1. Cholesterol
    1. risk factor
      1. coronary heart disease
        1. blood vessels clogging
        2. reduced blood flow
        3. angina (chest pain)
        4. heart attack (complete blockage)
    2. fatty substance
      1. in every cell
      2. essential for good health
    3. Liver
      1. makes new colesterol
        1. amount made dependent
          1. diet
          2. inherited factors
      2. removes from blood
        1. eliminate from body
    4. right amount, right type of fat
      1. transported in body
        1. in blood
        2. lipoproteins
          1. fat attached to protein
      2. LDL : low density lipoproteins
        1. liver to body cells
        2. bad colesterol
        3. excess build up in arteries
      3. HDL: high density lipoproteins
        1. body cells to liver
          1. removal from body
        2. good cholesterol
      4. HDL/LDL balance
        1. HDL > LDL
      5. Fat
        1. low fat good
        2. processed food
          1. high fat
        3. saturated fat
          1. no C=C double bonds
          2. raise cholesterol
          3. increase amoiunt liver makes
          4. decreases amount gets rid of
          5. eat in moderation
          6. animal fats
          7. solid room temperature
        4. unsaturated fat
          1. C=C bonds
          2. rigid
          3. molecules can not pack close together
          4. vegetable oils
          5. liquid room temperature
          6. polyunsaturated fats
          7. more than 1 C=C double bond
          8. lower cholesterol
          9. increased removal from body
          10. improved HDH/LDH balance
          11. monounsaturated fats
          12. exactly 1 C=C bond
          13. lower cholesterol
          14. LDH/HDL: balance improved
  2. Salt
    1. some needed
    2. risk factors
      1. i.e. increases with risk
      2. high blood pressure
        1. Hypertension
        2. salt sensitive
    3. processed food
      1. breakfast cereals
      2. soups
      3. sauces
      4. biscuits
      5. listed as sodium not salt
  3. Drugs
    1. body = chemical reaction
      1. drugs can interfere
        1. better
        2. bad
    2. change body chemistry
      1. plants / natural substances
        1. heroin
          1. poppy
          2. used for centuries
    3. additction
      1. not taken
        1. withdrawl
          1. cold turkey
          2. umpleasant
      2. type
        1. heroin
        2. cocaine
        3. nicotine
        4. caffeine
    4. medical drugs
      1. thoroughly tested
        1. computer models
          1. simulated body response
        2. test on human tissue
          1. whole body system not possible
          2. multiple body systems
          3. blood pressure
          4. must use animals
        3. living animals
          1. UK: must test on 2 animals
          2. cruel?
        4. human volunteers
          1. clinical trial
          2. side effects
        5. 100% risk free not possible
      2. constantly developes
        1. antibiotics running out!
      3. past failures
        1. thalidomide
          1. 1950s
          2. use: sleeping pill
          3. good for morning sickness
          4. not tested
          5. through placenta to foetus
          6. stunted growth
          7. no arms / legs
          8. 10,000 babies affected
          9. only half survived
          10. banned for more rigorous testing
          11. reintroduction
          12. leprosy
          13. AIDS
          14. Cancers