1. Biomass
    1. trophic level
      1. feeding level
      2. greek - trophe = nourishment
      3. food chain
      4. max 5 levels
        1. energy lost at each level
    2. Pyramids of Biomass
      1. up a trophic level
        1. less energy
        2. less biomass
        3. fewer organisms
          1. not always
          2. 500 flees on one fox
          3. better to think of biomass!
      2. bar
        1. mass of living material
          1. weight
          2. 500 flees < one fox
      3. food chain
        1. biomass & energy decrease
        2. one tree big biomass
          1. fixes lots of suns energy
    3. energy transfer
      1. less energy up levels
      2. plants
        1. suns energy
          1. growth
          2. respiration
      3. animals
        1. respiration
          1. energy
          2. movement
          3. heat loss
          4. environment
          5. maintain constant temperature
          6. mammals
          7. birds
      4. inedible parts
        1. bone
        2. not pass onto next level
      5. excretion
        1. droppings
  2. Decay
    1. removes
      1. waste material
      2. dead organisms
    2. food chain
      1. elements taken in
        1. carbon
        2. oxygen
        3. hydrogen
        4. nitrogen
      2. make complex compounds
        1. carbohydrates
        2. proteins
        3. fats
      3. make up living organisms
    3. decay
      1. materials broken down
      2. micro-organisms
        1. conditions
          1. warm
          2. moist
          3. aerobic
          4. oxygen
          5. anaerobic
          6. without oxygen
          7. compost bin
          8. add compost maker (decomposers)
          9. finely shred waste
          10. mesh sides for aeration
          11. decompositon
          12. warmth
          13. faster
          14. kills weeds and disease
        2. feed on animal waste and dead animals
      3. detritus feeders
        1. feed in animal waste and dead animals
      4. back into soil
        1. recylce important elements
        2. stable community
          1. taken out = put back in
          2. constant cycle
          3. balanced
      5. waste products
        1. return elements to the environment
      6. death
        1. decay
          1. elements returned to environment
  3. Food Production
    1. energy loss knowledge
      1. most efficient production
        1. not necessarily best
    2. improve efficiency
      1. remove stages in food chain
        1. crops better than animals
        2. 10% animal feed = useful meat
        3. meat
          1. varied diet
          2. demand
          3. some land unsuitable for crops
          4. moorland
          5. fellsides
          6. sheep, deer
      2. restrict energy lost by animals
        1. intensive farming
          1. pigs
          2. chickens
          3. close together
          4. indoors
          5. small pens
          6. warm
          7. cant move
        2. saves wasting energy
          1. moving
          2. emitted heat energy
        3. animal feed to animal
          1. more efficient
          2. grow faster on less food
          3. cheaper
        4. animal welfare
          1. red tractor mark
    3. Quantity
      1. world food production
        1. enough to feed everyone
        2. why are millions undernourished?
          1. economic
          2. who pays the farmer and funds the scheme?
          3. transport
          4. waste in developed countries
          5. obesity
          6. not equally distributed
    4. Compromises and Conflicts
      1. pros
        1. intensive farming
          1. cheaper food
          2. better living standards for farmers
      2. cons
        1. cruelty to animals
          1. unnatural, uncomfortable conditions
          2. organic meat not intensively farmed
        2. crowded conditions
          1. spread disease
          2. avian flu
          3. foot and mouth disease
        3. disease prevention in animals
          1. antibiotics
          2. transfer to humans
          3. microbes attacking humans
          4. develop immunity
          5. antibiotics less effective against them
        4. carefully controlled environments
          1. use of fossil fuels
          2. heating
          3. not necessary outside
        5. fish stocks low
          1. fish used to feed animals
          2. not usual food source for animals
  4. Carbon Cycle
    1. photosynthesis powers it all!
      1. carbohydrates
      2. fats
      3. proteins
    2. basis for all organic molecules
    3. co2 released in burning