1. 01: Genesis
    1. Narrative History, and Genealogies
    2. In the Beginning
    3. Key personalities
      1. Adam
      2. Eve
      3. Noah
      4. Abraham
      5. Sarah
      6. Isaac
      7. Rebekah
      8. Jacob
      9. Joseph
    4. Outline by Chapters
      1. Genesis Chapter 01
        1. God creates heaven, earth, plants, animals and man
          1. 1. God creates heaven and earth;
          2. 3. the light;
          3. 6. the firmament;
          4. 9. separates the dry land;
          5. 14. forms the sun, moon, and stars;
          6. 20. fishes and fowls;
          7. 24. cattle, wild beasts, and creeping things;
          8. 26. creates man in his own image, blesses him;
          9. 29. grants the fruits of the earth for food.
      2. Genesis Chapter 02
        1. Adam and Eve's Beginning in the garden of Eden
          1. 1. first Sabbath.
          2. 4. Further details concerning the manner of creation.
          3. 8. planting of the garden of Eden, and its situation;
          4. 15. man is placed in it; and the tree of knowledge forbidden.
          5. 18. animals are named by Adam.
          6. 21. making of woman, and the institution of marriage.
          7. Genesis 3: Adam and Eve's sin and expulsion from the Garden
      3. Genesis Chapter 03
        1. Adam and Eve's sin and expulsion from the Garden
          1. 1. serpent deceives Eve.
          2. 6. Both she and Adam transgress the divine command, and fall into sin.
          3. 8. God arraigns them.
          4. 14. serpent is cursed.
          5. 15. promised seed.
          6. 16. punishment of mankind.
          7. 21. Their first clothing.
          8. 22. Their expulsion from paradise.
      4. Genesis Chapter 04
        1. Cain kills Abel; his curse and descendants
          1. 1. birth, occupation, and offerings of Cain and Abel.
          2. 8. Cain murders his brother Abel.
          3. 11. curse of Cain.
          4. 17. Has a son called Enoch, and builds a city, which he calls after his name.
          5. 18. His descendants, with Lamech and his two wives.
          6. 25. birth of Seth,
          7. 26. and Enos.
      5. Genesis Chapter 05
        1. Descendants from Adam to Noah
          1. 1. Recapitulation of the creation of man.
          2. 3. genealogy, age, and death of the patriarchs from Adam to Noah.
          3. 22. Enoch's godliness and translation into Heaven.
          4. 25. family line of Methuselah to Noah and his sons
      6. Genesis Chapter 06
        1. God's Mercy on Noah in the midst of Man's Wickedness
          1. 1. wickedness of the world, which provoked God's wrath.
          2. 8. Noah finds grace.
          3. 9. His family line
          4. 14. order, form, dimensions, and building of the ark.
      7. Genesis Chapter 07
        1. Great Flood
          1. 1. Noah, his family and the living creatures enter the ark.
          2. 6. flood begins.
          3. 17. increase of the flood for forty days.
          4. 21. All flesh is destroyed by it.
          5. 24. Its duration of 150 days.
      8. Genesis Chapter 08
        1. Flood Subsides and the Ark Rests on Mount Ararat
          1. 1. God remembers Noah and calms the waters.
          2. 4. ark rests on Ararat.
          3. 6. Noah sends forth a raven and then a dove.
          4. 13. Noah, being commanded, goes forth from the ark.
          5. 20. He builds an altar, and offers sacrifices,
          6. 21. which God accepts, and promises to curse the earth no more.
      9. Genesis Chapter 09
        1. Covenant of the bow
          1. 1. God blesses Noah and his sons, and grants them flesh for food.
          2. 4. Blood and murder are forbidden.
          3. 8. God's covenant, of which the rainbow was constituted a pledge.
          4. 18. Noah's family replenishes the world.
          5. 20. Noah plants a vineyard,
          6. 21. Is drunken, and mocked by his son;
          7. 25. Curses Canaan;
          8. 26. Blesses Shem;
          9. 27. Prays for Japheth, and dies.
      10. Genesis Chapter 10
        1. Descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth
          1. 1. generations of Noah.
          2. 2. Japheth.
          3. 6. Ham.
          4. 8. Nimrod becomes the first monarch; the descendants of Canaan.
          5. 21. sons of Shem.
      11. Genesis Chapter 11
        1. Tower of Babel; Shem's Descendants to Abraham
          1. 1. One language in the world.
          2. 2. building of Babel.
          3. 5. It is interrupted by the confusion of tongues, and the builders dispersed.
          4. 10. generations of Shem.
          5. 27. generations of Terah, the father of Abram.
          6. 31. Terah, with Abram and Lot, move from Ur to Haran.
      12. Genesis Chapter 12
        1. Abram calls Abram
          1. 1. God calls Abram, and blesses him with a promise of Christ.
          2. 4. He departs with Lot from Haran, and comes to Canaan.
          3. 6. He journeys through Canaan,
          4. 7. which is promised to him in a vision.
          5. 10. He is driven by famine into Egypt.
          6. 11. Fear makes him feign his wife to be his sister.
          7. 14. Pharaoh, having taken her from him, is compelled to restore her.
          8. 18. Pharaoh reproves Abram, whom he dismisses.
      13. Genesis Chapter 13
        1. Abram and Lot Part Ways; Abram Promised Many Descendants
          1. 1. Abram and Lot return with great riches out of Egypt.
          2. 6. Strife arises between Abram's herdsmen and those of Lot.
          3. 8. Abram allows Lot to choose his part of the country,
          4. 10. and Lot goes toward Sodom.
          5. 14. God renews his promise to Abram.
          6. 18. He moves to Hebron, and there builds an altar.
      14. Genesis Chapter 14
        1. Abram Rescues Lot and Receives a Blessing from Melchizedek
          1. 1. battle of four kings against the king of Sodom and his allies.
          2. 12. Lot is taken prisoner.
          3. 14. Abram rescues him.
          4. 17. Melchizedek blesses Abram, who gives him tithes.
          5. 21. Abram restores the rest of the spoil to the king of Sodom.
      15. Genesis Chapter 15
        1. God's Covenant with Abram
          1. 1. God encourages Abram, who asks for an heir.
          2. 4. God promises him a son, and a multiplying of his seed.
          3. 6. Abram is justified by faith.
          4. 7. Canaan is promised again,
          5. 9. and confirmed by a sign, and a vision,
          6. 18. prophetic of the condition of his posterity till brought out of Egypt.
      16. Genesis Chapter 16
        1. Sarai, Hagar, and Ishmael
          1. 1. Sarai, being barren, gives Hagar to Abram.
          2. 4. Hagar, being afflicted for despising her mistress, runs away.
          3. 7. An angel commands her to return and submit herself,
          4. 10. promises her a numerous posterity,
          5. 12. and shows their character and condition.
          6. 13. Hagar names the place, and returns to Sarai.
          7. 15. Ishmael is born.
          8. 16. age of Abram.
      17. Genesis Chapter 17
        1. Covenant of Circumcision
          1. 1. God renews the covenant with Abram,
          2. 5. and changes his name to Abraham, in token of a greater blessing.
          3. 9. Circumcision is instituted.
          4. 15. Sarai's name is changed to Sarah, and she is blessed.
          5. 17. Isaac is promised, and the time of his birth fixed.
          6. 23. Abraham and Ishmael are circumcised.
      18. Genesis Chapter 18
        1. God Promises the birth of Isaac; Abram Pleads for Sodom
          1. 1. Lord appears to Abraham, who entertains angels.
          2. 9. Sarah is reproved for laughing at the promise of a son.
          3. 16. destruction of Sodom is revealed to Abraham.
          4. 23. Abraham makes intercession for its inhabitants.
      19. Genesis Chapter 19
        1. Destruction of Sodom; Lot's daughters give birth
          1. 1. Lot entertains two angels.
          2. 4. vicious Sodomites are smitten with blindness.
          3. 12. Lot is warned, and in vain warns his sons-in-law.
          4. 15. He is directed to flee to the mountains, but obtains leave to go into Zoar.
          5. 24. Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed.
          6. 26. Lot's wife looks back and becomes a pillar of salt.
          7. 29. Lot dwells in a cave.
          8. 31. incestuous origin of Moab and Ammon.
      20. Genesis Chapter 20
        1. Abraham, Sarah and Abimelech
          1. 1. Abraham sojourns at Gerar.
          2. 2. Denies his wife, who is taken by Abimelech.
          3. 3. Abimelech is reproved for her in a dream.
          4. 9. He rebukes Abraham.
          5. 14. Restores Sarah;
          6. 16. and reproves her.
          7. 17. Abimelech and his family are healed at Abraham's prayer.
      21. Genesis Chapter 21
        1. Isaac Born; Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away; Treaty at Beersheba
          1. 1. Isaac is born, and circumcised.
          2. 6. Sarah's joy.
          3. 8. Isaac is weaned.
          4. 9. Hagar and Ishmael sent away.
          5. 15. Hagar in distress.
          6. 17. angel relieves and comforts her.
          7. 23. Abimelech's covenant with Abraham at Beersheba.
      22. Genesis Chapter 22
        1. Offering of Isaac; Nahor's sons
          1. 1. Abraham is tested with the command to offer Isaac.
          2. 3. He gives proof of his faith and obedience.
          3. 11. angel prevents him.
          4. 13. Isaac is exchanged for a ram.
          5. 14. place is called Jehovah-jireh.
          6. 15. Abraham is again blessed.
          7. 20. generations of Nahor unto Rebekah.
      23. Genesis Chapter 23
        1. Death and Burial of Sarah
          1. 1. age and death of Sarah.
          2. 3. purchase of the field and cave of Machpelah;
          3. 19. where Sarah is buried.
      24. Genesis Chapter 24
        1. Isaac and Rebekah
          1. 1. Abraham swears his servant.
          2. 10. servant's journey.
          3. 12. His prayer.
          4. 14. His sign.
          5. 15. Rebekah meets him;
          6. 18. fulfils his sign;
          7. 22. receives jewels;
          8. 23. shows her kindred;
          9. 25. and invites him home.
          10. 26. servant blesses God.
          11. 29. Laban entertains him.
          12. 34. servant shows his message.
          13. 50. Laban and Bethuel approve it.
          14. 58. Rebekah consents to go, and departs.
          15. 62. Isaac meets and marries her.
      25. Genesis Chapter 25
        1. Abraham's Death; Ishmael, Jacob and Esau
          1. 1. sons of Abraham by Keturah.
          2. 5. division of his goods.
          3. 7. His age, death, and burial.
          4. 11. God blesses Isaac.
          5. 12. generations of Ishmael.
          6. 17. His age and death.
          7. 19. Isaac prays for Rebekah, being barren.
          8. 22. children strive in her womb.
          9. 24. birth of Esau and Jacob.
          10. 27. Their different characters and pursuits.
          11. 29. Esau sells his birthright.
      26. Genesis Chapter 26
        1. Isaac and Abimelech
          1. 1. Isaac, because of famine, sojourns in Gerar, and the Lord blesses him.
          2. 7. He is reproved by Abimelech for denying his wife.
          3. 12. He grows rich, and the Philistines envy his prosperity.
          4. 18. He digs wells.
          5. 23. God appears to him at Beersheba, and blesses him;
          6. 26. and Abimelech makes a covenant with him.
          7. 34. Esau's wives.
      27. Genesis Chapter 27
        1. Jacob Gets Isaac's Blessing
          1. 1. Isaac sends Esau for venison.
          2. 6. Rebekah instructs Jacob to obtain the blessing.
          3. 14. Jacob, feigning to be Esau, obtains it.
          4. 30. Esau brings venison.
          5. 33. Isaac trembles.
          6. 34. Esau complains, and by importunity obtains a blessing.
          7. 41. He threatens Jacob's life.
          8. 42. Rebekah disappoints him, by sending Jacob away.
      28. Genesis Chapter 28
        1. Jacob's Flight to Laban and Vision of a ladder
          1. 1. Isaac blesses Jacob, and sends him to Padan-aram.
          2. 6. Esau marries Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael.
          3. 10. Jacob journeys, and has a vision of a ladder.
          4. 18. stone of Bethel.
          5. 20. Jacob's vow.
      29. Genesis Chapter 29
        1. Jacob Meets Rachel, Serves Laban, Marries Rachel and Leah
          1. 1. Jacob comes to the well of Haran.
          2. 9. He becomes acquainted with Rachel.
          3. 13. Laban entertains him.
          4. 18. Jacob covenants for Rachel.
          5. 23. He is deceived by Laban with Leah.
          6. 28. He marries also Rachel, and serves for her seven years more.
          7. 32. Leah bears Reuben;
          8. 33. Simeon;
          9. 34. Levi;
          10. 35. and Judah.
      30. Genesis Chapter 30
        1. Jacob and His Sons Prosper
          1. 1. Rachel, in grief for her barrenness, gives Bilhah her maid unto Jacob.
          2. 5. Bilhah bears Dan and Naphtali.
          3. 9. Leah gives Zilpah her maid, who bears Gad and Asher.
          4. 14. Reuben finds mandrakes,
          5. 15. with which Leah buys her husband's company of Rachel.
          6. 17. Leah bears Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah.
          7. 22. Rachel bears Joseph.
          8. 25. Jacob desires to depart.
          9. 27. Laban detains him on a new agreement.
          10. 37. Jacob's policy, whereby he becomes rich.
      31. Genesis Chapter 31
        1. Jacob Leaves for Canaan; Laban Pursues
      32. Genesis Chapter 32
        1. Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau, Wrestles with God
          1. 1. Jacob's vision at Mahanaim.
          2. 3. His message to Esau.
          3. 6. He is afraid of Esau's coming.
          4. 9. He prays for deliverance.
          5. 13. He sends a present to Esau, and passes the brook Jabbok.
          6. 24. He wrestles with an angel at Peniel, where he is called Israel.
          7. 31. He halts.
      33. Genesis Chapter 33
        1. Jacob Meets Esau, Settles in Shechem
          1. 1. Jacob and Esau's meeting; and Esau's departure.
          2. 17. Jacob comes to Succoth.
          3. 18. At Shechem he buys a field, and builds an altar, called El Elohe Israel.
      34. Genesis Chapter 34
        1. Shechem Defiles Dinah and is Avenged by Jacob
          1. 1. Dinah is ravished by Shechem.
          2. 4. He requests to marry her.
          3. 13. sons of Jacob offer the condition of circumcision to the Shechemites.
          4. 20. Hamor and Shechem persuade them to accept it.
          5. 25. sons of Jacob upon that advantage slay them, and spoil their city.
          6. 30. Jacob reproves Simeon and Levi.
      35. Genesis Chapter 35
        1. Jacob Returns to Bethel; Jacob Named Israel; Deaths of Rachel and Isaac
          1. 1. God commands Jacob to go to Bethel.
          2. 2. He purges his house of idols.
          3. 6. He builds an altar at Bethel.
          4. 8. Deborah dies at Allon Bacuth.
          5. 9. God blesses Jacob at Bethel.
          6. 10. Jacob Named Israel.
          7. 16. Rachel travails of Benjamin, and dies in the way to Edar.
          8. 22. Reuben lies with Bilhah.
          9. 23. sons of Jacob.
          10. 27. Jacob comes to Isaac at Hebron.
          11. 28. age, death, and burial of Isaac.
      36. Genesis Chapter 36
        1. Descendants of Esau; Kings of Edom
          1. 1. Esau's three wives.
          2. 6. His removal to mount Seir.
          3. 9. His sons.
          4. 15. dukes which descended of his sons.
          5. 20. sons and dukes of Seir the Horite.
          6. 24. Anah finds mules.
          7. 31. kings of Edom.
          8. 40. dukes that descended of Esau.
      37. Genesis Chapter 37
        1. Joseph's Dreams and Betrayal by His Brothers
          1. 1. Joseph is loved by Jacob, but hated by his brothers.
          2. 5. His dreams and the interpretation.
          3. 12. Jacob sends him to his brothers, who counsel to slay him.
          4. 21. At Reuben's desire they cast him into a pit;
          5. 25. and afterwards sell him to the Ishmaelites;
          6. 29. while Ruben grieves at not finding him.
          7. 31. His coat, covered with blood, is sent to Jacob, who mourns him inordinately.
          8. 36. Joseph is brought to Egypt and sold to Potiphar.
      38. Genesis Chapter 38
        1. Judah and Tamar
          1. 1. Judah begets Er, Onan, and Shelah.
          2. 6. Er's marriage with Tamar, and death.
          3. 8. trespass of Onan.
          4. 11. Tamar is reserved for Shelah.
          5. 12. Judah's wife dies.
          6. 13. Tamar deceives Judah.
          7. 27. She bears twins, Pharez and Zarah.
      39. Genesis Chapter 39
        1. Joseph's Success; Potiphar's Wife; Joseph Imprisoned
          1. 1. Joseph is bought by Potiphar, and preferred in the family.
          2. 7. He resists temptation by Potiphar's Wife.
          3. 13. He is falsely accused by her.
          4. 20. He is cast into prison.
          5. 21. God is with him there, and he is advanced by the keeper of prison.
      40. Genesis Chapter 40
        1. Joseph Interprets the Cupbearer and the Baker's Dreams
          1. 1. chief butler and baker of Pharaoh are also imprisoned.
          2. 5. Joseph interprets their dreams.
          3. 20. They are accomplished according to his interpretation.
          4. 23. ingratitude of the butler, in forgetting Joseph.
      41. Genesis Chapter 41
        1. Pharaoh's Dream; Joseph's Interpretation and Reward
          1. 1. Pharaoh has two dreams.
          2. 9. Joseph interprets them.
          3. 33. He gives Pharaoh counsel, and is highly advanced, and married.
          4. 46. seven years of plenty.
          5. 50. He begets children.
          6. 53. famine begins.
      42. Genesis Chapter 42
        1. Joseph's Brothers Sent to Egypt, Simeon Detained
          1. 1. Jacob sends his ten sons to buy grain in Egypt.
          2. 16. They are imprisoned by Joseph as spies.
          3. 18. They are set at liberty, on condition to bring Benjamin.
          4. 21. They have remorse for Joseph.
          5. 24. Simeon is kept for a pledge.
          6. 25. They return with grain, and their money.
          7. 29. Their relation to Jacob.
          8. 36. Jacob refuses to send Benjamin.
      43. Genesis Chapter 43
        1. Return to Egypt with Benjamin
          1. 1. Jacob is persuaded to send Benjamin.
          2. 15. Joseph entertains his brothers.
          3. 19. They discover their fears to the steward.
          4. 26. Joseph makes them a feast.
      44. Genesis Chapter 44
        1. Benjamin and the Silver Cup
          1. 1. Joseph's policy to stay his brothers.
          2. 6. silver cup is found in Benjamin's sack.
          3. 14. They are brought before Joseph.
          4. 18. Judah's humble supplication to Joseph.
      45. Genesis Chapter 45
        1. Joseph Makes Himself Known and Forgives His Brothers
          1. 1. Joseph makes himself known to his brothers.
          2. 5. He comforts them in God's providence.
          3. 9. He sends for his father.
          4. 16. Pharaoh confirms it.
          5. 21. Joseph furnishes then for their journey.
          6. 25. Jacob is revived with the news.
      46. Genesis Chapter 46
        1. Jacob and His Family Move to Egypt
          1. 1. Jacob is comforted by God at Beersheba.
          2. 5. Thence he with his company goes into Egypt.
          3. 8. number of his family that went into Egypt.
          4. 28. Joseph meets Jacob.
          5. 31. He instructs his brothers how to answer Pharaoh.
      47. Genesis Chapter 47
        1. Jacob to Goshen; Israelites Multiply; Joseph and the Famine
          1. 1. Joseph presents his father, and five of his brothers before Pharaoh.
          2. 11. He gives them habitation and maintenance.
          3. 13. He gets the Egyptian's money;
          4. 16. their cattle;
          5. 18. and their lands, except the priests', to Pharaoh.
          6. 23. He restores the land for a fifth.
          7. 28. Jacob's age.
          8. 29. He swears Joseph to bury him with his fathers.
      48. Genesis Chapter 48
        1. Jacob's Illness; Manasseh and Ephraim
          1. 1. Joseph with his sons visits his sick father.
          2. 2. Jacob strengthens himself to bless them.
          3. 3. He repeats God's promise.
          4. 5. He takes Ephraim and Manasseh as his own sons.
          5. 7. He tells Joseph of his mother's grave.
          6. 8. He blesses Ephraim and Manasseh.
          7. 17. He prefers the younger before the elder.
          8. 21. He prophesies their return to Canaan.
      49. Genesis Chapter 49
        1. Jacob's Blessing to His Sons; Jacob's Death
          1. 1. Jacob calls his sons to bless them.
          2. 3. Their blessing in particular.
          3. 29. He charges them about his burial.
          4. 33. He dies.
      50. Genesis Chapter 50
        1. Burial of Jacob; Death of Joseph
          1. 1. mourning for Jacob.
          2. 4. Joseph gets leave of Pharaoh to go to bury him.
          3. 7. funeral.
          4. 15. Joseph comforts his brothers, who crave his pardon.
          5. 22. His age.
          6. 23. He sees the third generation of his sons.
          7. 24. He prophesies unto his brothers of their return.
          8. 25. He takes an oath of them concerning his bones.
          9. 26. He dies, and is put into a coffin.
  2. 02: Exodus
    1. Narrative History and Laws
    2. Departure & Redemption of Israel from Egyptian bondage
    3. Key personalities
      1. Moses
      2. Miriam
      3. Pharaoh
      4. Pharaoh’s daughter
      5. Aaron
      6. Joshua
    4. Outline by Chapters
      1. Exodus Chapter 01
        1. Israelites Multiply; Oppression in Egypt
          1. 1. children of Israel, after Joseph's death, increase.
          2. 8. more they are oppressed by a new king, the more they multiply.
          3. 15. godliness of the midwives in saving the male children alive.
          4. 22. Pharaoh commands the male children to be cast into the river
      2. Exodus Chapter 02
        1. Birth, Adoption and Escape of Moses
          1. 1. Moses is born, and placed in a basket in the reeds of Nile.
          2. 5. He is found, and brought up by Pharaoh's daughter;
          3. 7. who employs his mother to nurse him.
          4. 11. He kills an Egyptian.
          5. 13. He reproves a Hebrew.
          6. 15. He flees into Midian, and marries Zipporah.
          7. 22. Gershom is born.
          8. 23. God respects the Israelites' cry.
      3. Exodus Chapter 03
        1. Moses and the Burning Bush
          1. 1. Moses keeps Jethro's flock.
          2. 2. God appears to him in a burning bush.
          3. 9. He sends him to deliver Israel.
          4. 13. name of God.
          5. 15. His message to Israel, and Pharaoh, whose opposition is foretold.
          6. 20. He is assured of Israel's deliverance.
      4. Exodus Chapter 04
        1. Miraculous Signs through Moses; Aaron as Mouthpiece; Moses Returns
          1. 1. Moses's rod is turned into a serpent.
          2. 6. His hand is leprous.
          3. 10. He loathes his calling.
          4. 13. Aaron is appointed to assist him.
          5. 18. Moses departs from Jethro.
          6. 21. God's message to Pharaoh.
          7. 24. Zipporah circumcises her son.
          8. 27. Aaron is sent to meet Moses.
          9. 29. people believe them.
      5. Exodus Chapter 05
        1. Pharaoh Rejects Moses' Plea and Increases the Israelites' Labour
          1. 1. Pharaoh chides Moses and Aaron for their message.
          2. 6. He increases the Israelites' task.
          3. 16. He ignores their complaints.
          4. 19. They cry out to Moses and Aaron.
          5. 22. Moses complains to God.
      6. Exodus Chapter 06
        1. God Promises to Deliver the Families of Israel
          1. 1. God renews his promise by his name JEHOVAH
          2. 9. Moses vainly attempts to encourage the Israelites
          3. 10. He and Aaron are again sent to Pharaoh
          4. 14. Genealogies of Reuben, Simeon and Levi, of whom came Moses and Aaron
          5. 26. history resumed
      7. Exodus Chapter 07
        1. Aaron's Staff; Plague of Blood
          1. 1. Moses and Aaron are encouraged to go again to Pharaoh
          2. 8. Aaron's rod is turned into a serpent
          3. 11. sorcerers do the like; but their rods are swallowed up by Aaron's
          4. 13. Pharaoh's heart is hardened
          5. 14. God's message to Pharaoh
          6. 19. river is turned into blood; and the consequent distress of the Egyptians
      8. Exodus Chapter 08
        1. Plagues of Frogs, Gnats and Flies
          1. 1. Frogs are sent
          2. 8. Pharaoh complains to Moses, who by prayer removes them
          3. 16. dust is turned into lice, which the magicians could not do
          4. 20. plague of flies
          5. 25. Pharaoh inclines to let the people go, but yet is hardened
      9. Exodus Chapter 09
        1. Plagues of Livestock, Boils and Hail
          1. 1. plague on livestock
          2. 8. plague of boils
          3. 13. message of Moses about the hail,
          4. 22. plague of hail
          5. 27. Pharaoh pleads with Moses, but yet is hardened
      10. Exodus Chapter 10
        1. Plagues of Locusts and Darkness
          1. 1. God threatens to send locusts
          2. 7. Pharaoh, moved by his servants, inclines to let the Israelites go
          3. 12. plague of the locusts
          4. 16. Pharaoh entreats Moses
          5. 21. plague of darkness
          6. 24. Pharaoh again entreats Moses, but yet is hardened
      11. Exodus Chapter 11
        1. Plague on the Firstborn
          1. 1. God's message to the Israelites to borrow jewels of their neighbors
          2. 4. Moses threatens Pharaoh with the death the firstborn
      12. Exodus Chapter 12
        1. Passover; Feast; Memorial; Pharaoh Urges Exodus
          1. 1. beginning of the year is changed
          2. 3. Passover is instituted
          3. 11. import of the rite of the Passover
          4. 15. Unleavened bread
          5. 29. firstborn are slain
          6. 31. Israelites are driven out of the land
          7. 37. They come to Succoth
          8. 41. time of their sojourning
          9. 43. ordinance of the Passover
      13. Exodus Chapter 13
        1. Consecration of the Firstborn; God Leads the People out
          1. 1. firstborn are sanctified to God
          2. 3. memorial of the Passover is commanded
          3. 11. firstborn of man and beast are set apart
          4. 17. Israelites go out of Egypt, and carry Joseph's bones with them.
          5. 20. They come to Etham
          6. 21. God guides them by a pillar of a cloud, and a pillar of fire
      14. Exodus Chapter 14
        1. Pharaoh Pursues; Red Sea is Parted
          1. 1. God instructs the Israelites in their journey
          2. 5. Pharaoh pursues after them
          3. 10. Israelites murmur
          4. 13. Moses comforts them
          5. 15. God instructs Moses
          6. 19. cloud removes behind the camp
          7. 21. Israelites pass through the Red sea, which drowns the Egyptians
      15. Exodus Chapter 15
        1. Song of Moses and Miriam; Lord Provides Water
          1. 1. song of Moses, Miriam, and Israel on their deliverance
          2. 22. people want water in the desert
          3. 23. waters at Marah are bitter,
          4. 24. they murmur,
          5. 25. Moses prays, and sweetens the waters by God's direction
          6. 27. They encamp at Elim, where are twelve wells, and seventy palm trees
      16. Exodus Chapter 16
        1. Manna, Quail and the Sabbath
          1. 1. Israelites come to Sin, and murmur for want of bread
          2. 4. God promises them bread and meat from heaven, and they are rebuked
          3. 13. Quail and manna are sent
          4. 16. ordering of manna
          5. 25. It was not to be found on the Sabbath
          6. 32. An omer of it is preserved
      17. Exodus Chapter 17
        1. Water from the Rock; the Defeat of the Amalekites
          1. 1. people murmur for water to Rephidim
          2. 6. God send them for water to the rock in Horeb
          3. 7. place is called Massah and Meribah
          4. 8. Amalek is overcome by Joshua, while Moses holds up his hand
          5. 14. Amalek is doomed to destruction; and Moses builds the altar Jehovah-nissi
      18. Exodus Chapter 18
        1. Jethro Visits and Counsels Moses
          1. 1. Jethro brings his wife and two sons to Moses
          2. 7. Moses entertains him, and relates the goodness of the Lord
          3. 9. Jethro rejoices, blesses God, and offers sacrifice
          4. 13. He gives good counsel, which is accepted
          5. 27. Jethro departs
      19. Exodus Chapter 19
        1. Moses and the Lord at Mount Sinai
          1. 1. people arrive at Sinai
          2. 3. God's message by Moses unto the people out of the mount
          3. 8. people are prepared against the third day, for the giving of the law
          4. 12. mountain must not be touched
          5. 16. fearful presence of God upon the mount
      20. Exodus Chapter 20
        1. Ten Commandments
          1. 1. ten commandments are spoken by Jehovah
          2. 18. people are afraid, but Moses comforts them
          3. 21. Idolatry is forbidden
          4. 23. Of what sort the altar should be
      21. Exodus Chapter 21
        1. Ordinances for Servants and Personal Injuries
          1. 1. Laws for men servants
          2. 5. For the servant whose ear is bored
          3. 7. For women servants
          4. 12. For manslaughter
          5. 16. For kidnappers
          6. 17. For cursers of parents
          7. 18. For smiters
          8. 22. For a hurt by chance
          9. 28. For an ox that gores
          10. 33. For him who is an occasion of harm
      22. Exodus Chapter 22
        1. Property Rights and Social Laws
          1. 1. Of Theft
          2. 5. Of damage
          3. 7. Of trespasses
          4. 14. Of borrowing
          5. 16. Of fornication
          6. 18. Of witchcraft
          7. 19. Of bestiality
          8. 20. Of idolatry
          9. 21. Of strangers, widows, and fatherless
          10. 25. Of usury
          11. 26. Of pledges
          12. 28. Of reverence to magistrates
          13. 29. Of the first fruits
          14. 31. Of torn flesh
      23. Exodus Chapter 23
        1. Laws of Justice, Mercy, Sabbath, Annual Festivals, Conquest
          1. 1. Of slander, false witness, and partiality
          2. 4. Of charitableness
          3. 6. Of justice in judgment
          4. 8. Of taking bribes
          5. 9. Of oppressing a stranger
          6. 10. Of the year of rest
          7. 12. Of the Sabbath
          8. 13. Of idolatry
          9. 14. Of the three feasts
          10. 18. Of the blood and the fat of the sacrifice
          11. 20. An angel is promised, with a blessing, if they obey him
      24. Exodus Chapter 24
        1. People Affirm Their Covenant with God
          1. 1. Moses is called up into the mountain
          2. 3. people promise obedience
          3. 4. Moses builds an altar, and twelve pillars.
          4. 6. He sprinkles the blood of the covenant
          5. 9. glory of God appears
          6. 14. Aaron and Hur have the charge of the people
          7. 15. Moses goes into the mountain, where he continues forty days and forty nights.
      25. Exodus Chapter 25
        1. Tabernacle Offerings, Ark, Table, and Lampstand
          1. 1. What the Israelites were to offer for the building of the tabernacle
          2. 10. dimensions of the ark
          3. 17. mercy seat, with the cherubim
          4. 23. table of show bread, with the furniture thereof
          5. 31. golden candlestick, with the instruments thereof
      26. Exodus Chapter 26
        1. Instructions for the Tabernacle: Curtains, Boards and Veil
          1. 1. ten curtains of the tabernacle
          2. 7. eleven curtains of goats' hair, the covering of rams' and badgers' skins.
          3. 15. boards of the tabernacle, with their sockets and bars
          4. 31. veil for the ark
          5. 36. hanging for the door
      27. Exodus Chapter 27
        1. Instructions for the Altar and Courtyard, Oil for the Lampstand
          1. 1. altar of burnt offering, with the vessels thereof
          2. 9. court of the tabernacle enclosed with hangings and pillars
          3. 18. measure of the court, and the furniture of brass
          4. 20. oil for the lamp
      28. Exodus Chapter 28
        1. Priestly Garments, Ephod, Breastpiece
          1. 1. Aaron and his sons are set apart for the priest's office
          2. 2. Holy garments are appointed
          3. 6. ephod and girdle
          4. 15. breast-plate with twelve precious stones
          5. 30. Urim and Thummim
          6. 31. robe of the ephod, with pomegranates and bells
          7. 36. plate of the mitre
          8. 39. embroidered coat
          9. 40. garments for Aaron's sons
      29. Exodus Chapter 29
        1. Consecration, Sacrifices, Food of the Priests
          1. 1. sacrifice and ceremonies of consecrating the priests and the altar
          2. 38. continual burnt offerings
          3. 45. God's promise to dwell among the children of Israel
      30. Exodus Chapter 30
        1. Altar of Incense, Atonement Money, Basin, Anointing oil
          1. 1. altar of incense
          2. 11. ransom of souls
          3. 17. bronze basin
          4. 22. holy anointing oil
          5. 34. composition of the incense
      31. Exodus Chapter 31
        1. Craftsmen Bezaleel and Aholiah; the Sabbath Explained
          1. 1. Bezaleel and Aholiah are appointed for the work of the tabernacle
          2. 12. observation of the Sabbath is again commanded
          3. 18. Moses receives the two tablets
      32. Exodus Chapter 32
        1. Golden Calf and Moses' Anger
          1. 1. people in the absence of Moses, caused Aaron to make a calf
          2. 7. God informs Moses, who intercedes for Israel, and prevails
          3. 15. Moses comes down with the tablets
          4. 19. He breaks them
          5. 20. He destroys the calf
          6. 22. Aaron's excuse for himself
          7. 25. Moses causes the idolaters to be slain
          8. 30. He prays for the people
      33. Exodus Chapter 33
        1. Moses Resumes the Journey and Intercedes for the Israelites
          1. 1. Lord refuses to go as he had promised with the people
          2. 4. people mourn there
          3. 7. tabernacle is removed out of the camp
          4. 9. Lord talks familiarly with Moses
          5. 12. Moses prevails with God, and desires to see his glory
      34. Exodus Chapter 34
        1. Tablets Replaced; Covenant Renewed; Radiant Face of Moses
          1. 1. tablets are replaced
          2. 5. name of the Lord proclaimed
          3. 8. Moses entreats God to go with them
          4. 10. God makes a covenant with them, repeating certain duties
          5. 28. Moses after forty days on the mount, comes down with the tablets
          6. 29. His face is radiant, and he covers it with a veil
      35. Exodus Chapter 35
        1. Sabbath Rules; Workmen and Gifts for the Tabernacle
          1. 1. Sabbath
          2. 4. free gifts for the tabernacle
          3. 20. readiness of the people to offer
          4. 30. Bezaleel and Aholiab are called to the work
      36. Exodus Chapter 36
        1. Bezalel and Oholiab; Gifts; Tabernacle Construction
          1. 1. offerings are delivered to the workmen
          2. 4. generosity of the people is restrained
          3. 8. curtains with cherubim
          4. 14. curtains of goats' hair
          5. 19. covering of skins
          6. 20. boards with their sockets
          7. 31. bars
          8. 35. veil
          9. 37. hanging for the door
      37. Exodus Chapter 37
        1. Ark, Table, Lampstand, Altar of Incense
          1. 1. ark and mercy seat with cherubim made
          2. 10. table of showbread with its vessels
          3. 17. candlestick with its lamps and instruments
          4. 25. altar of incense
          5. 29. anointing oil and sweet incense
      38. Exodus Chapter 38
        1. Altar of Burnt Offering, Basin, Courtyard Completed; Costs Totaled
          1. 1. altar of burnt offering
          2. 8. laver of brass
          3. 9. court, and its hangings
          4. 21. sum of what the people offered, and the use to which it was applied
      39. Exodus Chapter 39
        1. Priestly Garments; Moses Inspects the Completed Work
          1. 1. cloths of service and holy garments.
          2. 2. ephod
          3. 8. breast-plate
          4. 22. robe of the ephod
          5. 27. coats, mitre, and girdle of fine linen
          6. 30. plate of the holy crown
          7. 32. All is finished, reviewed, and approved by Moses
      40. Exodus Chapter 40
        1. Tabernacle Erected and Filled by the Glory of the Lord
          1. 1. tabernacle is commanded to be reared, anointed, and consecrated
          2. 13. Aaron and his sons to be sanctified
          3. 16. Moses performs all things accordingly
          4. 34. A cloud covers the tabernacle
  3. 03: Leviticus
    1. Narrative History and Laws
    2. Instructions on how Israel is to worship and serve
    3. Key personalities
      1. Moses
      2. Aaron
      3. Nadab
      4. Abihu
      5. Eleazer
      6. Ithamar
    4. Outline by Chapters
      1. Leviticus Chapter 01
        1. Burnt Offerings
          1. 1. law of burnt offerings
          2. 3. of the herd
          3. 10. of the flocks
          4. 14. of the fowls
      2. Leviticus Chapter 02
        1. Grain Offerings
          1. 1. meat offering with oil and incense
          2. 4. either baked in the oven
          3. 5. or on a plate
          4. 7. or in a frying pan
          5. 12. first fruits not to be burnt on the altar,
          6. 13. Salt to be used with every offering
          7. 14. offering of first fruits
      3. Leviticus Chapter 03
        1. Peace Offerings
          1. 1. peace offering of the herd
          2. 6. whether a sheep
          3. 7. whether a lamb
          4. 12. or a goat
          5. 17. A prohibition to eat fat or blood
      4. Leviticus Chapter 04
        1. Sin Offerings
          1. 1. sin offering of ignorance
          2. 3. for the priest
          3. 13. for the congregation
          4. 22. for the ruler
          5. 27. for any of the people
      5. Leviticus Chapter 05
        1. Guilt Offerings
          1. 1. He who sins in concealing his knowledge
          2. 2. in touching an unclean thing
          3. 4. or in making an oath
          4. 6. His trespass offering, of the flock
          5. 7. of fowls
          6. 11. or of flour
          7. 14. trespass offering in sacrilege
          8. 17. and in sins of ignorance
      6. Leviticus Chapter 06
        1. Regulations for Burnt, Grain and Sin Offerings
          1. 1. trespass offering for sins done wittingly
          2. 8. law of the burnt offering
          3. 14. and of the meat offering
          4. 19. offering at the consecration of a priest
          5. 24. law of the sin offering
      7. Leviticus Chapter 07
        1. Regulations for Guilt and Fellowship Offerings; the Priests' Share
          1. 1. law of the trespass offering
          2. 11. and of the peace offering
          3. 12. whether it be for a thanksgiving
          4. 16. or a vow, or a free will offering
          5. 22. the fat and the blood are forbidden
          6. 28. priests' portion in the peace offerings
          7. 35. whole summed up
      8. Leviticus Chapter 08
        1. Aaron and His Sons Consecrated
          1. 1. Moses consecrates Aaron and his sons
          2. 14. Their sin offering
          3. 18. Their burnt offering
          4. 22. ram of consecration
          5. 31. place and time of their consecration
      9. Leviticus Chapter 09
        1. Aaron Offers Sacrifices
          1. 1. first offerings of Aaron, for himself and the people
          2. 8. sin offering
          3. 12. and the burn offering for himself
          4. 15. the offerings for the people
          5. 23. Moses and Aaron bless the people
          6. 24. Fire comes from the Lord, upon the altar
      10. Leviticus Chapter 10
        1. Sin and Death of Nadab and Abihu
          1. 1. Aadab and Abihu, for offering strange fire, are burnt by fire
          2. 6. Aaron and his sons are forbidden to mourn for them
          3. 8. priests are forbidden wine when they are to go into the tabernacle
          4. 12. law of eating the holy things
          5. 16. Aaron's excuse for transgressing thereof
      11. Leviticus Chapter 11
        1. Laws of Clean and Unclean Food
          1. 1. What animals may be eaten
          2. 4. and what may not be eaten
          3. 9. What fishes
          4. 13. What fowls
          5. 29. creeping things which are unclean
      12. Leviticus Chapter 12
        1. Purification after Childbirth
          1. 1. purification of a woman after childbirth
          2. 6. Her offerings for her purifying
      13. Leviticus Chapter 13
        1. Rules for Skin Diseases, Mildew
          1. 1. laws whereby the priest is to be guided in discerning the leprosy.
      14. Leviticus Chapter 14
        1. Cleansing from Skin Diseases and Mildew
          1. 1. rites and sacrifices in cleansing the leper
          2. 33. signs of leprosy in a house
          3. 48. cleansing of that house
      15. Leviticus Chapter 15
        1. Cleansing Unhealthy Discharges
          1. 1. uncleanness of men in their issues
          2. 13. cleansing of them
          3. 19. uncleanness of women in their issues
          4. 28. Their cleansing
      16. Leviticus Chapter 16
        1. Day of Atonement
          1. 1. how the high priest must enter into the holy place
          2. 11. sin offering for himself
          3. 15. sin offering for the people
          4. 20. scapegoat
          5. 29. yearly feast of the expiations
      17. Leviticus Chapter 17
        1. Blood Designated for Atonement, Forbidden as Food
          1. 1. blood of slain beasts must be offered to the Lord at the tabernacle door
          2. 7. They must not offer to idols
          3. 10. All eating of blood is forbidden
          4. 15. and of all that dies by itself, or is torn
      18. Leviticus Chapter 18
        1. Laws on Intimate Relations
          1. 1. Unlawful marriages and unlawful lusts
      19. Leviticus Chapter 19
        1. Idolatry Forbidden; Various Laws
          1. 1. A repetition of various laws
      20. Leviticus Chapter 20
        1. Punishments for Sins
          1. 1. Of him who gives his seed to Moloch
          2. 4. Of him who favors such an one
          3. 6. Of going to wizards
          4. 7. Of sanctification
          5. 9. Of him who curses his parents
          6. 11. Of incest
          7. 13. Of sodomy
          8. 15. Of bestiality
          9. 18. Of uncleanness
          10. 22. Obedience is required with holiness
          11. 27. Wizards must be put to death
      21. Leviticus Chapter 21
        1. Regulations for Priests
          1. 1. Of the priests' mourning
          2. 6. Of their holiness
          3. 7. Of their marriages
          4. 8. Of their estimation
          5. 9. Of the high priest's holiness
          6. 10. Of his marriage
          7. 13. priests that have blemishes must not minister in the sanctuary
      22. Leviticus Chapter 22
        1. Rules for Priests and Flawless Sacrifices
          1. 1. priests in their uncleanness must abstain from the holy things
          2. 6. How they shall be cleansed
          3. 10. Who of the priest's house may eat of the holy things
          4. 17. sacrifices must be without blemish
          5. 26. age of the sacrifice
          6. 29. law of eating the sacrifice of thanksgiving
      23. Leviticus Chapter 23
        1. Feasts of Weeks, Trumpets, Tabernacles; Day of Atonement
          1. 1. feasts of the Lord
          2. 3. the Sabbath
          3. 4. Passover
          4. 9. sheaf of firstfruits
          5. 15. feast of Pentecost
          6. 22. Gleanings to be left for the poor
          7. 23. feast of trumpets
          8. 26. day of atonement
          9. 33. feast of tabernacles
      24. Leviticus Chapter 24
        1. Lamp and Bread; Blasphemer Stoned; Eye for Eye
          1. 1. oil for the lamps
          2. 5. showbread
          3. 10. Shelomith's son blasphemes
          4. 13. law of blasphemy
          5. 17. Of murder
          6. 18. Of damage
          7. 23. blasphemer is stoned
      25. Leviticus Chapter 25
        1. Sabbath Year and Year of Jubilee
          1. 1. the Sabbath of the seventh year
          2. 8. jubilee in the fiftieth year
          3. 14. Of oppression
          4. 18. A blessing of obedience
          5. 23. redemption of land
          6. 29. Of houses
          7. 35. Compassion to the poor
          8. 39. usage of bondmen
          9. 47. redemption of servants
      26. Leviticus Chapter 26
        1. Rewards and Punishments concerning Obedience
          1. 1. Of idolatry
          2. 2. Reverence
          3. 3. A blessing to those who keep the commandments
          4. 14. A curse to those who break them
          5. 40. God promises to remember those who repent
      27. Leviticus Chapter 27
        1. Rules concerning Valuations
          1. 1. He who makes a singular vow must be the Lord's
          2. 3. estimation of the person
          3. 9. of a beast given by vow
          4. 14. of a house
          5. 16. of a field, and the redemption thereof
          6. 28. No devoted thing may be redeemed
          7. 30. tithe may not be changed
  4. 04: Numbers
    1. Narrative History
    2. numbering of Israel
    3. Key personalities
      1. Moses
      2. Aaron
      3. Miriam
      4. Joshua
      5. Caleb
      6. Eleazar
      7. Korah
      8. Balaam
    4. Outline by Chapters
      1. Numbers Chapter 01
        1. Census of Israel Totals 603,550, Exempting Levites
          1. 1. God commands Moses to number the people
          2. 5. princes of the tribes
          3. 17. number of every tribe
          4. 47. Levites are exempted for the service of the Lord
      2. Numbers Chapter 02
        1. Arrangement of the Tribal Camps
          1. 1. order of the tribes in their tents.
      3. Numbers Chapter 03
        1. Levites Designated as Priests
          1. 1. sons of Aaron
          2. 5. Levites are given to the priests instead of the firstborn
          3. 14. Are numbered by their families
          4. 21. families, number, and charge of the Gershonites
          5. 27. Of the Kohathites
          6. 33. Of the Merarites
          7. 38. place and charge of Moses and Aaron
          8. 40. firstborn are freed by the Levites
          9. 44. balances are refunded
      4. Numbers Chapter 04
        1. Duties of the Kohathites, Gershonites, Merahites
          1. 1. age at which the Levites were to serve, and the duration of the service
          2. 4. duty of the Kohathites
          3. 16. charge of Eleazar
          4. 17. office of the priests
          5. 21. duty of the Gershonites
          6. 29. Of the Merarites
          7. 34. number of the Kohathites
          8. 38. Of the Gershonites
          9. 42. And of the Merarites
      5. Numbers Chapter 05
        1. Purity of the Camp; the Adultery Test
          1. 1. unclean are removed out of camp
          2. 5. Restitution is to be made in trespass
          3. 11. trial of jealously
      6. Numbers Chapter 06
        1. Vow of the Nazirite and the Priestly Blessing
          1. 1. law of the Nazarite in the days of his separation
          2. 13. And after their completion
          3. 22. form of blessing the people
      7. Numbers Chapter 07
        1. Offerings at the Tabernacle Dedication
          1. 1. offering of the princes at the dedication of the tabernacle
          2. 10. Their several offerings at the dedication of the altar
          3. 89. God speaks to Moses from the mercy seat
      8. Numbers Chapter 08
        1. Seven Lamps; Levites Set Apart; Retirement at Fifty
          1. 1. How the lamps are to be lighted
          2. 5. consecration of the Levites
          3. 23. age and time of their service
      9. Numbers Chapter 09
        1. Passover and Cloud above the Tabernacle
          1. 1. Passover is again commanded
          2. 6. A second Passover for the unclean or absent
          3. 15. cloud directs the removals and encampments of the Israelites
      10. Numbers Chapter 10
        1. Silver Trumpets; Israelites Leave Sinai
          1. 1. use of the silver trumpets
          2. 11. Israelites move from Sinai to Paran
          3. 14. order of their march
          4. 29. Hobab is entreated by Moses not to leave them
          5. 33. blessing of Moses at the removing and resting of the ark
      11. Numbers Chapter 11
        1. Complaints of the People and Moses; Quail from the Lord; Plague
          1. 1. burning at Taberah quenched by Moses' prayer
          2. 4. people crave meat, and loathe manna
          3. 10. Moses complains of his charge
          4. 16. God promises to divide his burden unto seventy elders,
          5. 18. and to give the people meat for a month
          6. 21. Moses' faith is staggered
          7. 31. Quails are given in wrath at Kibroth Hattaavah
      12. Numbers Chapter 12
        1. Miriam and Aaron Complain against Moses
          1. 1. God rebukes the sedition of Miriam and Aaron
          2. 11. Miriam's leprosy is healed at the prayer of Moses
          3. 14. God commands her to be shut out of the host
          4. 16. people encamp in the desert of Paran
      13. Numbers Chapter 13
        1. Twelve Spies Explore and Report on Canaan
          1. 1. names of the men who were sent to search the land
          2. 17. Their instructions
          3. 21. Their acts
          4. 26. Their relation
      14. Numbers Chapter 14
        1. People Rebel; Moses Pleads; Pardon and Rebuke
          1. 1. people murmur at the news
          2. 6. Joshua and Caleb labor to still them
          3. 11. God threatens them
          4. 13. Moses intercedes with God, and obtains pardon
          5. 26. Murmurers are debarred from entering into the land
          6. 36. men who raised the evil report die by a plague
          7. 40. people that would invade the land against the will of God are smitten
      15. Numbers Chapter 15
        1. More Offerings; Sabbath-Breaker Stoned; Tassels on Garments
          1. 1. law of the meat offering, and the drink offering
          2. 14. stranger is under the same law
          3. 17. law of the first of the dough
          4. 22. sacrifice for sins of ignorance
          5. 30. punishment of presumption
          6. 32. He who violated the Sabbath is stoned
          7. 37. law of tassels
      16. Numbers Chapter 16
        1. Rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram
          1. 1. rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram
          2. 23. Moses separates the people from the rebels' tents
          3. 31. earth swallows up Korah, and a fire consumes others
          4. 36. censers are reserved to holy use
          5. 41. 14,700 are slain by a plague, for murmuring against Moses and Aaron
          6. 46. Aaron by incense stays the plague
      17. Numbers Chapter 17
        1. Aaron's Staff Buds
          1. 1. Aaron's rod, among all the rods of the tribes, only flourishes
          2. 10. It is left for a monument against the rebels
      18. Numbers Chapter 18
        1. Duties and Offerings for Priests
          1. 1. charge of the priests and Levites
          2. 8. priests, portion
          3. 21. Levites,
          4. 25. heave offering to the priests out of the Levites' portion
      19. Numbers Chapter 19
        1. Red Heifer and Water of Cleansing
          1. 1. water of separation made of the ashes of a red heifer
          2. 11. law for the use of it in purification of the unclean
      20. Numbers Chapter 20
        1. Water of Meribah; Edom Denies Passage; Deaths of Miriam and Aaron
          1. 1. children of Israel come to Zin, where Miriam dies.
          2. 2. They murmur for want of water
          3. 7. Moses smiting the rock, brings forth water at Meribah
          4. 14. Moses at Kadesh desires passage through Edom, which is denied him
          5. 22. At Mount Hor Aaron resigns his place to Eleazar, and dies
      21. Numbers Chapter 21
        1. Defeats of Arad, Sihon and Og; Bronze Snake
          1. 1. Israel destroys the Canaanites at Hormah
          2. 4. people murmuring are plagued with fiery serpents
          3. 7. They repenting are healed by a bronze serpent
          4. 10. Various journeys of the Israelites
          5. 21. Sihon is overcome
          6. 33. And Og
      22. Numbers Chapter 22
        1. Balak Sends for Balaam; Balaam and the Angel
          1. 1. Balak's first message for Balaam is refused
          2. 15. His second message obtains him
          3. 22. An angel would have slain him, if he had not been saved by his donkey
          4. 36. Balak entertains him
      23. Numbers Chapter 23
        1. Prophecies of Balaam
          1. 1. Balak's sacrifices
      24. Numbers Chapter 24
        1. Balaam Prophecy from Peor
          1. 1. Balaam, leaving divinations, prophesies the happiness of Israel
          2. 10. Balak, in anger, dismisses him
          3. 15. He prophesies of the Star of Jacob, and the destruction of some nations
      25. Numbers Chapter 25
        1. Israelites Sin in Moab; Phinehas Intervenes
          1. 1. Israel at Shittim commit unfaithfulness and idolatry
          2. 6. Phinehas kills Zimri and Cozbi
          3. 10. God therefore gives him an everlasting priesthood
          4. 16. Midianites are to be troubled
      26. Numbers Chapter 26
        1. Second Census Totals 601,730
          1. 1. sum of all Israel is taken in the plains of Moab
          2. 52. law of dividing among them the inheritance of the land
          3. 57. families and number of the Levites
          4. 63. None but Caleb and Joshua was left of those who were numbered at Sinai
      27. Numbers Chapter 27
        1. Daughters of Zelophehad; Joshua to Succeed Moses
          1. 1. The daughters of Zelophehad ask for an inheritance
          2. 6. The law of inheritances
          3. 12. Moses, being told of his death, asks for a successor
          4. 18. Joshua is appointed to succeed him
      28. Numbers Chapter 28
        1. Daily, Sabbath and Monthly Offerings; Passover and Feast of Weeks
          1. 1. Offerings are to be observed
          2. 3. The continual burnt offering
          3. 9. The offering on the Sabbath
          4. 11. On the new Moons
          5. 16. At the Passover
          6. 26. In the day of the firstfruits
      29. Numbers Chapter 29
        1. Offerings of the Seventh Month
          1. 1. The offering at the feast of trumpets
          2. 7. At the day of afflicting their souls
          3. 12. And on the eight days of the feast of tabernacles
      30. Numbers Chapter 30
        1. Law of Vows
          1. 1. Vows are not to be broken
          2. 3. The exceptions of a maid's vows
          3. 6. Of a wife's
          4. 9. Of a widow's or her that is divorced
      31. Numbers Chapter 31
        1. Slaughter of the Midianites and Division of the Spoils
          1. 1. The Midianites are spoiled, and Balaam slain
          2. 13. Moses is angry with the officers, for saving the women alive
          3. 19. How the soldiers, with their captives and spoil, are to be purified
          4. 25. The proportion in which the prey is to be divided
          5. 48. The voluntary offering unto the treasure of the Lord
      32. Numbers Chapter 32
        1. Reubenites and Gadites Settle in Gilead
          1. 1. The Reubenites and Gadites ask for inheritance on the east side of Jordan
          2. 6. Moses reproves them
          3. 16. They offer him conditions with which he is content
          4. 33. Moses assigns them the land
          5. 39. They conquer it.
      33. Numbers Chapter 33
        1. Summary of Israel's Journey
          1. 1. The forty-two journeys of the Israelites
          2. 50. The Canaanites are to be destroyed
      34. Numbers Chapter 34
        1. Borders of Canaan
          1. 1. The borders of the land
          2. 16. The names of the men who shall divide the land
      35. Numbers Chapter 35
        1. Designation of Cities for the Levites and Refuge
          1. 1. Forty-eight cities for the Levites, with their suburbs, and measure thereof
          2. 6. Six of them are to be cities of refuge
          3. 9. The laws of murder and manslaughter
          4. 31. No satisfaction for murder
      36. Numbers Chapter 36
        1. Zelophehad's Daughters Marry
          1. 1. The inheritance of daughters is remedied by marrying in their own tribes
          2. 7. Lest the inheritance should be removed from the tribe
          3. 10. The daughters of Zelophehad marry their father's brothers' sons
  5. 05: Deuteronomy
    1. Narrative History and Laws
    2. Israel wilderness wanderings
    3. Key personalities
      1. Moses
      2. Joshua
    4. Outline by Chapters
      1. Deuteronomy Chapter 01
        1. Summary of Israel's History: from Horeb to Spies in Canaan
          1. 1. Moses' speech in the end of the fortieth year
          2. 6. briefly rehearsing the history of God's sending them from Horeb
          3. 14. of giving them officers
          4. 19. of sending the spies to search the land
          5. 34. of his anger for their incredulity
          6. 41. and disobedience
      2. Deuteronomy Chapter 02
        1. Summary of Wanderings in the Desert
          1. 1. The story is continued, that they were not to meddle with the Edomites
          2. 9. nor with the Moabites
          3. 16. nor with the Ammonites
          4. 24. but Sihon the Amorite was subdued by them
      3. Deuteronomy Chapter 03
        1. Defeat and Division of Og; Moses Forbidden from Crossing the Jordan
          1. 1. The conquest of Og, king of Bashan
          2. 11. This size of his bed
          3. 12. The distribution of his lands to the two tribes and half
          4. 23. Moses prays to enter into the land
          5. 26. He is permitted to see it
      4. Deuteronomy Chapter 04
        1. Israel Urged to Obey; Idolatry Forbidden
          1. 1. An exhortation to obedience
          2. 41. Moses appoints the three cities of refuge on that side of Jordan
          3. 44. Recapitulation
      5. Deuteronomy Chapter 05
        1. Covenant in Horeb; Ten Commandments Recounted
          1. 1. The covenant in Horeb
          2. 6. The ten commandments
          3. 23. At the people's request Moses receives the law from God
      6. Deuteronomy Chapter 06
        1. Exhortation to Obedience and Prosperity
          1. 1. The end of the law is obedience
          2. 3. An exhortation thereto
          3. 20. What they are to teach their children
      7. Deuteronomy Chapter 07
        1. Warnings and Rewards for Driving out Nations
          1. 1. All communion with the nations is forbidden
          2. 5. for fear of idolatry,
          3. 6. for the holiness of the people,
          4. 9. for the nature of God in his mercy and justice,
          5. 17. and for the assuredness of victory which God will give over them.
      8. Deuteronomy Chapter 08
        1. God's Mercy
          1. 1. An exhortation to obedience in regard to God's mercy and goodness to Israel.
      9. Deuteronomy Chapter 09
        1. Reminders of God's Grace; The Golden Calf
          1. 1. Moses dissuades them from the opinion of their own righteousness
          2. 7. Moses reminds them of the golden calf
      10. Deuteronomy Chapter 10
        1. Rewriting of Stone Tablets Recalled
          1. 1. God's mercy in restoring the two tablets
          2. 6. in continuing the priesthood
          3. 8. in separating the tribe of Levi
          4. 10. in hearkening unto Moses' plea for his people
          5. 12. An exhortation to obedience
      11. Deuteronomy Chapter 11
        1. God's Great Blessings for Obedience and Love
          1. 1. Another exhortation to obedience
          2. 2. by their own experience of God's great works
          3. 8. by promise of God's great blessings
          4. 16. and by threatenings
          5. 18. A careful study is required in God's words
          6. 26. The blessing and curse set before them
      12. Deuteronomy Chapter 12
        1. Laws of the Sanctuary
          1. 1. Monuments of idolatry to be destroyed
          2. 4. The place of God's service to be kept
          3. 15. Blood is forbidden
          4. 17. Holy things must be eaten in the holy place
          5. 19. The Levite is not to be forsaken
          6. 20. Blood is again forbidden
          7. 26. and holy things must be eaten in the holy place
          8. 29. Idolatry is not to be enquired after
      13. Deuteronomy Chapter 13
        1. No Mercy for Idolaters
          1. 1. Enticers to idolatry
          2. 6. however near to oneself
          3. 9. are to be stoned to death
          4. 12. Idolatrous cities are not to be spared
      14. Deuteronomy Chapter 14
        1. Eating Only Clean Animals; Tithes
          1. 1. God's children are not to disfigure themselves in mourning
          2. 3. What may and may not be eaten
          3. 4. of animals
          4. 9. of fishes
          5. 11. of fowls
          6. 21. That which dies of itself may not be eaten
          7. 22. Tithes of Divine Service
          8. 23. Tithes and firstborns to be eaten before the Lord
          9. 28. The third year's tithe of alms and charity
      15. Deuteronomy Chapter 15
        1. The Seventh Year: Debts to be Cancelled, Servants Freed
          1. 1. The seventh year a year of release for the poor
          2. 7. one must be generous in lending or giving
          3. 12. A Hebrew servant, except by choice, must be freed in the seventh year
          4. 19. All firstborn males of the cattle are to be sanctified unto the Lord.
      16. Deuteronomy Chapter 16
        1. Feasts of Passover, Weeks and Tabernacles
          1. 1. The feast of the Passover
          2. 9. of weeks
          3. 13. of tabernacles
          4. 16. Every male must offer, as he is able, at these three feasts
          5. 18. Of judges and justice
          6. 21. Asherah poles and images are forbidden
      17. Deuteronomy Chapter 17
        1. Appointment of Judges, Courts and Kings
          1. 1. The things sacrificed must be sound
          2. 2. Idolaters must be slain
          3. 8. Hard controversies are to be determined by the priests and judges
          4. 12. The one who shows contempt for the judge must die
          5. 14. The election
          6. 16. and duty of a king
      18. Deuteronomy Chapter 18
        1. Offerings for Priests; Spells and Mediums Forbidden
          1. 1. The LORD is the priests and Levites' inheritance
          2. 3. The priests' due
          3. 6. The Levites' portion
          4. 9. The abominations of the nations are to be avoided
          5. 15. Christ the Prophet is to be heard
          6. 20. The presumptuous prophet is to die
      19. Deuteronomy Chapter 19
        1. Cities of Refuge; More than One Witness Required
          1. 1. The cities of refuge
          2. 4. The privilege thereof for the manslayer
          3. 14. The landmark is not to be removed
          4. 15. At least two witnesses are required
          5. 16. the punishment of a false witness
      20. Deuteronomy Chapter 20
        1. Laws of Warfare
          1. 1. The priest's exhortation to encourage the people to battle
          2. 5. The officers' proclamation of who are to be dismissed from the war
          3. 10. How to use the cities that accept or refuse the proclamation of peace
          4. 16. What cities must be devoted
          5. 19. Trees must not be destroyed in the siege
      21. Deuteronomy Chapter 21
        1. Atonement for a Murder; Family Relations
          1. 1. The Atonement for an Unsolved Murder
          2. 10. The usage of a captive taken to wife
          3. 15. The firstborn is not to be disinherited upon private affection
          4. 18. A rebellious son is to be stoned to death
          5. 22. The malefactor must not hang all night on a tree
      22. Deuteronomy Chapter 22
        1. Additional Laws, Morality, Marriage
          1. 1. Of humanity toward brothers
          2. 5. The sex is to be distinguished by apparel
          3. 6. The bird is not to be taken with her young ones
          4. 8. The house must have battlements
          5. 9. Confusion is to be avoided
          6. 12. Tassels upon the vesture
          7. 13. The punishment of him who slanders his wife
          8. 22. of adultery
          9. 23. of rape
          10. 28. of fornication
          11. 30. of incest
      23. Deuteronomy Chapter 23
        1. List of Those Excluded from the Assembly
          1. 1. Who may or may not enter into the congregation
          2. 9. Uncleanness is to be avoided in the host
          3. 15. Of the fugitive servant
          4. 17. Of filthiness
          5. 18. Of abominable sacrifices
          6. 19. Of usury
          7. 20. Of vows
          8. 24. Of trespass
      24. Deuteronomy Chapter 24
        1. Law of Divorce, Leprosy, Justice and Charity
          1. 1. Of divorce
          2. 5. A new married man goes not to war
          3. 6. Of pledges
          4. 7. Of kidnapping
          5. 8. Of leprosy
          6. 10. Of pledges
          7. 14. The hire is to be given
          8. 16. Of justice
          9. 19. Of charity
      25. Deuteronomy Chapter 25
        1. Laws of Stripes, Oxen, Seed, Modesty, Weights and Measures
          1. 1. Punishment must not exceed forty lashes
          2. 4. The ox is not to be muzzled
          3. 5. Of raising seed unto a brother
          4. 11. Of the immodest woman
          5. 13. Of unjust weights and measures
          6. 17. The memory of Amalek is to be blotted out
      26. Deuteronomy Chapter 26
        1. Offering First Fruits and Tithes
          1. 1. The confession of him who offers the basket of firstfruits
          2. 12. The prayer of him who gives his third year's tithes
          3. 16. The covenant between God and his people
      27. Deuteronomy Chapter 27
        1. The Altar and Curses on Mount Ebal
          1. 1. The people are commanded to write the law upon stones
          2. 5. and to build an altar of whole stones
          3. 11. The tribes to be divided on Gerizim and Ebal
          4. 14. The curses to be pronounced on mount Ebal
      28. Deuteronomy Chapter 28
        1. Blessings and Consequences regarding Obedience
          1. 1. The blessings for obedience
          2. 15. The curses for disobedience
      29. Deuteronomy Chapter 29
        1. Covenant Renewed in Moab
          1. 1. Moses exhorts them to obedience, reminding of the works they had seen
          2. 10. All are presented before the Lord to enter into his covenant
          3. 18. The great wrath on him who flatters himself in his wickedness
          4. 29. Secret things belong unto God
      30. Deuteronomy Chapter 30
        1. Restoration Promised; Life Offered
          1. 1. Great mercies promised unto the penitent
          2. 11. The commandment is manifest
          3. 15. Death and life are set before them
      31. Deuteronomy Chapter 31
        1. Moses Encourages the People; Joshua Is Commissioned
          1. 1. Moses encourages the people
          2. 7. He encourages Joshua
          3. 9. He delivers the law unto the priests to be read in the seventh year
          4. 14. God gives a charge to Joshua
          5. 19. and a song to testify against the people
          6. 24. Moses delivers the book of the law to the Levites to keep
          7. 28. He makes a protestation
      32. Deuteronomy Chapter 32
        1. Song of Moses
          1. 1. Moses' song, which sets forth God's mercy and vengeance
          2. 46. He exhorts them to set their hearts upon it
          3. 48. God sends him up to mount Nebo to see the land, and to die
      33. Deuteronomy Chapter 33
        1. Moses Blesses the Twelve Tribes
          1. 1. The majesty of God
          2. 6. The blessings of the twelve tribes
          3. 26. The excellence of Israel
      34. Deuteronomy Chapter 34
        1. Death of Moses on Mount Nebo
          1. 1. Moses from mount Nebo views the land
          2. 5. He dies there
          3. 6. His burial
          4. 7. His age
          5. 8. Thirty days mourning for him
          6. 9. Joshua succeeds him
          7. 10. The praise of Moses