1. Human Impact
    1. 6 billion people and rising
      1. medicine
        1. reduced death from disease
      2. farming
        1. reduced death form hunger
      3. big effect on environment
      4. less land for plants and animals
        1. building
        2. farming
          1. monoculture
        3. dumping waste
        4. quarrying
    2. increased demands
      1. resources
      2. higher standard of living
        1. luxuries car, computer etc
        2. more raw materials
          1. oil
          2. plastic
          3. will run out
        3. more energy
          1. manufacturing
    3. increased waste
      1. harmful pollution
      2. water
        1. sewage
        2. toxic chemcicals
          1. polute
          2. lakes
          3. rivers
          4. oceans
          5. affects plants and animals
          6. chems used on land washed into water
      3. land
        1. toxic chemicals farming
          1. pesticides
          2. herbicides
          3. DDT!
        2. bury nuclear waste
        3. house hold waste
          1. landfils
      4. air
        1. smoke
        2. gases
        3. sulphur dioxide
          1. acid rain
  2. Greenhouse Effect
    1. greenhouse gasses
      1. carbon dioxide
        1. human activity
          1. car exhaust
          2. industrial process
          3. burning fossil fuels
          4. cut down forest
          5. deforestation
          6. timber
          7. land for farming
          8. burn trees = CO2
          9. microorganisms feed in dead wood
          10. respiration = CO2
          11. less photosynthesis
          12. less CO2 absorbed
          13. Carbon Storage from forests
          14. mature forest balanced co2 absorption and release
          15. absorption of CO2 reduced
      2. methane
        1. produced naturally
          1. rotting plants
          2. marshland
        2. man made sources
          1. rice growing
          2. cattle rearing
          3. farting
      3. insulating layer
      4. absorbed and radiated in all directions
        1. back to earth
        2. global warming
        3. climate change
          1. changing rainfall pattern
      5. necessary at night to maintain temperatures
      6. too much BAD!
    2. earth temperature
      1. balanced
      2. heat form sun
      3. heat radiated form earth
  3. climate change
    1. earth getting warmer
      1. seas
        1. expand
        2. heats
          1. more hurricanes
        3. ice melts
          1. sea level rise
        4. sea level rise
          1. lowland areas
          2. flooded
          3. netherlands
          4. east anglia
          5. Maldives
    2. changing weather patterns
      1. extreme weather
        1. longer hotter droughts
        2. hurricanes
          1. over water > 27C
    3. food production
      1. too dry
      2. too wet
    4. very complicated
      1. melting ice
        1. less reflection
          1. increased heating
      2. heating
        1. greater evaporation
          1. more cloud reflecting
          2. cooling
    5. data collection
      1. satellites
        1. snow / ice cover
        2. temperature of sea surface
      2. ocean currents
        1. temperature
        2. speed
      3. automatic weather stations
        1. atmospheric temperatures
      4. Area
        1. wide enough
        2. local glacier melt
          1. not mean global glacier melt
        3. ice cover over whole continant
          1. antarctica
      5. time
        1. variation over a few weeks no good
        2. year after year better
      6. multiple scientitsts
        1. repeatable results
  4. sustainable development
    1. planning
      1. repair hard
        1. rainforest loss
    2. limted resources
      1. oil will run out
    3. meets the needs of todays population without harming the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
    4. governments
    5. regional change
  5. reduced biodiversity
    1. variety of different species
      1. loss of predators
        1. unbalanced
    2. ecosystem loss
      1. rainforest
      2. species extinct
      3. biodiversity reduced
      4. snowball effect
        1. imbalance
          1. rich soil
          2. clean water
          3. oxygen
    3. lost opportunities
      1. New products
        1. extinction = lost opportunities
        2. plants & animals
          1. fibres
          2. medicines
          3. rosy periwinkle flower : Madagascar
          4. hodgkin's disease
          5. leech saliva
          6. prevent bood clot during surgery
        3. Subtopic 3
    4. indicator species
      1. organisms sensitive to change
      2. air polution
        1. lichen
          1. sulphure dioxide
          2. car exhaust fumes
          3. power stations
      3. sewage
        1. bacteria in rivers
          1. use up oxygen
          2. mayfly larvae decrease