1. Joshua
    1. Narrative History
    2. Entrance of Israel into the promised land
    3. Key personalities
      1. Joshua
      2. Rahab
      3. Achan
      4. Phinehas
      5. Eleazer
  2. Judges
    1. Narrative History with Poetry and Riddles
    2. Judging by God's sent men through times of apostasy
    3. Key personalities
      1. Othniel
      2. Ehud
      3. Deborah
      4. Gideon
      5. Abimelech
      6. Jephthah
      7. Samson
      8. Delilah
  3. Ruth
    1. Narrative of a love story & Genealogy
    2. How a Gentile woman gets into the lineage of Jesus Christ
    3. Key personalities
      1. Ruth
      2. Naomi
      3. Boaz
  4. 1 Samuel
    1. Narrative History
    2. The last Judge and first King of Israel
    3. Key personalities
      1. Eli
      2. Hannah
      3. Samuel
      4. Saul
      5. Jonathan
      6. David
  5. 2 Samuel
    1. Narrative History - Narration of David
    2. David's reign in Jerusalem - Israel
    3. Key personalities
      1. David
      2. Joab
      3. Bathsheba
      4. Solomon
      5. Nathan
      6. Absalom
  6. 1 Kings
    1. Narrative History and Prophecy
    2. Kings of Israel / the kingdom divided
    3. Key personalities
      1. David
      2. Solomon
      3. Rehoboam
      4. Jeroboam
      5. Elijah
      6. Ahab
      7. Jezebel
      8. Jehu
      9. Asa
      10. Jehoshaphat
  7. 2 Kings
    1. Narrative History and Prophecy
    2. records the kings and the final judgment into captivity
    3. Key personalities
      1. Elijah
      2. Elisha
      3. Shunammite woman
      4. Naaman
      5. Jehu
      6. Joash
      7. Hezekiah
      8. Sennacherib
      9. Isaiah
      10. Manasseh / Manasses
      11. Josiah
      12. Jehoiakim / Eliakim
      13. Jehoiachin / Jeconiah
      14. Zedekiah
      15. Nebuchadnezzar / Nebuchadrezzar
  8. 1 Chronicles
    1. Narrative History, and Genealogies
    2. genealogies from Adam upward and Israel's history through David
    3. Key personalities
      1. David
      2. Solomon
      3. Jehu
  9. 2 Chronicles
    1. Narrative History
    2. History from Solomon to the captivity
    3. Key personalities
      1. Solomon
      2. queen of Sheba
      3. Rehoboam
      4. Asa
      5. Jehoshaphat
      6. Jehoram
      7. Joash
      8. Uzziah / Azariah
      9. Ahaz
      10. Hezekiah
      11. Manasseh / Manasses
      12. Josiah
  10. Ezra
    1. Narrative History and Genealogies.
    2. records Israel's coming back to the land rebuilding the Temple!
    3. Key personalities
      1. Cyrus
      2. Ezra
      3. Haggai
      4. Zechariah
      5. Darius I
      6. Artaxerxes I
      7. Zerubbabel
  11. Nehemiah
    1. Narrative History
    2. Records the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem
    3. Key personalities
      1. Nehemiah
      2. Ezra
      3. Sanballat
      4. Tobiah
  12. Esther
    1. Narrative History
    2. God uses a woman in the deliverance of the Jews from their enemies
    3. Key personalities
      1. Esther
      2. Mordecai
      3. King Ahasuerus (Xerxes)
      4. Haman