1. catalyst
    1. Chemistry . a substance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected.
  2. conditions
    1. must be right to work
    2. temperature
      1. higher = increase
      2. too hot
        1. bonds holding enzymes together break
        2. destroys enzymes special shape
        3. wont work
          1. DENATURED
      3. human body
        1. 37C
    3. pH
      1. bonds interfered
        1. too high
        2. too low
        3. changes shape
        4. denatures
      2. optimum pH
        1. often neutral pH7
        2. pepsin
          1. break down protein in stomache
          2. pH2
          3. acid conditions
  3. function
    1. amino acids synthesis
      1. enzyme: used to synthesise molecules
      2. not obtained from diet
    2. protein synthesis
      1. join together amino acids
      2. these could be enzymes
        1. circular
    3. usually one reaction
      1. biological detergents
        1. break down stains
      2. baby foods
        1. predigest
  4. respiration
    1. breaking down glucose
      1. releasing energy
        1. build larger molecules
          1. amino acids to proteins
        2. muscles contract
          1. movement
        3. steady body temperature
          1. mammals and birds
        4. plants
          1. sugars
          2. nitrates
          3. amino acids
          4. proteins
      2. in every cell
      3. aerobic respiration
        1. most efficient method
        2. happen inside mitochondria
      4. anaerobic respiration
    2. NOT breathing!
    3. all living things respire
      1. plants
      2. animals
      3. detritus feeders
    4. cyanide
      1. toxin
      2. affects enzymes in respiration
      3. poison
        1. die
      4. organs of high energy demand first
        1. brain
        2. heart
        3. liver
  5. Digestion
    1. produced by specialised cells
      1. released into gut
        1. mixes with food
    2. break down big molecules
      1. starch
      2. protein
      3. fats
      4. too big to pass through walls of digestive system
      5. break down to smaller molecules
        1. sugars
        2. amino acids
        3. glycerol
        4. fatty acids
        5. easily pass through walls of digestive system
    3. carbohydrase
      1. Amylase
        1. secreted in mouth
          1. found in saliva
        2. starch into sugar
          1. dextrins
          2. maltose
          3. maltase (carbohydrase)
          4. maltose into glucose
        3. made 3 places
          1. salivary glands
          2. pancrease
          3. small intestine
        4. SAM
      2. maltase
        1. maltose into glucose
      3. sucrase
        1. sucrose
          1. glucose
          2. fructose
      4. lactase
        1. lactose
          1. glucose
          2. galactose
    4. Protease
      1. Proteins (long chain of amino acids)
        1. broken down to
          1. peptides (smaller chains of amino acids)
          2. finally amino acids
      2. made in 3 places
        1. stomache
          1. called pepsin
        2. pancrease
        3. small intestines
    5. Lipase
      1. fats into glycerol and fatty acids
      2. made in 2 places
        1. pancrease
        2. small intestines
    6. Bile
      1. neutralises stomache acids
      2. emulsifies fats
      3. stages of bile
        1. produced
          1. in liver
        2. stored
          1. in gall bladder
        3. released
          1. into small intestine
        4. neutralises
          1. hydrochloric acid from stomache
        5. small intestine enzymes
          1. work in alkaline conditions
        6. emulsifies fats
          1. breaks into tiny droplets
          2. larger surface are for enzyme LIPASE to work
          3. digestion faster
  6. uses
    1. microorganisms
      1. produce enzyme
        1. pass out of cells
          1. catalyse reactions outside
    2. biological detergent
      1. protein digesters
        1. protease
        2. easy for baby to digest
      2. carbohydrate digesters
        1. carbohydrases
        2. starch syrup to sugar syrup
      3. isomerase
        1. glucose syrup into fructose syrup
        2. fructose sweeter
          1. use less
          2. slimming foods & DRINKS
    3. industry
      1. lots of control
        1. stop from washing away
        2. trapped in
          1. alginate bead
          2. jelly like stuff
          3. silica gel
      2. no need for
        1. high temperatures
        2. high pressures
      3. advantages
        1. specific
          1. only the reaction wanted
          2. lower temperature & pressure
          3. lower cost
          4. save money
        2. work for long time
          1. initial cost high
          2. continual use
        3. biodegradable
          1. less environmental pollution
      4. disadvantage
        1. allergies to enzymes
          1. biological washing powder
        2. can be denatured
          1. only a small increase in temperature
          2. pH change
          3. conditions tightly controlled
        3. contamination with other substances
          1. affect reaction