1. healthy
    1. balanced diet
    2. exercise
  2. balanced diet
    1. energy
      1. not more than needed
    2. food groups
      1. different uses
      2. balanced
      3. carbohydrates & fats
        1. keep warm
        2. energy
      4. protein
        1. growth
        2. cell repair
        3. cell replacement
      5. fibre
        1. digestive system
      6. vitamins & Minerals
        1. tiny amounts
        2. skin, bone, blood - everything else
    3. out of balance
      1. malnourished
        1. NOT starvation
          1. may be fat or thin
          2. may exercise lot
        2. vitamin c lack
          1. scurvy
          2. skin, joints, gums
        3. vitamin A
          1. vision and dark
        4. vitamin B1
          1. weak muscles lack of energy
        5. vitamin D
          1. created in skin from sun light
          2. helps absorb calcium
          3. uses
          4. muscle
          5. bone health
          6. immune functions
          7. cell growth
          8. Rickets
          9. soft and bendy bones
        6. iodine
          1. mental disability in children
        7. iron
          1. blood
          2. weakness
  3. energy
    1. metabolic rate
      1. Metabolism
        1. chemical reactions in body
      2. Rate
        1. speed chemical reactions in body
      3. resting rate
        1. muscle > fat
        2. more muscle
          1. higher rate
      4. size
        1. bigger
          1. higher rate
          2. more cells etc
      5. gender
        1. men > women
          1. more muscle
          2. larger
      6. exercise
        1. build muscle
          1. higher rate
        2. higher during exercise
        3. stays higher after exercise
      7. job
        1. builder > office workers
      8. temperature
        1. cold
          1. body produces heat
          2. higher rate
    2. energy in diet
  4. weight
    1. developed countries
      1. obesity
        1. UK 1 in 5 adults
        2. 30,000 deaths per year UK
        3. hormone problems
        4. bad diet
        5. over eating
        6. lack of exercise
        7. health problems
          1. arthritis
          2. inflamation of joint
          3. diabetes
          4. inability control blood sugar
          5. high blood pressure
          6. heart disease
          7. cancer
        8. cost
          1. NHS bill
          2. economy
          3. abscense from work
    2. developing countries
      1. lack of food
        1. malnutrition
          1. lack of specific food
        2. starvation
          1. not enough food
        3. effects
          1. slow growth
          2. fatigue
          3. poor resistance to infection
          4. irregular periods
    3. gathering data
      1. malnutrition
        1. medical aid through records
        2. emergency
          1. limited time
      2. obesity
        1. long term problem
          1. not seek aid
        2. surveys inaccurate
          1. questionnaire 20% population
          2. medical examination
          3. 28% men
          4. 34% women