life Teaches Us to Revere God (3:18-22)
        8. III. The Frustrations of Life (4:1-7:29)
          1. A. Cannot be Avoided (4:1-6:12)
          2. 1. Oppression of the Powerless (4:1-3)
          3. 2. Competition and Isolation (4:4-12)
          4. 3. Human Loyalty is Fleeting (4:13-16)
          5. 4. The Danger of Hasty Vows (5:1-7)
          6. 5. Riches Bring No Satisfaction (5:8-6:9)
          7. 6. No Certainty of Change (6:10-12)
          8. B. Can Teach Us Wisdom (7:1-29)
          9. 1. The Need to Accept Life’s Hardships (7:1-12)
          10. 2. Both Prosperity and Adversity are from God (7:13-18)
          11. 3. The Limitations of Human Wisdom and Righteousness (7:19-29)
        9. IV. Living a Life of Wisdom (8:1-12:7)
          1. A. Obey the King (8:1-9)
          2. B. Live Justly, Even if the Wicked Sometimes Prosper (8:10-15)
          3. C. Know that You Will Never Have Complete Understanding (8:16-17)
          4. D. Death is Inevitable, So Make the Most of Life (9:1-10)
          5. E. Expect the Unexpected (9:11-12)
          6. F. Wisdom and Folly (9:13-10:20)
          7. G. Being Prepared for an Uncertain Future (11:1-6)
          8. H. Enjoy Life While Remaining Accountable to God (11:7-10)
          9. I. Don’t Wait Until You are Old to Come to Terms with Life (12:1-7)
        10. V. Conclusion: Fear God and Keep His Commands (12:8-14)
      5. 22-SONGofSOLOMON
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. The Joyful Courtship (1:2-2:17)
          1. A. The Lovers’ Mutual Admiration (1:2-2:7)
          2. B. The Lover Comes for His Beloved (2:8-17)
        3. III. The Pain of Waiting (3:1-6:3)
          1. A. A Sleepless Night (3:1-5)
          2. B. A Royal Procession (3:6-11)
          3. C. The Lover’s Praise for His Beloved (4:1-5:1)
          4. D. The Maiden’s Anxious Longing for Her Lover (5:2-6:3)
        4. IV. The Height of Passion (6:4-8:4)
          1. A. The Lover’s Passionate Desire for His Beloved (6:4-7:9)
          2. B. The Maiden’s Wish for Intimacy (7:10-8:4)
        5. V. Love’s Incomparable Worth (8:5-14)
          1. A. In Praise of Love (8:5-8)
          2. B. Conclusion (8:9-14)
    6. MAJOR Prophets
      1. 23-ISAIAH
        1. I. Introduction to Isaiah’s Ministry (1:1-6:13)
          1. A. Oracles of Judgment and Promise (1:1-5:30)
          2. 1. Judah as Rebellious Children (1:1-31)
          3. 2. The Day of the Lord (2:1-22)
          4. 3. Judah and Jerusalem Punished (3:1-4:1)
          5. 4. The Branch of the Lord (4:2-6)
          6. 5. The Song of the Vineyard (5:1-7)
          7. 6. Woes for Sinful Behaviours (5:8-30)
          8. B. Isaiah’s Call (6:1-13)
        2. II. The Assyrian Crisis (7:1-39)
          1. A. Ahaz’s Reign (7:1-39:8)
          2. 1. The Sign of Isaiah’s Son (7:1-8:18)
          3. 2. The Hope of David’s Son (8:19-9:7)
          4. 3. Judgment of Samaria (9:8-10:4)
          5. 4. Judgment of Assyria (10:5-19)
          6. 5. Hope for the Remnant of Judah (10:20-34)
          7. 6. The Branch of Jesse (11:1-16)
          8. 7. A Song of Praise (12:1-6)
          9. B. Judgment of the Nations and Hope of Restoration (13:1-27:13)
          10. 1. Assyria (13:1-14:27)
          11. 2. Philistia (14:28-32)
          12. 3. Moab (15:1-16:14)
          13. 4. Damascus (17:1-14)
          14. 5. Cush (18:1-7)
          15. 6. Egypt and Cush (19:1-20:6)
          16. 7. Babylon (21:1-10)
          17. 8. Edom (21:11-12)
          18. 9. Arabia (21:13-17)
          19. 10. Jerusalem (22:1-25)
          20. 11. Tyre (23:1-18)
          21. 12. The Day of the Lord (24:1-23)
          22. 13. Deliverance and Hope (25:1-12)
          23. 14. A Song of Praise (26:1-21)
          24. 15. The Remnant Restored (27:1-13)
          25. C. Hezekiah’s Reign (28:1-39:8)
          26. 1. Woe to Ephraim and Jerusalem (28:1-29:24)
          27. 2. Warning about Egypt (30:1-31:9)
          28. 3. The Future of Jerusalem (32:1-35:10)
          29. 4. Sennacherib’s Invasion and Threat (36:1-22)
          30. 5. Hezekiah’s Trust in the Lord (37:1-20)
          31. 6. Sennacherib’s Fall and Death (37:21-38)
          32. 7. Hezekiah’s Healing and Failure (38:1-39:8)
        3. III. The Babylonian Crisis (40:1-66:24)
          1. A. Isaiah’s Call to Comfort the People (40:1-11)
          2. B. God’s Power for Restoration (40:12-44:23)
          3. 1. God’s Power Disputed (40:12-31)
          4. 2. God’s Plan for Restoration (41:1-42:9)
          5. 3. Praise for Restoration (42:10-17)
          6. 4. Justice of the Exile Discussed (42:18-25)
          7. 5. God’s Merciful Restoration of Israel (43:1-44:23)
          8. C. The Lord’s Agents of Restoration (44:24-56:8)
          9. 1. The Lord Appoints Cyrus (44:24-45:25)
          10. 2. The Destruction of Babylon (46:1-47:15)
          11. 3. Call to Israel to Flee Babylon (48:1-22)
          12. 4. The Lord’s Servant and the Restoration (49:1-50:11)
          13. 5. The Remnant Comforted (51:1-52:12)
          14. 6. The Suffering Servant (52:13-53:12)
          15. 7. Hymn of Praise and the Renewal of the Covenant (54:1-56:8)
          16. D. Response to Renewal and Restoration (56:9-66:24)
          17. 1. The Lord’s Accusation of the Wicked (56:9-57:21)
          18. 2. True and False Worship (58:1-59:21)
          19. 3. Zion’s Peace (60:1-22)
          20. 4. The Lord’s Favor (61:1-11)
          21. 5. Zion’s Glory (62:1-63:6)
          22. 6. Prayer for Divine Deliverance (63:7-64:12)
          23. 7. Judgment, Salvation, and Hope (65:1-66:24)
      2. 24-JEREMIAH
        1. I. The Call of Jeremiah (1:1-19)
        2. II. Oracles of Judgment and Promise for Judah (2:1-29:32)
          1. A. The Case Against God’s People (2:1-2:37)
          2. B. The Call for Judah’s Return (3:1-4:4)
          3. C. Images of Judgment Against Judah (4:5-6:30)
          4. D. False Worship (7:1-8:3)
          5. E. Judah’s Sin and the Lord’s Punishment (8:4-9:26)
          6. F. The Lord and Idols (10:1-25)
          7. G. The Covenant Broken (11:1-17)
          8. H. The Plot Against Jeremiah (11:18-13:27)
          9. I. Drought, Sword, and Famine (14:1-15:27)
          10. J. Signs of Disaster and Comfort (16:1-17:18)
          11. K. Keeping the Sabbath (17:19-27)
          12. L. Instruction with Pottery (18:1-19:13)
          13. M. Jeremiah at the Temple (19:14-20:18)
          14. N. Judgment Against Evil Kings (21:1-22:30)
          15. O. The Promise of the Davidic King (23:1-8)
          16. P. Judgment of the False Prophets (23:9-40)
          17. Q. Good and Bad Figs (24:1-10)
          18. R. Seventy Years of Captivity (25:1-38)
          19. S. Jeremiah’s Life Threatened (26:1-24)
          20. T. Judah to Serve Babylon (27:1-22)
          21. U. Hananiah, the False Prophet (28:1-17)
          22. V. Jeremiah’s Letter to the Exiles (29:1-32)
        3. III. Promises of Restoration (30:1-33:26)
          1. A. Fortunes Restored (30:1-31:26)
          2. B. The New Covenant (31:27-40)
          3. C. Jeremiah Buys a Field as a Sign (32:1-49)
          4. D. David Will Never Fall (33:1-26)
        4. IV. The Last Days of Jerusalem (34:1-39:18)
          1. A. Jeremiah’s Message Rejected (34:1-36:32)
          2. B. Jeremiah Imprisoned (37:1-38:28)
          3. C. The Fall of Jerusalem (39:1-18)
        5. V. The Aftermath of the Fall (40:1-45:5)
          1. A. Jeremiah Freed (40:1-12)
          2. B. Gedeliah’s Assasination (40:13-41:18)
          3. C. Jeremiah Warns Against Fleeing to Egypt (42:1-22)
          4. D. Flight to Egypt (43:1-13)
          5. E. Prophecy in Egypt (44:1-30)
          6. F. The Lord’s Promise to Baruch (45:1-5)
        6. VI. Oracles Against the Nations (46:1-52:34)
          1. A. Egypt (46:1-28)
          2. B. Philistia (47:1-7)
          3. C. Moab (48:1-47)
          4. D. Ammon (49:1-6)
          5. E. Edom (49:7-22)
          6. F. Damascus (49:23-27)
          7. G. Kedar and Hazor (49:28-33)
          8. H. Elam (49:34-39)
          9. I. Babylon (50:1-51:64)
        7. VII. Historical Appendix: The Fall of Jerusalem (52:1-34)
      3. 25-LAMENTATIONS
        1. I. Jerusalem’s Desolation (1:1-22)
        2. II. The Lord’s Anger With Judah (2:1-22)
        3. III. Judah’s Affliction and Consolation (3:1-66)
        4. IV. Judah’s Defilement (4:1-22)
        5. V. Judah’s Petition for Redemption (5:1-22)
      4. 28-HOSEA
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. Hosea’s Symbolic Marriage (1:2-3:5)
          1. A. Hosea’s Adulterous Wife and Children (1:2-2:1)
          2. B. Divine Punishment and Restoration of Israel (2:2-23)
          3. C. Hosea Reconciled to His Wife (3:1-5)
        3. III. Oracles of Judgment (4:1-9:9)
          1. A. The Case Against Israel (4:1-5:7)
          2. B. The Battle Cry of the Lord (5:8-15)
          3. C. Israel’s Unrepentance (6:1-7:16)
          4. D. Israel’s Punishment (8:1-9:9)
        4. IV. Prophetic Reflections on Israel’s History (9:10-14:9)
          1. A. Israel Like Grapes and Figs (9:10-17)
          2. B. Israel Like a Spreading Vine (10:1-10)
          3. C. Israel Like a Trained Heifer (10:11-15)
          4. D. Israel Like a Growing Child (11:1-11)
          5. E. Israel’s Wickedness (11:12-12:14)
          6. F. The Lord’s Wrath (13:1-16)
          7. G. Call for Repentance and Reconciliation (14:1-9)
      5. 27-DANIEL
        1. I. Stories About Daniel (1:1-6:28)
          1. A. Daniel During Nebuchadnezzar’s Reign (1:1-4:37)
          2. 1. Daniel’s Training (1:1-21)
          3. 2. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the Statue (2:1-49)
          4. 3. Daniel’s Friends in the Blazing Furnace (3:1-30)
          5. 4. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the Tree (4:1-37)
          6. B. Daniel During Later Kings’ Reigns (5:1-6:28)
          7. 1. The Writing on the Wall at Belshazzar’s Banquet (5:1-30)
          8. 2. Darius Casts Daniel in the Lions’ Den (6:1-28)
        2. II. Daniel’s Visions (7:1-12:13)
          1. A. Visions During the Babylonian Dynasty (7:1-8:27)
          2. 1. The Dream of the Four Beasts (7:1-28)
          3. 2. Vision of a Ram and a Goat (8:1-27)
          4. B. Visions During the Persian Dynasty (9:1-12:13)
          5. 1. Daniel’s Prayer and the Seventy “Sevens” (9:1-27)
          6. 2. Vision of an Angelic Messenger (10:1-11:1)
          7. 3. The Kings of the South and the North (11:2-45)
          8. 4. The Last Things (12:1-13)
      6. 26-EZEKIEL
        1. I. Oracles of Judgment Against Judah (1:1-24:27)
          1. A. Ezekiel’s Call (1:1-3:27)
          2. 1. Visions of the Lord (1:1-28)
          3. 2. Ezekiel’s Commision (2:1-3:15)
          4. 3. Ezekiel Made a Watchman (3:16-3:27)
          5. B. The Siege of Jerusalem Symbolized (4:1-5:17)
          6. C. The Lord’s Judgment (6:1-7:27)
          7. 1. Oracle Against the Mountains (6:1-14)
          8. 2. The End Has Come (7:1-27)
          9. D. Idolatry and Punishment (8:1-11:25)
          10. 1. Idols in the Temple (8:1-18)
          11. 2. Idolaters Slaughtered (9:1-11)
          12. 3. The Glory of the Lord Departs (10:1-22)
          13. 4. The Lord Judges the Leaders (11:1-25)
          14. E. The Exile Symbolized (12:1-28)
          15. F. The Lord’s Case Against Judah (13:1-24:7)
          16. 1. Oracle Against the False Prophets (13:1-23)
          17. 2. Oracle Against Idolatry (14:1-23)
          18. 3. Jerusalem as a Worthless Vine (15:1-8)
          19. 4. Jerusalem as an Unfaithful Woman (16:1-63)
          20. 5. Parable of the Two Eagles and a Vine (17:1-24)
          21. 6. The Sins of the Individual (18:1-32)
          22. 7. Lament for Israel’s Princes (19:1-14)
          23. 8. Israel’s Rebelliousness (20:1-49)
          24. 9. Babylon, The Sword of the Lord (21:1-32)
          25. 10. Jerusalem, A City of Bloodshed (22:1-30)
          26. 11. Parable of Two Adulterous Sisters (23:1-49)
          27. 12. Parable of the Cooking Pot (24:1-14)
          28. 13. The Death of Ezekiel’s Wife (24:15-27)
        2. II. Oracles of Judgment Against the Nations (25:1-32:32)
          1. A. Ammon (25:1-7)
          2. B. Moab (25:8-11)
          3. C. Edom (25:12-14)
          4. D. Philistia (25:15-17)
          5. E. Tyre (26:1-28:19)
          6. F. Sidon (28:20-26)
          7. G. Egypt (29:1-32:32)
        3. III. Oracles of Restoration for Judah (33:1-48:35)
          1. A. Fall and Restoration (33:1-39:29)
          2. 1. Ezekiel a Watchman (33:1-20)
          3. 2. Jerusalem’s Fall (33:21-33)
          4. 3. Woe to the Shepherds of Israel (34:1-31)
          5. 4. Oracle Against Edom (35:1-15)
          6. 5. Restoration for Israel and its Mountains (36:1-38)
          7. 6. The Valley of Dry Bones (37:1-14)
          8. 7. Judah and Israel Reunited (37:15-28)
          9. 8. Oracle Against Gog and Magog (38:1-39:29)
          10. B. Vision of a Restored Jerusalem (40:1-48:35)
          11. 1. A New Temple (40:1-42:20)
          12. 2. Return of the Glory of the Lord (43:1-27)
          13. 3. Details of the Priesthood (44:1-45:12)
          14. 4. Offerings and Festivals (45:13-46:24)
          15. 5. The River of Life (47:1-12)
          16. 6. Allotment of the Land (47:13-48:29)
          17. 7. The City Gates (48:30-35)
    7. MINOR Prophets
      1. 29-JOEL
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. Oracles of Invasion and Destruction (1:2-2:14)
          1. A. Call for Fasting and Repentance (1:2-20)
          2. B. The Day of the Lord is Coming (2:1-14)
        3. III. Oracles of Hope and Restoration (2:15-3:21)
          1. A. The Lord Takes Pity (2:15-32)
          2. B. Judgment of the Nations (3:1-16)
          3. C. Jerusalem Blessed (3:17-21)
      2. 30-AMOS
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. The Lord Judges the Nations (1:2-2:3)
        3. III. Judah and Israel Judged With the Nations (2:4-16)
        4. IV. The Case Against Israel (3:1-6:14)
          1. A. Witnesses Against Israel (3:1-15)
          2. B. Israel’s Unrepentance (4:1-13)
          3. C. Lament Over Punishment (5:1-17)
          4. D. Woes Against Idolatry and Complacency (5:18-6:7)
          5. E. Sovereign Oath Against Israel (6:8-14)
        5. IV. Visions Against Israel (7:1-9:10)
          1. A. Locusts, Fire, and a Plumbline (7:1-9)
          2. B. Amos and Amaziah the Priest (7:10-17)
          3. C. A Basket of Ripe Fruit (8:1-14)
          4. D. The Lord and the Altar (9:1-10)
        6. V. Israel and Judah Restored (9:11-14)
      3. 31-OBADIAH
        1. I. Title (1)
        2. II. The Lord Declares War on Edom (2-14)
        3. III. The Day of the Lord is Near (15-21)
      4. 32-JONAH
        1. I. Jonah Runs From His Mission (1:1-2:10)
          1. A. Jonah’s Commission and Flight (1:1-6)
          2. B. Jonah’s Punishment (1:7-17)
          3. C. Jonah’s Prayer and Deliverance (2:1-10)
        2. II. Jonah’s Reluctant Obedience (3:1-4:11)
          1. A. Jonah Proclaims Message to Nineveh (3:1-4)
          2. B. The Ninevites Repent (3:5-10)
          3. C. Jonah Angry With the Lord’s Mercy (4:1-11)
      5. 33-MICAH
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. Oracles Against Israel and Judah (1:2-3:12)
          1. A. Judgment and Punishment (1:2-16)
          2. B. God’s Plans Against Man’s Plans (2:1-13)
          3. C. Leaders, Rulers, and Prophets Condemned (3:1-12)
        3. III. Hope of Restoration (4:1-5:15)
          1. A. Mount Zion’s Restoration (4:1-13)
          2. B. The Messiah from Bethlehem Promised (5:1-5)
          3. C. The Remnant Delivered and Enemies Destroyed (5:6-15)
        4. IV. Israel to Rise from Punishment and Misery (6:1-7:20)
          1. A. The Case Against Israel (6:1-16)
          2. B. Israel’s Misery (7:1-7)
          3. C. The Lord Restores Israel (7:8-20)
      6. 34-NAHUM
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. The Lord’s Anger with Nineveh (1:2-13)
        3. III. Nineveh’s Destruction (1:14-2:13)
        4. IV. Woe to Nineveh (3:1-19)
      7. 39-MALACHI
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. God’s Love For Israel (1:2-5)
        3. III. Israel’s Unfaithfulness (1:6-2:16)
          1. A. Contemptable Sacrifices (1:6-14)
          2. B. The Priesthood Rebuked (2:1-9)
          3. C. Judah’s Marital Unfaithfulness (2:10-16)
        4. IV. The Day of the Lord is Coming (2:17-4:6)
          1. A. The Day of Judgment (2:17-3:6)
          2. B. Stealing from God (3:7-18)
          3. C. The Day of the Lord (4:1-6)
      8. 38-ZECHARIAH
        1. I. Zechariah’s Encouragment to Reconstruct the Temple (1:1-8:23)
          1. A. Call For Repentance (1:1-6)
          2. B. Eight Visions at Night (1:7-6:15)
          3. 1. The Man in the Myrtle Trees (1:7-17)
          4. 2. Four Horns and Four Craftsmen (1:18-21)
          5. 3. A Man with a Measuring Line (2:1-13)
          6. 4. Clean Clothes for Joshua, the High Priest (3:1-10)
          7. 5. The Gold Lampstand and Two Olive Trees (4:1-14)
          8. 6. The Flying Scroll (5:1-4)
          9. 7. The Woman in the Measuring Basket (5:5-11)
          10. 8. Four Chariots (6:1-8)
          11. C. A Crown for Joshua, the High Priest (6:9-15)
          12. D. A Question About Fasting (7:1-14)
          13. E. The Lord Will Bless Jerusalem Again (8:1-23)
        2. II. Oracles About the Future of God’s Kingdom (9:1-14:21)
          1. A. The First Oracle (9:1-11:17)
          2. 1. Judgment of the Nations (9:1-8)
          3. 2. Zion’s Coming King (9:9-17)
          4. 3. The Lord’s Provision for Judah (10:1-11:3)
          5. 4. The Two Shepherds (11:4-17)
          6. B. The Second Oracle (12:1-14:21)
          7. 1. Jerusalem’s Enemies Destroyed (12:1-9)
          8. 2. Descriptions of the Messiah (12:10-13:9)
          9. 3. The Day of the Lord (14:1-21)
      9. 37-HAGGAI
        1. I. Call to Rebuild the Temple (1:1-11)
        2. II. Zerubbabel and the Remnant Respond (1:12-15)
        3. III. The Promise of the Return of the Temple’s Glory (2:1-9)
        4. IV. The Lord’s Blessing (2:10-19)
        5. V. Zerubbabel, The Lord’s Servant (2:20-23)
      10. 36-ZEPHANIAH
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. Judgment Against Judah (1:2-2:3)
        3. III. Judgment Against the Nations (2:4-15)
        4. IV. The Remnant Purified and Restored (3:1-20)
      11. 35-HABAKKUK
        1. I. Title (1:1)
        2. II. Habakkuk’s First Complaint and the Lord’s Response (1:2-11)
        3. III. Habakkuk’s Second Complaint and the Lord’s Response (1:12-2:20)
        4. IV. Habakkuk’s Prayer (3:1-19)
  2. NEW Testament
    1. GOSPELS
      1. 01 - MATTHEW
        1. Pt 1: Matt Ch. 01-10
          2. Matthew 1:23a - 'Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel' (Isaiah 7:14).
          4. Matthew 2:6 - 'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are not the least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel' (Micah 5:2)."
          5. Matthew 2:15b - 'Out of Egypt I called my son' (Hosea 11:1).
          6. Matthew 2:18 - 'A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted, because they were no more' (Jeremiah 31:15).
          8. Matthew 3:3b - 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight' (Isaiah 40:3)
          10. Matthew 4:4b - 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God' (Deuteronomy 8:3)."
          11. Matthew 4:6b - 'He shall give his angels charge concerning you,' and 'In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone' (Psalm 91:11,12)."
          12. Matthew 4:7b - 'You shall not tempt the Lord your God' (Deuteronomy 6:16)."
          13. Matthew 4:10b - 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only you shall serve' (Deuteronomy 6:13)."
          15. Matthew 4:15-16 - 'The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles: the people who sat in darkness saw a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death, light has dawned' (Isaiah 9:1,2).
          16. SERMON ON THE MOUNT
          17. Anger and Reconciliation
          18. Matthew 5:21b - 'You shall not murder' (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17),
          19. Adultery and Lust
          20. Matthew 5:27b - 'You shall not commit adultery' (Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18).
          21. Divorce and Adultery
          22. Matthew 5:27b - 'Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce' (Deuteronomy 24:1).
          23. Swearing and Making Vows
          24. Matthew 5:33b - 'You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord' (Leviticus 19:12; Numbers 30:2; Deuteronomy 23:21),
          25. Don't Take Revenge - "Turn the Other Cheek"
          26. Matthew 5:38b - 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' (Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:21),
          27. Don't Hate - "Love Your Enemies"
          28. Matthew 5:43b - 'You shall love your neighbour' (Leviticus 19:18)
          30. Matthew 9:13b - 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice' (Hosea 6:6).
          32. Matthew 10:35b-36 - 'set a man against his own father, a daughter against her own mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law', and 'a man's foes will be those of his own household' (Micah 7:6).
        2. Pt 2-Matt Ch 11-20
          2. Matthew 11:10b - 'Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you' (Malachi 3:1).
          4. Matthew 12:7b - 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice' (Hosea 6:6)
          6. Matthew 12:18-21 - 'Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased; I will put my Spirit upon him, and he will declare justice to the Gentiles. He will not quarrel nor cry out, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and smoking flax he will not quench, till he sends forth justice to victory. And in his name Gentiles will trust' (Isaiah 42:1-4).
          8. Matthew 13:14b-15 - 'Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive; for the heart of this people has grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their heart and turn, so that I should heal them' (Isaiah 6:9,10).
          9. Matthew 13:35b - 'I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world' (Psalm 78:2).
          10. Matthew 13:35b - 'I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world' (Psalm 78:2).
          12. Matthew 15:4b - 'Honour your father and your mother' (Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16), and
          13. Matthew 15:4c - 'He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death' (Exodus 21:17; Leviticus 20:9).
          14. Matthew 15:8-9 - 'These people draw near to me with their mouth, and honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. And in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men' (Isaiah 29:13)."
          16. Matthew 19:18b-19a - "'You shall not murder,' 'You shall not commit adultery,' 'You shall not steal,' 'You shall not bear false witness,' 'Honour your father and your mother' (Exodus 20:12-16; Deuteronomy 5:16-20)
          17. Matthew 19b - 'You shall love your neighbour as yourself' (Leviticus 19:18),"
        3. Pt 3-Matt Ch 21-28
          2. Matthew 21:5 - 'Tell the daughter of Zion, Behold your king is coming to you, lowly, and sitting on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey' (Zechariah 9:9).
          3. Matthew 21:9b - 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!' (Psalm 118:26)
          5. Matthew 21:13b - 'My house shall be called a house of prayer' (Isaiah 56:7).
          6. Matthew 21:13c - 'den of thieves!' (Jeremiah 7:11)"
          7. Matthew 21:16b - 'Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have perfected praise'? (Psalm 8:2)"
          9. Matthew 21:42b - 'The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?' (Psalm 118:22,23)
          11. Matthew 21:42b - 'The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?' (Psalm 118:22,23)
          13. Matthew 22:32a - 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob'? (Exodus 3:6,15)
          15. Matthew 22:37b - 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind' (Deuteronomy 6:5).
          16. Matthew 22:39b - 'You shall love your neighbour as yourself' (Leviticus 19:18).
          18. Matthew 22:44 - 'The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool?' (Psalm 110:1)
          20. Matthew 23:29b - 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!' (Psalm 118:26)"
          22. Matthew 24:15b - 'abomination of desolation' (Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11)
          23. Matthew 24:29b - 'the sun will be darkened, the moon will fail to give her light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken' (Isaiah 13:10; 34:4).
          25. Matthew 26:31b - 'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered' (Zechariah 13:7).
          27. Matthew 27:9b-10 - 'And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the value of him who was priced, whom they of the children of Israel priced, and gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord directed them' (Zechariah 11:12,13; Jeremiah 32:6-9).
          29. Matthew 27:46b - 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' (Psalm 22:1)
      2. 02-MARK
        1. Pt 1: Mark Ch. 01-10
          2. Mark 1:2b - 'Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you' (Malachi 3:1).
          3. Mark 1:3 - 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight' (Isaiah 40:3).
          5. Mark 4:12 - 'seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand; lest they should turn, and their sins be forgiven them'" (Isaiah 6:9,10).
          7. Mark 7:6b - 'This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. And in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men' (Isaiah 29:13).
          8. Mark 7:10b - 'Honour your father and your mother' (Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16)
          9. Mark 7:10c - 'He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death' (Exodus 21:17; Leviticus 20:9).
          11. Mark 9:48 - 'their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched' (Isaiah 66:24).
          13. Mark 10:6b - 'made them male and female' (Genesis 1:27; 5:2).
          14. Mark 10:7-8a - 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh' (Genesis 2:24).
          16. Mark 10:19b - 'Do not commit adultery,' 'Do not murder', 'Do not steal,' 'Do not bear false witness,' 'Do not defraud,' 'Honour your father and your mother' (Exodus 20:12-16; Deuteronomy 5:16-20)."
        2. Pt 1: Mark Ch. 11-15
          2. Mark 11:9b - 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!' (Psalm 118:26)
          4. Mark 11:17b - 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations?' (Isaiah 56:7).
          5. Mark 11:17d - 'den of thieves!' (Jeremiah 7:11)"
          7. Mark 12:10b-11 - 'The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?' (Psalm 118:22,23)"
          9. Mark 12:26b - 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? (Exodus 3:6,15)
          11. Mark 12:29b-30 - 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength' (Deuteronomy 6:4,5).
          12. Mark 12:31b - 'You shall love your neighbour as yourself' (Leviticus 19:18).
          14. Mark 12:36b - 'The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool' (Psalm 110:1).
          16. Mark 13:14b - 'the abomination of desolation' (Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11)
          17. Mark 13:24b-25 - 'the light of the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give her light; stars will be falling from the sky and the powers of heaven will rock on their foundations' (Isaiah 13:10; 34:4).
          19. Mark 14:27b - 'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered' (Zechariah 13:7).
          21. Mark 15:34b - 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' (Psalm 22:1)
      3. 03-LUKE
        1. Pt 1: Luk Ch. 01-12
          1. BIRTH OF JESUS
          2. Luke 2:23b - 'Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord' (Exodus 13:2,12,15)
          3. Luke 2:24b - 'A pair of turtle doves, or two young pigeons' (Leviticus 12:8)
          5. Luke 3:4b-6 - 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill brought low; and the crooked places shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God' (Isaiah 40:3-5).
          7. Luke 4:4b - 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God' (Deuteronomy 8:3)."
          8. Luke 4:8b - 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only you shall serve' (Deuteronomy 6:13)."
          9. Luke 4:10b-11 - 'He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you', and 'In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone' (Psalm 91:11,12)."
          10. Luke 4:12b - 'You shall not tempt the Lord your God' (Deuteronomy 6:16)."
          12. Luke 4:18-19 - 'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord' (Isaiah 61:1,2).
          14. Luke 7:27b - 'Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you' (Malachi 3:1).
          16. Luke 8:10b - 'seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand' (Isaiah 6:9)".
          18. Luke 10:27a - 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind' (Deuteronomy 6:5)
          19. Luke 10:27b - 'your neighbour as yourself' (Leviticus 19:18),"
        2. Pt 1: Luk Ch. 11-23
          2. Luke 13:35b - 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!' (Psalm 118:26)"
          4. Luke 18:20b - 'Do not commit adultery,' 'Do not murder,' 'Do not steal,' 'Do not bear false witness,' 'Honour your father and your mother' (Exodus 20:12-16; Deuteronomy 5:16-20)"
          6. Luke 19:38b - "'Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!'" (Psalm 118:26)
          8. Luke 19:46b - 'My house is a house of prayer' (Isaiah 56:7),
          9. Luke 19:46d - 'den of thieves!' (Jeremiah 7:11)"
          11. Luke 20:17b - 'The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone?' (Psalm 118:22)
          13. Luke 20:37b - 'the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob' (Exodus 3:6,15).
          15. Luke 20:42b-43 - 'The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool.' (Psalm 110:1)
          17. Luke 22:37b - 'And he was numbered with the transgressors' (Isaiah 53:12).
          19. Luke 23:30b - 'to say to the mountains, Fall on us! and to the hills, Cover us!' (Hosea 10:8)
          20. Luke 23:46b - 'into your hands I commend my spirit.' (Psalm 31:5)"
      4. 04-JOHN
        1. Pt 1: Joh Ch. 01-11
          2. John 1:23b - 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the Lord' (Isaiah 40:3)
          4. John 2:17b - 'Zeal for your house has eaten me up' (Psalm 69:9)
          6. John 6:45b - 'And they shall all be taught by God,' (Isaiah 54:13)
          8. John 9:24b -' give God the glory' (Joshua 7:19)
          10. John 10:34b -"'I have said you are gods'? (Psalm 82:6)
        2. Pt 1: Joh Ch. 12-22
          2. John 12:13b - 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord' (Psalm 118:26),
          3. John 12:15 - 'Fear not, daughter of Zion: behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey's colt' (Zechariah 9:9).
          5. John 12:38b - 'Lord, who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?' (Isaiah 53:1)
          6. John 12:40 - 'He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they should see with their eyes and understand with their heart, lest they should turn, so that I should heal them' (Isaiah 6:10)
          7. THE LAST SUPPER
          8. John 13:18b - 'He who eats bread with me has lifted up his heal against me' (Psalm 41:9)
          10. John 15:25b - 'They hated me without a cause' (Psalm 35.19; 69:4).
          12. John 19:24b - 'They divided my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots' (Psalm 22:18)
          13. HIS BURIAL
          14. John 19:36b - 'Not one of his bones shall be broken.' (Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, Psalm 34:20)
          15. John 19:37b - 'They shall look on him whom they pierced.' (Zechariah 12:10)
      5. Subtopic
        1. Subtopic
    2. ACTS
      1. Pt 1: Acts Ch. 01-08 Jewish Period
          1. Acts 1:20b - 'Let his habitation be desolate, and let no one live in it' (Psalm 69:25), and
          2. Acts 1:20c - 'Let another take his office' (Psalm 109:8).
          1. Acts 2:17-21 - 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. And on my menservants and on my maidservants I will pour out my Spirit in those days and they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath: blood and fire and vapour of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and notable day of the Lord. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.' (Joel 2:28-32)
          2. Acts 2:25b-28 - 'I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken; therefore my heart rejoiced, and my tongue was glad; moreover my flesh will also rest in hope, because you will not leave my soul in Hades, nor will you allow your holy one to see corruption. You have made known to me the ways of life; you will make me full of joy in your presence.' (Psalm 16:8-11)
          3. Acts 2:34-35a - 'The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool'. (Psalm 110:1)
          1. Acts 3:22b-24 - 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren. Him you shall hear in all things, whatever he says to you. And it shall come to pass that every soul who will not hear that prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people.' (Deuteronomy 18:15,18,19)
          2. Acts 3:25b - ''And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.' (Genesis 22:18; 26:4)
          3. Acts 4:11 - 'stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone' (Psalm 118:22).
          1. Acts 4:25b-26 - 'Why did the nations rage, and the people plot vain things? The kings of the earth took their stand, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against his Christ' (Psalm 2:1-2) -
          1. Acts 7:3b - 'Get out of your country and from your relatives, and come to a land that I will show you.' (Genesis 12:1)
          2. Acts 7:7a - 'And the nation to whom they will be in bondage I will judge,' (Genesis 15:14)
          3. Acts 7:7b - 'and after that they shall come out and serve me in this place.' (Exodus 3:12)
          4. Acts 7:27b-28 - 'Who made you a ruler and judge over us? Do you want to kill me as you killed that Egyptian yesterday?' (Exodus 2:14)
          5. Acts 7:32a - 'I am the God of your fathers - the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' (Exodus 3:6)
          6. Acts 7:33-34 - 'Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground. I have certainly seen the oppression of my people who are in Egypt; I have heard their groaning and have come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send you to Egypt.' (Exodus 3:5,7,8,10)
          7. Acts 7:37b - 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren. Him you shall hear.' (Deuteronomy 18:15)
          8. Acts 7:40b - 'Make us gods to go before us; as for this Moses who brought us out of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.' (Exodus 32:1)
          9. Acts 7:42b-43 - 'Did you offer me slaughtered animals and sacrifices during forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel? Yes, you took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, images which you made to worship; and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.' (Amos 5:25-27)
          10. Acts 7:49-50 - 'Heaven is my throne. and earth is my footstool. What house will you build for me? says the Lord, or what is the place of my rest? Has my hand not made all these things?' (Isaiah 66:1,2)
      2. Pt 2: Acts Ch. 08-13 Earliest Missionary Journeys
          1. Acts 8:32b-33 - 'He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb silent before its shearer, so he opened not his mouth. In his humiliation his justice was taken away. And who will declare his generation? For his life is taken from the earth.' (Isaiah 53:7-8)
          2. Acts 13:22b - 'I have found David (Psalm 89:20) .... the son of Jesse .... a man after my own heart, who will do all my will.' (a paraphrase of 1 Samuel 13:14)
          3. Acts 13:33b - ''You are my son, today I have begotten you.' (Psalm 2:7)
          4. Acts 13:34b - ''I will give you the sure mercies of David.' (Isaiah 55:3)
          5. Acts 13:41 - ''Behold, you despisers, marvel and perish; for I work a work in your days, a work which you will by no means believe, though one were to declare it to you.' (Habakkuk 1:5)"
          6. Acts 13:47b - 'I have set you to be a light to the Gentiles, that you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth.' (Isaiah 49:6)"
      3. Pt 3: Acts Ch. 08-13 Chapters 13-15 - Paul's First Missionary Journey & the Council at Jerusalem
        1. Acts 15:16-18 - 'After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen down. I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up, so that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who are called by my name, says the Lord who does all these things. (Amos 9:11,12)
        2. Chapter 15-18 - Paul's Second Missionary Journey
        3. Chapters 18:23b-20 - Paul's Third Missionary Journey
        4. Chapters 21-28 - Paul's Arrest in Jerusalem & Journey to Rome
        5. Acts 23:5b - 'You shall not speak evil of the ruler of your people.' (Exodus 22:28)"
        1. Acts 28:26-27 - 'Go to the people and say, Hearing you will hear, and shall not understand; and seeing you will see, and not perceive; for the heart of this people has grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their heart and turn, so that I should heal them.' (Isaiah 6:9-10)
    3. A. GOSPELS
      1. 40-MATTHEW
        1. I. Prologue (1:1-2:23)
          1. A. The Genealogy of Jesus (1:1-17)
          2. B. The Birth of Jesus (1:18-25)
          3. C. The Visit of the Magi (2:1-12)
          4. D. The Egyptian Sojourn and Exodus (2:13-15)
          5. E. The Slaughter of the Innocents (2:16-18)
          6. F. The Return to Nazareth (2:19-23)
        2. II. The Proclamation of the Kingdom (3:1-7:29)
          1. A. The Ministry of John the Baptist (3:1-12)
          2. B. The Baptism of Jesus (3:13-17)
          3. C. The Temptation in the Wilderness (4:1-11)
          4. D. The Beginning of Jesus’ Galilean Ministry (4:12-25)
          5. E. First Discourse: The Sermon on the Mount (5:1-7:29)
        3. III. The Extension of the Kingdom (8:1-10:42)
          1. A. Jesus Ministers to Multitudes (8:1-9:34)
          2. B. The Calling of Workers for the Harvest (9:35-10:4)
          3. C. Second Discourse: The Apostolic Mission (10:5-42)
        4. IV. Rising Opposition to the Kingdom (11:1-13:52)
          1. A. John’s Doubts and Jesus’ Response (11:1-19)
          2. B. Unrepentant Cities (11:20-24)
          3. C. Rest for the Weary (11:25-30)
          4. D. A Dispute Over the Sabbath (12:1-14)
          5. E. The Servant of the Lord (12:15-21)
          6. F. An Accusation of Allegiance to Beelzebub (12:22-45)
          7. G. Opposition From Jesus’ Own Family (12:46-50)
          8. H. Third Discourse: Parables on the Nature of the Kingdom (13:1-52)
        5. V. The Authority of the Kingdom (13:53-19:2)
          1. A. Jesus’ Authority Rejected at Nazareth (13:53-58)
          2. B. John the Baptist Beheaded (14:1-12)
          3. C. Jesus’ Authority Demonstrated Yet Misunderstood (14:13-17:27)
          4. 1. In the Feeding of the Multitudes (14:13-16:12)
          5. 2. In Peter’s Good Confession (16:13-28)
          6. 3. In the Transfiguration (17:1-13)
          7. 4. In the Exorcism of a Demon (17:14-23)
          8. 5. In the Paying of Taxes (17:24-27)
          9. D. Fourth Discourse: Life Under Kingdom Authority (18:1-35)
        6. VI. The Coming of the Kingdom (19:1-25:46)
          1. A. The Journey to Jerusalem (19:1-20:34)
          2. 1. Jesus Questioned About Divorce (19:1-15)
          3. 2. The Last Will Be First (19:16-20:28)
          4. 3. Jesus Heals the Blind (20:29-34)
          5. B. Jesus Enters Jerusalem (21:1-23:39)
          6. 1. The Triumphal Entry (21:1-11)
          7. 2. The Cleansing of the Temple (21:12-17)
          8. 3. The Cursing of the Fig Tree (21:18-22)
          9. 4. Conflicts With the Religious Authorities (21:23-22:46)
          10. 5. Woes Against the Teachers of the Law (23:1-39)
          11. C. Fifth Discourse: The Coming of the End of the Age (24:1-25:46)
        7. VII. Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection (26:1-28:20)
          1. A. Jesus Betrayed and Arrested (26:1-56)
          2. 1. The Plot Against Jesus (26:1-16)
          3. 2. The Last Supper (26:17-35)
          4. 3. Jesus’ Prayer and Arrest at Gethsemane (26:36-56)
          5. B. Jesus Tried and Put to Death (26:57-27:56)
          6. 1. The Trial Before the Sanhedrin (26:57-75)
          7. 2. The Trial Before Pilate (27:1-26)
          8. 3. The Crucifixion (27:27-56)
          9. C. The Resurrection (27:57-28:20)
          10. 1. Jesus’ Burial and the Guard at the Tomb (27:57-66)
          11. 2. The Resurrection (28:1-15)
          12. 3. The Great Commission (28:16-20)
      2. 41-MARK
        1. I. The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry (1:1-13)
          1. A. The Ministry of John the Baptist (1:1-8)
          2. B. The Baptism of Jesus (1:9-11)
          3. C. The Temptation in the Wilderness (1:12-13)
        2. II. The Galilean Ministry (1:14-6:44)
          1. A. Early Ministry in Galilee (1:14-3:12)
          2. 1. Call of the First Disciples (1:14-20)
          3. 2. Miracles in Capernaum (1:21-34)
          4. 3. Ministry Throughout Galilee (1:35-45)
          5. 4. Controversies with Religious Authorities (2:1-3:12)
          6. B. Later Ministry in Galilee (3:13-6:44)
          7. 1. Call of the Twelve Apostles (3:13-19)
          8. 2. An Accusation of Allegiance to Beelzebub (3:20-30)
          9. 3. Opposition From Jesus’ Own Family (3:31-35)
          10. 4. Parables of the Kingdom (4:1-34)
          11. 5. Ministry Across the Sea of Galilee (4:35-5:20)
          12. 6. Miracles Performed in Galilee (5:21-43)
          13. 7. Without Honor in His Hometown (6:1-6)
          14. 8. Jesus Sends Out the Twelve (6:7-13)
          15. 9. John the Baptist Beheaded (6:14-29)
          16. 10. The Feeding of the 5,000 (6:31-44)
          17. C. Ministry to the Gentile Regions (6:45-9:32)
          18. 1. In Gennesaret (6:45-7:23)
          19. 2. In Tyre, Sidon, and the Decapolis (7:24-8:9)
          20. 3. In the Vicinity of Caesarea Philippi (8:10-9:32)
          21. D. Final Ministry in Galilee (9:33-50)
        3. III. The Judean Ministry (10:1-52)
          1. A. Teaching on Divorce (10:1-12)
          2. B. Jesus and the Little Children (10:13-16)
          3. C. The Rich Young Man (10:17-31)
          4. D. Jesus Predicts His Death (10:32-34)
          5. E. The Request of James and John (10:35-45)
          6. F. The Healing of Blind Bartimaeus (10:46-52)
        4. IV. The Passion and Death of Jesus (11:1-15:47)
          1. A. The Triumphal Entry (11:1-11)
          2. B. The Cleansing of the Temple (11:12-26)
          3. C. Conflicts With the Religious Authorities (11:27-12:44)
          4. D. The Olivet Discourse on the End of the Age (13:1-37)
          5. E. The Anointing at Bethany (14:1-11)
          6. F. The Last Supper (14:12-31)
          7. G. Jesus’ Arrest and Trial (14:32-15:20)
          8. H. Jesus’ Death and Burial (15:21-47)
          9. V. The Resurrection of Jesus (16:1-20)
      3. 42-LUKE
        1. I. Prefatory Address to Theophilus (1:1-4)
        2. II. The Coming of Jesus (1:5-2:52)
          1. A. The Annunciations to Mary and Elizabeth (1:5-56)
          2. B. The Birth of John the Baptist (1:57-80)
          3. C. Jesus’ Birth and Early Life (2:1-52)
        3. III. The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry (3:1-4:13)
          1. A. The Ministry of John the Baptist (3:1-20)
          2. B. The Baptism of Jesus (3:21-22)
          3. C. The Genealogy of Jesus (3:23-38)
          4. D. The Temptation in the Wilderness (4:1-13)
        4. IV. The Galilean Ministry (4:14-9:50)
          1. A. Sermon at Nazareth (4:14-30)
          2. B. Preaching and Healing in Galilee (4:31-5:39)
          3. C. A Controversy over the Sabbath (6:1-11)
          4. D. Selection of the Twelve (6:12-16)
          5. E. Sermon on the Plain (6:17-49)
          6. F. Two Healings (7:1-17)
          7. G. Jesus and John the Baptist (7:18-35)
          8. H. Anointing by a Sinful Woman (7:36-50)
          9. I. Other Women who Followed Jesus (8:1-3)
          10. J. Teaching on True Belief (8:4-21)
          11. 1. Parable of the Sower (8:4-15)
          12. 2. A Lamp on a Stand (8:16-18)
          13. 3. Jesus’ Mother and Brothers (8:19-21)
          14. K. Jesus’ Mighty Acts (8:22-56)
          15. 1. Calming the Storm (8:22-25)
          16. 2. Healing a Demoniac (8:26-39)
          17. 3. Healing a Sick Woman and Dead Girl (8:40-56)
          18. L. Jesus and the Twelve (9:1-50)
          19. 1. The Mission of the Twelve (9:1-9)
          20. 2. The Feeding of the 5,000 (9:10-17)
          21. 3. Peter’s Good Confession (9:18-27)
          22. 4. The Transfiguration (9:28-36)
          23. 5. The Disciples’ Inability to Cast Out a Demon (9:37-45)
          24. 6. Who Will Be Greatest? (9:46-50)
        5. V. The Journey to Jerusalem (9:51-19:44)
          1. A. Teaching About Discipleship (9:51-10:42)
          2. 1. The Cost of Discipleship (9:51-62)
          3. 2. The Sending of the Seventy-Two (10:1-24)
          4. 3. Parable of the Good Samaritan (10:25-37)
          5. 4. Mary and Martha (10:38-42)
          6. B. On Prayer (11:1-13)
          7. C. Jesus and Beelzebub (11:14-26)
          8. D. Stern Teachings (11:27-13:9)
          9. 1. True Blessedness (11:27-28)
          10. 2. The Sign of Jonah (11:29-32)
          11. 3. The Lamp of the Body (11:33-36)
          12. 4. Woes Against the Pharisees (11:37-54)
          13. 5. Do Not Fear Persecution (12:1-12)
          14. 6. Treasures in Heaven (12:13-34)
          15. 7. Exhortation to Be Watchful (12:35-48)
          16. 8. Not Peace But Division (12:49-53)
          17. 9. Interpreting the Times (12:54-59)
          18. 10. The Urgent Need for Repentance (13:1-9)
          19. E. Teaching about the Kingdom (13:10-14:35)
          20. 1. Healing on the Sabbath (13:10-17)
          21. 2. The Growth of the Kingdom (13:18-21)
          22. 3. Enter Through the Narrow Door (13:22-30)
          23. 4. Jerusalem’s Resistance to the Kingdom (13:31-35)
          24. 5. The Feast of the Kingdom (14:1-24)
          25. 6. Counting the Cost (14:25-35)
          26. F. Parables about the Lost (15:1-32)
          27. 1. The Lost Sheep (15:1-7)
          28. 2. The Lost Coin (15:8-10)
          29. 3. The Lost Son (15:11-32)
          30. G. Teaching about Money and Servanthood (16:1-17:10)
          31. H. The Healing of Ten Lepers (17:11-19)
          32. I. The Coming of the Kingdom (17:20-19:44)
          33. 1. The Coming of the Kingdom Unexpected (17:20-37)
          34. 2. Parables about Prayer and Repentance (18:1-14)
          35. 3. Jesus and the Children (18:15-17)
          36. 4. The Rich Young Ruler (18:18-30)
          37. 5. Jesus Predicts His Death (18:31-34)
          38. 6. The Healing of a Blind Man (18:35-43)
          39. 7. Zacchaeus the Tax Collector (19:1-10)
          40. 8. Parable of the Ten Minas (19:11-27)
          41. 9. The Triumphal Entry (19:28-44)
        6. VI. Jesus in Jerusalem (19:45-21:38)
          1. A. The Cleansing of the Temple (19:45-46)
          2. B. Conflicts With the Religious Authorities (20:1-47)
          3. C. The Widow’s Offering (21:1-4)
          4. D. Signs of the End of the Age (21:5-38)
        7. VII. The Passion and Death of Jesus (22:1-56)
          1. A. Judas’ Betrayal (22:1-6)
          2. B. The Last Supper (22:7-38)
          3. C. Prayer on the Mount of Olives (22:39-46)
          4. D. The Arrest of Jesus (22:47-53)
          5. E. Peter’s Denial (22:54-62)
          6. F. The Trials Before Pilate and Herod (22:63-23:25)
          7. G. Jesus’ Death and Burial (23:26-56)
        8. VIII. The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus (24:1-53)
          1. A. The Resurrection (24:1-12)
          2. B. On the Road to Emmaus (24:13-35)
          3. C. Jesus Appears to the Disciples (24:36-49)
          4. D. The Ascension (24:50-53)
      4. 43-JOHN
        1. I. Prologue (1:1-18)
        2. II. Jesus’ Public Ministry (1:19-12:50)
          1. A. Jesus and John the Baptist (1:19-34)
          2. B. Changing Water into Wine at Cana (2:1-12)
          3. C. Cleansing the Temple (2:13-25)
          4. D. Jesus and Nicodemus (3:1-21)
          5. E. John the Baptist’s Testimony About Jesus (3:22-36)
          6. F. Jesus in Samaria (4:1-42)
          7. 1. The Samaritan Woman at the Well (4:1-30)
          8. 2. Spiritual Food (4:31-38)
          9. 3. Many Samaritans Believe (4:39-42)
          10. G. Jesus Heals the Official’s Son (4:43-54)
          11. H. A Trip to Jerusalem (5:1-47)
          12. 1. The Healing at the Pool of Bethesda (5:1-15)
          13. 2. Jesus’ Relationship to the Father (5:16-47)
          14. I. Ministry Around the Sea of Galilee (6:1-71)
          15. 1. The Feeding of the 5,000 (6:1-15)
          16. 2. Jesus Walks on Water (6:16-21)
          17. 3. Jesus the Bread of Life (6:22-71)
          18. J. Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles (7:1-8:59)
          19. 1. Jesus Goes to Jerusalem in Secret (7:1-13)
          20. 2. Is Jesus the Christ? (7:14-52)
          21. 3. The Woman Caught in Adultery (7:53-8:11)
          22. 4. Jesus Testifies Concerning Himself (8:12-59)
          23. K. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind (9:1-41)
          24. L. Jesus the Good Shepherd (10:1-21)
          25. M. Controversy During the Feast of Dedication (10:22-39)
          26. N. Many Come to Jesus Across the Jordan (10:40-42)
          27. O. Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead (11:1-54)
          28. P. The Climax of Jesus’ Public Ministry (12:1-50)
          29. 1. Jesus’ Feet Anointed at Bethany (12:1-11)
          30. 2. The Triumphal Entry (12:12-19)
          31. 3. “The Hour Has Come” (12:20-36)
          32. 4. The Unbelief of the Jews (12:37-50)
        3. III. Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection (13:1-20:31)
          1. A. Jesus’ Final Night with His Disciples (13:1-17:26)
          2. 1. Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet (13:1-17)
          3. 2. Jesus Predicts Judas’ Betrayal and Peter’s Denial (13:18-38)
          4. 3. Farewell Discourse (14:1-16:33)
          5. 4. Jesus’ Intercessory Prayer (17:1-26)
          6. B. Jesus’ Arrest and Trial (18:1-19:16)
          7. C. The Crucifixion (19:17-42)
          8. D. The Resurrection (20:1-31)
        4. IV. Epilogue (21:1-25)
          1. A. The Miraculous Catch of Fish (21:1-14)
          2. B. The Reinstatement of Peter (21:15-19)
          3. C. Concluding Remarks (21:20-25)
      5. 44-ACTS
        1. I. Peter and the Gospel to the Jews (1:1-12:24)
          1. A. Introduction (1:1-26)
          2. 1. Jesus’ Final Instructions and Ascension (1:1-11)
          3. 2. Waiting for the Holy Spirit (1:12-26)
          4. B. The Founding of the Church in Jerusalem (2:1-7:60)
          5. 1. The Coming of the Spirit and Peter’s First Sermon (2:1-41)
          6. 2. The Fellowship of Believers (2:42-46)
          7. 3. The Lame Man Healed and Peter’s Second Sermon (3:1-26)
          8. 4. Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin (4:1-31)
          9. 5. The Believers Share Their Possessions (4:32-5:11)
          10. 6. The Apostles Before the Sanhedrin (5:12-42)
          11. 7. The Choosing of the Seven (6:1-7)
          12. 8. Stephen’s Arrest and Martyrdom (6:8-7:60)
          13. C. The Church Scattered by Persecution (8:1-12:24)
          14. 1. Philip’s Ministry in Samaria and to the Ethiopian Eunuch (8:1-40)
          15. 2. The Conversion of Saul (9:1-31)
          16. 3. Peter’s Ministry in Lydda and Joppa (9:32-43)
          17. 4. Peter and the Coming of the Spirit to the Gentiles (10:1-11:18)
          18. 5. The “Christian” Church at Antioch (11:19-30)
          19. 6. Herod’s Persecution of the Church and Death (12:1-24)
        2. II. Paul and the Gospel to the Gentiles (12:25-28:31)
          1. A. Paul’s Missionary Journeys (12:25-21:16)
          2. 1. First Missionary Journey: Cyprus/Asia Minor (12:25-14:28)
          3. 2. The Jerusalem Council (15:1-35)
          4. 3. 2nd Missionary Journey: Asia Minor, Macedonia, Greece (15:36-18:22)
          5. 4. 3rd Missionary Journey: Strengthening the Churches (18:23-21:16)
          6. B. Paul’s Imprisonment and Journey to Rome (21:17-28:31)
          7. 1. Paul’s Arrest and Imprisonment in Jerusalem (21:17-23:35)
          8. 2. Paul’s Imprisonment in Caesarea (24:1-26:32)
          9. 3. The Voyage to Rome (27:1-28:15)
          10. 4. Paul’s Two Years in Rome (28:15-31)
    4. B. EPISTLES
      1. 45-ROMANS
        1. I. Introduction (1:1-15)
        2. II. Theme: Righteousness from God for Jew and Gentile (1:16-17)
        3. III. Mankind’s Fallen Condition (1:18-3:20)
          1. A. The Sinfulness of the Gentiles (1:18-32)
          2. B. The Sinfulness of the Jews (2:1-3:8)
          3. C. No One Righteous Before God (3:9-20)
        4. IV. God’s Righteousness Imputed Through Justification (3:21-5:21)
          1. A. Received Through Faith in Christ (3:21-31)
          2. B. Abraham Justified by Faith (4:1-25)
          3. C. Peace with God through Justification (5:1-11)
          4. D. Justification Achieved Through the Obedience of Christ (5:12-21)
        5. V. God’s Righteousness Imparted Through Sanctification (6:1-8:39)
          1. A. Freedom From the Dominion of Sin (6:1-23)
          2. B. Freedom From the Law’s Condemnation Even Though Not Yet Sinless (7:1-25)
          3. C. Victory Over the Flesh Through Life in the Spirit (8:1-39)
        6. VI. God’s Righteousness Extended to Both Jew and Gentile (9:1-11:36)
          1. A. Israel’s Apostasy Part of God’s Plan (9:1-33)
          2. B. Israel’s Apostasy Explained (10:1-21)
          3. C. Salvation for Both Jew and Gentile (11:1-36)
          4. 1. Salvation for Israel Through a Remnant (11:1-10)
          5. 2. Salvation for Gentiles Through Israel’s Apostasy (11:11-24)
          6. 3. Salvation for All God’s Elect (11:25-36)
        7. VII. God’s Righteousness Practiced (12:1-15:13)
          1. A. In Becoming Living Sacrifices (12:1-2)
          2. B. In the Church, the Body of Christ (12:3-21)
          3. C. In the World (13:1-14)
          4. D. In the Fellowship of the Weak and the Strong (14:1-15:13)
        8. VIII. Paul’s Plans and Final Greetings (15:14-16:24)
          1. A. Paul’s Ministry to the Gentiles (15:14-22)
          2. B. Paul’s Plan to Visit Rome (15:23-33)
          3. C. Paul’s Greetings to Roman Christians (16:1-16)
          4. D. Warning Against Divisive Persons (16:17-20)
          5. E. Paul’s Companions Send Their Greetings (16:21-23)
        9. IX. Conclusion (16:24-27)
      2. 46-1CORINTHIANS
        1. I. Introduction (1:1-9)
        2. II. Divisions in the Church (1:10-4:21)
          1. A. The Report From Chloe’s Household (1:10-17)
          2. B. The Wisdom of the Gospel Contrary to the Wisdom of the World (1:18-3:4)
          3. C. Ministry and Apostleship (3:5-4:21)
        3. III. Moral and Ethical Problems in the Church (5:1-6:20)
          1. A. Incest Tolerated Within the Church (5:1-12)
          2. B. Lawsuits Among Believers (6:1-11)
          3. C. Sexual Immorality (6:12-20)
        4. IV. Instructions About Marriage and Divorce (7:1-40)
          1. A. Marriage Preferable to Immorality (7:1-9)
          2. B. The Question of Divorce (7:10-24)
          3. C. The Question of the Unmarried (7:25-40)
        5. V. Instructions About Food Sacrificed to Idols (8:1-11:1)
          1. A. Free to Eat but Bound by the Conscience of the Weak (8:1-13)
          2. B. Paul’s Example: Waiving His Rights as an Apostle (9:1-27)
          3. C. Israel’s Example: Be Careful Lest You Fall (10:1-22)
          4. D. Conclusion: Sacrifice Your Freedom for the Good of Others (10:23-11:1)
        6. VI. Instructions About the Conduct of Worship (11:2-14:40)
          1. A. The Practice of Covering the Head (11:2-16)
          2. B. The Lord’s Supper (11:17-34)
          3. C. Spiritual Gifts (12:1-14:40)
          4. 1. Unity and Diversity in the Body of Christ (12:1-31)
          5. 2. Spiritual Gifts Worthless Apart From Love (13:1-13)
          6. 3. Prophecy and Tongues (14:1-25)
          7. 4. Order in the Conduct of Public Worship (14:26-40)
        7. VII. Instructions About the Resurrection (15:1-58)
          1. A. The Certainty of the Resurrection (15:1-34)
          2. B. The Resurrection Body (15:35-57)
          3. C. Charge to Stand Firm (15:58)
        8. VIII. Instructions About Practical Matters (16:1-12)
        9. IX. Conclusion (16:13-24)
      3. 47- 2CORINTHIANS
        1. I. Salutation (1:1-2)
        2. II. Paul’s Explanation of His Ministry (1:3-7:16)
          1. A. Thanksgiving For God’s Comfort in Affliction (1:3-11)
          2. B. The Reasons for Paul’s Change of Plans (1:12-2:4)
          3. C. Charge to Forgive the Penitent Sinner (2:5-11)
          4. D. The Ministry of the New Covenant (2:12-7:16)
          5. 1. Paul’s Faithfulness and Sincerity in Preaching the Gospel (12:12-17)
          6. 2. Paul’s Letter of Recommendation—The Corinthians Themselves (3:1-13)
          7. 3. The Unfading Glory of the New Covenant (3:14-4:6)
          8. 4. That Glory Carried in Jars of Clay (4:7-5:10)
          9. 5. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:11-6:13)
          10. 6. A Call to Purity (6:14-7:4)
          11. E. Titus’ Encouraging Report (7:5-16)
        3. III. The Collection for the Poor at Jerusalem (8:1-9:15)
          1. A. Generosity Encouraged by the Example of Macedonia (8:1-15)
          2. B. Titus and Others Sent to Make the Preparations (8:16-9:5)
          3. C. Reaping What is Sown (9:6-15)
        4. IV. Paul’s Defense of His Ministry against False Apostles (10:1-13:10)
          1. A. Paul’s Spiritual Authority (10:1-12)
          2. B. Paul’s Boasting (10:13-12:21)
          3. 1. Boasting in the Lord (10:13-18)
          4. 2. Paul’s Jealousy for the Corinthians (11:1-15)
          5. 3. Boasting in Weakness (11:16-33)
          6. 4. Boasting of a Heavenly Vision and a Thorn from Satan (12:1-10)
          7. 5. Paul’s Loving Concern for the Corinthians (12:11-21)
          8. C. Final Warnings (13:1-10)
        5. V. Conclusion (13:11-14)
      4. 48-GALATIANS
        1. I. Salutation (1:1-5)
        2. II. No Other Gospel (1:6-9)
        3. III. Paul’s Defense of His Apostleship (1:10-2:21)
          1. A. Paul’s Gospel from God Rather than Men (1:10-12)
          2. B. Paul’s Authority Not Dependent on the Jerusalem Apostles (1:13-2:21)
          3. 1. His Conversion and Divine Call (1:13-16)
          4. 2. Jerusalem Authorities Added Nothing to His Ministry (1:17-2:10)
          5. 3. Paul’s Authority Evidenced by His Rebuke of Peter (2:11-21)
        4. IV. Paul’s Defense of Justification through Faith apart from Law (3:1-4:31)
          1. A. The Spirit Received through Faith (3:1-5)
          2. B. Abraham Justified by Faith (3:6-9)
          3. C. The Curse of the Law Shows the Futility of Works (3:10-14)
          4. D. The Promise Preceded the Giving of the Law (3:15-4:7)
          5. E. Paul’s Concern for the Galatians (4:8-20)
          6. F. Hagar and Sarah: Bondage under Law vs. Freedom through Promise (4:21-31)
        5. V. Practical Implications of the Gospel (5:1-6:10)
          1. A. Exhortation to Freedom in Christ (5:1-12)
          2. B. Love Fulfills the Law (5:13-15)
          3. C. Life by the Spirit Rather than the Flesh (5:16-26)
          4. D. Call to Mutual Love and Help (6:1-10)
        6. VI. Conclusion (6:11-18)
          1. A. Final Appeal (6:11-17)
          2. B. Closing Grace (6:18)
      5. 49-EPHESIANS
        1. I. Salutation (1:1-2)
        2. II. The Redemption of All Things in Christ (1:3-14)
        3. III. Thanksgiving and Prayer for the Ephesians (1:15-23)
        4. IV. Redemption Accomplished (2:1-3:13)
          1. A. Reconciliation with God (2:1-10)
          2. B. Reconciliation of Jew and Gentile (2:11-22)
          3. C. Revelation of the Mystery of the Gentiles’ Inclusion with Israel (3:1-13)
        5. V. Prayer for the Ephesians and Doxology (3:14-21)
        6. VI. Redemption Lived Out (4:1-6:20)
          1. A. Unity in the Body of Christ (4:1-16)
          2. B. Putting Off the Old Self and Putting On the New (4:17-5:20)
          3. C. Mutual Submission in Christ (5:21-6:9)
        7. 1. Husbands and Wives (5:21-33)
        8. 2. Parents and Children (6:1-4)
        9. 3. Masters and Slaves (6:5-9)
          1. D. The Struggle Against the Spiritual Forces of Evil (6:10-20)
        10. VII. Conclusion (6:21-24)
      6. 50-PHILIPPIANS
        1. I. Salutation (1:1-2)
        2. II. Thanksgiving and Prayer for the Philippians (1:3-11)
        3. III. Paul’s Circumstances (1:12-26)
          1. A. His Imprisonment (1:12-18)
          2. B. Torn Between Life and Death (1:19-26)
        4. IV. Living in a Manner Worthy of the Gospel (1:27-2:18)
          1. A. Unity in Contending for the Faith (1:27-30)
          2. B. Unity Through Christlike Humility (2:1-11)
          3. C. Purity in the Midst of a Wicked Generation (2:12-18)
        5. V. Paul’s Plans to Send Timothy and Epaphroditus (2:19-30)
        6. VI. Warnings Against Error (3:1-4:1)
          1. A. Against Legalism and Confidence in the Flesh (3:1-11)
          2. B. Pressing On Toward the Goal of Our Calling (3:12-16)
          3. C. Against Libertinism and Sinful Indulgence (3:17-4:1)
        7. VII. Exhortations (4:2-9)
        8. VIII. Thanksgiving for the Philippians’ Generosity(4:10-20)
        9. IX. Conclusion (4:21-23)
      7. 51-COLLOSSIANS
        1. I. Introduction (1:1-14)
          1. A. Salutation (1:1-2)
          2. B. Thanksgiving (1:3-8)
          3. C. Prayer (1:9-14)
        2. II. The Supremacy of Christ (1:15-23)
        3. III. Paul’s Ministry to the Colossians (1:24-2:7)
        4. IV. Freedom in Christ (2:8-23)
          1. A. The Written Code Crucified in Christ (2:8-15)
          2. B. Freedom From Legalism and Asceticism (2:16-23)
        5. V. Raised With Christ to Live a Heavenly Life (3:1-4:6)
          1. A. Set Heart and Mind on Christ (3:1-4)
          2. B. Put Off the Old Self, Put On the New (3:5-14)
          3. C. Live Together in Peace (3:15-4:1)
          4. 1. As A Community of Worship (3:15-17)
          5. 2. As Husbands and Wives (3:18-19)
          6. 3. As Parents and Children (3:20-21)
          7. 4. As Masters and Slaves (3:22-4:1)
          8. D. Prayer For and Ministry To Outsiders (4:2-4:6)
        6. VI. Final Greetings (4:7-18)
      8. 52-1THESSALONIANS
        1. I. Salutation (1:1)
        2. II. Thanksgiving for the Thessalonians (1:2-10)
        3. III. Paul’s Ministry to the Thessalonians (2:1-3:13)
          1. A. His Ministry in Thessalonica (2:1-16)
          2. B. His Absence and Desire to Return (2:17-3:10)
          3. C. His Prayer for the Thessalonians (3:11-13)
        4. IV. Paul’s Instructions to the Thessalonians (4:1-5:22)
          1. A. Living to Please God (4:1-12)
          2. 1. Through Sexual Purity (4:1-8)
          3. 2. Through Brotherly Love (4:9-10)
          4. 3. Through a Quiet and Obedient Life (4:11-12)
          5. B. The Coming of the Lord (4:13-5:11)
          6. 1. The Living and the Dead (4:13-18)
          7. 2. The Day of the Lord (5:1-11)
          8. C. Instructions on Church Life (5:12-22)
        5. V. Conclusion (5:23-28)
      9. 53-1THESSALONIANS
        1. I. Introduction (1:1-12)
          1. A. Salutation (1:1-2)
          2. B. Thanksgiving (1:3-10)
          3. C. Prayer (1:11-12)
        2. II. The Man of Lawlessness and the Day of the Lord (2:1-12)
        3. III. Exhortation and Prayer to Stand Firm (2:13-3:5)
        4. IV. Warnings Against Idleness (3:6-15)
        5. V. Conclusion (3:16-18)
      10. 54-1THIMOTHY
        1. I. Salutation (1:1-2)
        2. II. Dealing with False Teachers (1:3-11)
          1. A. False Teachers and Meaningless Controversies (1:3-7)
          2. B. The Purpose of the Law (1:8-11)
        3. III. Paul’s Sin and God’s Mercy (1:12-17)
        4. IV. Paul’s Purpose for Writing (1:18-20)
        5. V. Instructions for Church Life (2:1-3:16)
          1. A. Prayer and Worship (2:1-15)
          2. 1. Praying for Everyone (2:1-7)
          3. 2. Men in Public Worship (2:8)
          4. 3. Women in Public Worship (2:9-15)
          5. B. Qualifications for Church Leaders (3:1-13)
          6. 1. Bishops (3:1-7)
          7. 2. Deacons (3:8-13)
          8. C. Paul’s Purpose for Writing (3:14-16)
        6. VI. Countering False Doctrine (4:1-16)
        7. VII. Instructions About Various Groups (5:1-6:2)
          1. A. The Older and Younger (5:1-2)
          2. B. Widows (5:3-16)
          3. C. Elders (5:17-25)
          4. D. Slaves (6:1-2)
        8. VII. False Teachers Seeking Financial Gain (6:3-19)
          1. A. Their Love of Money and Controversy (6:3-10)
          2. B. Charge to Flee Such Things and Remain Pure (6:11-16)
          3. C. Instructions for the Rich (6:17-19)
        9. IX. Conclusion (6:20-21)
      11. 55-2THIMOTHY
        1. I. Salutation (1:1-2)
        2. II. Personal Exhortations to Timothy (1:3-2:13)
          1. A. Timothy’s Heritage of Faith (1:3-5)
          2. B. Do Not Be Ashamed of My Chains (1:8-12)
          3. C. Faithfulness and Unfaithfulness (1:13-18)
        3. 1. Charge to be Faithful (1:13-14)
        4. 2. Examples of Faithfulness and Unfaithfulness (1:14-18)
          1. D. Be Strong in Grace (2:1-13)
        5. III. Opposition to the Gospel (2:14-4:5)
          1. A. Avoid Foolish Controversies (2:14-26)
          2. B. Apostasy in the Last Days (3:1-9)
          3. C. Continue in What You Have Learned (3:10-17)
          4. D. Preach the Word (4:1-5)
        6. IV. Paul’s Personal Situation (4:6-21)
          1. A. The Nearness of His Death (4:6-8)
          2. B. Those Who Deserted Him (4:9-16)
          3. C. The Lord’s Faithfulness (4:17-18)
          4. D. Request that Timothy Come to Him Soon (4:19-21)
        7. V. Conclusion (4:22)
      12. 56-TITUS
        1. I. Salutation (1:1-4)
        2. II. Establishing Order in the Churches (1:5-16)
          1. A. Why Paul Left Titus in Crete (1:5)
          2. B. Qualifications for Elders (1:6-9)
          3. C. Dealing With False Teachers (1:10-16)
        3. III. Teaching in Accordance with Sound Doctrine (2:1-15)
          1. A. Instructions to Various Groups (2:1-10)
          2. 1. Older Men (2:1-2)
          3. 2. Older Women (2:3)
          4. 3. Young Women (2:4-5)
          5. 4. Young Men (2:6-8)
          6. 5. Slaves (2:9-10)
          7. B. The Foundation for Christian Living (2:11-14)
          8. C. Charge to Titus (2:15)
        4. IV. Instructions on Doing What is Right (3:1-11)
          1. A. Living as Recipients of God’s Grace (3:1-8)
          2. B. Avoiding Foolish Controversies (3:9-11)
        5. V. Conclusion (3:12-15)
      13. 57-PHILEMON
        1. I. Salutation (1-3)
        2. II. Thanksgiving for Philemon’s Love and Faith (4-7)
        3. III. Paul’s Plea for Onesimus (8-22)
        4. IV. Conclusion (23-25)
      14. 58-HEBREWS
        1. I. Prologue: God Has Spoken Most Perfectly Through His Son (1:1-4)
        2. II. Christ is Superior to the Agents of the Old Covenant (1:5-7:28)
          1. A. Christ is Superior to Angels (1:5-2:18)
          2. 1. Scripture Testifies to the Son’s Superiority (1:5-14)
          3. 2. Exhortation Not to Ignore Revelation Made through the Son (2:1-4)
          4. 3. It is the Son Who Makes Men Holy (2:5-18)
          5. B. Christ is Superior to Moses (3:1-4:13)
          6. 1. The Son is Greater than the Servant (3:1-6)
          7. 2. Do Not Disbelieve, Enter the Sabbath-Rest (3:7-4:13)
          8. C. Christ is Superior to Aaron (4:14-7:28)
          9. 1. God Appointed Jesus as the Eternal High Priest (4:14-5:10)
          10. 2. Exhortation to Become Mature and Persevere (5:11-6:12)
          11. 3. Jesus a Priest Forever by the Oath of God (6:13-20)
          12. 4. Jesus a Priest Forever in the Order of Melchizedek (7:1-28)
        3. III. The Superiority of Christ’s High Priestly Ministry (8:1-10:18)
          1. A. Superior Covenant (8:1-13)
          2. B. Superior Tabernacle (9:1-12)
          3. C. Superior Sacrifice (9:13-10:18)
        4. IV. A Call to Perseverence in Faith (10:19-12:29)
          1. A. Superior Covenant Implies Greater Responsibility (10:19-39)
          2. B. Examples of Persevering Faith (11:1-40)
          3. C. Running with Endurance (12:1-13)
          4. D. Exhortation to Holiness (12:14-17)
          5. E. Living as Citizens of an Unshakeable Kingdom (12:18-29)
        5. V. Conclusion (13:1-25)
          1. A. Final Exhortations (13:1-19)
          2. B. Benediction and Greetings (13:20-25)
      15. 59-JAMES
        1. I. Salutation (1:1)
        2. II. Joy in the Face of Trials (1:2-18)
          1. A. Trials Lead to Christian Maturity (1:2-8)
          2. B. The Glories of the Rich and the Poor (1:9-11)
          3. C. The Source of Temptations (1:12-15)
          4. D. God the Giver of Every Good Gift (1:16-18)
        3. III. True Faith Evident in Works (1:19-2:26)
          1. A. Living as Doers of the Word (1:19-27)
          2. B. Holding the Faith Without Favoritism (2:1-13)
          3. C. Faith Without Works is Dead (2:14-26)
        4. IV. Conflicts Among Christians (3:1-4:12)
          1. A. The Damage Caused by the Tongue (3:1-12)
          2. B. Earthly “Wisdom” Leads to Bitterness and Envy (3:13-18)
          3. C. Pride and Sinful Desires Lead to Strife (4:1-6)
          4. D. Be Humble and Do Not Judge (4:7-12)
        5. V. Warnings Against Presumptuous Boasting (4:13-5:12)
          1. A. Do Not Boast About Tomorrow (4:13-17)
          2. B. Judgment Against the Oppressive Rich (5:1-6)
          3. C. Be Patient Until the Lord’s Return (5:7-11)
          4. D. Do Not Swear (5:12)
        6. VI. Final Exhortations (5:13-20)
          1. A. The Prayer of the Righteous (5:13-18)
          2. B. Interceding for the Brother Who Strays (5:19-20)
      16. 60-1PETER
        1. I. Salutation (1:1-2)
        2. II. The Believer’s Sure Hope of Salvation (1:3-12)
        3. III. Living in the Light of This Hope (1:13-3:12)
          1. A. Be Holy (1:13-16)
          2. B. Conduct Yourselves with Fear (1:17-21)
          3. C. Love One Another (1:22-2:3)
          4. D. A Holy Community Built on the Living Stone (2:4-10)
          5. E. Win the Respect of Outsiders by Your Conduct (2:11-3:12)
          6. 1. Living as Strangers and Aliens in the World (2:11-12)
          7. 2. Submission to Authorities (2:13-17)
          8. 3. Slaves and Masters (2:18-25)
          9. 4. Wives and Husbands (3:1-7)
          10. 5. Be of One Mind (3:8-12)
        4. IV. Hope in the Midst of Suffering (3:13-4:19)
          1. A. Following Christ’s Example of Suffering (3:13-22)
          2. B. Living for the Glory of God (4:1-11)
          3. C. The Blessings of Suffering for Doing Good (4:12-19)
        5. V. Final Instructions (5:1-9)
          1. A. To Elders: Shepherd the Flock (5:1-4)
          2. B. To the Young: Be Submissive (5:5-6)
          3. C. To All: Resist the Devil (5:7-9)
        6. VI. Conclusion (5:10-14)
          1. A. Doxology (5:10-11)
          2. B. Final Greetings (5:12-14)
      17. 61-2PETER
        1. I. Salutation (1:1-2)
        2. II. Exhortation to Spiritual Growth (1:3-11)
          1. A. The Divine Calling (1:3-4)
          2. B. Making One’s Calling and Election Sure (1:5-11)
        3. III. Reminder of the Truth of the Gospel (1:12-21)
          1. A. Peter’s Concern that His Readers Know the Truth (1:12-15)
          2. B. Peter an Eyewitness to the Truth of the Gospel (1:16-18)
          3. C. The Prophets Attest to the Truth of the Gospel (1:19-21)
        4. IV. Warning Against False Teachers (2:1-22)
          1. A. Their Conduct Described (2:1-3)
          2. B. Their Judgment Pronounced (2:4-11)
          3. C. Their Sinful Ways Denounced (2:12-22)
        5. V. The Coming of the Lord (3:1-16)
          1. A. Peter’s Purpose in Writing (3:1-2)
          2. B. The Certainty of His Coming (3:3-10)
          3. C. Living in the Light of His Coming (3:11-16)
        6. VI. Conclusion (3:17-18)
      18. 62-1JOHN
        1. I. Prologue (1:1-4)
        2. II. True Fellowship With God (1:5-2:17)
          1. A. Made Possible Through Purification From Sin (1:5-2:2)
          2. B. Evidenced by Obedience to His Commands (2:3-6)
          3. C. Evidenced by Love for One’s Brother (2:7-11)
          4. D. Revealed in Children, Fathers, and Young Men (2:12-14)
          5. E. Evidenced by Absence of Love for the World (2:15-17)
        3. III. Living in the Last Hour (2:18-3:34)
          1. A. The Presence of Antichrists (2:18-27)
          2. B. The Children of God (2:28-3:28)
          3. 1. Known by Their Righteousness (2:28-3:10)
          4. 2. Known by Their Love (3:11-24)
        4. IV. Distinguishing Those Who Are of God (4:1-5:13)
          1. A. By Their Belief in Christ’s Incarnation (4:1-6)
          2. B. By Their Love (4:7-21)
          3. C. By Their Belief that Jesus is the Son of God (5:1-13)
        5. V. Conclusion: Results of Fellowship With God (5:14-21)
          1. A. Confidence in Prayer (5:14-17)
          2. B. Faithfulness to God (5:18-21)
      19. 63-2JOHN
        1. I. Salutation (1-3)
        2. II. Exhortation to Love and Obedience (4-6)
        3. III. Warning Against False Teachers (7-11)
        4. IV. Conclusion (12-13)
      20. 64-3JOHN
        1. I. Salutation (1)
        2. II. Gaius’ Faithfulness Praised (2-4)
        3. III. Hospitality Encouraged (5-8)
        4. IV. The Evil Activities of Diotrephes (9-10)
        5. V. The Good Example of Demetrius (11-12)
        6. VI. Conclusion (13-14)
      21. 65-JUDE
        1. I. Salutation (1-2)
        2. II. Jude’s Purpose for Writing (3-4)
        3. III. Warning Against False Teachers (5-19)
          1. A. Examples of Judgment on the Apostate (5-7)
          2. 1. Unbelieving Israel (5)
          3. 2. Fallen Angels (6)
          4. 3. Sodom and Gomorrah (7)
          5. B. The Wickedness of the False Teachers (8-13)
          6. 1. Their Arrogance and Slander (8-10)
          7. 2. Comparison with Cain, Balaam, and Korah (11)
          8. 3. Their Selfishness and Usefulness (12-13)
          9. C. Prophecies Against the False Teachers (14-19)
          10. 1. By Enoch (14-16)
          11. 2. By the Apostles (17-19)
        4. IV. Exhortations to Believers (20-23)
        5. V. Doxology (24-25)
      1. I. Prologue (1:1-20)
        1. A. Introduction (1:1-3)
        2. B. Salutation and Doxology (1:4-8)
        3. C. Vision of the Risen Christ (1:9-20)
      2. II. Letters to Seven Churches (2:1-3:22)
        1. A. Ephesus (2:1-7)
        2. B. Smyrna (2:8-11)
        3. C. Pergamos (2:12-17)
        4. D. Thyatira (2:18-29)
        5. E. Sardis (3:1-6)
        6. F. Philadelphia (3:7-13)
        7. G. Laodicea (3:14-22)
      3. III. John’s Heavenly Vision (4:1-5:14)
        1. A. The Heavenly Throne Room (4:1-11)
        2. B. The Scroll with Seven Seals (5:1-5)
        3. C. The Lamb Who Was Slain (5:6-14)
      4. IV. The Seven Seals (6:1-8:5)
        1. A. First Seal: The White Horse and Rider (6:1-2)
        2. B. Second Seal: The Red Horse and Rider (6:3-4)
        3. C. Third Seal: The Black Horse and Rider (6:5-6)
        4. D. Fourth Seal: The Pale Horse and Rider (6:7-8)
        5. E. Fifth Seal: The Souls of the Martyrs Cry Out (6:9-11)
        6. F. Sixth Seal: The Great Earthquake (6:12-17)
        7. G. The Sealing of 144,000 (7:1-8)
        8. H. The Great Multitude (7:9-17)
        9. I. Seventh Seal: Silence in Heaven and Seven Trumpets (8:1-5)
      5. V. The Seven Trumpets (8:6-11:19)
        1. A. First Trumpet: Hail and Fire Mixed with Blood (8:6-7)
        2. B. Second Trumpet: A Mountain Thrown into the Sea (8:8-9)
        3. C. Third Trumpet: A Star Falls From the Sky (8:10-11)
        4. D. Fourth Trumpet: A Third of Sun, Moon, Stars Becomes Dark (8:12-13)
        5. E. Fifth Trumpet: Locusts From the Abyss (9:1-12)
        6. F. Sixth Trumpet: The Four Angels and Their Army (9:13-21)
        7. G. The Angel and the Little Scroll (10:1-11)
        8. H. The Two Witnesses (11:1-14)
        9. I. Seventh Trumpet: The Heavenly Temple Opened (11:15-19)
      6. VI. Seven Signs (12:1-14:20)
        1. A. First Sign: A Woman Gives Birth to a Son (12:1-6)
        2. B. Second Sign: War in Heaven between Michael and the Dragon (12:7-12)
        3. C. Third Sign:Dragon Pursues Woman and Her Offspring (12:13-13:1)
        4. D. Fourth Sign: The Beast From the Sea (13:1-10)
        5. E. Fifth Sign: The Beast From the Earth (13:11-18)
        6. F. Sixth Sign: The Lamb and the 144,000 (14:1-5)
        7. G. The Three Angels (14:6-13)
        8. H. Seventh Sign: Earth Harvested by “One Like the Son of Man” (14:14-20)
      7. VII. The Seven Bowls (15:1-16:21)
        1. A. Seven Angels are Given Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath (15:1-8)
        2. B. First Bowl: Painful Sores (16:1-2)
        3. C. Second Bowl: The Sea Turns to Blood (16:3)
        4. D. Third Bowl: The Rivers and Springs Turn to Blood (16:4-7)
        5. E. Fourth Bowl: Scorching Heat From the Sun (16:8-9)
        6. F. Fifth Bowl: The Beast’s Kingdom Plunged into Darkness (16:10-11)
        7. G. Sixth Bowl: Preparation for the Battle of Armageddon (16:12-16)
        8. H. Seventh Bowl: “It is Done” (16:17-21)
      8. VIII. Triumph of Almighty God (17:1-22:5)
        1. A. The Fall of Babylon (17:1-19:5)
        2. B. The Wedding Supper of the Lamb (19:6-10)
        3. C. The Final Battle (19:11-21)
        4. D. The Reign of the Saints and the Final Judgment (20:1-15)
        5. E. New Heavens and New Earth (21:1-22:5)
      9. IX. Epilogue (22:6-21)