1. Genesis
        1. records the beginning of the heavens and the earth!
      2. Exodus
        1. BOOK of redemption of Israel from Egyptian bondage!
      3. Leviticus
        1. BOOK of instructions on how Israel is to worship and serve!
      4. Numbers
        1. BOOK that records the "numbering" of Israel!
      5. Deuteronomy
        1. BOOK that records Israel wilderness wanderings!
    2. HISTORY
      1. Joshua
        1. BOOK recording the entrance of Israel into the promised land!
      2. Judges
        1. BOOK that records the judging by God's sent men through times of apostasy!
      3. Ruth
        1. BOOK recording how a Gentile woman gets into the lineage of Jesus Christ!
      4. 1 Samuel
        1. BOOK recording the last Judge and first King of Israel!
      5. 2 Samuel
        1. BOOK that records David's reign in Jerusalem - Israel!
      6. 1 Kings
        1. BOOK recording the kings of Israel / the kingdom divided!
      7. 2 Kings
        1. in continuation BOOK recording the kings and the final judgment into captivity!
      8. 1 Chronicles
        1. records the genealogies from Adam upward and Israel's history through David!
      9. 2 Chronicles
        1. BOOK of history from Solomon to the captivity!
      10. Ezra
        1. records Israel's coming back to the land rebuilding the Temple!
      11. Nehemiah
        1. BOOK recording the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem!
      12. Esther
        1. God uses a woman in the deliverance of the Jews from their enemies!
    3. POETRY
      1. Job
        1. BOOK that records the trials of Job. Why do the godly suffer?
      2. Psalms
        1. BOOK recording revealed TRUTH in songs of praise & honor to God by Israel!
      3. Proverbs
        1. records the means to wisdom and instruction the fear of God!
      4. Ecclesiastes
        1. BOOK that records that the best of man comes to nothing!
      5. Song of Solomon
        1. a picture of the relationship between The Son Of God and The Church
      1. Isaiah
        1. the Scripture foretelling the coming of the Messiah - Jesus Christ!
      2. Jeremiah
        1. records the times of judgment and captivity of Israel.
      3. Lamentations
        1. recorded are the grief and sorrows seen for Zion because of iniquity.
      4. Ezekiel
        1. BOOK of visions of God for a future restoration of Israel foretold.
      5. Daniel
        1. BOOK of future things soon to be history God makes known (prophecy) what shall come to pass hereafter (history).
      1. Hosea
        1. BOOK showing Israel as an adulterous wife put away to be restored soon!
      2. Joel
        1. BOOK recording the DAY of THE LORD is at hand occurring before the MILLENNIUM!
      3. Amos
        1. BOOK of judgments for Israel and the nations ...the DAY of THE LORD.
      4. Obadiah
        1. a history concerning of God's judgment on the nation of Edom, and its future in the MILLENNIUM!
      5. Jonah
        1. BOOK of historical events recording Nineveh's (Assyria) salvation from pending destruction by God (GOD in the affairs of men!!!)
      6. Micah
        1. BOOK describing the coming World War, and the Kingdom of Heaven (Israel) with Jesus Christ as KING.
      7. Nahum
        1. records the coming days of trouble THE LORD is good a strong hold in times of TROUBLE!
      8. Habakkuk
        1. BOOK of a vision for yet an appointed time.
      9. Zephaniah
        1. GOD foretells his JUDGMENT the GREAT DAY of THE LORD is near.
      10. Haggai
        1. BOOK with Israel back in THE LAND GOD destroys the kingdoms of the heathen.
      11. Zechariah
        1. reveals THE BRANCH and Israel the center of the earth.
      12. Malachi
        1. is BOOK showing the SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS will arise with healing in his wings the END of the Old Testament!!!
    1. GOSPELS
      1. Matthew
        1. The BOOK of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham born King of the Jews!
      2. Mark
        1. The first BOOK of The SON of MAN All the way to Mount Calvary This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many!
      3. Luke
        1. The second BOOK of The SON of MAN For the Son of Man is come to seek and save that which was lost.
      4. John
        1. BOOK written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the CHRIST, the SON of GOD, and believing ye might have life through his NAME!
      1. Acts
        1. BOOK recording a new dispensation was beginning the age of the CHURCH The GOSPEL begins its travel westward to circle the world before the (Rapture) or Translation of the Church age believers!
      2. Romans
        1. The GOSPEL of GOD for the lost souls of men SALVATION for both Jew and Gentile Spiritual DOCTRINE for growth for the believer.
      3. 1 Corinthians
        1. BOOK for setting the ORDER in the New Testament CHURCH!
      4. 2 Corinthians
        1. BOOK of CONSOLATION for the believer partaking in the sufferings and trials as an AMBASSADOR for CHRIST.
      5. Galatians
        1. The GOSPEL of GRACE! Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith CHRIST hath made us free!
      6. Ephesians
        1. The BOOK showing forth the true nature of the CHURCH and of the BELIEVER as seated, waking and running in Jesus Christ The CHRISTIAN WARFARE!
      7. Philippians
        1. BOOK for the BELIEVER pressing toward the mark for the prize of the calling of GOD in CHRIST JESUS.
      8. Colossians
        1. BOOK that reveals MYSTERIES: the mystery of GOD, and of the FATHER, and of CHRIST, and the mystery of the true CHRISTIAN, which is Christ in you!
      9. 1 Thessalonians
        1. BOOK to the church for the believers GROWTH in GRACE showing the word of GOD effectually WORKS in them that BELIEVE in Jesus Christ.
      10. 2 Thessalonians
        1. telling it before it happens ...the APOSTASY or FALLING AWAY of the churches at the end of the this age. Watch as history unfolds!
      11. 1 Timothy
        1. BOOK of instruction for the New Testament church (pastoral) offices and (independent) government.
      12. 2 Timothy
        1. BOOK that records the COMMAND for the BELIEVER to HOLD FAST the form of sound doctrine to be strong in the grace that is in Jesus Christ.
      13. Titus
        1. BOOK with SOUND DOCTRINE with SOUND SPEECH with EXHORTATION for the believer to walk therein, being CAREFUL to maintain good works (walking rightly).
      14. Philemon
        1. recorded by the Spirit of God for the believer for loves sake to promote and lift up their fellow brethren who have erred to RUN the race before them.
      15. Hebrews
        1. BOOK to Jewish believers pointing to the time of JACOBS TRIAL showing the way to walk by FAITH. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
      16. James
        1. BOOK written to Jewish believers by the Spirit of GOD that the trial of your faith has a purpose and showing the relationship between faith and works.
      17. 1 Peter
        1. a Jewish BOOK reveals the spiritual house and the priesthood of ALL BELIEVERS (the lively stones) in Jesus Christ. Behold, I lay in Sion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious. AMEN!
      18. 2 Peter
        1. BOOK of SEVEN ADDITIONS to add to your faith so that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of Lord Jesus Christ.
      19. 1 John
        1. BOOK written by the HOLY GHOST, so that ye may have fellowship with us (other believers) and our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ, that your JOY may be FULL.
      20. 2 John
        1. BOOK to the believer to WALK in THE TRUTH even while surrounded by spiritual wickedness!
      21. 3 John
        1. recorded to charge the believer to have charity toward the brethren helping them onward in their Christian walk.
      22. Jude
        1. BOOK with a command to all believers AS SOLDIERS to earnestly contend for the faith, which was once delivered unto the saints. (SPIRITUAL WARFARE) Amen!
      1. Revelation
        1. BOOK of Future Things with the TIMELINE and EVENTS that lead from the end of the Church Age into the seven-year Tribulation ...and thence, into the KINGDOM of HEAVEN (Israel), which is The Millennial (1000 year) reign of The SON of GOD Jesus Christ.)
        2. Great White Throne Judgment, and the entrance with a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH into ETERNITY!