1. A theory on how our universe began
  2. Observing Expansion
  3. redshift and blueshift (the doppler effect)
  4. The stretch or compression of wavelengths of light
  5. Edwin Hubble
  6. redshift was proportional to distance
  7. Backround Microwave Radiation
    1. WMAP Image
  8. the Big Bang Theory
  9. from all directions in space
  10. Inflation Theory
  11. an inflationary epoch
  12. The strong nuclear force breaks away from the weak and electromagnetic force
  13. gravity to become temporarily repulsive
  14. extreme expansion which increased the size by 10^50
  15. why the universe is thought to be flat
    1. Geometry of the Universe Image
  16. balloon
  17. The Grand Unification Energy
  18. A Grand Unification Theory
  19. the energy where the weak, strong nuclear forces and electromagnetic force where unified
  20. occured at the big bang
  21. as the universe expanded the energy spread out and the universe cooled
  22. The Multiverse
  23. quantum fluctuations
  24. matter and energy appear spontaneously
  25. big bangs
  26. Different Fundamental Values
  27. could support stars 25% of the time
  28. cause the universe to destroy itself
  29. possibly start over
  30. the universe would last long enough to develop life (us)
  31. be the way they are or we would not exist to observe them
  32. String Theory
  33. all particles are different "notes" played on a "string"
    1. String Theory Image
  34. all force are particles
  35. photons (electromagnetic), gravitons (gravity), mesons (strong nuclear force) and bosons (weak nuclear force)
  36. extra dimensions (10 space, 1 time)
  37. how strings vibrate
  38. to be one planck length (1.6 x 10^-35m)
  39. Max Planck
  40. Planck Unit
  41. planck time (light to travel a planck length), planck mass, planck tempurature and planck charge
  42. quantum effects dominate
  43. gravity may have been as strong as the other 3 fundamental forces
  44. the planck epoch
  45. until one planck time after the big bang
  46. curled up and small enough to be "invisible" to us
  47. life to develop
  48. quantum mechanics, special relativity, particles and forces
  49. a big crunch
  50. matter causes "bumps" in space time but overall the universe is flat
  51. the universe is expanding at an increasing rate
  52. dark energy (if it exists)
  53. matter was created
  54. e=mc^2
  55. high energy photons collided to create mass (basic particles)
  56. quarks
  57. hadrons
  58. baryons
  59. mesons
  60. protons and neutrons
  61. leptons
  62. electrons
  63. Fermions
  64. levels
  65. space is infinite and full of matter so every possibility happens somewhere
  66. space is expanding but leaves nonexpanding bubbles that are each a level 1 multiverse
  67. Thought is a quantum process. For every possible outcome the universe splits
  68. decoupling
  69. photons separated from electrically neutral hydrogen atoms
  70. Big bang Timeline Image
  71. the universe being positively or negatively curved
  72. The density vs. the critical density
  73. big bounce