food in
- glucose into blood
- process via gut!
- only carbohydrates put blood sugar level up
glucose removal from blood
- metabolism (reactions)
- vigorour exercise
control of glucose level
- pancreas
- controls sugar level in blood
- a regulatory substance produced in an organism
and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or
sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action.
Diabetes (type1)
not enough insulin produced
blood sugar level too high
dietary control
avoid SIMPLE carbohydrate rich foods
- simple carbs = rapid glucose rise
exercise after eating
- use up excess glucose
Inject Insulin
- especially if high in carbohydrates
- liver remove glucose
eat sensibly
- blood sugar can drop
- dangerous!
- person dependent
- amount of exercise
- diet
- inject 2-4 times a day
can not take a pill
- enzyme in stomach destroy it
glucose check
- glucose monitoring device
prick finger
- drop of blood to check
- lot of sugar in urine
side effects
- blindness
- localized death and decomposition of body tissue,
resulting from obstructed circulation or bacterial infection.
pancreas transplant
organ can be rejected
immunosuppressive drugs
- costly
- may have serious side effects
transplant insulin producing cells
- only experimental as yet
- problems with rejection
other theoretical
- stem cell research
- artificial pancrease
health problem
- diabetes on the rise
pancrease removal in dog
- diabetic
Frederick Banting & Charles Best
- isolated insulin (1920)
tied string round pancrease
- insulin production bits remained
removed pancrease
extracted insulin
- injected insulin into diabatic dog
- watched blood sugar level drop
- isolated substance
- nobel prize 1923
at first
- insulin from pigs & cows
- boil syringies
genetic engineerins
- 1980s
human insulin made
- slow acting
- intermediate
- fast acting
- disposable
- sterile
- needle free devices available