illegal drugs
Hard drugs
- heroin
- cannabis
- seriously addictive and harmful
Soft drugs
- less dangerous?
- tranquillisers
soft drugs lead to hard drugs
- almost all harddrug users have tried cannabis
- steeping stone
- desire for hard drug
- gateway drug
- contact with drug dealers
- genetics
- some more likely to take than others
- hence take harder drugs
- not always the case
recreational drugs
- soft drug
- enjoyment
- relaxation
- stress relief
- get stoned
- inspiration
- pain relief
- multiple sclerosis (MS)
background reasons
- low self esteem
- personal life
- complicated issues
- alcohol
- smoking
health claims
lower blood cholesterol
- lower risk heart disease
- lower risk diabetes
- government scientists
- no large manufactures
big sample (6000)
- two groups
- had taken statins
- not taken statins
- back up with new findings
- brain damage
- mental health problems
- results vary & open to interpretation
- not sure until more research
- MUST be scientific
Health Claims
- legal: must be true
- difficult to prove or disprove
- low calorie?
- low fat?
- something else?
low fat
- suggest others high fat : not true
hard to figure out
scientific syudy
- reputable journal
- qualified people
sample size of people
- large enough
other studies
- similar results
not scientifically proven
celebrity endorsed
- marketing / advertsing
- paid lots for their influence
lost x bounds
- one person NOT scientific trial
atkins diet
- long term health questioned
weight loss
- complex issue
- personal issues
- medical issues
- lack of will power