1. Stem Cells
    1. exciting & controversial
    2. cells
      1. specialised
        1. white blood cell
          1. fight invaders
        2. red blood cell
          1. carry oxygen
      2. differentiation
        1. process for cell to become specialised
        2. lost in animals at early stage
        3. never lost by plant cells
      3. undifferentiated
        1. develop into different cells
        2. stem cells
          1. early human embryos
          2. embryonic stem cells
          3. extracted from embryo
          4. grow on
          5. change environment for growth
          6. control differentiation
          7. bit hit and miss
          8. more research needed
          9. replace faulty cells
          10. heart muscle (heart disease)
          11. insulin production (diabetes)
          12. nerve cells (paralysis)
          13. adult : bone marrow
          14. not as versatile as embryonic
          15. on turn into certain cells
          16. sickle cell anaemia
          17. bone marrow transplant
          18. treatment
          19. injuries
          20. diseases
    3. controversy
      1. embryo = potential human life
        1. abortion same logic
      2. curing patients more important than embryo
      3. use unwanted embryos that would be destroyed
      4. develop other sources of stem cells
      5. banned in some countries
      6. UK : strict guidlines
  2. X and Y Chromosomes
    1. 23 matching pairs of chromosomes
    2. 23rd pair
      1. XX
        1. female
      2. XY
        1. male
    3. making sperm
      1. X & Y drawn appart
        1. first division
        2. 50% chance X chromosome
        3. 50% chance Y chromosome
    4. making eggs
      1. original cell 2 X
        1. eggs have 1 X
  3. Genetic Diagrams
    1. possible combination of Gametes
      1. 50% chance boy / 50% chance girl
    2. similar female XX , male XY
    3. show possible genes of off spring
      1. alleles
        1. different versions of same gene
        2. 2 copies of each gene
          1. one form each parent
        3. dominant alleles
          1. capital letter
        4. recessive alleles
          1. lowercase letter
    4. Cystic Fibrosis
  4. Hereditary Units
    1. Mendels Pea Plants
      1. Austrian monk
      2. conclusions
        1. characteristics determined by "hereditary units"
        2. hereditary units from both parents
          1. one form each parent
        3. hereditary units = genes
          1. determine characteristics
          2. from both parents
          3. one from each parent
          4. dominant D
          5. will be expressed
          6. Dr
          7. DD
          8. recessive r
          9. will be expressed
          10. rr
  5. embryo screening
    1. IVF
      1. In Vitro Fertilisation
        1. screen for genetic disorder
        2. multiple eggs fertilised
        3. remove cell from embryo
          1. analyse genes
          2. genetic disorders
          3. cystic fibrosis
          4. huntingtons
        4. implant embryos with "good" genes
    2. against
      1. pick a baby
        1. most desirable
          1. blue eyes
      2. rejected
        1. destroyed
          1. life
      3. people with genetic problems undesirable
        1. prejudice
    3. for
      1. stop people suffering
      2. laws to stop it going to far
      3. most embryos destroyed through IVF anyway
        1. healthy are implanted
      4. treating disorders costs government / tax payer money
    4. moral arguement