1. Internet of Things (IoT)
    1. Smart Devices
      1. Unique IP Address
      2. Sensors/Actuators
      3. Relays
    2. Intercpnnected
    3. Instrumented
  2. Contact the author
    1. tigerman@thejungleroom.co.uk
    2. Twitter: @GarryGomersall
  3. Big Data Characteristics
    1. Bad Data
      1. Mastered Data Losses
        1. Bad Data / Good Data
      2. Dark Data
        1. Sinister Activity
      3. False Assertions
        1. Positive
        2. Negative
    2. Big Data = 3V's
      1. Volume
      2. Variety
      3. Velocity
    3. Good Data = 5V's
      1. + Veracity
        1. Trusted Information
          1. Gold Mastered Data
          2. True Assertions
          3. Positive
          4. Negative
      2. + Vector
        1. Velocity(Speed) + Direction
          1. Drive Predictions
  4. Data Observation Spaces
    1. Industry
      1. Sector
        1. Segment
      2. Regulatory Frameworks
      3. Busines Rules
    2. Market
      1. Public Data
      2. Private Data
      3. Research Data
      4. Demographics
      5. Segmentation
    3. Location Based
      1. Geography
        1. Physical
          1. Geocode Co-ordinates
          2. Geology
          3. Meteorology
          4. Weather Patterns
          5. Historical Trends
          6. Seasonality
          7. Oceanography
          8. GIS
        2. Addresses
          1. Postcodes/ZIP codes
          2. Mapping Data
          3. e.g. UK Ordnance Survey
        3. Political
          1. Boundaries
          2. International Communities
          3. National
          4. Regions
          5. Counties
          6. Cities
          7. Towns
          8. Villages
          9. Parishes
          10. Legal Jurisdictions
        4. Business
          1. Sales Territories
          2. Markets
          3. Regions
      2. Environment
        1. Green Agenda
        2. Flood Plains
        3. Energy Resilience
        4. Sustainability
        5. Measurement
          1. Smart Metering
          2. Carbon Footprint
      3. Political
        1. Federal
          1. Population Census
          2. National Insurance
          3. Electoral Register
          4. Revenue & Customs
          5. Welfare Benefits
          6. Pensions
          7. Citizen Services
          8. Land Registry
        2. Local
          1. Library
          2. Leisure
          3. School Admissions
          4. Waste & Recycling Management
        3. Community
          1. Parish
          2. Home locale
      4. Services/Utilities
        1. Emergency Services
        2. Police Forces
        3. Health Services
        4. Energy
        5. Water Services
        6. Sewerage
        7. Waste Collection
        8. Telephony
        9. Broadband Internet
        10. Mobile Internet
    4. Social Media
      1. Public APIs
      2. Private APIs
        1. e.g. Datasift
    5. Social
      1. Organised Communities
        1. Charities
        2. United Nations (UN)
        3. World Health Organisaation (WHO)
    6. Enterprise
      1. Organisational
        1. Lines of Business
      2. Business Model
      3. Supply Chain
        1. Partners
      4. Materials
      5. Logistics
      6. Distribution
      7. Finance & Administration
      8. Product/Service
        1. Service Lines
      9. Customer
        1. CRM
      10. Corporate Social Responsibility
      11. Human Capital Management
    7. Individual
      1. Privacy
      2. Healthcare
      3. Property
      4. Insurance Risks
      5. Security
      6. Authentication
      7. Authorisation
    8. Temporal
      1. Historical
      2. Forecasts
  5. Network Topology
    1. Federated
    2. Hybrid Clouds
    3. On-premise
    4. Off-premise
    5. Public Cloud
    6. Private Cloud
  6. Database Topology
    1. SQL
      1. RDBMS
        1. Relational Database Management System
      2. ORDBMS
        1. Hybrid Object/Relational DBMS
    2. NoSQL
      1. ODBMS
        1. Object Database Management System
      2. VKDBMS
        1. Value/Key Data Stores
  7. Data Topology
    1. Structured
    2. Unstructured
  8. 3I's
    1. Interconnected
      1. People
        1. Users
        2. Data Consumers
        3. Data Producers
      2. Process(es)
        1. Components aggregated to form Applications/"Apps"
      3. Information
        1. Published "Gold" mastered views
        2. Aggregated Data Sources
    2. Instrumented
      1. Audit Trails
      2. Operational "Busines Activity Morning"
      3. System of Record
      4. Regulatory Compliance
      5. Massive number of connected devices (IoT)
    3. Intelligent
      1. Analytics
      2. Management Information
  9. Big Data Technology Trends
    1. Predictive Analytics
      1. Hindsight
        1. Insight
          1. Forsight
    2. Cognitive Computing
      1. Intelligent Systems