1. smoking tobacco
    1. physical effects
      1. yellow teeth
      2. pucker lines
        1. cats rear end
      3. yellow fingers
      4. smell!
      5. loss of taste
      6. skin pale
    2. illness / disease
      1. lungs
        1. emphysema
        2. bronchitis
        3. lung cancer
      2. heart attacks
        1. heat disease
        2. blood vessel diseases
      3. chemicals
        1. tar
          1. cilia damage
          2. lungs
          3. windpipe
          4. + mucus catch dust / bacteria before lungs
          5. damage = chest infections
        2. carcinogens
          1. chemicals leading to cancer
          2. lung cancer
          3. 90% cases from smoking
          4. kills most people who get it
        3. carbon monoxide
          1. combines irreversibly with haemoglobin
          2. blood cells
          3. less oxygen
          4. pregnancy
          5. foetus lacks oxygen
          6. underweight
        4. nicotine
          1. addictive
      4. cost
        1. NHS
          1. passive smoking
          2. direct effects
        2. economic: missed work days
        3. loss of loved ones
    3. Stop smoking industry
      1. nicotine gum patches
      2. acupuncture
      3. hypnosis
  2. Alcohol
    1. socially acceptable
      1. less inhibited
        1. socialise
        2. relax
        3. can go too far!
    2. excess
      1. crime / injuries
        1. > half
          1. murders
          2. stabbings
          3. domestic assaults
        2. divorce
        3. child abuse
        4. cost
          1. NHS
          2. police
          3. economic : lost work
          4. loss of loved ones
      2. slow reactions
        1. reduced activity of nervous system
      3. impaired judgement
      4. poor balance / coordination
      5. lack of self control
      6. unconsciousness
      7. coma
      8. dehydration
        1. damage brain cells
          1. drop in brain function
      9. liver damage
        1. liver disease