1. 3 case studies + doubly dissociated
  2. Floating Topic
  3. Multiple choice Questions
    1. lec 1 and 2
      1. Lecture1bb.PDF
      2. Lecture2bb.PDF
    2. lec 3 and 4
      1. Lecture3.pdf
      2. Lecture4.pdf
    3. MCQs.ppt
  4. language production and recognition
    1. Floating Topic
    2. Recognition
      1. Heard Word
        1. Auditory Analysis System
          1. damage= pure word deafness
        2. Autitory Input lexicon
          1. Damage between this & next stage = word meaning deafness
          2. partial damage= Category specific access problem
          3. or deep Dysphasia is coupled with acoustic to phonological conversion damage
        3. Semantic Representations(cog sys) System
        4. Speech (phono) output lexicon
        5. Phoneme Level/ Resonse buffer
        6. Speech
      2. Heard Word--Word Processing
        1. Primary Auditory Cortex
          1. Wernicke's area
          2. Arcuate Fasciculus
          3. Broca's area
          4. Motor Cortex
      3. Disorders
        1. Aphasia
        2. Broca's Aphasia
          1. Broca 1861
          2. Tan--Left-Frontal Lesion(IFG)
        3. Wernicke's Aphasia
          1. Fluent speech but make no sense
          2. Wernicke 1874
          3. Left Temporal Lobe Lesions (SGT)
          4. Fluent Aphasia with Verbal Paraphasia
          5. Semantic Paraphasia
          6. Phonemic Paraphasia
          7. Neologisms
        4. Lichtheim's Classic Model of Language Processing
          1. Lesions in 3 areas/connections = Seven Main Aphasic Syndromes
          2. Criticisms of model
          3. doesn't explain symptoms adequately
        5. Transcortical Motor Aphasia
          1. same as Brocas Aphasia except they can repeat
          2. Echolalia apparent
          3. Brocas area damage, but more anterior or superior
          4. Hypothetically the connection between Concept and Broca areas are severed
        6. Transcortical Sensory Aphasia
          1. Symptoms like W.A but can repeat and exhibit Echolalia (random repetition + mirroring)
          2. Posterior regions always damaged of Temporal Lobe, and sometimes Angular Gyrus + Extrastriate areas damaged
          3. Hypothetical disconnection between Wernickes area and Concept Centre
        7. Global Aphasia
          1. Extensive Left Hem damage
          2. cannot comprehend or produce language
        8. Pure Word Deafness
          1. can hear vowels, not rapidly changing consonants
        9. Word Meaning Deafness
          1. cannot understand spoken words, but can repeat, write + read
        10. Deep Dysphasia
          1. Semantic errors in repetition
        11. Category Specific Access Problems
          1. difficulty in access to some semantic(meaning) categories
        12. Auditory Phonological Agnosia
          1. unable to understand new + unusual words
        13. Conduction Aphasia
          1. Arcuate Fasciculus
          2. normally damaged in Conduction Aphasia
          3. Concept Areas
          4. Symptons
          5. phonemic paraphasias
          6. miss words
          7. possibly not able to speak
      4. Lecture%2016%20Speech%20recognition0.ppt
      5. Evidence
        1. Split-Brain Procedure
          1. Sperry & Gazzaniga- 1960
          2. words to left hem = normal response
          3. words to right hem = no verbal response
          4. Left hand picks up correct object
          5. Words to both hem = pick up key with Left hand and says Ring
          6. Right Hemisphere
          7. Understand simple object words but not names
          8. ids object in any hand but only names it in right hand
          9. Latteral Asymmetry
          10. Left
          11. Expression
          12. Comprehension
          13. Right
          14. Prosody
          15. Narrative, construct, understand storyline
          16. Inference, ability to fill in the blanks
          17. Emotional language
          18. Some comprehension
    3. production
      1. Lecture%2015%20Speech%20Production_ulink0.ppt
      2. Components of Language
        1. Phonology
          1. Brocas aphasia have probs with correct and representations
        2. Syntax
          1. Brocas, Agrammatic aphasics
        3. Semantics
          1. Wernickes
      3. Anomia Aphasia
  5. Reading&Writing
    1. Writing--dys/agraphia --xx-not on exam-xx
    2. Alexia/Dyslexia
      1. Central Dys/Alexia
      2. Phonological Dys/Alexia
        1. Cant read non-words or unfamilar words
        2. Can recognise familiar words- reg or irreg
        3. Evidence
          1. WB--accuracy in reading
          2. Subtopic 2
          3. score 93/100 common nouns / 2/20 non-words
          4. read whole word basis
      3. Surface Dys/Alexia
        1. Cant read irregular words correctly
        2. Can read regular words and non-words
        3. errors in regularisation
        4. Evidence
          1. no semantic impairment--(understand and explain meaning)
          2. trouble reading whole word basis
          3. JC & ST--sub-lexical reliance
          4. regulization errors
          5. G-P-C wrongly used
          6. Visual errors
          7. Visual input lexicon damage
          8. no prob in word recognition/naming, comprehension
          9. Impaired Semantic System
          10. HTR-- Shallice et al 1983
          11. MP-- Bub et al 1985
          12. Frequency by Regularity Interaction +good lexical decision performance
          13. KT-- McCarthy & Warrington 1986
          14. can read non-words and reg words aloud
          15. Speech output lexicon Damage
          16. MK--Howard &Franklin 1987
          17. High Lexical Decision Task performance
          18. intact visual input lexicon
          19. semantic representations activated normally
          20. probs retrieving whole words from Speech output lexicon in their spoken form
      4. Deep Dys/Alexia
        1. Symptons
          1. Show many symptons of Phonological and Surface Dys/Alexia
          2. Semantic Paralexia
          3. Imageability Effect
          4. Cannot read Function words
        2. main schools of thought
          1. Morton & Patterson 1980 / Newcombe & Marshall 1880 / Shallice & Warrington 1980
          2. Coltheart 1980 / Saffran Bygyo Schwartz & Marin 1980 / Zaidel & Peters 1981
          3. right-hemisphere hypothesis
          4. Left hem reading processes completely destroyed-> language then controlled by right hem
          5. All coltheart 1980 patients make semantic - visual & derivational errors-& difficulty with low imagery & function words
          6. Commissurotomy --Split Brain Procedure
          7. Right hem capacity same as deep dyslexic in split brain patients
          8. Zaidel & Peters 1981
          9. Zaidel 1982
          10. Gazzaniga 1960's
          11. words- left hem=normal response
          12. words- right hem=no response
          13. words- right hem= correct left hem response
          14. Both hem- eg bat-ball= picks up bat and says ball
          15. only 5/44 split brain have any genuine language ability
          16. Patterson & Besner 1984
          17. 2 deep dys cases sig better at reading then any split-brain patients
          18. Hesispherectomy-- removal of 1 hemisphere
          19. NI- patterson et al 1989
          20. strong similarity to deep dyslexic
          21. imageability effect / semantic errors/ visual errors/ poor non-word reading
          22. Visual hem-field experiments-- single hem presentation
          23. Ellis & Shepheard 1974
          24. abstract and concrete words presented to either hemisphere
          25. Hines 1976
          26. similar experiment
          27. Patterson & Besner 1986 =meta-anlaysis - only 5/19 show concreteness interaction- 5 reverse effect - 9 no effect
          28. Language in Right hem in Normal Brains
          29. Graves & Goodglass 1983
          30. Marshall & Patterson
          31. Ellis & Young 1996
        3. Reading via Semantics without Phonology
          1. Semantic Errors–defining feature of deep dyslexia
          2. Visual Errors
          3. Visual Semantic errors
          4. Morphological/Derivational errors
          5. Function Word Substitutions
          6. Imageability Effect in Reading
          7. Content words > Function words
          8. Inability to read non-words
        4. Case studies
          1. Marshall & Newcombe 1966
          2. GR-1944 soldier- Bullet thought brain, like Gange
          3. errors inc. semantic / derivational / visual errors / visual-semantic / visual then semantic
          4. GR aphasic +20yrs after accident
          5. grammatical class of words affected
          6. Coltheart 1980
          7. All patients have many impairments- left brain damage= right take over but doesn't do as well
      5. Seen Word
        1. Visual Analysis System
        2. Visual Input/ Orthographic Lexicon
        3. Speech Output / Phonological Lexicon
        4. Phoneme Level
        5. Speech
        6. >>Phonological Route >>
          1. Print are normally converted into sound (inner voice)
        7. vv Direct Route vv
          1. Print directed associated with a meaning without adding sound
      6. Peripheral Dys/Alexia
        1. problems with visual analysis of words
    3. Lecture%2014%20Language_ulink.ppt
    4. Dual-Route Cascaded model for reading
  6. emotion
    1. Lecture%2020%20emotion0.ppt
    2. Neuronal mechanisms of communication Emotional Reconition
      1. Capgras Delusion
        1. "she looks like my mother bus is an imposter"
        2. Subtopic 2
          1. Vilayanur Ramachandran, http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/reith2003/lecture5.shtml
      2. La Belle Indifference
        1. "my hand doesnt wanna move, maybe it will later"
        2. Subtopic 2
          1. Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat
  7. Cerebral lateralisation
    1. Latteral Asymmetry
      1. Left Hemisphere
        1. Language
          1. Production
          2. Comprehention
        2. Maths
          1. Linear probs
        3. movement
          1. Programming
          2. Planning
        4. Memory
          1. verbal memory
        5. Emotion
          1. positive
          2. control of
      2. Right Hemisphere
        1. Language
          1. Prosody
          2. Emotion aspects
        2. Maths
          1. Spacial Probs
        3. Movement
          1. Visuo-spatial
        4. Memory
          1. non-verbal memory
        5. Emotion
          1. negative
          2. expression of
          3. perception of
      3. Commissurotomy, Sperry + Gazzaniga 60's
        1. left
          1. words=normal
        2. right
          1. words=no verbal response
          2. words=correct left hand action + unable to name object
      4. PET scan George et al. 1996
        1. bilatteral activation of prefrontal cortex
          1. identify emotion from meaning of word
          2. Identify emotion from tone of voice
    2. Lecture5.pdf