1. pathogen
    1. microorganism
      1. enters body = disease
      2. multiply quickly in warm body
    2. bacteria
      1. small cells (1/100 body cell)
        1. no nucleus
        2. DNA free in cytoplasm
      2. reproduce rapidly in body
      3. feel ill
        1. damage your cells
        2. producing toxins
      4. some bacteria useful
        1. in right place
        2. digestive system
      5. types
        1. spirillum
        2. bacillus
        3. coccus
    3. virus
      1. not cells
        1. 1/100 bacteria cell
        2. coat of protein around genetic material
      2. invade body cells
        1. use cells machinery
        2. replicate themselves
        3. cell bursts
          1. release virus
          2. damage makes you feel ill
  2. Body defence system
    1. respiratory track
      1. skin
      2. hair
      3. mucus
    2. platelets
      1. seal wounds
      2. low count
        1. wound seals slowly
    3. immune system
      1. white blood cells
        1. lines of attack
          1. consuming
          2. engulf foreign cell & digest
          3. antibodies
          4. antigens
          5. unique molecule of invading cell
          6. proteins produced in response to foreign antigens
          7. specific to antigen
          8. lock onto and kill antigen
          9. produced rapidly
          10. flow round body
          11. infected again
          12. natural immunity
          13. wont get ill
          14. antitoxins
          15. counter toxins from bacteria
        2. patrol for microbes
        3. low count
          1. susceptible to infections
          2. HIV/AIDS
          3. attacks white blood cells
          4. weak immune system
        4. high count
          1. bad
          2. leukaemia
  3. immunisation
    1. inject dead / inactive microorganisms
      1. carry antigens
      2. body produces antibodies
        1. rapid response at later infection
      3. MMR
        1. measles
        2. mumps
        3. rubella
      4. vaccinations
        1. wear off
        2. booster injections given
  4. drugs
    1. relieve symptoms
      1. painkillers
        1. aspirin
        2. dont tackle the cause
      2. cold remedies
    2. cure the problem
      1. antibiotics
        1. penicillin
        2. kill / harm bacteria
        3. not touch virus
          1. virus uses body cells
          2. kill virus = kill body cell
          3. bad!
          4. relieve symptoms only
          5. body deals with virus
          6. flu and colds
          7. antiviral drugs
          8. serious viral illness
          9. AIDS
          10. hepatitis
        4. resistant bacteria
          1. bacteria evolve
          2. adapt to their environment
          3. some survive antibiotic
          4. thrive
          5. natural selection
          6. antibiotic resistant strain
          7. MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus)
          8. always finish antibiotic course
          9. doctors not to over prescribe
          10. world without antibiotics
          11. BAD!
  5. Past and Future
    1. Ignaz Semmelweiss
      1. Vienna 1840
      2. wash hands
        1. kill bacteria
          1. reduced death rate of women in childbirth
      3. antisepctics
    2. vaccinations
      1. prevent disease happening
      2. polio, measles, whooping cough, rubella, mumps, tetanus, small pox
      3. may react to vaccine
      4. may not give immunity all the time
      5. help control spread in an outbreak
    3. antibiotic resistant bacteria
      1. pass person to person
      2. flu
      3. millions travel by plane every day
      4. pandemic
        1. disease spreads over the worls
        2. recent bird flu pandemic