1. Course Outline
    1. Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
      1. Essential Questions
        1. How do plants and other organisms capture energy from the sun?
        2. How do humans (and other organisms) obtain energy?
      2. Objectives
        1. Chapter 8 Photosynthesis
          1. Formative Assessments
          2. Click here to assess yourself on the objectives
          3. Chemical energy and ATP
          4. Level 1
          5. Ch 8.1 Identify various types of energy
          6. Ch 8.1 Describe the basic purpose of ATP and why it is useful to cells.
          7. Level 2
          8. Ch 8.1 While referring to a picture of an ATP molecule (Figure 8-1/8-2), explain how ATP molecule stores and releases energy and relate this to the concept to the visual analogy of ATP as a charged battery.
          9. ATP
          10. Level 3
          11. Cholorphyll and Chloroplasts
          12. Level 1
          13. Ch 8.2 Identify the specific location within the plant cell where photosynthesis occurs
          14. Level 2
          15. Ch 8.2 Explain the role of pigments in photosynthesis
    2. Grading