1. Why remembering is important
    1. Struggle with remembering
      1. Saves us from inconsequential info
      2. Constructive uses
        1. Deconstructing & critiquing over time
        2. Apply in real situations to see if it's good
        3. Mix up with other thinking
    2. Memory Decay
      1. After 1 day, we recall 20% or less
    3. Collective & Personal Issues result in decay
      1. Waste of time
      2. Makes us feel stupid
  2. Power of review
    1. Review material at strategic points
      1. Just after event
      2. 24 hrs after
      3. 1 week after
      4. 1 month after
    2. Fully engage in the material
      1. Deconstruct/reconstruct
      2. Critique and expansion
      3. Synthesize with other material
      4. Do stuff with it
    3. Ordered creative process
      1. Mind-mapping
        1. Summarizing key-word focused
  3. Reviews detailed
    1. Post event review
      1. Original map
    2. 24 hour review
      1. Critique
      2. Expand thinking
      3. Test it out
      4. Make links with connections we see
    3. 1 week review
      1. Challenge
        1. Glance at thumbnail
        2. Point is to retrieve
        3. Review original
    4. 1 month review
      1. Repeat challenge
      2. Summarize, condense & summarize again