1. Animal Cell
    1. Subtopic 1
  2. Plant Cell
  3. features
    1. common
      1. Cytplasm
        1. gel like
        2. chemcial reactions happen
        3. contains enzymes
      2. nucleus
        1. contains genetic material
        2. controls activities of cell
      3. cell membrane
        1. holds cell together
        2. controls in and out
      4. Ribosomes
        1. proteins made here
      5. mitochondria
        1. reactions for respiration
        2. release energy to the cell
    2. plant specific
      1. rigid cell wall
        1. cellulose
        2. supports cell
        3. strengthens cell
      2. chloroplast
        1. photosynthesis
        2. chlorophyll (green)
      3. permanent vacuole
        1. contains sap
          1. sugar/salt solution
  4. specialist cells
    1. tissue
      1. goup of cells
    2. organ
      1. heart to pump blood
      2. group of tissues
    3. organ system
      1. digestive system
      2. group of organs
    4. organism
      1. group of organ systems
    5. plant palisade cell
      1. palisade tissue / palisade layer
        1. leaf (organ)
          1. plant (organism)
      2. adapted for photosnthesis
        1. chloroplast
          1. more top of cell for light
      3. tall shape
        1. long surface area
          1. absorb CO2
      4. thin
        1. pack lots int
    6. guard cells
      1. kidney shaped
      2. stomata (pores)
        1. open and close
          1. thin outer walls,
          2. thickened inner walls
      3. lots of water in plant
        1. cells turgid
          1. open stomata
          2. exchange gases for photosynthesis
      4. short of water in plant
        1. cells flaccid
          1. close stomata
          2. prevent water escape
      5. light sensitive
        1. close at night
        2. no photosynthesis
      6. main function
        1. allow gas exchange
        2. controll water loss
    7. red blood cells
      1. concave
        1. large surface area
        2. absorb oxygen
        3. pass smoothly through capillaries
      2. haemoglobin
        1. pigment
          1. absorbs oxygen
      3. no nucleus
      4. blood counts as a tissue (weird)
    8. Sperm / egg cells
      1. reproduction
      2. egg cell
        1. female DNA
        2. nourish developing embryo
        3. food reserves
      3. sperm cell
        1. fuses with egg
          1. egg membrane changes
          2. stops more sperm entering
          3. correct amount of DNA
        2. male DNA to female DNA
        3. structure
          1. long tail
          2. streamline head
          3. swimmer
          4. mitochondria
          5. energy
          6. enzymes
          7. digest egg cell membrane
      4. cells of the reproductive system