1. Number of Times
      1. Number of different authors: 40
      2. Number of languages the Bible has been translated into: over 1,200
      3. A Number of verses containall but 1 letter of the alphabet
        1. No J: Ezra 7:21 contains all but the letter j;
        2. NO Q: Joshua 7:24, 1 Kings 1:9, 1 Chronicles 12:40, 2 Chronicles 36:10, Ezekiel 28:13, Daniel 4:37, and Haggai 1:1 contain all but q;
        3. NO Z: 2 Kings 16:15 and 1 Chronicles 4:10 contain all but z;
        4. NO K: Galatians 1:14 contains all but k
      4. Words
        1. Number of times the word "God" appears: 3,358
        2. Number of times the word "Lord" appears: 7,736
    2. Chapters
      1. The system of chapters was introduced in A.D. 1238 by Cardinal Hugo de S. Caro, while the verse notations were added in 1551 by Robertus Stephanus, after the advent of printing.
    3. Hebrew, Greeek, English Words
      1. Hebrew= 8,674 different words
      2. Greek = 5,624 different words
      3. English =12,143 different words
    4. Time to Read
      1. The Bible can be read aloud in 70 hours
    5. Shortest & Longest
      1. Longest name: Mahershalalhashbaz (Isaiah 8:1)
      2. Longest verse: Esther 8:9 (78 words)
      3. Shortest verse: John 11:35 (2 words: "Jesus wept").
      4. Middle books: Micah and Nahum
      5. Middle chapter: Psalm 117 (the 595 chapter)
      6. chapter Psalm 117 (2 verses)
      7. Shortest chapter (by number of words): Psalm 117 (by number of words)
      8. Longest book: Psalms (150 chapters)
      9. Shortest book (by number of words): 3 John
      10. Longest chapter: Psalm 119 (176 verses)
      11. MiddleVerse
        1. Middle verse Psalm 103:1 (the 15551st verse)
        2. Middle verse: Psalm 118:8
      12. The longest word/name is in the 8th chapter of Isaiah. [Ed.: Maher-shalal-hash-baz, 2nd son of Isaiah.]
    6. Books & Chapters-Words
      1. Number of books in the Bible: 66
      2. Chapters: 1,189
      3. Verses: 31,101
      4. Words: 783,137
      5. Letters: 3,566,480
    7. Propesicies & Promises
      1. Number of promises given in the Bible: 1,260
      2. Commands: 6,468
      3. Predictions: over 8,000
      4. Fulfilled prophecy: 3,268 verses
      5. Unfulfilled prophecy: 3,140
      6. Number of questions: 3,294
    8. Middle Verses
      1. Some say Psalm 118:8.It is better to trust in the LORD  than to put confidence in man
        1. Psalms 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
      2. kjv1611.org.uk
        1. Total verses: 31,102. 3+1+1+0+2 = 7
          1. Seven - a number signifying Completeness
        2. Thus, there is no single middle verse.
          1. A middle verse cannot be attained with an even number
        3. There are two middle verses - Psalms 103:1-2(Verses 15,551 and 15,552)
          1. B LESS the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
        4. There are twenty-eight words in these two middle verses - 4 x 7 = 28 .
          1. Seven being the number of completeness
        5. The centre words of God'smiddle verses {bless his holy name}
          1. There are twelve words on either side of this verse.
          2. The King James Bible has bless his holy nameright in the centre of the two middle verses!
  2. OT & NT
    1. Total Books: 66
      1. Chapters: 1,189
      2. Verses: 31,102
      3. Middle Books: Micah & Nahum
      4. Largest Book: Psalms
      5. Middle Chapter: Psalm 117
      6. Longest Chapter: Psalms 119
      7. Shortest Chapter: Psalms 117
      8. Middle Verses: Psalm 103:1,2
        1. Some sayPsalm 118:8
          1. Some say Psalm 118:8.It is better to trust in the LORD  than to put confidence in man
        2. But (kjv1611.org.uk) saysPsalm 103:1,2
          1. Total verses: 31,102. 3+1+1+0+2 = 7
          2. Seven - a number signifying Completeness
          3. Thus, there is no single middle verse.
          4. A middle verse cannot be attained with an even number
          5. There are two middle verses - Psalms 103:1-2(Verses 15,551 and 15,552)
          6. B LESS the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
          7. There are twenty-eight words in these two middle verses - 4 x 7 = 28 .
          8. Seven being the number of completeness
          9. The centre words of God'smiddle verses {bless his holy name}
          10. There are twelve words on either side of this verse.
          11. The King James Bible has bless his holy nameright in the centre of the two middle verses!
      9. Longest Verse: Esther 8:9
      10. Shortest Verse: John 11:35
    2. OLD Testament[39 Books]
      1. Old Testament (39 books) 929/23,145
      2. Chapters: 929
      3. Verses: 23,145
      4. Words: 602,585
      5. Letters: 2,278,100
      6. Middle book: Proverbs
      7. Middle chapter: Job 20
      8. Middle verses: 2 Chronicles 20:17,18
      9. Smallest book: Obadiah
      10. Shortest verse: 1 Chronicles 1:25
      11. Longest verse: Esther 8:9
      12. Longest chapter: Psalms 119
      13. Largest book: Psalms
    3. NEW Testament[27 Books]
      1. New Testament (27) 260/7957
      2. Chapters: 260
      3. Verses: 7,957
      4. Words: 180,552
      5. Letters: 838,380
      6. Middle book: 2 Thessalonians
      7. Middle chapters: Romans 8, 9
      8. Middle verse: Acts 27:17
      9. Smallest book: 3 John
      10. Shortest verse: John 11:35
      11. Longest verse: Revelation 20:4
      12. Longest chapter: Luke 1
      13. Largest book: Luke
    4. Chapter/Verses[Detailed]
      1. A. Genesis-Josh
        1. 01-Genesis 50/1,533
        2. 02-Exodus 40/1,213
        3. 03-Leviticus 27/859
        4. 04-Numbers 36/1288
        5. 05-Deuteronomy 34/959
        6. 06-Joshua 24/658
      2. B. Judges-Chron
        1. 07-Judges 21/618
        2. 08-Ruth 4/85
        3. 09-1Samuel 31/810
        4. 10-2Samuel 24/695
        5. 11-1Kings 22/816
        6. 12-2Kings 25/719
        7. 13-1Chronicles 29/942
        8. 14-2Chronicles 36/822
      3. C. Ezra-SoSol
        1. 15-Ezra 10/280
        2. 16-Nehemiah 13/406
        3. 17-Esther 10/167
        4. 18-Job 42/1,070
        5. 19-Psalms 150/2,461
        6. 20-Proverbs 31/915
        7. 21-Ecclesiastes 12/222
        8. 22-Song of Solomon 8/117
      4. D. Isaiah-Amos
        1. 23-Isaiah 66/1,292
        2. 24-Jeremiah 52/1,364
        3. 25-Lamentations 5/154
        4. 26-Ezekiel 48/1,273
        5. 27-Daniel 12/357
        6. 28-Hosea 14/197
        7. 29-Joel 3/73
        8. 30-Amos 9/146
      5. E. Obadiah-Malachi
        1. 31-Obadiah 1/21
        2. 32-Jonah 4/48
        3. 33-Micah 7/105
        4. 34-Nahum 3/47
        5. 35-Habakkuk 3/56
        6. 36-Zephaniah 3/53
        7. 37-Haggai 2/38
        8. 38-Zechariah 14/211
        9. 39-Malachi 4/55
      6. F. Gospels&Acts
        1. 40-Matthew 28/1,071
        2. 41-Mark 16/678
        3. 42-Luke 24/1,151
        4. 43-John 21-879
        5. 44-Acts 28/1,007
      7. G. Epistles (1)
        1. 45-Romans 16/433
        2. 46-1Corinthians 16/437
        3. 47-2Corinthians 13/257
        4. 48-Galatians 6/149
        5. 49-Ephesians 6/155
        6. 50-Philippians 4/104
        7. 51-Colossians 4/95
        8. 52-1Thessalonians 5/89
        9. 53-2Thessalonians 3/47
        10. 54-1Timothy 6/113
        11. 55-2Timothy 4/83
        12. 56-Titus 3/46
        13. 57-Philemon 1/25
        14. 58-Hebrews 13/303
      8. H. Epistles (2) & Rev
        1. 59-James 5/108
        2. 60-1Peter 5/105
        3. 61-2Peter 3/61
        4. 62-1John 5/105
        5. 63-2John 1/13
        6. 64-3John 1/14
        7. 65-Jude 1/25
        8. 66-Revelation 22/404
    1. KJV-Bible statistics pages etc.pdf
    2. KJV-Bible Statistics.pdf
    3. KJV-Is Psalm 118 the real middle of the Bibble.rtf
    4. KJV-King James Bible Believers.pdf
  4. Other
    1. The 8th, 15th, 21st, and 31st verses of the 107th Psalm are alike.
    2. Each verse of the 136th Psalm ends alike.
    3. The 37th chapter of Isaiah and the 19th chapter of II Kings are alike