1. Committee
    1. Identify/confirm committee members
      1. CC HQ
        1. Cheri Winkler
        2. Shazlee
      2. CC Network
        1. Melanie Kwong
        2. Kathie Klein
        3. Mary Liscombe
        4. Katherine Brown ?
        5. Tracy Tomme ?
      3. Consultant/External
        1. Evaluator
        2. On-line Content EXPERT
    2. Clarify roles
    3. Establish communication modes
    4. Kick-off meeting
      1. Review/clarify grant goals and objectives
      2. Set date
      3. Plan agenda
      4. Make travel arrangements
  2. Evaluation
    1. Define components
    2. Develop RFP
    3. Identify potential evaluators
    4. Select evaluator
    5. Develop contract
  3. TT curriculum materials
    1. collect samples from Network/HQ
      1. 2 weeks
    2. identify criteria for selecting materials
      1. 1 week
    3. review materials
      1. 3 weeks
    4. identify general educational overview materials
      1. 1 week
    5. identifying additional resources
      1. 1 week
    6. select best materials
      1. 4 weeks
    7. develop correlation to education standards
      1. 2 weeks
    8. create format/template for lessons
      1. 1 week
    9. organize and cross-reference lessons
      1. 4 weeks
    10. put lessons into format
      1. 12 weeks
    11. produce/upload for dissemination
  4. Network training workshop
    1. Pilot training workshop
      1. Brainstorm strategies for increased teacher participation
        1. phone
        2. on-site
        3. e-mail
        4. teacher recruitment materials/resources
      2. Plan workshop agenda
        1. Incorporate teacher training mission
        2. Collaborate with Committee
      3. Set workshop date
      4. Travel plans
      5. Develop evaluation tool
        1. CLC staff
        2. Teachers
      6. Develop plan for implementing second workshop
        1. Establish check-in meetings
        2. Teacher recruitment
        3. Workshop materials
      7. pre-workshop training
        1. develop topics/agenda
        2. create needs assessment
    2. Training video
      1. Film training session
      2. Edit film
      3. Write "script"
      4. Produce training dvd
    3. Face-to-face meeting at annual conference
      1. Pilot training video
      2. Strategies for teacher recruitment
      3. create application form
  5. Participating Centers
    1. Identify process for selecting CLCs
      1. create application form
      2. review results from SOE team
    2. Establish expectations
    3. Set-up regional on-site workshops
      1. Determine facilitators
      2. Review/refine pilot workshop agenda
      3. Develop evaluation tool
        1. CLC feedback/reflection
      4. Develop plan for implementing second workshop
        1. Establish check-in meetings
        2. Teacher recruitment
        3. Workshop materials
      5. develop on-site workshop materials
      6. identify local corporations to contribute (Boeing, etc.)
  6. Boeing volunteers
    1. Establish model for participation
      1. Develop documentation for volunteer program
      2. Teacher workshops
      3. Classroom visits
      4. Special events
      5. Feedback opportunities
    2. Recruit volunteers
    3. Orientation meeting
  7. On-line collaborative tools
    1. CLCs
      1. Forum for sharing ideas
      2. Resources
        1. agendas
        2. videos
    2. Teachers
      1. Resources
        1. agendas
        2. videos
          1. training resources
          2. student experiences
        3. mission materials
        4. curriculum materials
        5. correlation to standards
      2. Podcasts
    3. eNewsletter
      1. Identify editor
      2. CLCs
      3. Teachers
  8. Project schedule
    1. Review plan with committee
    2. Establish task durations
    3. Identify dependencies
    4. Identify milestone dates
    5. Create schedule