1. Participant
    1. Organizer
      1. qazi javed
      2. david widitz
      3. kuperman
      4. blanchard
      5. smith
    2. Recorder
      1. Topic
    3. Team
      1. Topic
  2. Transition from IPR to EPIC
    1. idea
    2. opposition
    3. opposition
    4. opposition
    5. Attendings
      1. Review of records
      2. Patient encounter
      3. Documentation
      4. Upkeep of medical records
        1. How to file outpatient medical records
          1. DVDs/CDs
          2. Lose paper
        2. How to file parent brought materials
          1. Lose paper
          2. DVDs/CDs
    6. Outpatient transition
      1. Residents
        1. Review of records
          1. Triage information
          2. Records from IPR
          3. Records from previous consults
          4. Records from previous clinic visits in our clinic
          5. Records from past EPIC visits
          6. Past lab results
          7. Past psychological testing
          8. Past educational testing
          9. Allergies
          10. Past medications and current medications
          11. Social history
          12. Past imaging
        2. Patient encounter
          1. During the patient encounter
          2. Social history
          3. Name
          4. Past educational testing
          5. Address, city
          6. Insurance
          7. Chief complaint
          8. Referring provider
          9. Past imaging
          10. Allergies
          11. Past psychological testing
          12. Past lab results
          13. Past medications and current medications
          14. Post patient encounter
          15. Prescriptions
          16. Informed consent
          17. Pt education material
          18. Send forms with pt
          19. Send authorizations and excuses with pt
          20. Time lines for next appointment
          21. Subtopic 7
        3. Documentation
          1. How will previous medications be brought in to the system?
          2. How will previous notes come in to the system?
        4. Upkeep of medical records
      2. Medical students
        1. Documentation
          1. How will previous medications be brought in to the system?
          2. How will previous notes come in to the system?
        2. Review of records
          1. How to review past IPR medical records
          2. How to review out facility medical records
          3. Subtopic 3
        3. Patient encounter
    7. Inpatient transition
    8. Billing transition
    9. Administrative Transition
  3. Sparkle 3
    1. idea
    2. idea
    3. idea
    4. opposition
    5. opposition
    6. opposition
  4. Floating Topic
  5. Coordination
    1. Inform Dr Kuperman
      1. Identify representatives
      2. Delegate responsibility
      3. Send email invites
      4. Installation of software
    2. Inform Widitz