1. adapted
    1. animals
      1. hot deserts
        1. hot dry conditions
        2. save water
          1. concentrated urine
          2. little sweat
        3. keep cool
          1. large surface area to volume ratio
          2. loose heat
          3. thin layers body fat
        4. camels
          1. tolerate big changes
          2. fat stored in humps
          3. large feet spread weight
          4. sandy colour = camouflage
        5. kangaroo rats
          1. burrows = cool
      2. cold polar regions
        1. reduce heat loss
        2. small surface area to volume
          1. compact
          2. rounded
          3. reduce heat loss
        3. insulated
          1. blubber
          2. insulation
          3. energy store
          4. thick hairy coats
          5. greasy fur
          6. sheds water
          7. prevents cooling
        4. white fur
          1. camouflage
        5. big feet
          1. spread weight
          2. snow
          3. breaking ice
      3. armour
        1. hard shell
          1. tortoise
      4. poison
        1. bees / wasps
      5. warning colours
        1. caterpillars
        2. wasps
    2. plants
      1. desert
        1. minimise water loss
          1. spines not leaves
          2. small surface are to size
          3. stores water in stem
        2. maximimse water absorption
          1. shallow / extensive roots
          2. water absorbed quickly over large area
          3. NOT deep root for deep water
      2. deter predators
        1. armour
          1. thorns
          2. roses
          3. spines
          4. cacti
        2. poisons
          1. poison ivy
          2. deadly night shade
  2. Population size
    1. defintion population
      1. group of organisms
      2. one species
      3. live in particular environment
    2. competiton
      1. plants
        1. light
        2. water
        3. nutrients
      2. animals
        1. space (territory)
        2. food
        3. water
        4. mates
        5. red / grey squirrels
          1. grey takes more food
          2. red decrease
      3. resources
        1. puffin
          1. eats shellfish
          2. lives by sea
        2. competition
          1. limited organism numbers
        3. decrease
          1. population decereases
        4. lots
          1. many organisms in small space
        5. red / grey squirrels
          1. reds not compete with larger red
          2. 1876
          3. grey
          4. deciduous woodland
          5. red
          6. coniferous woodland
    3. disease
      1. infetious
        1. bacteria
        2. virus
      2. fit and healthy
        1. survive
    4. predation
      1. eaten
        1. decrease population
      2. humans eat cod