Why remembering is important
Struggle with remembering
- Saves us from inconsequential info
Constructive uses
- Deconstructing & critiquing over time
- Apply in real situations to see if it's good
- Mix up with other thinking
Memory Decay
- After 1 day, we recall 20% or less
Collective & Personal Issues result in decay
- Waste of time
- Makes us feel stupid
Power of review
Review material at strategic points
- Just after event
- 24 hrs after
- 1 week after
- 1 month after
Fully engage in the material
- Deconstruct/reconstruct
- Critique and expansion
- Synthesize with other material
- Do stuff with it
Ordered creative process
- Summarizing key-word focused
Reviews detailed
Post event review
- Original map
24 hour review
- Critique
- Expand thinking
- Test it out
- Make links with connections we see
1 week review
- Glance at thumbnail
- Point is to retrieve
- Review original
1 month review
- Repeat challenge
- Summarize, condense & summarize again