1. Generating Ideas
    1. Write down your goals and problems
    2. Do word association
      1. central idea
      2. any related words
    3. Freewrite
      1. Sit down for 15m
      2. state your goal
      3. "I want ..."
      4. write naturally
    4. Draft a list
      1. a list of every ideas
    5. Doodle pictures
      1. draw as ideas come
  2. Organizing Your Thoughts
    1. Write ideas down on notecards
    2. Make a mind map
    3. Break the problem down into individual steps
      1. specific
    4. Cube the problem
      1. Describe the problem
      2. Compare it to other situations
      3. Associate the problem with similar topics
      4. Analyze the problem and its solutions
      5. Apply it to real world situations
      6. Argue for and against it
  3. Getting Over Mental Block
    1. Go for a walk
      1. help boost creativity
    2. Take a break
      1. get a snack
      2. read a few news articles
      3. make a phone call
      4. ...
    3. Talk to yourself
    4. Listen to music